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com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLaf Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019 FormDev Software GmbH
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.formdev.flatlaf;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.image.FilteredImageSource;
import java.awt.image.ImageFilter;
import java.awt.image.ImageProducer;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.LookAndFeel;
import javax.swing.PopupFactory;
import javax.swing.RootPaneContainer;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.UIDefaults;
import javax.swing.UIDefaults.ActiveValue;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException;
import javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource;
import javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource;
import javax.swing.plaf.IconUIResource;
import javax.swing.plaf.UIResource;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLookAndFeel;
import javax.swing.text.StyleContext;
import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit;
import com.formdev.flatlaf.ui.FlatNativeWindowBorder;
import com.formdev.flatlaf.ui.FlatPopupFactory;
import com.formdev.flatlaf.ui.FlatRootPaneUI;
import com.formdev.flatlaf.ui.FlatUIUtils;
import com.formdev.flatlaf.util.GrayFilter;
import com.formdev.flatlaf.util.LoggingFacade;
import com.formdev.flatlaf.util.MultiResolutionImageSupport;
import com.formdev.flatlaf.util.StringUtils;
import com.formdev.flatlaf.util.SystemInfo;
import com.formdev.flatlaf.util.UIScale;
* The base class for all Flat LaFs.
* @author Karl Tauber
public abstract class FlatLaf
extends BasicLookAndFeel
private static final String DESKTOPFONTHINTS = "awt.font.desktophints";
private static List customDefaultsSources;
private String desktopPropertyName;
private String desktopPropertyName2;
private PropertyChangeListener desktopPropertyListener;
private static boolean aquaLoaded;
private static boolean updateUIPending;
private PopupFactory oldPopupFactory;
private MnemonicHandler mnemonicHandler;
private Consumer postInitialization;
private List> uiDefaultsGetters;
* Sets the application look and feel to the given LaF
* using {@link UIManager#setLookAndFeel(javax.swing.LookAndFeel)}.
public static boolean setup( LookAndFeel newLookAndFeel ) {
try {
UIManager.setLookAndFeel( newLookAndFeel );
return true;
} catch( Exception ex ) {
LoggingFacade.INSTANCE.logSevere( "FlatLaf: Failed to setup look and feel '" + newLookAndFeel.getClass().getName() + "'.", ex );
return false;
* @deprecated use {@link #setup(LookAndFeel)} instead; this method will be removed in a future version
public static boolean install( LookAndFeel newLookAndFeel ) {
return setup( newLookAndFeel );
* Adds the given look and feel to the set of available look and feels.
* Useful if your application uses {@link UIManager#getInstalledLookAndFeels()}
* to query available LaFs and display them to the user in a combobox.
public static void installLafInfo( String lafName, Class extends LookAndFeel> lafClass ) {
UIManager.installLookAndFeel( new UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo( lafName, lafClass.getName() ) );
* Returns the look and feel identifier.
* Syntax: "FlatLaf - ${theme-name}"
* Use {@code UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getID().startsWith( "FlatLaf" )}
* to check whether the current look and feel is FlatLaf.
public String getID() {
return "FlatLaf - " + getName();
public abstract boolean isDark();
* Checks whether the current look and feel is dark.
public static boolean isLafDark() {
LookAndFeel lookAndFeel = UIManager.getLookAndFeel();
return lookAndFeel instanceof FlatLaf && ((FlatLaf)lookAndFeel).isDark();
* Returns whether FlatLaf supports custom window decorations.
* This depends on the operating system and on the used Java runtime.
* This method returns {@code true} on Windows 10 (see exception below), {@code false} otherwise.
* Returns also {@code false} on Windows 10 if:
* In this cases, custom decorations are enabled by the root pane.
