com.fluidbpm.program.api.ICustomScheduledAction Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* [2012] - [2017] Koekiebox (Pty) Ltd
* All Rights Reserved.
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package com.fluidbpm.program.api;
import java.util.List;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.form.Form;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.item.FluidItem;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.mail.MailMessage;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User;
* Implement this interface when you want Fluid to execute
* a custom scheduled job action.
* The schedules are configured within Fluid.
* @author jasonbruwer
* @since v1.0
* @see ICustomProgram
* @see ICustomWebAction
* @see Form
* @see FluidItem
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.flow.Flow
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.flow.FlowStep
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.flow.FlowStepRule
public interface ICustomScheduledAction extends IActionBase {
* Execute Order (2)
* The Unique Schedule Action Identifier.
* @return The Fluid Implementation Unique Action Identifier
public abstract String getActionIdentifier();
* Execute Order (3)
* The Query {@code String} to use for the {@code execute(List fluidItemsParam)}
* method.
* Examples:
[id] = '850354', [Last Name] = 'Creep'
* [Form Type] = 'Email', [Last Name] = 'Creep'
* @return A query {@code String} in Fluid UserQuery format.
* @throws Exception When a exception is {@code throw}, the Fluid Workitem will move into an error state.
public abstract String fluidItemQuery() throws Exception;
* Execute Order (4)
* Once can make use of the {@code ICustomScheduledAction} to perform mass
* updates on a lot of Workflow entries at once.
* This is ideal for performing updates on a whole set of Forms such as daily calculated
* interest rates or leave accumulated.
* @param fluidItemsParam The {@code String fluidItemQuery()} result.
* @return A {@code List} that may include new Fluid Items to create or update.
* @throws Exception When a exception is {@code throw}, the Fluid workitem will move into an error state.
public abstract List execute(List fluidItemsParam) throws Exception;
* Execute Order (5)
* Override this {@code method} to make changes to Fluid users.
* @param usersParam The list of users in the system.
* @return The updated users by the custom program. If a {@code null} is returned.
* The update will be ignored.
* @throws Exception When a exception is {@code throw}, the Fluid workitem will move into an error state.
* @see User
public abstract List executeUsers(List usersParam) throws Exception;
* Execute Order (6)
* Override this method
to send emails after
* the processing of the scheduled job.
* @return A {@code MailMessage} that may include emails to be sent after processing.
* @throws Exception When a exception is {@code throw}, the Fluid workitem will move into an error state.
* @see MailMessage
public abstract List getMailMessagesToSend() throws Exception;
* Execute Order (7)
* Trace data to be stored at the time of Schedule Task execution for auditing purposes.
* @return The execution result to be stored after the execution of all tasks
* are completed successfully.
public abstract String getExecutionResult();