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* [2012] - [2017] Koekiebox (Pty) Ltd
* All Rights Reserved.
* NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property
* of Koekiebox and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and
* technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to Koekiebox
* and its suppliers and may be covered by South African and Foreign Patents,
* patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law.
* Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly
* forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained from Koekiebox.
import static com.fluidbpm.program.api.util.UtilGlobal.EMPTY;
import static com.fluidbpm.program.api.util.UtilGlobal.ENCODING_UTF_8;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.ABaseFluidVO;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.field.Field;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.form.Form;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.historic.FormFlowHistoricData;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.item.FluidItem;
* The Mapping class used for all Fluid Representational State Transfer
* (REST) JSON Based Web Services.
* More can be read at:
* {@code}
* @author jasonbruwer
* @since v1.0
* @see ABaseFluidVO
* @see JSONObject
public class WS {
public static final String PRODUCES = "application/json";
public static final String CONSUMES = "application/json";
* Mapping for frequently used HTTP parameters.
public static final class QueryParam {
//Forcefully perform action...
public static final String FORCE = "force";
//Execution process in a asynchronous manner...
public static final String ASYNC = "async";
public static final String ID = "id";
//The intent of the action...
public static final String INTENT = "intent";
* The intent of the action being performed.
public static enum Intent {
* Retrieves the allowed options for intent.
* @return The {@code enum} for {@code Intent}.
public static String allowedOptions() {
StringBuilder returnVal = new StringBuilder();
for (Intent intent : Intent.values()) {
String toString = returnVal.toString();
return toString.substring(0, toString.length() - 1);
* Retrieves the enum value from the {@code intentStrParam}.
* @param intentStrParam The intent for the action.
* @return The {@code enum} for {@code Intent}.
public static Intent getIntentFromString(String intentStrParam) {
if (intentStrParam == null || intentStrParam.trim().isEmpty()) {
return null;
String paramLowerTrimmed = intentStrParam.trim().toLowerCase();
for (Intent intent : Intent.values()) {
String iterValIntentLowerTrim = intent.toString().toLowerCase();
if (iterValIntentLowerTrim.equals(paramLowerTrimmed)) {
return intent;
return null;
* The URL (Universal Resource Locator) Path mappings for Fluid's Web Services.
public final static class Path {
public static final String WEB_SOCKET = "/web_socket/";
* The Version mapping for the Fluid Web Service.
public static final class Version {
public static final String VERSION_1 = "v1";
* The Electronic Form (Document) Web Service mappings.
* @see Form
public static final class FormContainer {
* Form Container mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/form_container");
public static final String ROOT_WEB_SOCKET = (Path.WEB_SOCKET + Version.VERSION_1 + ROOT);
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String DELETE = ("/delete");
public static final String UPDATE = ("/update");
public static final String READ = ("/get_by_id");
public static final String PRINT_AS_PDF = ("/print_as_pdf");
//Lock and Unlock
public static final String LOCK_FORM_CONTAINER = "/lock_form_container";
public static final String UN_LOCK_FORM_CONTAINER = "/un_lock_form_container";
//Execute Web Action...
public static final String EXECUTE_CUSTOM_WEB_ACTION = ("/execute_custom_web_action");
* Mapping for frequently used HTTP parameters.
public static final class QueryParam {
//Locking a Form Container...
public static final String JOB_VIEW = "job_view";
public static final String FORM_CONTAINER = "form_container";
public static final String INCLUDE_COMPANY_LOGO = "include_company_logo";
public static final String PRINT_AS_PDF_ACCESS_TOKEN = "print_as_pdf_access_token";
public static final String INCLUDE_ANCESTOR = "include_ancestor";
public static final String INCLUDE_DESCENDANTS = "include_descendants";
public static final String INCLUDE_FORM_PROPERTIES = "include_form_properties";
public static final String LOCK_FOR_USER_ID = "lock_for_user_id";
public static final String ADD_TO_PERSONAL_INVENTORY = "add_to_personal_inventory";
//Remove from Personal Inventory...
public static final String REMOVE_FROM_PERSONAL_INVENTORY = "remove_from_personal_inventory";
//Web Action...
public static final String CUSTOM_WEB_ACTION = "custom_web_action";
public static final String IS_TABLE_RECORD = "is_table_record";
public static final String FORM_TABLE_RECORD_BELONGS_TO = "form_table_record_belongs_to";
* Root for Form Container.
* @return {@code /form_container}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Form Container get by id.
* @return {@code v1/form_container/get_by_id}
public static final String getById() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for Electronic Form create.
* @param addToPersonalInventory Should the item be added to the Personal Inventory after created?
* @return {@code v1/form_container/}
public static final String formContainerCreate(boolean addToPersonalInventory) {
String returnVal = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
returnVal += "?";
returnVal += QueryParam.ADD_TO_PERSONAL_INVENTORY;
returnVal += "=";
returnVal += addToPersonalInventory;
return returnVal;
* URL Path for Form Container update.
* @return {@code v1/form_container/update}
public static final String formContainerUpdate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(UPDATE);
* URL Path for executing Form Container custom web action.
* @param customWebActionParam The custom web action name. Action identifier.
* @param isTableRecordParam Is the form a table record form.
* @param formContainerTableRecordBelongsToParam The parent form container if
* table record.
* @return {@code v1/form_container/execute_custom_web_action}
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If Encoding {@code UTF-8} is not
* supported.
public static final String executeCustomWebAction(String customWebActionParam, boolean isTableRecordParam, Long formContainerTableRecordBelongsToParam)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
String returnVal = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(EXECUTE_CUSTOM_WEB_ACTION);
returnVal += "?";
returnVal += QueryParam.CUSTOM_WEB_ACTION;
returnVal += "=";
returnVal += URLEncoder.encode(customWebActionParam, ENCODING_UTF_8);
returnVal += "&";
returnVal += QueryParam.IS_TABLE_RECORD;
returnVal += "=";
returnVal += isTableRecordParam;
if (formContainerTableRecordBelongsToParam != null && formContainerTableRecordBelongsToParam.longValue() > 0) {
returnVal += "&";
returnVal += "=";
returnVal += formContainerTableRecordBelongsToParam;
return returnVal;
* URL Path for Electronic Form create via Web Socket.
* @param serviceTicketParam The service ticket in hex-decimal text format.
* @return {@code web_socket/v1/form_container/}
public static final String formContainerCreateWebSocket(String serviceTicketParam) {
return ROOT_WEB_SOCKET.concat(CREATE).concat(serviceTicketParam);
* URL Path for Form Container delete.
* @return {@code v1/form_container/delete} without force.
public static final String formContainerDelete() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE);
* URL Path for locking a {@code Form}.
* @param jobViewIdParam The view selected to lock the item from.
* @param lockingAsUserIdParam The form will be locked as this user. The logged
* in user must have permission to perform this action.
* @return {@code /v1/form_container/lock_form_container}
public static final String lockFormContainer(Long jobViewIdParam, Long lockingAsUserIdParam) {
String base = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(LOCK_FORM_CONTAINER);
String additionString = "?";
if (jobViewIdParam != null && jobViewIdParam.longValue() > 0) {
additionString += FormContainer.Version1.QueryParam.JOB_VIEW;
additionString += "=";
additionString += jobViewIdParam;
additionString += "&";
if (lockingAsUserIdParam != null && lockingAsUserIdParam.longValue() > 0) {
additionString += QueryParam.LOCK_FOR_USER_ID;
additionString += "=";
additionString += lockingAsUserIdParam;
additionString += "&";
//Cut of the end bit...
additionString = additionString.substring(0, additionString.length() - 1);
return base.concat(additionString);
* URL Path for un-locking a {@code Form}.
* @param unLockingAsUserIdParam The form will be un-locked as this user. The
* logged in user must have permission to perform this action.
* @param unlockAsyncParam Should the unlock be performed asynchronous.
* @param removeFromPersonalInventoryParam Remove from Personal Inventory when
* unlocked.
* @return {@code v1/form_container/un_lock_form_container}
public static final String unLockFormContainer(Long unLockingAsUserIdParam, boolean unlockAsyncParam, boolean removeFromPersonalInventoryParam) {
String base = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(UN_LOCK_FORM_CONTAINER);
String additionString = "?";
if (unLockingAsUserIdParam != null && unLockingAsUserIdParam.longValue() > 0) {
additionString += QueryParam.LOCK_FOR_USER_ID;
additionString += "=";
additionString += unLockingAsUserIdParam;
additionString += "&";
additionString += WS.QueryParam.ASYNC;
additionString += "=";
additionString += unlockAsyncParam;
additionString += "&";
//Remove from Personal Inventory...
additionString += QueryParam.REMOVE_FROM_PERSONAL_INVENTORY;
additionString += "=";
additionString += removeFromPersonalInventoryParam;
additionString += "&";
//Cut of the end bit...
additionString = additionString.substring(0, additionString.length() - 1);
return base.concat(additionString);
* URL Path for a PDF version of the {@code Form}.
* @param formContainerIdParam The form container id.
* @param includeAncestorParam Include the ancestor electronic form.
* @param includeCompanyLogoParam Include the company logo.
* @param includeDescendantsParam Include descendant forms.
* @param includeFormPropertiesParam Include form properties.
