installers.WebCmsModule.schema-0.0.3.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Creates domain table
Creates domain attributes table
Add domain reference to asset table
Add domain reference to type table
Add domain reference to menu table
Add domain reference to endpoint table
Add domain reference to component table
Add object_id to menu table
Fills existing object_id columns based on name
Fills existing object_id columns based on name - sql server
requires menu objectId to have a value
Adds description column to wcm_type table
Drop the article_type table and refer fk_wcm_art_art_type to wcm_type table
Drop the publication_type table and refer fk_wcm_pub_pubtype to wcm_type table
Drop the table_type table and refer fk_wcm_pag_pag_type to wcm_type table
Move existing descriptions of wcm_component_type to wcm_type
UPDATE wcm_type wt
SET wt.description = ( SELECT wct.description FROM wcm_component_type wct WHERE = )
Sql Server - Move existing descriptions of wcm_component_type to wcm_type
UPDATE wcm_type
SET description = wct.description
FROM wcm_type wt, wcm_component_type wct
Drop the component_type table and refer fk_wcm_comp_comptype to wcm_type table
Modify the attribute_value type of wcm_type_attributes table to clob
Oracle - Modify the attribute_value type of wcm_type_attributes table to clob
publicationkey no longer has to be unique (but unique in combination with domain)
path should no longer be unique
combination of object type and type key should no longer be unique
Creates sortIndex on wcm_asset table