* Usage of {@link JFrame#setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(boolean)} or
* {@link JDialog#setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(boolean)} is not necessary.
public boolean getSupportsWindowDecorations() {
if( SystemInfo.isProjector || SystemInfo.isWebswing || SystemInfo.isWinPE )
return false;
if( SystemInfo.isWindows_10_orLater &&
FlatNativeWindowBorder.isSupported() )
return false;
return SystemInfo.isWindows_10_orLater;
public boolean isNativeLookAndFeel() {
return false;
public boolean isSupportedLookAndFeel() {
return true;
public Icon getDisabledIcon( JComponent component, Icon icon ) {
if( icon instanceof DisabledIconProvider ) {
Icon disabledIcon = ((DisabledIconProvider)icon).getDisabledIcon();
return !(disabledIcon instanceof UIResource) ? new IconUIResource( disabledIcon ) : disabledIcon;
if( icon instanceof ImageIcon ) {
Object grayFilter = UIManager.get( "Component.grayFilter" );
ImageFilter filter = (grayFilter instanceof ImageFilter)
? (ImageFilter) grayFilter
: GrayFilter.createDisabledIconFilter( isDark() ); // fallback
Function mapper = img -> {
ImageProducer producer = new FilteredImageSource( img.getSource(), filter );
return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage( producer );
Image image = ((ImageIcon)icon).getImage();
return new ImageIconUIResource( image, mapper ) );
return null;
public void initialize() {
if( SystemInfo.isMacOS )
// install popup factory
oldPopupFactory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
PopupFactory.setSharedInstance( new FlatPopupFactory() );
// install mnemonic handler
mnemonicHandler = new MnemonicHandler();
// listen to desktop property changes to update UI if system font or scaling changes
if( SystemInfo.isWindows ) {
// Windows 10 allows increasing font size independent of scaling:
// Settings > Ease of Access > Display > Make text bigger (100% - 225%)
desktopPropertyName = "win.messagebox.font";
} else if( SystemInfo.isLinux ) {
// Linux/Gnome allows changing font in "Tweaks" app
desktopPropertyName = "gnome.Gtk/FontName";
// Linux/Gnome allows extra scaling and larger text:
// Settings > Devices > Displays > Scale (100% or 200%)
// Settings > Universal access > Large Text (off or on, 125%)
// "Tweaks" app > Fonts > Scaling Factor (0,5 - 3)
desktopPropertyName2 = "gnome.Xft/DPI";
if( desktopPropertyName != null ) {
desktopPropertyListener = e -> {
String propertyName = e.getPropertyName();
if( desktopPropertyName.equals( propertyName ) || propertyName.equals( desktopPropertyName2 ) )
else if( DESKTOPFONTHINTS.equals( propertyName ) ) {
if( UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof FlatLaf ) {
putAATextInfo( UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults() );
Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
toolkit.addPropertyChangeListener( desktopPropertyName, desktopPropertyListener );
if( desktopPropertyName2 != null )
toolkit.addPropertyChangeListener( desktopPropertyName2, desktopPropertyListener );
toolkit.addPropertyChangeListener( DESKTOPFONTHINTS, desktopPropertyListener );
// Following code should be ideally in initialize(), but needs color from UI defaults.
// Do not move this code to getDefaults() to avoid side effects in the case that
// getDefaults() is directly invoked from 3rd party code. E.g. `new FlatLightLaf().getDefaults()`.
postInitialization = defaults -> {
// update link color in HTML text
Color linkColor = defaults.getColor( "Component.linkColor" );
if( linkColor != null ) {
new HTMLEditorKit().getStyleSheet().addRule(
String.format( "a, address { color: #%06x; }", linkColor.getRGB() & 0xffffff ) );
public void uninitialize() {
// remove desktop property listener
if( desktopPropertyListener != null ) {
Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
toolkit.removePropertyChangeListener( desktopPropertyName, desktopPropertyListener );
if( desktopPropertyName2 != null )
toolkit.removePropertyChangeListener( desktopPropertyName2, desktopPropertyListener );
toolkit.removePropertyChangeListener( DESKTOPFONTHINTS, desktopPropertyListener );
desktopPropertyName = null;
desktopPropertyName2 = null;
desktopPropertyListener = null;
// uninstall popup factory
if( oldPopupFactory != null ) {
PopupFactory.setSharedInstance( oldPopupFactory );
oldPopupFactory = null;
// uninstall mnemonic handler
if( mnemonicHandler != null ) {
mnemonicHandler = null;
// restore default link color
new HTMLEditorKit().getStyleSheet().addRule( "a, address { color: blue; }" );
postInitialization = null;
* Initialize Aqua LaF on macOS, which is required for using Mac screen menubar.