* @return {@code v1/form_container/print_as_pdf}
public static final String getPrintAsPDF(Long formContainerIdParam, boolean includeCompanyLogoParam, boolean includeAncestorParam, boolean includeDescendantsParam,
boolean includeFormPropertiesParam) {
String returnVal = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(PRINT_AS_PDF);
returnVal += "?";
//Form Container Id...
returnVal += FormContainer.Version1.QueryParam.FORM_CONTAINER;
returnVal += "=";
returnVal += formContainerIdParam;
returnVal += "&";
//Include Ancestor...
returnVal += QueryParam.INCLUDE_ANCESTOR;
returnVal += "=";
returnVal += includeAncestorParam;
returnVal += "&";
//Include Company Logo...
returnVal += QueryParam.INCLUDE_COMPANY_LOGO;
returnVal += "=";
returnVal += includeCompanyLogoParam;
returnVal += "&";
//Include Descendants...
returnVal += QueryParam.INCLUDE_DESCENDANTS;
returnVal += "=";
returnVal += includeDescendantsParam;
returnVal += "&";
//Form Properties...
returnVal += QueryParam.INCLUDE_FORM_PROPERTIES;
returnVal += "=";
returnVal += includeFormPropertiesParam;
return returnVal;
* The Electronic Form (Document) Web Service mappings.
* @see Form
public static final class FormContainerTableRecord {
* Form Container mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/form_container/table_record");
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String ROOT_WEB_SOCKET = (Path.WEB_SOCKET + Version.VERSION_1 + ROOT);
* Root for Form Container.
* @return {@code /form_container}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Electronic Form Table Record create.
* @return {@code /form_container/table_record/}
public static final String formContainerTableRecordCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for Electronic Form Table Record create via Web Socket.
* @param serviceTicketParam The service ticket in hex-decimal text format.
* @return {@code web_socket/v1/form_container/table_record/}
public static final String formContainerTableRecordCreateWebSocket(String serviceTicketParam) {
return ROOT_WEB_SOCKET.concat(CREATE).concat(serviceTicketParam);
* The Collaboration Web Service mappings.
* @see Collaboration
public static final class Collaboration {
* Form Container mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/collaboration");
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String READ_ALL_TO_BY_LOGGED_IN = ("/get_all_to_by_logged_in");
public static final String READ_ALL_TO_BY_FORM = ("/get_all_to_by_form");
* Root for Collaboration.
* @return {@code /collaboration}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Collaboration create.
* @return {@code v1/collaboration/}
public static final String collaborationCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for fetching all Collaboration items by logged in.
* @return {@code v1/collaboration/get_all_to_by_logged_in}
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User
public static final String getAllToByLoggedIn() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_TO_BY_LOGGED_IN);
* URL Path for fetching all Collaboration items by Form.
* @return {@code v1/collaboration/get_all_to_by_form}
* @see Form
public static final String getAllToByForm() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_TO_BY_FORM);
* The Attachment Web Service mappings.
* @see Attachment
public static final class Attachment {
* Form Container mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/attachment");
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String DELETE = ("/delete");
public static final String DELETE_FORCE = ("/delete?force=true");
public static final String READ = ("/get_by_id");
public static final String READ_RAW_BY_FORM_CONTAINER_AND_INDEX = ("/get_raw_by_form_container_and_index");
public static final String READ_ALL_BY_FORM = ("/get_all_by_form");
* Mapping for frequently used HTTP parameters.
public static final class QueryParam {
public static final String FORM_CONTAINER_ID = "form_container";
public static final String ATTACHMENT_INDEX = "attachment_index";
public static final String IMAGES_ONLY = "images_only";
public static final String INCLUDE_ATTACHMENT_DATA = "include_attachment_data";
* Root for Form Container.
* @return {@code /attachment}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Attachment get by id.
* @param includeAttachmentDataParam Should attachment data be included. Note
* that only the latest versions will be retrieved.
* @return {@code v1/attachment/get_by_id}
* @see Attachment
public static final String getById(boolean includeAttachmentDataParam) {
String returnVal = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
returnVal += "?";
//Include Attachment Data...
returnVal += QueryParam.INCLUDE_ATTACHMENT_DATA;
returnVal += "=";
returnVal += includeAttachmentDataParam;
return returnVal;
* URL Path for Attachment create.
* Executing this more will cause new versions to be created.
* Versions are bumped.
* @return {@code v1/attachment/}
* @see Attachment
public static final String attachmentCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for Attachment delete.
* @return {@code v1/attachment/delete} without force.
public static final String attachmentDelete() {
return attachmentDelete(false);
* URL Path for Attachment delete.
* @param forceDeleteParam Whether to forcefully delete.
* @return {@code v1/attachment/delete?force=forceDeleteParam} with /
* without force.
public static final String attachmentDelete(boolean forceDeleteParam) {
if (forceDeleteParam) {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE_FORCE);
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE);
* URL Path for Attachment get by Form Container and Index.
* @param formContainerIdParam The primary key for the form container.
* @param indexParam The attachment index for the form container.
* @return {@code v1/attachment/get_raw_by_form_container_and_index}
public static final String getRawByFormContainerAndIndex(Long formContainerIdParam, int indexParam) {
String returnVal = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_RAW_BY_FORM_CONTAINER_AND_INDEX);
returnVal += "?";
//Form Container Id...
returnVal += QueryParam.FORM_CONTAINER_ID;
returnVal += "=";
returnVal += formContainerIdParam;
returnVal += "&";
//Attachment Index...
returnVal += QueryParam.ATTACHMENT_INDEX;
returnVal += "=";
returnVal += indexParam;
return returnVal;
* URL Path for Attachment get by Form Container.
* @param includeAttachmentDataParam Should attachment data be included. Note
* that only the latest versions will be retrieved.
* @param imagesOnlyParam Only retrieve attachments where there the content type
* is of {@code image}.
* @return {@code v1/attachment/get_raw_by_form_container_and_index}
public static final String getAllByFormContainer(boolean includeAttachmentDataParam, boolean imagesOnlyParam) {
String returnVal = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_BY_FORM);
returnVal += "?";
//Include Attachment Data...
returnVal += QueryParam.INCLUDE_ATTACHMENT_DATA;
returnVal += "=";
returnVal += includeAttachmentDataParam;
returnVal += "&";
//Images Only...
returnVal += QueryParam.IMAGES_ONLY;
returnVal += "=";
returnVal += imagesOnlyParam;
return returnVal;
* The Electronic Form Personal Inventory Web Service mappings.
* @see Form
public static final class PersonalInventory {
* Personal Inventory mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/personal_inventory");
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String READ = ("/get_all_by_logged_in_user");
//Remove from Personal Inventory...
public static final String CLEAR_PERSONAL_INVENTORY = "/clear_personal_inventory";
public static final String REMOVE_FROM_PERSONAL_INVENTORY = "/remove_from_personal_inventory";
* Root for Personal Inventory.
* @return {@code /personal_inventory}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for adding Electronic Form to Personal Inventory.
* @return {@code v1/personal_inventory/}
public static final String formContainerAddToPersonalInventory() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for Form Containers get by logged in user.
* @return {@code v1/personal_inventory/get_all_by_logged_in_user}
public static final String getAllByLoggedInUser() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for clearing the whole Personal Inventory.
* @return {@code v1/personal_inventory/remove_from_personal_inventory}
public static final String removeFromPersonalInventory() {
* URL Path for clearing Personal Inventory.
* @return {@code v1/personal_inventory/clear_personal_inventory}
public static final String clearPersonalInventory() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CLEAR_PERSONAL_INVENTORY);
* The Form Field Web Service mappings.
* @see Field
public static final class FormField {
* Mapping for frequently used HTTP parameters.
public static final class QueryParam {
public static final String EDIT_ONLY = "edit_only";
* Form Field mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/form_field");
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String DELETE = ("/delete");
public static final String DELETE_FORCE = ("/delete?force=true");
public static final String UPDATE = ("/update");
public static final String READ = ("/get_by_id");
public static final String BY_NAME = ("/get_by_name");
public static final String READ_BY_FORM_DEF_AND_LOGGED_IN_USER = ("/get_by_form_definition_and_logged_in_user");
* Root for Form Field.
* @return {@code /form_field}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Form Field create.
* @return {@code /v1/form_field/}
public static final String formFieldCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for Form Field delete.
* @return {@code v1/form_field/delete} without force.
public static final String formFieldDelete() {
return formFieldDelete(false);
* URL Path for Form Field delete.
* @param forceDeleteParam Whether to forcefulle delete.
* @return {@code v1/form_field/delete?force=forceDeleteParam} with /
* without force.
public static final String formFieldDelete(boolean forceDeleteParam) {
if (forceDeleteParam) {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE_FORCE);
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE);
* URL Path for Form Field update.
* @return {@code v1/form_field/update}
public static final String formFieldUpdate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(UPDATE);
* URL Path for Form Field get by id.
* @return {@code v1/form_field/get_by_id}
public static final String getById() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for Form Field get by name.
* @return {@code v1/form_field/get_by_name}
public static final String getByName() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(BY_NAME);
* URL Path for Form Fields get by Form Definition and Logged In User.
* @param editOnlyFieldsParam Only return the fields that are editable.
* @return {@code v1/form_field/get_by_form_definition_and_logged_in_user}
public static final String getByFormDefinitionAndLoggedInUser(boolean editOnlyFieldsParam) {
String returnVal = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_BY_FORM_DEF_AND_LOGGED_IN_USER);
returnVal += ("?" + QueryParam.EDIT_ONLY + "=" + editOnlyFieldsParam);
return returnVal;
* The Global Field Web Service mappings.
* @see Field
public static final class GlobalField {
* Global Field mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/global_field");
public static final String UPDATE_VALUE = ("/update_value");
public static final String READ_VALUE_BY = ("/get_value_by");
public static final String READ_ALL_VALUES = ("/get_all_values");
* Root for Global Field.
* @return {@code /global_field}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Global Field Value update.
* @return {@code v1/global_field/update_value}
public static final String globalFieldUpdateValue() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(UPDATE_VALUE);
* URL Path for Global Field value, get by name or id.
* @return {@code v1/global_field/get_value_by}
public static final String getValueBy() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_VALUE_BY);
* URL Path for retrieving all Global Field values.
