fm.common.Crypto.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 Frugal Mechanic (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fm.common
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
import{InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, MessageDigest, SecureRandom}
import java.util.Arrays
import javax.crypto.spec.{GCMParameterSpec, IvParameterSpec, PBEKeySpec, SecretKeySpec}
import javax.crypto._
* NOTE: Use at your own risk. We make no claim that any of this Crypto code is correct.
object Crypto {
private val DefaultKeyLengthBits: Int = 256
object PBKDF2 {
private def PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA256: String = "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256"
/** PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 with the result encoded as a HEX string */
def sha256Hex(salt: Array[Byte], password: Array[Char], iterationCount: Int): String = {
Base16.encode(sha256(salt, password, iterationCount))
/** PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 with the result encoded as a HEX string */
def sha256Hex(salt: Array[Byte], password: String, iterationCount: Int): String = {
Base16.encode(sha256(salt, password, iterationCount))
/** PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 */
def sha256(salt: Array[Byte], password: String, iterationCount: Int): Array[Byte] = {
sha256(salt, password.toCharArray, iterationCount)
/** PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 */
def sha256(salt: Array[Byte], password: Array[Char], iterationCount: Int): Array[Byte] = {
sha256(new PBEKeySpec(password, salt, iterationCount, 256))
private def sha256(spec: PBEKeySpec): Array[Byte] = {
val factory: SecretKeyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA256)
def makeRandomKeyBase64(): String = makeRandomKeyBase64(DefaultKeyLengthBits, urlSafe = false)
def makeRandomKeyBase64URLSafe(): String = makeRandomKeyBase64(DefaultKeyLengthBits, urlSafe = true)
def makeRandomKeyBase64(bits: Int): String = makeRandomKeyBase64(bits, urlSafe = false)
def makeRandomKeyBase64URLSafe(bits: Int): String = makeRandomKeyBase64(bits, urlSafe = true)
def makeRandomKeyBase64(bits: Int, urlSafe: Boolean): String = base64Encode(makeRandomKey(bits), urlSafe)
def makeRandomKey(bits: Int): Array[Byte] = {
require(bits % 8 === 0, "bits should be a multiple of 8")
val bytes = new Array[Byte](bits / 8)
new SecureRandom().nextBytes(bytes)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
var bits: Int = DefaultKeyLengthBits
var urlSafe: Boolean = false
args.foreach{ (arg: String) =>
if (arg.isInt) bits = arg.toInt
else if (arg.isBoolean) urlSafe = arg.toBoolean
else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Argument: "+arg)
println("Generated Base64 Key: "+makeRandomKeyBase64(bits, urlSafe))
def defaultCipherForRawKey(key: Array[Byte]): Crypto = new Crypto(key, new DefaultCipher)
def defaultCipherForBase64Key(key: String): Crypto = new Crypto(base64Decode(key), new DefaultCipher)
def authenticatedCipherForRawKey(key: Array[Byte]): Crypto = new Crypto(key, new AuthenticatedCipher)
def authenticatedCipherForBase64Key(key: String): Crypto = new Crypto(base64Decode(key), new AuthenticatedCipher)
sealed trait CipherMode {
protected val cipher: Cipher
def init(mode: Int, keyBytes: Array[Byte], iv: Array[Byte]): Unit
final def getBlockSize: Int = cipher.getBlockSize()
final def doFinal(in: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = cipher.doFinal(in)
final class DefaultCipher extends CipherMode {
protected val cipher: Cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding")
def init(mode: Int, keyBytes: Array[Byte], iv: Array[Byte]): Unit = {
cipher.init(mode, new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "AES"), new IvParameterSpec(iv))
final class AuthenticatedCipher extends CipherMode {
// AES/GCM/NoPadding
protected val cipher: Cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/GCM/NoPadding")
def init(mode: Int, keyBytes: Array[Byte], iv: Array[Byte]): Unit = {
cipher.init(mode, new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "AES"), new GCMParameterSpec(16 * java.lang.Byte.SIZE, iv))
private def base64Decode(s: String): Array[Byte] = Base64.decode(s)
private def base64Encode(bytes: Array[Byte], urlSafe: Boolean): String = {
val encoder: BaseEncoding = if (urlSafe) Base64URL else Base64Strict
* A Simple Crypto Class
* NOTE: Use at your own risk. We make no claim that any of this Crypto code is correct.
final class Crypto private (rawKey: Array[Byte], cipher: Crypto.CipherMode) extends Logging {
import Crypto.{base64Decode, base64Encode}
private[this] def HmacSHA1: String = "HmacSHA1"
private[this] val DefaultMac: Mac = Mac.getInstance(HmacSHA1)
private[this] val keyLengthBits: Int = Crypto.DefaultKeyLengthBits
private[this] val mac: Mac = DefaultMac
private[this] val secureRandom: SecureRandom = new SecureRandom()
private[this] val keyLenBytes: Int = {
require(keyLengthBits % 8 === 0, "keyLengthBits should be a multiple of 8")
keyLengthBits / 8
private[this] val keyBytes: Array[Byte] = {
if(rawKey.length === keyLenBytes) {
} else if(rawKey.length > keyLenBytes) {
logger.warn(s"Key is too long (${rawKey.length * 8} bits). It is being truncated to $keyLengthBits")
rawKey.slice(0, keyLenBytes) // truncate
} else {
logger.warn(s"Key too short (${rawKey.length * 8} bits). Using sha256 to expand it")
require(keyLengthBits === 256, s"Can't expand using sha256 since key is not 256 bits. Key is $keyLengthBits bits.")