* (at least on Java 8, since 9 it seems to work without it)
* This loads the native library "osxui" and initializes JRSUI.
* Because both are not unloaded/uninitialized, Aqua LaF is initialized only once.
private void initializeAqua() {
if( aquaLoaded )
aquaLoaded = true;
// create macOS Aqua LaF
String aquaLafClassName = "";
BasicLookAndFeel aquaLaf;
try {
if( SystemInfo.isJava_9_orLater ) {
Method m = UIManager.class.getMethod( "createLookAndFeel", String.class );
aquaLaf = (BasicLookAndFeel) m.invoke( null, "Mac OS X" );
} else
aquaLaf = (BasicLookAndFeel) Class.forName( aquaLafClassName ).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
} catch( Exception ex ) {
LoggingFacade.INSTANCE.logSevere( "FlatLaf: Failed to initialize Aqua look and feel '" + aquaLafClassName + "'.", ex );
throw new IllegalStateException();
// remember popup factory because aquaLaf.initialize() installs its own
// factory, which makes sub-menu rendering "jittery"
PopupFactory oldPopupFactory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
// initialize Aqua LaF
// restore popup factory
PopupFactory.setSharedInstance( oldPopupFactory );
public UIDefaults getDefaults() {
// use larger initial capacity to avoid resizing UI defaults hash table
// (from 610 to 1221 to 2443 entries) and to save some memory
UIDefaults defaults = new FlatUIDefaults( 1500, 0.75f );
// initialize basic defaults (see super.getDefaults())
initClassDefaults( defaults );
initSystemColorDefaults( defaults );
initComponentDefaults( defaults );
// add flag that indicates whether the LaF is light or dark
// (can be queried without using FlatLaf API)
defaults.put( "laf.dark", isDark() );
// init resource bundle for localized texts
initResourceBundle( defaults, "com.formdev.flatlaf.resources.Bundle" );
// initialize some defaults (for overriding) that are used in UI delegates,
// but are not set in BasicLookAndFeel
putDefaults( defaults, defaults.getColor( "control" ),
"ToggleButton.disabledBackground" );
putDefaults( defaults, defaults.getColor( "textInactiveText" ),
"ToggleButton.disabledText" );
putDefaults( defaults, defaults.getColor( "textText" ),
"DesktopIcon.foreground" );
initFonts( defaults );
initIconColors( defaults, isDark() );
FlatInputMaps.initInputMaps( defaults );
// copy InternalFrame.icon (the Java cup) to TitlePane.icon
// (using defaults.remove() to avoid that lazy value is resolved and icon loaded here)
Object icon = defaults.remove( "InternalFrame.icon" );
defaults.put( "InternalFrame.icon", icon );
defaults.put( "TitlePane.icon", icon );
// get addons and sort them by priority
ServiceLoader addonLoader = ServiceLoader.load( FlatDefaultsAddon.class );
List addons = new ArrayList<>();
for( FlatDefaultsAddon addon : addonLoader )
addons.add( addon );
addons.sort( (addon1, addon2) -> addon1.getPriority() - addon2.getPriority() );
// load defaults from properties
List> lafClassesForDefaultsLoading = getLafClassesForDefaultsLoading();
if( lafClassesForDefaultsLoading != null )
UIDefaultsLoader.loadDefaultsFromProperties( lafClassesForDefaultsLoading, addons, getAdditionalDefaults(), isDark(), defaults );
UIDefaultsLoader.loadDefaultsFromProperties( getClass(), addons, getAdditionalDefaults(), isDark(), defaults );
// use Aqua MenuBarUI if Mac screen menubar is enabled
if( SystemInfo.isMacOS && Boolean.getBoolean( "apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar" ) ) {
defaults.put( "MenuBarUI", "" );
// add defaults necessary for AquaMenuBarUI
defaults.put( "MenuBar.backgroundPainter", BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder() );
// initialize text antialiasing
putAATextInfo( defaults );
// apply additional defaults (e.g. from IntelliJ themes)
applyAdditionalDefaults( defaults );
// allow addons modifying UI defaults
for( FlatDefaultsAddon addon : addons )
addon.afterDefaultsLoading( this, defaults );
// add user scale factor to allow layout managers (e.g. MigLayout) to use it
defaults.put( "laf.scaleFactor", (ActiveValue) t -> {
return UIScale.getUserScaleFactor();
} );
if( postInitialization != null ) {
postInitialization.accept( defaults );
postInitialization = null;
return defaults;
void applyAdditionalDefaults( UIDefaults defaults ) {
protected List> getLafClassesForDefaultsLoading() {
return null;
protected Properties getAdditionalDefaults() {
return null;
private void initResourceBundle( UIDefaults defaults, String bundleName ) {
// add resource bundle for localized texts
defaults.addResourceBundle( bundleName );
// Check whether Swing can not load the FlatLaf resource bundle,
// which can happen in applications that use some plugin system
// and load FlatLaf in a plugin that uses its own classloader.