* @return {@code v1/global_field/get_all_values}
public static final String getAllValues() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_VALUES);
* The Route Field Web Service mappings.
* @see Field
public static final class RouteField {
* Route Field mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/route_field");
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String DELETE = ("/delete");
public static final String DELETE_FORCE = ("/delete?force=true");
public static final String UPDATE = ("/update");
public static final String UPDATE_VALUE = ("/update_value");
public static final String CREATE_VALUE = ("/create_value");
public static final String READ = ("/get_by_id");
public static final String READ_VALUES_BY = ("/get_values_by");
* Mapping for frequently used HTTP parameters.
public static final class QueryParam {
public static final String FLUID_ITEM = "fluid_item";
* Root for Route Field.
* @return {@code /route_field}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Route Field create.
* @return {@code /v1/route_field/}
public static final String routeFieldCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for Route Field delete.
* @return {@code v1/route_field/delete} without force.
public static final String routeFieldDelete() {
return routeFieldDelete(false);
* URL Path for Route Field delete.
* @param forceDeleteParam Whether to forcefully delete.
* @return {@code v1/route_field/delete?force=forceDeleteParam} with /
* without force.
public static final String routeFieldDelete(boolean forceDeleteParam) {
if (forceDeleteParam) {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE_FORCE);
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE);
* URL Path for Route Field update.
* @return {@code v1/route_field/update}
public static final String routeFieldUpdate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(UPDATE);
* URL Path for Route Field Value update.
* @return {@code v1/route_field/update_value}
public static final String routeFieldUpdateValue() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(UPDATE_VALUE);
* URL Path for Route Field Value create.
* @param fluidItemIdParam The id of the Fluid item to create Route field for.
* @return {@code v1/route_field/create_value}
public static final String routeFieldCreateValue(Long fluidItemIdParam) {
if (fluidItemIdParam == null || fluidItemIdParam.longValue() < 1) {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE_VALUE);
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE_VALUE).concat(
* URL Path for Route Field get by id.
* @return {@code v1/route_field/get_by_id}
public static final String getById() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for retrieving Route Field values by.
* @return {@code v1/route_field/get_values_by}
public static final String getValuesBy() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_VALUES_BY);
* The User Field Web Service mappings.
* @see Field
public static final class UserField {
* User Field mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/user_field");
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String DELETE = ("/delete");
public static final String DELETE_FORCE = ("/delete?force=true");
public static final String UPDATE = ("/update");
public static final String UPDATE_VALUE = ("/update_value");
public static final String READ = ("/get_by_id");
public static final String READ_BY_NAME = ("/get_by_name");
* Root for User Field.
* @return {@code /user_field}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for User Field create.
* @return {@code /v1/user_field/}
public static final String userFieldCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for User Field delete.
* @return {@code v1/user_field/delete} without force.
public static final String userFieldDelete() {
return userFieldDelete(false);
* URL Path for User Field delete.
* @param forceDeleteParam Whether to forcefully delete.
* @return {@code v1/user_field/delete?force=forceDeleteParam} with /
* without force.
public static final String userFieldDelete(boolean forceDeleteParam) {
if (forceDeleteParam) {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE_FORCE);
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE);
* URL Path for User Field update.
* @return {@code v1/user_field/update}
public static final String userFieldUpdate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(UPDATE);
* URL Path for User Field Value update.
* @return {@code v1/user_field/update_value}
public static final String userFieldUpdateValue() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(UPDATE_VALUE);
* URL Path for User Field get by id.
* @return {@code v1/user_field/get_by_id}
public static final String getById() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for User Field get by name.
* @return {@code v1/user_field/get_by_name}
public static final String getByName() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_BY_NAME);
* The Form Definition Web Service mappings.
* @see Form
public static final class FormDefinition {
* Mapping for frequently used HTTP parameters.
public static final class QueryParam {
public static final String FORM_DEFINITION = "form_definition";
public static final String INCLUDE_TABLE_RECORDS = "include_table_records";
* Form Definition mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/form_definition");
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String DELETE = ("/delete");
public static final String DELETE_FORCE = ("/delete?force=true");
public static final String UPDATE = ("/update");
public static final String READ = ("/get_by_id");
public static final String READ_BY_NAME = ("/get_by_name");
//Read - Logged in user...
public static final String READ_ALL_BY_LOGGED_IN_USER = ("/get_all_by_logged_in_user");
public static final String READ_ALL_BY_LOGGED_IN_USER_INCL_TABLE_DEFS = ("/get_all_by_logged_in_user_incl_table_defs");
public static final String READ_ALL_BY_LOGGED_IN_CAN_CREATE = ("/get_all_by_logged_in_can_create");
* Root for Form Definition.
* @return {@code /form_definition}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Form Definition create.
* @return {@code /v1/form_definition/}
public static final String formDefinitionCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for Form Definition delete.
* @return {@code v1/form_definition/delete} without force.
public static final String formDefinitionDelete() {
return formDefinitionDelete(false);
* URL Path for Form Definition delete.
* @param forceDeleteParam Whether to forcefully delete.
* @return {@code v1/form_definition/delete?force=forceDeleteParam} with /
* without force.
public static final String formDefinitionDelete(boolean forceDeleteParam) {
if (forceDeleteParam) {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE_FORCE);
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE);
* URL Path for User Definition update.
* @return {@code v1/form_definition/update}
public static final String formDefinitionUpdate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(UPDATE);
* URL Path for Form Definition get by id.
* @return {@code v1/form_definition/get_by_id}
public static final String getById() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for Form Definition get by name.
* @return {@code v1/form_definition/get_by_name}
public static final String getByName() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_BY_NAME);
* URL Path for Form Definitions by logged in user.
* @return {@code v1/form_definition/get_all_by_logged_in_user}
public static final String getAllByLoggedInUser() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_BY_LOGGED_IN_USER);
* URL Path for Form Definitions by logged in user. Include the table record
* form definitions.
* @return {@code v1/form_definition/get_all_by_logged_in_user_incl_table_defs}
public static final String getAllByLoggedInUserIncludeTableTypes() {
* URL Path for Form Definitions where logged in user can create instance of.
* @param includeTableRecordsParam Should Form Definitions that are part of table records also be
* included?
* @return {@code v1/form_definition/get_all_by_logged_in_can_create}
public static final String getAllByLoggedInAndCanCreateInstanceOf(
boolean includeTableRecordsParam
) {
if (includeTableRecordsParam) {
} else {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_BY_LOGGED_IN_CAN_CREATE);
* The Flow Web Service mappings.
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.flow.Flow
public static final class Flow {
* Flow mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/flow");
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String DELETE = ("/delete");
public static final String DELETE_FORCE = ("/delete?force=true");
public static final String UPDATE = ("/update");
public static final String READ = ("/get_by_id");
public static final String READ_BY_NAME = ("/get_by_name");
public static final String READ_ALL = ("/get_all_flows");
* Root for Flow.
* @return {@code /flow/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Flow create.
* @return {@code /v1/flow/}
public static final String flowCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for Flow delete.
* @return {@code v1/flow/delete} without force.
public static final String flowDelete() {
return flowDelete(false);
* URL Path for Form Definition delete.
* @param forceDeleteParam Whether to forcefully delete.
* @return {@code v1/flow/delete?force=forceDeleteParam} with / without
* force.
public static final String flowDelete(boolean forceDeleteParam) {
if (forceDeleteParam) {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE_FORCE);
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE);
* URL Path for Flow update.
* @return {@code v1/flow/update}
public static final String flowUpdate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(UPDATE);
* URL Path for Flow get by id.
* @return {@code v1/flow/get_by_id}
public static final String getById() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for Flow get by name.
* @return {@code v1/flow/get_by_name}
public static final String getByName() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_BY_NAME);
* URL Path for Flow get all.
* @return {@code v1/flow/get_all_flows}
public static final String getAllFlows() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL);
* The License Web Service mappings.
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.license.LicenseRequest
public static final class License {
* License mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/license");
public static final String REQUEST = ("/request");
public static final String APPLY = ("/apply");
* Root for License.
* @return {@code /license/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for License request.
* @return {@code v1/license/request}
public static final String licenseRequest() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(REQUEST);
* URL Path for applying a License.
* @return {@code v1/license/apply}
public static final String licenseApply() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(APPLY);
* The Flow Step Web Service mappings.
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.flow.FlowStep
public static final class FlowStep {
* Flow Step mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/flow_step");
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String DELETE = ("/delete");
public static final String DELETE_FORCE = ("/delete?force=true");
public static final String UPDATE = ("/update");
public static final String READ = ("/get_by_id");
public static final String READ_BY_STEP = ("/get_by_step");
public static final String READ_ALL_STEPS_BY_FLOW = ("/get_steps_by_flow");
public static final String READ_ALL_VIEWS_BY_STEP = ("/get_views_by_step");
public static final String READ_ALL_VIEWS_BY_LOGGED_IN_USER = ("/get_views_by_logged_in_user");
public static final String READ_ALL_VIEWS_BY_USER = ("/get_views_by_user");
public static final String READ_ALL_VIEWS_BY_FLOW = ("/get_views_by_flow");
public static final String POLLING = ("/polling");
public static final String ROOT_POLLING = (ROOT + POLLING);
public static final String READ_ALL_BY_LOGGED_IN_USER = ("/get_all_by_logged_in_user");
* Root for Flow Step.
* @return {@code /flow_step/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Flow Step create.
* @return {@code /v1/flow_step/}
public static final String flowStepCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for Flow Step delete.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step/delete} without force.
public static final String flowStepDelete() {
return flowStepDelete(false);
* URL Path for Flow Step delete.