// NOTE: this needs to be replaced with a proper key derivation function but we first need to figure out if any
// production code relies on this functionality. Some tests in MessageCrypto rely on it but I don't think
// any production code does.
def encryptBase64String(plaintext: String): String = encryptBase64String(plaintext, urlSafe = false)
def encryptBase64(bytes: Array[Byte]): String = encryptBase64(bytes, urlSafe = false)
def encryptBase64StringURLSafe(plaintext: String): String = encryptBase64String(plaintext, urlSafe = true)
def encryptBase64URLSafe(bytes: Array[Byte]): String = encryptBase64(bytes, urlSafe = true)
def encryptBase64String(plaintext: String, urlSafe: Boolean): String = {
encryptBase64(plaintext.getBytes(UTF_8), urlSafe)
def encryptBase64(bytes: Array[Byte], urlSafe: Boolean): String = base64Encode(encrypt(bytes), urlSafe)
/** Encrypt bytes returning the iv and ciphertext combined into a single byte array (iv followed by the cipher text) */
def encrypt(plaintext: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
val (iv, ciphertext) = encryptRaw(plaintext)
val bytes = new Array[Byte](iv.length + ciphertext.length)
System.arraycopy(iv, 0, bytes, 0, iv.length)
System.arraycopy(ciphertext, 0, bytes, iv.length, ciphertext.length)
/** Encrypt a string returning the tuple: (iv, ciphertext) */
def encryptRaw(plaintext: String): (Array[Byte], Array[Byte]) = {
require(null != plaintext, "Plaintext is null!")
/** Encrypt Bytes returning the tuple: (iv, ciphertext) */
def encryptRaw(plaintext: Array[Byte]): (Array[Byte], Array[Byte]) = {
val iv: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](cipher.getBlockSize)
val ciphertext: Array[Byte] = doCipher(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, iv, plaintext)
(iv, ciphertext)
* Attempt to decrypt a string encrypted using encryptBase64String()
* If successful then Some(plaintext) will be returned. Otherwise None will be returned.
def tryDecryptBase64String(base64IvAndCiphertext: String): Option[String] = {
tryWrap{ decryptBase64String(base64IvAndCiphertext) }
def tryDecrypt(ivAndCiphertext: Array[Byte]): Option[Array[Byte]] = tryWrap{ decrypt(ivAndCiphertext) }
def tryDecrypt(iv: Array[Byte], ciphertext: Array[Byte]): Option[Array[Byte]] = tryWrap{ decrypt(iv, ciphertext) }
/** Decrypt a string encrypted using encryptBase64() */
def decryptBase64(base64IvAndCiphertext: String): Array[Byte] = {
require(null != base64IvAndCiphertext, "Null base64IvAndCiphertext parameter")
/** Decrypt a string encrypted using encryptBase64String() */
def decryptBase64String(base64IvAndCiphertext: String): String = {
val plaintextBytes: Array[Byte] = decryptBase64(base64IvAndCiphertext)
new String(plaintextBytes, UTF_8)
/** Decrypt given the combined IV and Ciphertext */
def decrypt(ivAndCiphertext: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
val iv: Array[Byte] = Arrays.copyOfRange(ivAndCiphertext, 0, cipher.getBlockSize)
val ciphertext: Array[Byte] = Arrays.copyOfRange(ivAndCiphertext, cipher.getBlockSize, ivAndCiphertext.length)
doCipher(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, iv, ciphertext)
/** Decrypt given the IV and Ciphertext */
def decrypt(iv: Array[Byte], ciphertext: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = doCipher(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, iv, ciphertext)
@inline private def tryWrap[T](f: => T): Option[T] = {
try {
} catch {
case _: IllegalArgumentException => None
case _: => None // fm.common.Base64.decode throws an IOException
case _: AEADBadTagException => None // Note: This is a subtype of BadPaddingException so it is probably redundant
case _: BadPaddingException => None
case _: IllegalBlockSizeException => None
case _: InvalidAlgorithmParameterException => None
case e: => None // A ShortBufferException wrapped in a ProviderException is thrown starting in Java 17. Let's just catch all ProviderExceptions
case _: ShortBufferException => None // So far this only shows up wrapped in a ProviderException but let's also catch the unwrapped exception in case something changes
def macBase64(data: String): String = macBase64(data.getBytes(UTF_8))
def macBase64URLSafe(data: String): String = macBase64URLSafe(data.getBytes(UTF_8))
def macBase64(data: String, urlSafe: Boolean): String = macBase64(data.getBytes(UTF_8), urlSafe = urlSafe)
/** The Base64 Encoded MAC for an array of bytes */
def macBase64(data: Array[Byte]): String = macBase64(data, urlSafe = false)
def macBase64URLSafe(data: Array[Byte]): String = macBase64(data, urlSafe = true)
def macBase64(data: Array[Byte], urlSafe: Boolean): String = base64Encode(mac(data), urlSafe)
/** The Hex Encoded MAC for a String */
def macHex(data: String): String = macHex(data.getBytes(UTF_8))
/** The Hex Encoded MAC for an array of bytes */
def macHex(data: Array[Byte]): String = Base16.encode(mac(data))
/** Calculate the MAC for an array of bytes */
def mac(data: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = mac.synchronized {
mac.init(new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, HmacSHA1))
private def sha256(data: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
private def doCipher(mode: Int, iv: Array[Byte], data: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = cipher.synchronized {
cipher.init(mode, keyBytes, iv)
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