// (e.g. Apache NetBeans)
if( defaults.get( "FileChooser.fileNameHeaderText" ) != null )
// load FlatLaf resource bundle and add content to defaults
try {
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle( bundleName, defaults.getDefaultLocale() );
Enumeration keys = bundle.getKeys();
while( keys.hasMoreElements() ) {
String key = keys.nextElement();
String value = bundle.getString( key );
String baseKey = StringUtils.removeTrailing( key, ".textAndMnemonic" );
if( baseKey != key ) {
String text = value.replace( "&", "" );
String mnemonic = null;
int index = value.indexOf( '&' );
if( index >= 0 )
mnemonic = Integer.toString( Character.toUpperCase( value.charAt( index + 1 ) ) );
defaults.put( baseKey + "Text", text );
if( mnemonic != null )
defaults.put( baseKey + "Mnemonic", mnemonic );
} else
defaults.put( key, value );
} catch( MissingResourceException ex ) {
LoggingFacade.INSTANCE.logSevere( null, ex );
private void initFonts( UIDefaults defaults ) {
FontUIResource uiFont = null;
if( SystemInfo.isWindows ) {
Font winFont = (Font) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getDesktopProperty( "win.messagebox.font" );
if( winFont != null ) {
if( SystemInfo.isWinPE ) {
// on WinPE use "win.defaultGUI.font", which is usually Tahoma,
// because Segoe UI font is not available on WinPE
Font winPEFont = (Font) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getDesktopProperty( "win.defaultGUI.font" );
if( winPEFont != null )
uiFont = createCompositeFont( winPEFont.getFamily(), winPEFont.getStyle(), winFont.getSize() );
} else
uiFont = createCompositeFont( winFont.getFamily(), winFont.getStyle(), winFont.getSize() );
} else if( SystemInfo.isMacOS ) {
String fontName;
if( SystemInfo.isMacOS_10_15_Catalina_orLater ) {
if (SystemInfo.isJetBrainsJVM_11_orLater) {
// See
fontName = ".AppleSystemUIFont";
} else {
// use Helvetica Neue font
fontName = "Helvetica Neue";
} else if( SystemInfo.isMacOS_10_11_ElCapitan_orLater ) {
// use San Francisco Text font
fontName = ".SF NS Text";
} else {
// default font on older systems (see
fontName = "Lucida Grande";
uiFont = createCompositeFont( fontName, Font.PLAIN, 13 );
} else if( SystemInfo.isLinux ) {
Font font = LinuxFontPolicy.getFont();
uiFont = (font instanceof FontUIResource) ? (FontUIResource) font : new FontUIResource( font );
// fallback
if( uiFont == null )
uiFont = createCompositeFont( Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.PLAIN, 12 );
// increase font size if system property "flatlaf.uiScale" is set
uiFont = UIScale.applyCustomScaleFactor( uiFont );
// use active value for all fonts to allow changing fonts in all components
// (similar as in Nimbus L&F) with:
// UIManager.put( "defaultFont", myFont );
Object activeFont = new ActiveFont( 1 );
// override fonts
for( Object key : defaults.keySet() ) {
if( key instanceof String && (((String)key).endsWith( ".font" ) || ((String)key).endsWith( "Font" )) )
defaults.put( key, activeFont );
// use smaller font for progress bar
defaults.put( "ProgressBar.font", new ActiveFont( 0.85f ) );
// set default font
defaults.put( "defaultFont", uiFont );
static FontUIResource createCompositeFont( String family, int style, int size ) {
// using StyleContext.getFont() here because it uses
// sun.font.FontUtilities.getCompositeFontUIResource()
// and creates a composite font that is able to display all Unicode characters
Font font = StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext().getFont( family, style, size );
return (font instanceof FontUIResource) ? (FontUIResource) font : new FontUIResource( font );
* @since 1.1
public static ActiveValue createActiveFontValue( float scaleFactor ) {
return new ActiveFont( scaleFactor );
* Adds the default color palette for action icons and object icons to the given UIDefaults.