* @param forceDeleteParam Whether to forcefully delete.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step/delete?force=forceDeleteParam} with /
* without force.
public static final String flowStepDelete(boolean forceDeleteParam) {
if (forceDeleteParam) {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE_FORCE);
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE);
* URL Path for Flow Step update.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step/update}
public static final String flowStepUpdate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(UPDATE);
* URL Path for Flow Step get by id.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step/get_by_id}
public static final String getById() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for Flow Step get by Step details.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step/get_by_step}
public static final String getByStep() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_BY_STEP);
* URL Path for JobViews by Flow Step id or name.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step/get_views_by_step}
public static final String getAllViewsByStep() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_VIEWS_BY_STEP);
* URL Path for JobViews by logged in user.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step/get_views_by_logged_in_user}
public static final String getAllViewsByLoggedInUser() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_VIEWS_BY_LOGGED_IN_USER);
* URL Path for JobViews by user.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step/get_views_by_user}
public static final String getAllViewsByUser() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_VIEWS_BY_USER);
* URL Path for JobViews by {@code Flow}.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step/get_views_by_flow}
public static final String getAllViewsByFlow() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_VIEWS_BY_FLOW);
* URL Path for Steps by Flow.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step/get_steps_by_flow}
public static final String getAllStepsByFlow() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_STEPS_BY_FLOW);
* URL Path for Polling Steps by logged in user.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step/polling/get_all_by_logged_in_user}
public static final String getAllPollingStepsByLoggedInUser() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_POLLING).concat(READ_ALL_BY_LOGGED_IN_USER);
* The Flow Step Rule Web Service mappings.
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.flow.FlowStepRule
public static final class FlowStepRule {
* Flow Step Rule mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/flow_step_rule");
public static final String ROOT_ENTRY = "/flow_step_rule/entry";
public static final String ROOT_EXIT = "/flow_step_rule/exit";
public static final String ROOT_VIEW = "/flow_step_rule/view";
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String DELETE = ("/delete");
public static final String UPDATE = ("/update");
public static final String MOVE_UP = ("/move_up");
public static final String MOVE_DOWN = ("/move_down");
public static final String READ_RULES_BY_STEP = ("/get_by_step");
public static final String READ = ("/get_by_id");
public static final String COMPILE_SYNTAX = ("/compile_syntax");
public static final String GET_NEXT_VALID_SYNTAX = ("/get_next_valid_syntax");
public static final String COMPILE_SYNTAX_AND_EXECUTE = ("/compile_syntax_and_execute");
* Root for Flow Step Rule.
* @return {@code /flow_step_rule/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Flow Step Entry Rule create.
* @return {@code /v1/flow_step_rule/entry}
public static final String flowStepRuleEntryCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_ENTRY).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for Flow Step Exit Rule create.
* @return {@code /v1/flow_step_rule/exit}
public static final String flowStepRuleExitCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_EXIT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for Flow Step View Rule create.
* @return {@code /v1/flow_step_rule/view}
public static final String flowStepRuleViewCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_VIEW).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for Flow Step Entry rule delete.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/entry/delete} without force.
public static final String flowStepRuleDeleteEntry() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_ENTRY).concat(DELETE);
* URL Path for Flow Step Exit rule delete.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/exit/delete} without force.
public static final String flowStepRuleDeleteExit() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_EXIT).concat(DELETE);
* URL Path for Flow Step View rule delete.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/view/delete} without force.
public static final String flowStepRuleDeleteView() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_VIEW).concat(DELETE);
* URL Path for Flow Step Entry update.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/entry/update}
public static final String flowStepRuleUpdateEntry() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_ENTRY).concat(UPDATE);
* URL Path for Flow Step Entry move up (Order).
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/entry/move_up}
public static final String flowStepRuleMoveEntryUp() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_ENTRY).concat(MOVE_UP);
* URL Path for Flow Step Entry move down (Order).
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/entry/move_down}
public static final String flowStepRuleMoveEntryDown() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_ENTRY).concat(MOVE_DOWN);
* URL Path for Flow Step Exit update.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/exit/update}
public static final String flowStepRuleUpdateExit() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_EXIT).concat(UPDATE);
* URL Path for Flow Step View update.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/view/update}
public static final String flowStepRuleUpdateView() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_VIEW).concat(UPDATE);
* URL Path for Flow Step Entry get by id.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/entry/get_by_id}
public static final String getEntryById() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_ENTRY).concat(READ);
* URL Path for Flow Step Entry get next valid syntax.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/entry/get_next_valid_syntax}
public static final String getNextValidEntrySyntax() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_ENTRY).concat(GET_NEXT_VALID_SYNTAX);
* URL Path for Flow Step Entry {@code compile} syntax.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/entry/compile_syntax}
public static final String compileEntrySyntax() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_ENTRY).concat(COMPILE_SYNTAX);
* URL Path for Flow Step Entry {@code compile} syntax and then {@code execute}.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/entry/compile_syntax_and_execute}
public static final String compileEntrySyntaxAndExecute() {
* URL Path for Flow Step Exit get by id.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/exit/get_by_id}
public static final String getExitById() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_EXIT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for Flow Step Exit get next valid syntax.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/exit/get_next_valid_syntax}
public static final String getNextValidExitSyntax() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_EXIT).concat(GET_NEXT_VALID_SYNTAX);
* URL Path for Flow Step Exit {@code compile} syntax.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/exit/compile_syntax}
public static final String compileExitSyntax() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_EXIT).concat(COMPILE_SYNTAX);
* URL Path for Flow Step Exit {@code get_by_step} syntax.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/exit/get_by_step}
public static final String getExitRulesByStep() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_EXIT).concat(READ_RULES_BY_STEP);
* URL Path for Flow Step Exit {@code get_by_step} syntax.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/entry/get_by_step}
public static final String getEntryRulesByStep() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_ENTRY).concat(READ_RULES_BY_STEP);
* URL Path for Flow Step View get by id.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/view/get_by_id}
public static final String getViewById() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_VIEW).concat(READ);
* URL Path for Flow Step View get next valid syntax.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/view/get_next_valid_syntax}
public static final String getNextValidViewSyntax() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_VIEW).concat(GET_NEXT_VALID_SYNTAX);
* URL Path for Flow Step View {@code compile} syntax.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/view/compile_syntax}
public static final String compileViewSyntax() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_VIEW).concat(COMPILE_SYNTAX);
* URL Path for Flow Step View {@code compile} syntax and then {@code execute}.
* @return {@code v1/flow_step_rule/view/compile_syntax_and_execute}
public static final String compileViewSyntaxAndExecute() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT_VIEW).concat(COMPILE_SYNTAX_AND_EXECUTE);
* The Fluid Item Web Service mappings.
* @see FluidItem
public static final class FlowItem {
* Flow Item mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/flow_item");
public static final String ROOT_WEB_SOCKET = (Path.WEB_SOCKET + Version.VERSION_1 + ROOT);
//Send On...
public static final String SEND_ON = ("/send_on");
//Send to Flow...
public static final String SEND_TO_FLOW = ("/send_to_flow");
public static final String SEND_TO_FLOW_WEB_SOCKET = (Path.WEB_SOCKET + Version.VERSION_1 + ROOT + SEND_TO_FLOW);
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String GET_BY_JOB_VIEW = ("/get_by_job_view");
public static final String READ = ("/get_by_id");
public static final String READ_BY_FORM = ("/get_by_form");
* Mapping for frequently used HTTP parameters.
public static final class QueryParam {
//List Job View content...
public static final String QUERY_LIMIT = "query_limit";
public static final String OFFSET = "offset";
public static final String SORT_FIELD = "sort_field";
public static final String SORT_ORDER = "sort_order";
//Locking a Form Container...
public static final String JOB_VIEW = "job_view";
//Wait for Rule execution completion...
public static final String WAIT_FOR_RULE_EXEC_COMPLETION = "wait_for_rule_exec_completion";
//Allow a collaborator user to send the item on...
public static final String ALLOW_COLLABORATOR_SEND_ON = "allow_collaborator_send_on";
* Root for Flow / Fluid Item.
* @return {@code /flow_item/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Flow Item create.
* @return {@code /v1/flow_item/}
public static final String flowItemCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for sending a Flow Item to the next step in the workflow process.
* @param allowCollaboratorToSendOnParam All a collaborator user to also send
* on.
* @return {@code /v1/flow_item/send_on}
public static final String sendFlowItemOn(boolean allowCollaboratorToSendOnParam) {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(SEND_ON).concat("?" + QueryParam.ALLOW_COLLABORATOR_SEND_ON + "=" + allowCollaboratorToSendOnParam);
* URL Path for sending a Form to a Flow to follow the workflow process.
* @return {@code /v1/flow_item/send_to_flow/}
public static final String sendFlowItemToFlow() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(SEND_TO_FLOW);
* URL Path for Send to Flow via Web Socket.
* @param waitForRuleExecCompleteParam Wait for all the program rules to finish
* execution before returning web socket message is sent. The
* response message will include the result.
* @param serviceTicketParam The service ticket in hex-decimal text format.
* @return {@code web_socket/v1/flow_item/send_to_flow/}
public static final String sendToFlowWebSocket(boolean waitForRuleExecCompleteParam, String serviceTicketParam) {
String returnVal = SEND_TO_FLOW_WEB_SOCKET.concat(CREATE)
.concat(serviceTicketParam + "?" + QueryParam.WAIT_FOR_RULE_EXEC_COMPLETION + "=" + waitForRuleExecCompleteParam);
return returnVal;
* URL Path for Flow Item get by id.
* @return {@code v1/flow_item/get_by_id}
public static final String getById() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for Flow Item get by Form.
* @return {@code v1/flow_item/get_by_form}
public static final String getByForm() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_BY_FORM);
* URL Path for Flow Item get by
* {@link com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.flow.JobView}.
