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 * [2012] - [2017] Koekiebox (Pty) Ltd
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property
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import com.fluidbpm.program.api.util.UtilGlobal;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.field.Field;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.flow.JobView;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.role.Role;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.UserFieldListing;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.UserListing;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

 * Java Web Service Client for User related actions.
 * @author jasonbruwer
 * @since v1.0
 * @see JSONObject
 * @see
 * @see User
public class UserClient extends ABaseClientWS {

	private static final String JSON_TAG_DATA = "data";

	private static final String JSON_TAG_EXISTING = "existing";
	private static final String JSON_TAG_NEW = "new";
	private static final String JSON_TAG_CONFIRM_NEW = "confirm_new";

	 * Constructor that sets the Service Ticket from authentication.
	 * @param endpointBaseUrlParam URL to base endpoint.
	 * @param serviceTicketParam The Server issued Service Ticket.
	public UserClient(String endpointBaseUrlParam, String serviceTicketParam) {

	 * Creates a new {@code User} with the Email, Fields and
	 * Roles inside the {@code userParam}.
	 * @param userParam The {@code User} to create.
	 * @return The Created User.
	 * @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User
	 * @see Field
	 * @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.role.Role
	public User createUser(User userParam) {
		if (userParam != null && this.serviceTicket != null) userParam.setServiceTicket(this.serviceTicket);

		return new User(this.putJson(
				userParam, WS.Path.User.Version1.userCreate()));

	 * Updates an existing {@code User} with the Email, Fields and
	 * Roles inside the {@code userParam}.
	 * @param userParam The User to update.
	 * @return The Updated User.
	 * @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User
	 * @see Field
	 * @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.role.Role
	public User updateUser(User userParam) {
		if (userParam != null && this.serviceTicket != null) userParam.setServiceTicket(this.serviceTicket);

		return new User(this.postJson(
				userParam, WS.Path.User.Version1.userUpdate()));

	 * Activate an existing {@code User} that is currently
	 * Deactivated.
	 * @param userParam The User to activate.
	 * @return The Activated User.
	 * @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User
	 * @see Field
	 * @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.role.Role
	public User activateUser(User userParam) {
		if (userParam != null && this.serviceTicket != null) userParam.setServiceTicket(this.serviceTicket);

		return new User(this.postJson(userParam, WS.Path.User.Version1.userActivate()));

	 * Deactivate an existing {@code User} that is currently
	 * Active.
	 * @param userParam The User to De-Activate.
	 * @return The DeActivated User.
	 * @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User
	 * @see Field
	 * @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.role.Role
	public User deActivateUser(User userParam) {
		if (userParam != null && this.serviceTicket != null) userParam.setServiceTicket(this.serviceTicket);

		return new User(this.postJson(
				userParam, WS.Path.User.Version1.userDeActivate()));

	 * Increment the invalid login count for {@code userParam}.
	 * @param userParam The User to increment invalid count for.
	 * @return The User where invalid count performed.
	 * @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.user.User
	public User incrementInvalidLoginForUser(User userParam) {
		if (userParam != null && this.serviceTicket != null) {

		return new User(this.postJson(userParam, WS.Path.User.Version1.incrementInvalidLogin()));

	 * Request a password reset based on email or username.
	 * @param usernameEmail The username or email address to request a password reset.
	public void sendPasswordResetRequest(String usernameEmail) {
		this.postJson(new User(usernameEmail), WS.Path.User.Version1.requestPasswordReset());

	 * Change the password for the currently logged in user.
	 * @param existingPasswordParam The current password.
	 * @param newPasswordParam The new password.
	 * @param confirmNewPasswordParam The new password again.
	 * @return {@code User} which password was changed.
	public User changePasswordForLoggedInUser(
			String existingPasswordParam,
			String newPasswordParam,
			String confirmNewPasswordParam) {
		User toChangePasswordFor = new User();


		String existingPassword =
				existingPasswordParam == null ? UtilGlobal.EMPTY: existingPasswordParam;
		String newPassword =
				newPasswordParam == null ? UtilGlobal.EMPTY: newPasswordParam;
		String confirmNewPassword =
				confirmNewPasswordParam == null ? UtilGlobal.EMPTY: confirmNewPasswordParam;