* This method is public and static to allow using the color palette with
* other LaFs (e.g. Windows LaF). To do so invoke:
* {@code FlatLaf.initIconColors( UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults(), false );}
* after
* {@code UIManager.setLookAndFeel( ... );}.
* The colors are based on IntelliJ Platform
* Action icons
* and
* Noun icons
* These colors may be changed by IntelliJ Platform themes.
public static void initIconColors( UIDefaults defaults, boolean dark ) {
for( FlatIconColors c : FlatIconColors.values() ) {
if( c.light == !dark || c.dark == dark )
defaults.put( c.key, new ColorUIResource( c.rgb ) );
private void putAATextInfo( UIDefaults defaults ) {
if ( SystemInfo.isMacOS && SystemInfo.isJetBrainsJVM ) {
// The awt.font.desktophints property suggests sub-pixel anti-aliasing
// which renders text with too much weight on macOS in the JetBrains JRE.
// Use greyscale anti-aliasing instead.
defaults.put( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON );
} else if( SystemInfo.isJava_9_orLater ) {
Object desktopHints = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getDesktopProperty( DESKTOPFONTHINTS );
if( desktopHints == null )
desktopHints = fallbackAATextInfo();
if( desktopHints instanceof Map ) {
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
Map hints = (Map) desktopHints;
Object aaHint = hints.get( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING );
if( aaHint != null &&
aaHint != RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF &&
defaults.put( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, aaHint );
defaults.put( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_LCD_CONTRAST,
hints.get( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_LCD_CONTRAST ) );
} else {
// Java 8
try {
Object key = Class.forName( "sun.swing.SwingUtilities2" )
.get( null );
Object value = Class.forName( "sun.swing.SwingUtilities2$AATextInfo" )
.getMethod( "getAATextInfo", boolean.class )
.invoke( null, true );
if( value == null )
value = fallbackAATextInfo();
defaults.put( key, value );
} catch( Exception ex ) {
LoggingFacade.INSTANCE.logSevere( null, ex );
throw new RuntimeException( ex );
private Object fallbackAATextInfo() {
// do nothing if explicitly overridden
if( System.getProperty( "awt.useSystemAAFontSettings" ) != null )
return null;
Object aaHint = null;
Integer lcdContrastHint = null;
if( SystemInfo.isLinux ) {
// see sun.awt.UNIXToolkit.getDesktopAAHints()
Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
if( toolkit.getDesktopProperty( "gnome.Xft/Antialias" ) == null &&
toolkit.getDesktopProperty( "fontconfig/Antialias" ) == null )
// no Gnome or KDE Desktop properties available
// --> enable antialiasing
aaHint = RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON;
if( aaHint == null )
return null;
if( SystemInfo.isJava_9_orLater ) {
Map hints = new HashMap<>();
hints.put( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, aaHint );
hints.put( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_LCD_CONTRAST, lcdContrastHint );
return hints;
} else {
// Java 8
try {
return Class.forName( "sun.swing.SwingUtilities2$AATextInfo" )
.getConstructor( Object.class, Integer.class )
.newInstance( aaHint, lcdContrastHint );
} catch( Exception ex ) {
LoggingFacade.INSTANCE.logSevere( null, ex );
throw new RuntimeException( ex );
private void putDefaults( UIDefaults defaults, Object value, String... keys ) {
for( String key : keys )
defaults.put( key, value );
static List getCustomDefaultsSources() {
return customDefaultsSources;
* Registers a package where FlatLaf searches for properties files with custom UI defaults.