* @param queryLimitParam The query limit.
* @param offsetParam The query offset.
* @param sortFieldParam The field to sort.
* @param sortOrderParam The sort order.
* @return {@code /v1/flow_item/get_by_job_view}
public static final String getByJobView(int queryLimitParam, int offsetParam, String sortFieldParam, String sortOrderParam) {
String base = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(GET_BY_JOB_VIEW);
String additionString = "?";
if (queryLimitParam > 0) {
additionString += QueryParam.QUERY_LIMIT;
additionString += "=";
additionString += queryLimitParam;
additionString += "&";
if (offsetParam > -1) {
additionString += QueryParam.OFFSET;
additionString += "=";
additionString += offsetParam;
additionString += "&";
if (sortFieldParam != null && !sortFieldParam.trim().isEmpty()) {
additionString += QueryParam.SORT_FIELD;
additionString += "=";
additionString += sortFieldParam;
additionString += "&";
if (sortOrderParam != null && !sortOrderParam.trim().isEmpty()) {
additionString += QueryParam.SORT_ORDER;
additionString += "=";
additionString += sortOrderParam;
additionString += "&";
//Cut of the end bit...
additionString = additionString.substring(0, additionString.length() - 1);
return base.concat(additionString);
* The Fluid Item History Web Service mappings.
* @see FormFlowHistoricData
public static final class FlowItemHistory {
* Flow Item History mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/flow_item_history");
public static final String BY_FORM_CONTAINER = ("/get_by_form_container");
* Root for Flow / Fluid Item History.
* @return {@code /flow_item_history/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Form Container Flow History by Form Container.
* @return {@code v1/flow_item_history/get_by_form_container}
public static final String getByFormContainer() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(BY_FORM_CONTAINER);
* The Fluid Item History Web Service mappings.
* @see FormFlowHistoricData
public static final class FormHistory {
* Mapping for frequently used HTTP parameters.
public static final class QueryParam {
public static final String INCLUDE_CURRENT = "include_current";
* Flow Item History mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/form_history");
public static final String BY_FORM_CONTAINER = ("/get_by_form_container");
public static final String MOST_RECENT_BY_FORM_CONTAINER = ("/get_most_recent_by_form_container");
* Root for Form value Item History.
* @return {@code /form_history/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Form History by 'Form Container'.
* @param includeCurrentParam Whether the current values should be included.
* @return {@code v1/form_history/get_by_form_container}
public static final String getByFormContainer(boolean includeCurrentParam) {
if (!includeCurrentParam) {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(BY_FORM_CONTAINER);
String returnVal = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(BY_FORM_CONTAINER);
returnVal = returnVal.concat("?");
returnVal = returnVal.concat(INCLUDE_CURRENT);
returnVal = returnVal.concat("=");
returnVal += includeCurrentParam;
return returnVal;
* URL Path for Form most recent History by 'Form Container'.
* @return {@code v1/form_history/get_most_recent_by_form_container}
public static final String getByMostRecentByFormContainer() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(MOST_RECENT_BY_FORM_CONTAINER);
* The Test Web Service mappings.
public static final class Test {
* Test mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/test");
public static final String TEST = ("/");
* Root for Test.
* @return {@code /test/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* Test the connection to the Fluid server.
* @return {@code v1/test/}
public static final String testConnection() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT);
* The User Web Service mappings.
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User
public static final class User {
* User mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/user");
public static final String INIT_SESSION = "/init";
public static final String ISSUE_TOKEN = "/issue_token";
public static final String TOKEN_STATUS = "/token_status";
public static final String INFORMATION = "/info";
public static final String AUTH_BASIC = "/auth_basic";
public static final String AUTH0_USER_PROFILE = "/auth0_user_profile";
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String CREATE_ADMIN = ("/create_admin");
public static final String UPDATE = ("/update");
//Activate / DeActivate...
public static final String DE_ACTIVATE = ("/de_activate");
public static final String ACTIVATE = ("/activate");
public static final String INCREMENT_INVALID_LOGIN = ("/increment_invalid_login");
public static final String CHANGE_PASSWORD = ("/change_password");
public static final String DELETE = ("/delete");
public static final String DELETE_FORCE = ("/delete?force=true");
public static final String READ = ("/get_by_id");
public static final String READ_BY_USERNAME = ("/get_by_username");
public static final String READ_BY_EMAIL = ("/get_by_email");
public static final String READ_USER_FIELD_VALUES_BY_USER = ("/get_user_field_values_by_user");
public static final String READ_ALL = ("/get_all_users");
public static final String READ_ALL_BY_JOB_VIEW = ("/get_all_users_by_job_view");
public static final String READ_ALL_BY_ROLE = ("/get_all_users_by_role");
public static final String READ_ALL_BY_LOGGED_IN_SINCE = ("/get_all_users_by_logged_in_since");
public static final String GET_GRAVATAR_BY_EMAIL = ("/get_gravatar_by_email");
public static final String GET_GRAVATAR_BY_USER = ("/get_gravatar_by_user");
* Mapping for frequently used HTTP parameters.
public static final class QueryParam {
public static final String USERNAME = "username";
public static final String EMAIL = "email";
public static final String SIZE = "size";
//Auth0 params...
public static final String CODE = "code";
public static final String REDIRECT_URL = "redirect_url";
public static final String HOST = "host";
public static final String USER_AGENT = "user_agent";
* Root for User.
* @return {@code /user/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* Authenticate using BASIC auth.
* @return {@code /user/auth_basic}
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.auth0.AccessToken
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.auth0.AccessTokenRequest
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User
public static final String userBasicAuth() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(AUTH_BASIC);
* Root for User initialise session.
* @return {@code /user/init}
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.auth0.AccessToken
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.auth0.AccessTokenRequest
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User
public static final String userInitSession() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(INIT_SESSION);
* Construct URL request for Auth0 user profile based on params.
* @param codeParam The code generated from Auth0 login.
* @param redirectUrlParam The redirect URL post login.
* @param hostParam Optional host information.
* @param userAgentInfoParam Optional user-agent information.
* @return {@code /user/auth0_user_profile}
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException When UTF-8 encoding is not supported.
* @see User
public static final String loginAuth0UserProfile(
String codeParam,
String redirectUrlParam,
String hostParam,
String userAgentInfoParam
) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
StringBuilder completeUrl =
new StringBuilder(Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(AUTH0_USER_PROFILE));
if (codeParam != null) {
if (redirectUrlParam != null) {
redirectUrlParam = URLEncoder.encode(redirectUrlParam, ENCODING_UTF_8);
if (hostParam != null) {
hostParam = URLEncoder.encode(hostParam, ENCODING_UTF_8);
if (userAgentInfoParam != null) {
userAgentInfoParam = URLEncoder.encode(userAgentInfoParam, ENCODING_UTF_8);
return completeUrl.toString();
* Root for User issuing token.
* @return {@code /user/issue_token}
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.auth0.AccessToken
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.auth0.AccessTokenRequest
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User
public static final String userIssueToken() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(ISSUE_TOKEN);
* Root for User token status.
* @return {@code /user/token_status}
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.auth0.AccessToken
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.auth0.AccessTokenRequest
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User
public static final String userTokenStatus() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(TOKEN_STATUS);
* Root for User information.
* @return {@code /user/info}
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.auth0.AccessToken
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.auth0.AccessTokenRequest
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User
public static final String userInformation() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(INFORMATION);
* URL Path for User create.
* @return {@code /v1/user/}
public static final String userCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for Administrator User create.
* @return {@code /v1/user/create_admin}
public static final String userCreateAdmin() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE_ADMIN);
* URL Path for User update.
* @return {@code v1/user/update}
public static final String userUpdate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(UPDATE);
* URL Path for Deleting a User.
* @return {@code v1/user/delete}
public static final String userDelete() {
return userDelete(false);
* URL Path for User delete.
* @param forceDeleteParam Whether to forcefully delete.
* @return {@code v1/user/delete?force=forceDeleteParam} with / without
* force.
public static final String userDelete(boolean forceDeleteParam) {
if (forceDeleteParam) {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE_FORCE);
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE);
* URL Path for De-Activating a User.
* @return {@code v1/user/de_activate}
public static final String userDeActivate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DE_ACTIVATE);
* URL Path for Incrementing the invalid login count for a User.
* @return {@code v1/user/increment_invalid_login}
public static final String incrementInvalidLogin() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(INCREMENT_INVALID_LOGIN);
* URL Path for changing a User password.
* @return {@code v1/user/change_password}
public static final String changePassword() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CHANGE_PASSWORD);
* URL Path for De-Activating a User.
* @return {@code v1/user/activate}
public static final String userActivate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(ACTIVATE);
* URL Path for User get by id.
* @return {@code v1/user/get_by_id}
public static final String getById() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for User get by username.
* @return {@code v1/user/get_by_username}
public static final String getByUsername() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_BY_USERNAME);
* URL Path for User get by Email.
* @return {@code v1/user/get_by_email}
public static final String getByEmail() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_BY_EMAIL);
* URL Path for User Field Values by User.
* @return {@code v1/user/get_user_field_values_by_user}
public static final String getUserFieldValuesByUser() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_USER_FIELD_VALUES_BY_USER);
* URL Path for User get by id.
* @return {@code v1/user/get_all_users}
public static final String getAllUsers() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL);
* URL Path for Users get by {@code JobView}.
* @return {@code v1/user/get_all_users_by_job_view}
public static final String getAllUsersByJobView() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_BY_JOB_VIEW);
* URL Path for Users get by {@code Role}.
* @return {@code v1/user/get_all_users_by_role}
public static final String getAllUsersByRole() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_BY_ROLE);
* URL Path for Users get by last logged in.
