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alter table user_clients add column permissions varchar(255) DEFAULT 'PERM_CAN_VIEW';
update user_clients set permissions='PERM_OWNER' where user_id in (select user_id from users where role='ROLE_ADMIN');
CREATE TABLE public.system_properties (
key varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
value varchar(255) NOT NULL
TABLESPACE pg_default;
insert into system_properties (key, value) values('version','0.5.2');
CREATE TABLE public.folders (
name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
inserted_date timestamp NOT NULL
TABLESPACE pg_default;
CREATE TABLE public.folders_access (
folder_access_id UUID PRIMARY KEY,
folder_id UUID NOT NULL,
user_id varchar(255) NOT NULL,
permissions varchar(255) NOT NULL,
inserted_date timestamp NOT NULL
TABLESPACE pg_default;
CREATE INDEX folders_access_user_id_idx ON public.folders_access (user_id);
CREATE TABLE public.folder_logs (
folder_log_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
folder_id UUID NOT NULL,
uuid varchar(255) NOT NULL,
type varchar(25) NOT NULL,
synctype varchar(25) NOT NULL,
inserted_date timestamp NOT NULL
TABLESPACE pg_default;
CREATE INDEX folder_logs_folder_id_idx ON public.folder_logs (folder_id);
--- folder_forms
CREATE TABLE public.folder_forms (
folder_form_id UUID PRIMARY KEY,
folder_id UUID NOT NULL,
parent_uuid varchar(255) NULL,
uuid varchar(255) NOT NULL,
type varchar(25) NOT NULL,
sha1_hash varchar(255) NOT NULL,
asset_id varchar(255) NOT NULL,
inserted_date timestamp NOT NULL,
updated_date timestamp NOT NULL
TABLESPACE pg_default;
CREATE INDEX folder_forms_folderid_idx ON public.folder_forms (folder_id, uuid);
-- insert into folders
insert into folders(folder_id, name, inserted_date) select uuid_in(md5(random()::text || now()::text)::cstring), client_id,now() from oauth_client_details;
-- insert into folder_forms
insert into folder_forms(folder_form_id, folder_id, parent_uuid, uuid, type, sha1_hash, asset_id, data, inserted_date, updated_date)
select uuid_in(md5(random()::text || now()::text)::cstring),
f.folder_id, cf.parent_uuid, cf.uuid, cf.type, cf.sha1_hash, cf.asset_id,, cf.inserted_date, cf.updated_date
from client_forms cf join folders f on 1=1;
-- insert into folder_access
insert into folders_access(folder_access_id, folder_id, user_id, permissions, inserted_date)
select uuid_in(md5(random()::text || now()::text)::cstring), f.folder_id, uc.user_id, uc.permissions, uc.inserted_date from user_clients uc join folders f on 1=1;
-- insert into folder_logs
insert into folder_logs(folder_log_id, folder_id, uuid, type, synctype, inserted_date)
select l.log_id, f.folder_id, l.uuid, l.type, l.synctype, l.inserted_date from
client_form_logs l join folders f on 1=1;
-- update field to uuid
ALTER TABLE assets ALTER COLUMN asset_id TYPE uuid USING asset_id::uuid;
ALTER TABLE folder_forms ALTER COLUMN asset_id TYPE uuid USING asset_id::uuid;
ALTER TABLE users ALTER COLUMN user_id TYPE uuid USING user_id::uuid;
ALTER TABLE user_clients ALTER COLUMN user_id TYPE uuid USING user_id::uuid;
ALTER TABLE folders_access ALTER COLUMN user_id TYPE uuid USING user_id::uuid;
ALTER TABLE folder_forms ALTER COLUMN parent_uuid TYPE uuid USING parent_uuid::uuid;
ALTER TABLE folder_forms ALTER COLUMN uuid TYPE uuid USING uuid::uuid;
ALTER TABLE folder_logs ALTER COLUMN uuid TYPE uuid USING uuid::uuid;
--drop table user_clients;
--drop table client_forms;
--drop table client_form_logs;