* This can be used to specify application specific UI defaults that override UI values
* of existing themes or to define own UI values used in custom controls.
* There may be multiple properties files in that package for multiple themes.
* The properties file name must match the used theme class names.
* E.g. {@code} for class {@link FlatLightLaf}
* or {@code} for class {@link FlatDarkLaf}.
* {@code} is loaded first for all themes.
* These properties files are loaded after theme and addon properties files
* and can therefore override all UI defaults.
* Invoke this method before setting the look and feel.
* @param packageName a package name (e.g. "com.myapp.resources")
public static void registerCustomDefaultsSource( String packageName ) {
registerCustomDefaultsSource( packageName, null );
public static void unregisterCustomDefaultsSource( String packageName ) {
unregisterCustomDefaultsSource( packageName, null );
* Registers a package where FlatLaf searches for properties files with custom UI defaults.
* See {@link #registerCustomDefaultsSource(String)} for details.
* @param packageName a package name (e.g. "com.myapp.resources")
* @param classLoader a class loader used to find resources, or {@code null}
public static void registerCustomDefaultsSource( String packageName, ClassLoader classLoader ) {
if( customDefaultsSources == null )
customDefaultsSources = new ArrayList<>();
customDefaultsSources.add( packageName );
customDefaultsSources.add( classLoader );
public static void unregisterCustomDefaultsSource( String packageName, ClassLoader classLoader ) {
if( customDefaultsSources == null )
int size = customDefaultsSources.size();
for( int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++ ) {
Object source = customDefaultsSources.get( i );
if( packageName.equals( source ) && customDefaultsSources.get( i + 1 ) == classLoader ) {
customDefaultsSources.remove( i + 1 );
customDefaultsSources.remove( i );
* Registers a folder where FlatLaf searches for properties files with custom UI defaults.
* See {@link #registerCustomDefaultsSource(String)} for details.
* @param folder a folder
public static void registerCustomDefaultsSource( File folder ) {
if( customDefaultsSources == null )
customDefaultsSources = new ArrayList<>();
customDefaultsSources.add( folder );
public static void unregisterCustomDefaultsSource( File folder ) {
if( customDefaultsSources == null )
customDefaultsSources.remove( folder );
private static void reSetLookAndFeel() {
EventQueue.invokeLater( () -> {
LookAndFeel lookAndFeel = UIManager.getLookAndFeel();
try {
// re-set current LaF
UIManager.setLookAndFeel( lookAndFeel );
// must fire property change events ourself because old and new LaF are the same
PropertyChangeEvent e = new PropertyChangeEvent( UIManager.class, "lookAndFeel", lookAndFeel, lookAndFeel );
for( PropertyChangeListener l : UIManager.getPropertyChangeListeners() )
l.propertyChange( e );
// update UI
} catch( UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ex ) {
LoggingFacade.INSTANCE.logSevere( "FlatLaf: Failed to reinitialize look and feel '" + lookAndFeel.getClass().getName() + "'.", ex );
} );
* Update UI of all application windows immediately.
* Invoke after changing LaF.
public static void updateUI() {
for( Window w : Window.getWindows() )
SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI( w );
* Update UI of all application windows later.
public static void updateUILater() {
synchronized( FlatLaf.class ) {
if( updateUIPending )
updateUIPending = true;
EventQueue.invokeLater( () -> {
synchronized( FlatLaf.class ) {
updateUIPending = false;
} );
* Returns whether native window decorations are supported on current platform.