* @return {@code v1/user/get_all_users_by_logged_in_since}
public static final String getAllUsersWhereLoggedInSince() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_BY_LOGGED_IN_SINCE);
* URL Path for User gravatar by email address.
* @param emailParam The email to retrieve gravatar for.
* @param sizeParam The size of the image to be returned.
* @return {@code v1/user/[email protected]&size=50}.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException When UTF-8 encoding is not supported.
public static final String getGravatarByEmail(String emailParam, int sizeParam) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
StringBuffer returnVal = new StringBuffer(Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(GET_GRAVATAR_BY_EMAIL));
String encodedEmail = "";
if (emailParam != null) {
encodedEmail = URLEncoder.encode(emailParam, ENCODING_UTF_8);
if (sizeParam < 1 || sizeParam > 512) {
sizeParam = 50;
return returnVal.toString();
* URL Path for User gravatar by user.
* @param sizeParam The size of the image to be returned.
* @return {@code v1/user/get_gravatar_by_user?size=50}.
public static final String getGravatarByUser(int sizeParam) {
StringBuffer returnVal = new StringBuffer(Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(GET_GRAVATAR_BY_USER));
if (sizeParam < 1 || sizeParam > 512) {
sizeParam = 50;
return returnVal.toString();
* The User Web Service mappings.
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.UserNotification
public static final class UserNotification {
* User mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/user_notification");
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String UPDATE = ("/update");
//Mark Notification as Read...
public static final String MARK_AS_READ = ("/mark_as_read");
public static final String DELETE = ("/delete");
public static final String READ = ("/get_by_id");
public static final String READ_ALL_BY_USER_AND_UNREAD = ("/get_by_user_and_unread");
public static final String READ_ALL_BY_USER_AND_READ = ("/get_by_user_and_read");
public static final String READ_ALL_BY_USER_AND_DATE = ("/get_by_user_and_date");
* Mapping for frequently used HTTP parameters.
public static final class QueryParam {
public static final String QUERY_LIMIT = "query_limit";
public static final String OFFSET = "offset";
public static final String DATE_FROM = "date_from";
public static final String DATE_TO = "date_to";
* Root for User Notification.
* @return {@code /user_notification/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for User Notification create.
* @return {@code /v1/user_notification/}
public static final String userNotificationCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for User Notification update.
* @return {@code v1/user_notification/update}
public static final String userNotificationUpdate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(UPDATE);
* URL Path for Deleting a User Notification.
* @return {@code v1/user_notification/delete}
public static final String userNotificationDelete() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE);
* URL Path for marking User Notification as read.
* Mark notification as read can be done asynchronously.
* @param asyncParam Should the notification mark as read asynchronously.
* @return {@code v1/user_notification/mark_as_read?async={asyncParam}}
public static final String userNotificationMarkAsRead(boolean asyncParam) {
String additionString = "?";
additionString += WS.QueryParam.ASYNC;
additionString += "=";
additionString += asyncParam;
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(MARK_AS_READ.concat(additionString));
* URL Path for User Notification get by id.
* @return {@code v1/user_notification/get_by_id}
public static final String getById() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for Un-Read User Notifications by User.
* @param queryLimitParam The query limit.
* @param offsetParam The query offset.
* @return {@code v1/user_notification/get_by_user_and_unread}
public static final String getAllUnReadByUser(int queryLimitParam, int offsetParam) {
String base = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_BY_USER_AND_UNREAD);
String additionString = "?";
if (queryLimitParam > 0) {
additionString += QueryParam.QUERY_LIMIT;
additionString += "=";
additionString += queryLimitParam;
additionString += "&";
if (offsetParam > -1) {
additionString += QueryParam.OFFSET;
additionString += "=";
additionString += offsetParam;
additionString += "&";
//Cut of the end bit...
additionString = additionString.substring(0, additionString.length() - 1);
return base.concat(additionString);
* URL Path for Read User Notifications by User.
* @param queryLimitParam The query limit.
* @param offsetParam The query offset.
* @return {@code v1/user_notification/get_by_user_and_read}
public static final String getAllReadByUser(int queryLimitParam, int offsetParam) {
String base = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_BY_USER_AND_READ);
String additionString = "?";
if (queryLimitParam > 0) {
additionString += QueryParam.QUERY_LIMIT;
additionString += "=";
additionString += queryLimitParam;
additionString += "&";
if (offsetParam > -1) {
additionString += QueryParam.OFFSET;
additionString += "=";
additionString += offsetParam;
additionString += "&";
//Cut of the end bit...
additionString = additionString.substring(0, additionString.length() - 1);
return base.concat(additionString);
* URL Path for Read User Notifications by User and Date.
* @param queryLimitParam The query limit.
* @param offsetParam The query offset.
* @param dateFromParam The from date in millis.
* @param dateToParam The to date in millis.
* @return {@code v1/user_notification/get_by_user_and_date}
public static final String getAllByUserAndDate(
int queryLimitParam,
int offsetParam,
long dateFromParam,
long dateToParam) {
String base = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL_BY_USER_AND_DATE);
String additionString = "?";
if (queryLimitParam > 0) {
additionString += QueryParam.QUERY_LIMIT;
additionString += "=";
additionString += queryLimitParam;
additionString += "&";
if (offsetParam > -1) {
additionString += QueryParam.OFFSET;
additionString += "=";
additionString += offsetParam;
additionString += "&";
additionString += QueryParam.DATE_FROM;
additionString += "=";
additionString += dateFromParam;
additionString += "&";
additionString += QueryParam.DATE_TO;
additionString += "=";
additionString += dateToParam;
additionString += "&";
//Cut of the end bit...
additionString = additionString.substring(0, additionString.length() - 1);
return base.concat(additionString);
* The Role Web Service mappings.
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.role.Role
public static final class Role {
* Role mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/role");
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String UPDATE = ("/update");
public static final String DELETE = ("/delete");
public static final String DELETE_FORCE = ("/delete?force=true");
public static final String READ = ("/get_by_id");
public static final String READ_ALL = ("/get_all_roles");
* Root for Role.
* @return {@code /role/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Role create.
* @return {@code /v1/role/}
public static final String roleCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for Role update.
* @return {@code v1/role/update}
public static final String roleUpdate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(UPDATE);
* URL Path for Deleting a Role.
* @return {@code v1/role/delete}
public static final String roleDelete() {
return roleDelete(false);
* URL Path for Role delete.
* @param forceDeleteParam Whether to forcefully delete.
* @return {@code v1/role/delete?force=forceDeleteParam} with / without
* force.
public static final String roleDelete(boolean forceDeleteParam) {
if (forceDeleteParam) {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE_FORCE);
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE);
* URL Path for Role get by id.
* @return {@code v1/role/get_by_id}
public static final String getById() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for Role get all.
* @return {@code v1/role/get_all_roles}
public static final String getAllRoles() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL);
* The Mandrill Inbound Mail Web Service mappings.
public static final class MandrillInbound {
* Role mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/mandrill_inbound");
public static final String CONSUME = ("/");
* Root for Mandrill inbound.
* @return {@code /mandrill_inbound/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* The Configuration Web Service mappings.
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.config.Configuration
public static final class Configuration {
* Role mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/configuration");
//public static final String UPDATE = ("/update");
public static final String READ = ("/get_by_key");
public static final String READ_ALL = ("/get_all_configurations");
* Root for Configuration.
* @return {@code /configuration/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Configuration get by id.
* @return {@code v1/configuration/get_by_key}
public static final String getByKey() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for Configuration get all.
* @return {@code v1/configuration/get_all_configurations}
public static final String getAllConfigurations() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL);
* The Custom Runner Destination Config Web Service mappings.
public static final class CustomRunnerDestinationConfig {
* Custom runner mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/custom_runner/destination_config");
public static final String READ = ("/get_environment_config");
public static final String LOCK = ("/lock_environment_config");
* Root for Custom Runner Destination configuration.
* @return {@code /custom_runner/destination_config/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Customer Runner Destination configuration.
* @return {@code v1/custom_runner/destination_config/get_environment_config}
public static final String getEnvironmentConfig() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for LOCKING Customer Runner Destination configuration.
* @return {@code v1/custom_runner/destination_config/lock_environment_config}
public static final String lockEnvironmentConfig() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(LOCK);
* The Fluid Custom Runner Web Socket mappings.
public static final class CustomRunner {
* Custom runner mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/custom_runner");
public static final String ROOT_WEB_SOCKET = (Path.WEB_SOCKET + Version.VERSION_1 + ROOT);
//Custom Web...
public static final String CUSTOM_WEB = ("/custom_web");
public static final String CUSTOM_WEB_WEB_SOCKET = (ROOT_WEB_SOCKET + CUSTOM_WEB);
//Custom Flow Program...
public static final String CUSTOM_FLOW_PROGRAM = ("/custom_flow_program");
//Custom Flow Program...
public static final String CUSTOM_SCHEDULE = ("/custom_schedule");
* Mapping for frequently used HTTP parameters.
public static final class PathParam {
public static final String TASK_IDENTIFIER = "taskIdentifier";
* Root for Custom Runner.
* @return {@code /custom_runner/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for Custom Running a Web Form Action via Web Socket.
* @param taskIdentifierParam The task identifier to execute.
* @return {@code web_socket/v1/custom_runner/custom_web/}
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException When UTF-8 encoding is not supported.
public static final String executeCustomWebWebSocket(String taskIdentifierParam) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
String encodedValue = "";
if (taskIdentifierParam != null) {
encodedValue = URLEncoder.encode(taskIdentifierParam, ENCODING_UTF_8);
String returnVal = (CUSTOM_WEB_WEB_SOCKET + "/" + encodedValue + "/");
return returnVal;
* URL Path for Custom Running a Flow Program via Web Socket.