		JSONObject passwordClear = new JSONObject();
		passwordClear.put(JSON_TAG_EXISTING, existingPassword);
		passwordClear.put(JSON_TAG_NEW, newPassword);
		passwordClear.put(JSON_TAG_CONFIRM_NEW, confirmNewPassword);


		return new User(this.postJson(toChangePasswordFor, WS.Path.User.Version1.changePassword()));

	 * Deletes the {@code User} provided.
	 * Id must be set on the {@code User}.
	 * @param userToDeleteParam The User to Delete.
	 * @return The deleted User.
	public User deleteUser(User userToDeleteParam) {
		if (userToDeleteParam != null) userToDeleteParam.setServiceTicket(this.serviceTicket);

		return new User(this.postJson(userToDeleteParam, WS.Path.User.Version1.userDelete()));

	 * Deletes the {@code User} provided.
	 * Id must be set on the {@code User}.
	 * @param userToDeleteParam The User to Delete.
	 * @param forcefullyDeleteParam Delete the User forcefully.
	 * @return The deleted User.
	public User deleteUser(User userToDeleteParam, boolean forcefullyDeleteParam) {
		if (userToDeleteParam != null) userToDeleteParam.setServiceTicket(this.serviceTicket);

		return new User(this.postJson(userToDeleteParam, WS.Path.User.Version1.userDelete(forcefullyDeleteParam)));

	 * Retrieves user information for the logged in {@code User}.
	 * @return User information.
	 * @see User
	public User getLoggedInUserInformation() {
		User userToGetInfoFor = new User();

		try {
			return new User(this.postJson(
		} catch (JSONException jsonExcept) {
			throw new FluidClientException(jsonExcept.getMessage(),

	 * Retrieves user information for the provided {@code usernameParam}.
	 * @param usernameParam The username of the user to retrieve info for.
	 * @return User information.
	 * @see User
	public User getUserWhereUsername(String usernameParam) {
		User userToGetInfoFor = new User();

		try {
			return new User(this.postJson(
					userToGetInfoFor, WS.Path.User.Version1.getByUsername()));
		} catch (JSONException jsonExcept) {
			throw new FluidClientException(jsonExcept.getMessage(),

	 * Retrieves user information for the provided {@code emailAddressParam}.
	 * The email address must be confirmed.
	 * @param emailAddressParam The confirmed Email of the user to retrieve info for.
	 * @return User information.
	 * @see User
	public User getUserWhereEmail(String emailAddressParam) {
		User userToGetInfoFor = new User();

		if (emailAddressParam != null) {
			List emailAdd = new ArrayList();


		try {
			return new User(this.postJson(
					userToGetInfoFor, WS.Path.User.Version1.getByEmail()));
		} catch (JSONException jsonExcept) {
			throw new FluidClientException(jsonExcept.getMessage(),

	 * Retrieves user information for the provided {@code userIdParam}.
	 * @param userIdParam The ID of the {@code User} to retrieve info for.
	 * @return User information.
	 * @see User
	public User getUserById(Long userIdParam) {
		User userToGetInfoFor = new User();


		try {
			return new User(this.postJson(userToGetInfoFor, WS.Path.User.Version1.getById()));
		} catch (JSONException jsonExcept) {
			throw new FluidClientException(jsonExcept.getMessage(),

	 * Retrieves all user information.
	 * @return User information.
	 * @see UserListing
	public UserListing getAllUsers() {
		UserListing userToGetInfoFor = new UserListing();

		try {
			return new UserListing(this.postJson(
		} catch (JSONException jsonExcept) {
			throw new FluidClientException(jsonExcept.getMessage(),

	 * Retrieves all Users by {@code jobViewParam}.
	 * @return User information at {@code UserListing}
	 * @param jobViewParam The {@link JobView} to get users for.
	 * @see UserListing
	 * @see JobView
	public UserListing getAllUsersByJobView(JobView jobViewParam) {
		if (jobViewParam != null) jobViewParam.setServiceTicket(this.serviceTicket);

		try {
			return new UserListing(this.postJson(
		} catch (JSONException jsonExcept) {
			throw new FluidClientException(jsonExcept.getMessage(),