* This requires Windows 10, but may be disabled if running in special environments
* (JetBrains Projector, Webswing or WinPE) or if loading native library fails.
* If system property {@link FlatSystemProperties#USE_WINDOW_DECORATIONS} is set to
* {@code false}, then this method also returns {@code false}.
* @since 1.1.2
public static boolean supportsNativeWindowDecorations() {
return SystemInfo.isWindows_10_orLater && FlatNativeWindowBorder.isSupported();
* Returns whether native window decorations are enabled.
* @since 1.1.2
public static boolean isUseNativeWindowDecorations() {
return UIManager.getBoolean( "TitlePane.useWindowDecorations" );
* Sets whether native window decorations are enabled.
* Existing frames and dialogs will be updated.
* @since 1.1.2
public static void setUseNativeWindowDecorations( boolean enabled ) {
UIManager.put( "TitlePane.useWindowDecorations", enabled );
if( !(UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof FlatLaf) )
// update existing frames and dialogs
for( Window w : Window.getWindows() ) {
if( isDisplayableFrameOrDialog( w ) )
FlatRootPaneUI.updateNativeWindowBorder( ((RootPaneContainer)w).getRootPane() );
* Revalidate and repaint all displayable frames and dialogs.
* @since 1.1.2
public static void revalidateAndRepaintAllFramesAndDialogs() {
for( Window w : Window.getWindows() ) {
if( isDisplayableFrameOrDialog( w ) ) {
* Repaint all displayable frames and dialogs.
* @since 1.1.2
public static void repaintAllFramesAndDialogs() {
for( Window w : Window.getWindows() ) {
if( isDisplayableFrameOrDialog( w ) )
private static boolean isDisplayableFrameOrDialog( Window w ) {
return w.isDisplayable() && (w instanceof JFrame || w instanceof JDialog);
public static boolean isShowMnemonics() {
return MnemonicHandler.isShowMnemonics();
public static void showMnemonics( Component c ) {
MnemonicHandler.showMnemonics( true, c );
public static void hideMnemonics() {
MnemonicHandler.showMnemonics( false, null );
// do not allow overriding to avoid issues in FlatUIUtils.createSharedUI()
public final boolean equals( Object obj ) {
return super.equals( obj );
// do not allow overriding to avoid issues in FlatUIUtils.createSharedUI()
public final int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode();
* Registers a UI defaults getter function that is invoked before the standard getter.
* This allows using different UI defaults for special purposes
* (e.g. using multiple themes at the same time).
* The key is passed as parameter to the function.
* If the function returns {@code null}, then the next registered function is invoked.
* If all registered functions return {@code null}, then the current look and feel is asked.
* If the function returns {@link #NULL_VALUE}, then the UI value becomes {@code null}.
* @see #unregisterUIDefaultsGetter(Function)
* @see #runWithUIDefaultsGetter(Function, Runnable)
* @since 1.6
public void registerUIDefaultsGetter( Function uiDefaultsGetter ) {
if( uiDefaultsGetters == null )
uiDefaultsGetters = new ArrayList<>();
uiDefaultsGetters.remove( uiDefaultsGetter );
uiDefaultsGetters.add( uiDefaultsGetter );
// disable shared UIs
FlatUIUtils.setUseSharedUIs( false );
* Unregisters a UI defaults getter function that was invoked before the standard getter.
* @see #registerUIDefaultsGetter(Function)
* @see #runWithUIDefaultsGetter(Function, Runnable)
* @since 1.6
public void unregisterUIDefaultsGetter( Function uiDefaultsGetter ) {
if( uiDefaultsGetters == null )
uiDefaultsGetters.remove( uiDefaultsGetter );
// enable shared UIs
if( uiDefaultsGetters.isEmpty() )
FlatUIUtils.setUseSharedUIs( true );
* Registers a UI defaults getter function that is invoked before the standard getter,
* runs the given runnable and unregisters the UI defaults getter function again.
* This allows using different UI defaults for special purposes
* (e.g. using multiple themes at the same time).
* If the current look and feel is not FlatLaf, then the getter is ignored and
* the given runnable invoked.