* @param taskIdentifierParam The task identifier to execute.
* @return {@code web_socket/v1/custom_runner/custom_flow_program/}
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException When UTF-8 encoding is not supported.
public static final String executeCustomFlowProgramWebSocket(String taskIdentifierParam) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
String encodedValue = "";
if (taskIdentifierParam != null) {
encodedValue = URLEncoder.encode(taskIdentifierParam, ENCODING_UTF_8);
String returnVal = (CUSTOM_FLOW_PROGRAM_WEB_SOCKET + "/" + encodedValue + "/");
return returnVal;
* URL Path for Custom Running a Flow Program via Web Socket.
* @param taskIdentifierParam The task identifier to execute.
* @return {@code web_socket/v1/custom_runner/custom_schedule/}
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException When UTF-8 encoding is not supported.
public static final String executeCustomScheduleWebSocket(String taskIdentifierParam) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
String encodedValue = "";
if (taskIdentifierParam != null) {
encodedValue = URLEncoder.encode(taskIdentifierParam, ENCODING_UTF_8);
String returnVal = (CUSTOM_SCHEDULE_WEB_SOCKET + "/" + encodedValue + "/");
return returnVal;
* The SQL Util Web Service mappings.
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.util.sql.impl.SQLFormDefinitionUtil
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.util.sql.impl.SQLFormFieldUtil
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.util.sql.impl.SQLFormUtil
public static final class SQLUtil {
* User Query mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/sql_util");
public static final String ROOT_WEB_SOCKET = (Path.WEB_SOCKET + Version.VERSION_1 + ROOT);
//[[[ EXECUTE ]]]...
public static final String SQL_UTIL_FORM_GET_TABLE_FORMS = ("/form/get_table_forms_by_electronic_form_id");
public static final String SQL_UTIL_FORM_GET_DESCENDANTS = ("/form/get_descendants_by_electronic_form_id");
public static final String SQL_UTIL_FORM_GET_ANCESTOR = ("/form/get_ancestor_by_electronic_form_id");
public static final String SQL_UTIL_FORM_EXECUTE_SQL = ("/form/execute_sql");
public static final String SQL_UTIL_FORM_FIELDS_GET_BY_CONTAINER = ("/form_field/get_fields_by_electronic_form_id");
//Native SQL
public static final String SQL_UTIL_NATIVE_QUERY = ("/native/execute_query");
* Mapping for frequently used HTTP parameters.
public static final class QueryParam {
public static final String INCLUDE_FIELD_DATA = "include_field_data";
public static final String FORM_DEFINITION = "form_definition";
public static final String INCLUDE_TABLE_FIELDS = "include_table_fields";
public static final String INCLUDE_TABLE_FIELD_FORM_RECORD_INFO = "include_table_field_form_record_info";
public static final String MASS_FETCH = "mass_fetch";
public static final String CONNECTION_ALIAS = "connection_alias";
public static final String COMPRESS_RESPONSE = "compress_response";
public static final String COMPRESS_RESPONSE_CHARSET = "compress_response_charset";
* Mapping for frequently used HTTP or Web Socket Path parameters.
public static final class PathParam {
public static final String SERVICE_TICKET = "serviceTicket";
* Root for package {@code com.fluidbpm.program.api.util.sql.impl}.
* @return {@code /sql_util/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for retrieving Table records for electronic form with id
* {@code electronicFormIdParam}.
* @param includeFieldDataParam Does field data need to be included.
* @param formDefinitionId Optional Form Definition Id filter.
* @return {@code v1/sql_util/form/get_table_forms_by_electronic_form_id}
public static final String getTableForms(
boolean includeFieldDataParam,
Long formDefinitionId
) {
String returnVal = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(SQL_UTIL_FORM_GET_TABLE_FORMS)
.concat("?" + QueryParam.INCLUDE_FIELD_DATA + "=" + includeFieldDataParam);
if (formDefinitionId != null && formDefinitionId.longValue() > 0) {
returnVal += ("&"+QueryParam.FORM_DEFINITION + "=" + formDefinitionId);
return returnVal;
* URL Path for retrieving Table records for electronic form with id
* {@code electronicFormIdParam}.
* @param includeFieldDataParam Does field data need to be included.
* @param serviceTicketParam The service ticket in hex-decimal text format.
* @param compressResponseParam Compress the Descendant result in Base-64.
* @param compressResponseCharsetParam Compress response using provided charset.
* @param formDefinitionId Optional Form Definition Id filter.
* @return {@code /web_socket/v1/sql_util/form/get_table_forms_by_electronic_form_id}
public static final String getTableFormsWebSocket(
boolean includeFieldDataParam,
String serviceTicketParam,
boolean compressResponseParam,
String compressResponseCharsetParam,
Long formDefinitionId
) {
String returnVal = ROOT_WEB_SOCKET
.concat("/" + serviceTicketParam + "?" + QueryParam.INCLUDE_FIELD_DATA + "=" + includeFieldDataParam)
.concat("&" + QueryParam.COMPRESS_RESPONSE + "=" + compressResponseParam)
.concat("&"+QueryParam.COMPRESS_RESPONSE_CHARSET + "=" + compressResponseCharsetParam);
if (formDefinitionId != null && formDefinitionId.longValue() > 0) {
returnVal += ("&"+QueryParam.FORM_DEFINITION + "=" + formDefinitionId);
return returnVal;
* URL Path for retrieving descendants for electronic form with id
* {@code electronicFormIdParam}.
* @param includeFieldDataParam Does field data need to be included.
* @param includeTableFieldsParam Does table field data need to be included.
* @param inclTableFieldFormInfoParam Include table record field info.
* @return {@code v1/sql_util/form/get_descendants_by_electronic_form_id}
public static final String getDescendants(boolean includeFieldDataParam, boolean includeTableFieldsParam, boolean inclTableFieldFormInfoParam) {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(SQL_UTIL_FORM_GET_DESCENDANTS)
.concat("?" + QueryParam.INCLUDE_FIELD_DATA + "=" + includeFieldDataParam + "&" + QueryParam.INCLUDE_TABLE_FIELDS + "=" + includeTableFieldsParam + "&"
+ QueryParam.INCLUDE_TABLE_FIELD_FORM_RECORD_INFO + "=" + inclTableFieldFormInfoParam);
* URL Path for retrieving Table records for electronic form with id
* {@code electronicFormIdParam}.
* @param includeFieldDataParam Does field data need to be included.
* @param includeTableFieldsParam Does table field data need to be included.
* @param includeTableFieldFormRecordInfoParam Does table record form data need
* to be included.
* @param massFetchParam Is the fetch a large fetch.
* @param serviceTicketParam The service ticket in hex-decimal text format.
* @param compressResponseParam Compress the Descendant result in Base-64.
* @param compressResponseCharsetParam Compress response using provided charset.
* @return {@code /web_socket/v1/sql_util/form/get_descendants_by_electronic_form_id}
public static final String getDescendantsWebSocket(boolean includeFieldDataParam, boolean includeTableFieldsParam, boolean includeTableFieldFormRecordInfoParam,
boolean massFetchParam, String serviceTicketParam, boolean compressResponseParam,
String compressResponseCharsetParam) {
.concat("/" + serviceTicketParam + "?" + QueryParam.INCLUDE_FIELD_DATA + "=" + includeFieldDataParam + "&" + QueryParam.MASS_FETCH + "="
+ massFetchParam + "&" + QueryParam.INCLUDE_TABLE_FIELDS + "=" + includeTableFieldsParam + "&" + QueryParam.INCLUDE_TABLE_FIELD_FORM_RECORD_INFO
+ "=" + includeTableFieldFormRecordInfoParam + "&" + QueryParam.COMPRESS_RESPONSE + "=" + compressResponseParam
+"&"+QueryParam.COMPRESS_RESPONSE_CHARSET + "=" + compressResponseCharsetParam);
return returnVal;
* URL Path for executing SQL on the Fluid core database.
* @param serviceTicketParam The service ticket in hex-decimal text format.
* @param compressResponseParam Compress the SQL Result in Base-64.
* @param compressResponseCharsetParam Compress response using provided charset.
* @return {@code /web_socket/v1/sql_util/form/execute_sql}
public static final String getExecuteSQLWebSocket(
String serviceTicketParam, boolean compressResponseParam,
String compressResponseCharsetParam) {
.concat("/" + serviceTicketParam + "?" + QueryParam.COMPRESS_RESPONSE + "=" + compressResponseParam+
"&"+QueryParam.COMPRESS_RESPONSE_CHARSET + "=" + compressResponseCharsetParam);
return returnVal;
* URL Path for retrieving ancestor for electronic form.
* @param includeFieldDataParam Does field data need to be included.
* @param includeTableFieldsParam Does table field data need to be included.
* @return {@code v1/sql_util/form/get_ancestor_by_electronic_form_id}
public static final String getAncestor(boolean includeFieldDataParam, boolean includeTableFieldsParam) {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(SQL_UTIL_FORM_GET_ANCESTOR)
.concat("?" + QueryParam.INCLUDE_FIELD_DATA + "=" + includeFieldDataParam + "&" + QueryParam.INCLUDE_TABLE_FIELDS + "=" + includeTableFieldsParam);
* URL Path for retrieving ancestor data via Web Socket.
* @param includeFieldDataParam Does field data need to be included.
* @param includeTableFieldsParam Does table field data need to be included.
* @param serviceTicketParam The service ticket in hex-decimal text format.
* @param compressResponseParam Compress the Ancestor Result in Base-64.
* @param compressResponseCharsetParam Compress response using provided charset.