	 * Retrieves all Users by {@code roleParam}.
	 * @return User information at {@code UserListing}
	 * @param roleParam The {@link Role} to get users for.
	 * @see UserListing
	 * @see Role
	public UserListing getAllUsersByRole(Role roleParam) {
		if (roleParam != null) roleParam.setServiceTicket(this.serviceTicket);

		try {
			return new UserListing(this.postJson(
					roleParam, WS.Path.User.Version1.getAllUsersByRole()));
		} catch (JSONException jsonExcept) {
			throw new FluidClientException(jsonExcept.getMessage(),

	 * Retrieves all Users by {@code roleParam}.
	 * @return User information at {@code UserListing}
	 * @param loggedInSinceParam The date for last logged in.
	 * @see UserListing
	public UserListing getAllUsersWhereLoggedInSince(Date loggedInSinceParam) {
		User userToPost = new User();

		try {
			return new UserListing(this.postJson(userToPost, WS.Path.User.Version1.getAllUsersWhereLoggedInSince()));
		} catch (JSONException jsonExcept) {
			throw new FluidClientException(jsonExcept.getMessage(),

	 * Retrieves all user field values information by the {@code userParam}.
	 * @param userParam The {@code User} to retrieve the field values for.
	 * @return User information.
	 * @see UserFieldListing
	public UserFieldListing getAllUserFieldValuesByUser(User userParam) {
		if (userParam == null) return null;

		try {
			return new UserFieldListing(this.postJson(
		} catch (JSONException jsonExcept) {
			throw new FluidClientException(jsonExcept.getMessage(), FluidClientException.ErrorCode.JSON_PARSING);

	 * Retrieve the gravatar bytes by email.
	 * The size will be 50x50.
	 * @param emailAddressParam The email to use for the gravatar.
	 * @return JPEG image bytes.
	public byte[] getGravatarForEmail(String emailAddressParam) {
		return this.getGravatarForEmail(emailAddressParam, 50);

	 * Retrieve the gravatar bytes by email.
	 * @param emailAddressParam The email to use for the gravatar.
	 * @param sizeParam The pixel dimension for the image.
	 * @return JPEG image bytes.
	public byte[] getGravatarForEmail(String emailAddressParam, int sizeParam) {
		try {
			JSONObject gravatarJSONObj =
					this.getJson(WS.Path.User.Version1.getGravatarByEmail(emailAddressParam, sizeParam));

			String base64Text = gravatarJSONObj.optString(JSON_TAG_DATA,"");
			if (base64Text == null || base64Text.isEmpty()) return null;

			return UtilGlobal.decodeBase64(base64Text);
		} catch (JSONException jsonExcept) {
			throw new FluidClientException(jsonExcept.getMessage(),
					jsonExcept, FluidClientException.ErrorCode.JSON_PARSING);
		} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException unsEncExcept) {
			throw new FluidClientException(unsEncExcept.getMessage(),
					unsEncExcept, FluidClientException.ErrorCode.IO_ERROR);

	 * Retrieve the gravatar bytes for Fluid user.
	 * The size will be 50x50.
	 * @param userParam The user to get the gravatar for.
	 * @return JPEG image bytes.
	public byte[] getGravatarForUser(User userParam)
		return this.getGravatarForUser(userParam, 50);

	 * Retrieve the gravatar bytes for Fluid user.
	 * @param userParam The user to get the gravatar for.
	 * @param sizeParam The pixel dimension for the image.
	 * @return JPEG image bytes.
	public byte[] getGravatarForUser(User userParam, int sizeParam) {
		if (userParam == null) return null;

		try {
			JSONObject gravatarJSONObj = this.postJson(

			String base64Text = gravatarJSONObj.optString(JSON_TAG_DATA,"");
			if (base64Text == null || base64Text.isEmpty()) return null;

			return UtilGlobal.decodeBase64(base64Text);
		} catch (JSONException jsonExcept) {
			throw new FluidClientException(jsonExcept.getMessage(),
					jsonExcept, FluidClientException.ErrorCode.JSON_PARSING);

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