* The key is passed as parameter to the function.
* If the function returns {@code null}, then the next registered function is invoked.
* If all registered functions return {@code null}, then the current look and feel is asked.
* If the function returns {@link #NULL_VALUE}, then the UI value becomes {@code null}.
* Example:
* // create secondary theme
* UIDefaults darkDefaults = new FlatDarkLaf().getDefaults();
* // create panel using secondary theme
* FlatLaf.runWithUIDefaultsGetter( key -> {
* Object value = darkDefaults.get( key );
* return (value != null) ? value : FlatLaf.NULL_VALUE;
* }, () -> {
* // TODO create components that should use secondary theme here
* } );
* }
* @see #registerUIDefaultsGetter(Function)
* @see #unregisterUIDefaultsGetter(Function)
* @since 1.6
public static void runWithUIDefaultsGetter( Function uiDefaultsGetter, Runnable runnable ) {
LookAndFeel laf = UIManager.getLookAndFeel();
if( laf instanceof FlatLaf ) {
((FlatLaf)laf).registerUIDefaultsGetter( uiDefaultsGetter );
try {;
} finally {
((FlatLaf)laf).unregisterUIDefaultsGetter( uiDefaultsGetter );
} else;
* Special value returned by functions used in {@link #runWithUIDefaultsGetter(Function, Runnable)}
* or {@link #registerUIDefaultsGetter(Function)} to indicate that the UI value should
* become {@code null}.
* @see #runWithUIDefaultsGetter(Function, Runnable)
* @see #registerUIDefaultsGetter(Function)
* @since 1.6
public static final Object NULL_VALUE = new Object();
//---- class FlatUIDefaults -----------------------------------------------
private class FlatUIDefaults
extends UIDefaults
FlatUIDefaults( int initialCapacity, float loadFactor ) {
super( initialCapacity, loadFactor );
public Object get( Object key ) {
Object value = getValue( key );
return (value != null) ? (value != NULL_VALUE ? value : null) : super.get( key );
public Object get( Object key, Locale l ) {
Object value = getValue( key );
return (value != null) ? (value != NULL_VALUE ? value : null) : super.get( key, l );
private Object getValue( Object key ) {
if( uiDefaultsGetters == null )
return null;
for( int i = uiDefaultsGetters.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
Object value = uiDefaultsGetters.get( i ).apply( key );
if( value != null )
return value;
return null;
//---- class ActiveFont ---------------------------------------------------
private static class ActiveFont
implements ActiveValue
private final float scaleFactor;
// cache (scaled) font
private Font font;
private Font lastDefaultFont;
ActiveFont( float scaleFactor ) {
this.scaleFactor = scaleFactor;
public Object createValue( UIDefaults table ) {
Font defaultFont = UIManager.getFont( "defaultFont" );
// fallback (to avoid NPE in case that this is used in another Laf)
if( defaultFont == null )
defaultFont = UIManager.getFont( "Label.font" );
if( lastDefaultFont != defaultFont ) {
lastDefaultFont = defaultFont;
if( scaleFactor != 1 ) {
// scale font
int newFontSize = Math.round( defaultFont.getSize() * scaleFactor );
font = new FontUIResource( defaultFont.deriveFont( (float) newFontSize ) );
} else {
// make sure that font is a UIResource for LaF switching
font = (defaultFont instanceof UIResource)
? defaultFont
: new FontUIResource( defaultFont );
return font;
//---- class ImageIconUIResource ------------------------------------------
private static class ImageIconUIResource
extends ImageIcon
implements UIResource
ImageIconUIResource( Image image ) {
super( image );
//---- interface DisabledIconProvider -------------------------------------
* A provider for disabled icons.
* This is intended to be implemented by {@link javax.swing.Icon} implementations
* that provide the ability to paint disabled state.
* Used in {@link FlatLaf#getDisabledIcon(JComponent, Icon)} to create a disabled icon from an enabled icon.
public interface DisabledIconProvider
* Returns an icon with a disabled appearance.
* @return a disabled icon
Icon getDisabledIcon();