* @return {@code /web_socket/v1/sql_util/form/get_ancestor_by_electronic_form_id}
public static final String getAncestorWebSocket(
boolean includeFieldDataParam,
boolean includeTableFieldsParam,
String serviceTicketParam,
boolean compressResponseParam,
String compressResponseCharsetParam) {
.concat("/" + serviceTicketParam + "?" + QueryParam.INCLUDE_FIELD_DATA + "=" + includeFieldDataParam + "&" + QueryParam.INCLUDE_TABLE_FIELDS + "="
+ includeTableFieldsParam + "&" + QueryParam.COMPRESS_RESPONSE + "=" + compressResponseParam +
"&"+QueryParam.COMPRESS_RESPONSE_CHARSET + "=" + compressResponseCharsetParam);
return returnVal;
* URL Path for retrieving Form Fields for electronic form.
* @param includeTableFieldsParam Does Table Field data need to be included?
* @return {@code v1/sql_util/form_field/get_fields_by_electronic_form_id}
public static final String getFormFields(boolean includeTableFieldsParam) {
.concat("?" + QueryParam.INCLUDE_TABLE_FIELDS + "=" + includeTableFieldsParam);
* URL Path for retrieving Form Fields for electronic form using a Web Socket.
* @param includeTableFieldsParam Does Table Field data need to be included?
* @param serviceTicketParam The service ticket in hex-decimal text format.
* @param compressResponseParam Compress the Form Field Result in Base-64.
* @param compressResponseCharsetParam Compress response using provided charset.
* @return {@code /web_socket/v1/sql_util/form_field/get_fields_by_electronic_form_id}
public static final String getFormFieldsWebSocket(
boolean includeTableFieldsParam,
String serviceTicketParam,
boolean compressResponseParam,
String compressResponseCharsetParam) {
String returnVal = ROOT_WEB_SOCKET.concat(SQL_UTIL_FORM_FIELDS_GET_BY_CONTAINER).concat("/" + serviceTicketParam + "?" + QueryParam.INCLUDE_TABLE_FIELDS + "="
+ includeTableFieldsParam + "&" + QueryParam.COMPRESS_RESPONSE + "=" + compressResponseParam +
"&"+QueryParam.COMPRESS_RESPONSE_CHARSET + "=" + compressResponseCharsetParam);
return returnVal;
* URL Path for executing native SQL queries.
* @return {@code v1/sql_util/native/execute_query}
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.sqlutil.sqlnative.NativeSQLQuery
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.sqlutil.sqlnative.SQLResultSet
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.sqlutil.sqlnative.SQLColumn
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.sqlutil.sqlnative.SQLRow
public static final String getExecuteNativeSQL() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(SQL_UTIL_NATIVE_QUERY);
* URL Path for executing native SQL queries for web-sockets.
* @param serviceTicketParam The service ticket in hex-decimal text format.
* @param compressResponseParam Compress the SQL Result in Base-64.
* @param compressResponseCharsetParam Compress response using provided charset.
* @return {@code /web_socket/v1/sql_util/native/execute_query}
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.compress.CompressedResponse
public static final String getExecuteNativeSQLWebSocket(
String serviceTicketParam,
boolean compressResponseParam,
String compressResponseCharsetParam
) {
.concat("/" + serviceTicketParam + "?" + QueryParam.COMPRESS_RESPONSE + "=" + compressResponseParam +
"&"+QueryParam.COMPRESS_RESPONSE_CHARSET + "=" + compressResponseCharsetParam);
return returnVal;
* The User Query Web Service mappings.
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.userquery.UserQuery
public static final class UserQuery {
* User Query mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
* Mapping for frequently used HTTP parameters.
public static final class QueryParam {
public static final String FETCH_INPUTS = "fetch_inputs";
public static final String POPULATE_ANCESTOR_ID = "populate_ancestor_id";
public static final String FORCE_USE_DATABASE = "force_use_database";
//List Job View content...
public static final String QUERY_LIMIT = "query_limit";
public static final String OFFSET = "offset";
public static final String ROOT = ("/user_query");
public static final String CREATE = ("/");
public static final String UPDATE = ("/update");
public static final String DELETE = ("/delete");
public static final String DELETE_FORCE = ("/delete?force=true");
public static final String READ = ("/get_by_id");
public static final String READ_ALL = ("/get_all_user_queries");
public static final String READ_ALL_USER_QUERIES_BY_LOGGED_IN_USER = ("/get_all_user_queries_by_logged_in_user");
public static final String EXECUTE = ("/execute");
public static final String EXECUTE_POPULATE_ANCESTOR_ID = ("/execute?" + POPULATE_ANCESTOR_ID + "=true");
* Root for {@code UserQuery}.
* @return {@code /user_query/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* URL Path for executing a {@code UserQuery}.
* @param populateAncestorIdParam - Whether the ancestor id should be populated
* (when applicable).
* @param queryLimitParam The query limit.
* @param offsetParam The query offset.
* @return {@code v1/user_query/execute}
public static final String executeUserQuery(
boolean populateAncestorIdParam,
int queryLimitParam,
int offsetParam) {
return executeUserQuery(
* URL Path for executing a {@code UserQuery}.
* @param populateAncestorIdParam - Whether the ancestor id should be populated
* (when applicable).
* @param forceUseDatabaseParam Force to use underlying database.
* @param queryLimitParam The query limit.
* @param offsetParam The query offset.
* @return {@code v1/user_query/execute}
public static final String executeUserQuery(
boolean populateAncestorIdParam,
boolean forceUseDatabaseParam,
int queryLimitParam,
int offsetParam
) {
String base = Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(EXECUTE);
String additionString = "?";
additionString += QueryParam.FORCE_USE_DATABASE;
additionString += "=";
additionString += forceUseDatabaseParam;
additionString += "&";
additionString += QueryParam.POPULATE_ANCESTOR_ID;
additionString += "=";
additionString += populateAncestorIdParam;
additionString += "&";
if (queryLimitParam > 0) {
additionString += QueryParam.QUERY_LIMIT;
additionString += "=";
additionString += queryLimitParam;
additionString += "&";
if (offsetParam > -1) {
additionString += QueryParam.OFFSET;
additionString += "=";
additionString += offsetParam;
additionString += "&";
//Cut of the end bit...
additionString = additionString.substring(0, additionString.length() - 1);
return base.concat(additionString);
* URL Path for executing a {@code UserQuery}.
* @param queryLimitParam The query limit.
* @param offsetParam The query offset.
* @param forceUseDatabaseParam Force to use underlying database.
* @return {@code v1/user_query/execute}
public static final String executeUserQuery(
int queryLimitParam,
int offsetParam,
boolean forceUseDatabaseParam
) {
return executeUserQuery(
* URL Path for executing a {@code UserQuery}.
* @param queryLimitParam The query limit.
* @param offsetParam The query offset.
* @return {@code v1/user_query/execute}
public static final String executeUserQuery(int queryLimitParam, int offsetParam) {
return executeUserQuery(true, queryLimitParam, offsetParam);
* URL Path for {@code UserQuery} create.
* @return {@code /v1/user_query/}
public static final String userQueryCreate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(CREATE);
* URL Path for {@code UserQuery} update.
* @return {@code v1/user_query/update}
public static final String userQueryUpdate() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(UPDATE);
* URL Path for Deleting a {@code UserQuery}.
* @return {@code v1/user_query/delete}
public static final String userQueryDelete() {
return userQueryDelete(false);
* URL Path for {@code UserQuery} delete.
* @param forceDeleteParam Whether to forcefully delete.
* @return {@code v1/user_query/delete?force=forceDeleteParam} with /
* without force.
public static final String userQueryDelete(boolean forceDeleteParam) {
if (forceDeleteParam) {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE_FORCE);
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(DELETE);
* URL Path for {@code UserQuery} get by id.
* @return {@code v1/user_query/get_by_id}
public static final String getById() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ);
* URL Path for UserQuery get all.
* @return {@code v1/user_query/get_all_user_queries}
public static final String getAllUserQueries() {
return Version.VERSION_1.concat(ROOT).concat(READ_ALL);
* URL Path for UserQuery get all by logged in {@code User}.
* @return {@code v1/user_query/get_all_user_queries_by_logged_in_user}
public static final String getAllUserQueriesByLoggedInUser() {
* The Auth0 Web Service mappings.
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.auth0.AccessToken
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.auth0.AccessTokenRequest
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User
public static final class Auth0 {
* Auth0 mappings.
public static final class Version1 {
public static final String ROOT = ("/oauth");
public static final String TOKEN = "/token";
public static final String USER_INFO_WITH_ACCESS_TOKEN = "/userinfo/?access_token=";
public static final String USER_INFO = "/userinfo";
* Mapping for frequently used HTTP parameters.
public static final class QueryParam {
public static final String USERNAME = "username";
* Root for 0Auth.
* @return {@code /oauth/}
public String toString() {
return ROOT;
* Root for User token.
* @return {@code /oath/token}
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.auth0.AccessToken
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.auth0.AccessTokenRequest
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User
public static final String userToken() {
return ROOT.concat(TOKEN);
* Used to get {@code User} information via the {@code accessTokenValueParam}.
* @param accessTokenValueParam The access token to get user information from.
* @return {@code /oath/userinfo?access_token=accessTokenValueParam}
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException When UTF-8 encoding is not supported.
public static final String userInfo(String accessTokenValueParam) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
String encodedValue = EMPTY;
if (accessTokenValueParam != null) {
encodedValue = URLEncoder.encode(accessTokenValueParam, ENCODING_UTF_8);
return USER_INFO_WITH_ACCESS_TOKEN.concat(encodedValue);
* Used to get {@code User} information via the {@code accessTokenValueParam} in
* the HTTP header.
* @return {@code /oath/userinfo?access_token=accessTokenValueParam}
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException When UTF-8 encoding is not supported.
public static final String userInfo() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
return USER_INFO;