fm.common.IPSubnet.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 Frugal Mechanic (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fm.common
object IPSubnet {
val Localhost: IPSubnet = parse("")
val DefaultRoute: IPSubnet = parse("")
def QuadZero: IPSubnet = DefaultRoute
def parse(subnet: String): IPSubnet = apply(subnet)
def get(ip: String): Option[IPSubnet] = try{ Some(apply(ip)) } catch{ case _: InvalidIPException => None }
def apply(subnet: String): IPSubnet = {
val slashes: Int = subnet.countOccurrences('/')
val dashes: Int = subnet.countOccurrences('-')
if (slashes === 1) {
val Array(ip: String, prefix: String) = (subnet.split('/'): @unchecked) // Silence the "match may not be exhaustive." warning
forCIDR(IP(ip), prefix.toInt)
} else if (dashes === 1) {
val Array(fromStr, toStr) = (subnet.split('-'): @unchecked) // Silence the "match may not be exhaustive." warning
forRangeOrMask(IP(fromStr), IP(toStr))
} else if (IP.isValid(subnet)) {
apply(IP(subnet), 32)
} else throw new InvalidIPException("Not sure how to parse subnet: "+subnet)
def forRangeOrMask(from: IP, toOrMask: IP): IPSubnet = {
val validMask: Boolean = isValidMask(toOrMask)
val validRange: Boolean = isValidRange(from, toOrMask)
require(validMask || validRange, "Not a valid range or mask")
require(!(validMask && validRange), "toOrMask parameter is ambiguous since it looks like both a valid mask and valid range")
if (validMask) forMask(from, toOrMask)
else if (validRange) forRange(from, toOrMask)
else throw new InvalidIPException("Invalid Condition")
def forMask(ip: IP, mask: IP): IPSubnet = {
require(isValidMask(mask), "Not a valid mask: "+mask)
val leadingOnes: Int = numberOfLeadingOnes(mask.intValue)
apply(ip, leadingOnes)
def forRange(from: IP, to: IP): IPSubnet = {
require(from < to, s"""Expected from "$from" to be less than to "$to"""")
apply(from, commonPrefixBitCount(from.intValue, to.intValue))
def forCIDR(ip: IP, prefix: Int): IPSubnet = {
require(isValidCIDR(ip, prefix), s"Invalid Subnet - ip: $ip prefix: $prefix")
apply(ip, prefix)
//def apply(ip: IP, bits: Int): IPSubnet = IPSubnet(ip.intValue, bits)
def isValidMask(ip: IP): Boolean = isValidMaskImpl(ip.intValue)
* Could this be a valid bit mask? Should be leading ones and trailing zeros
private def isValidMaskImpl(ip: Int): Boolean = {
val trailingZeros: Int = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(ip)
val leadingOnes: Int = numberOfLeadingOnes(ip)
trailingZeros + leadingOnes === 32
* @param ip The IP Address (e.g.
* @param prefix The mask bits (e.g. 24)
* @return Whether or not this is a valid subnet
def isValidCIDR(ip: IP, prefix: Int): Boolean = {
if (prefix < 0 || prefix > 32) return false
val trailingZeros: Int = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(ip.intValue)
trailingZeros >= 32 - prefix // All of the mask bits in the IP address should be zero
def isValidRange(from: IP, to: IP): Boolean = isValidRangeImpl(from.intValue, to.intValue)
* Could this be a valid subnet range?
* - from < to
* - They should have a common prefix and all bits after the prefix in from should be zero and in to should be 1
private def isValidRangeImpl(from: Int, to: Int): Boolean = {
val commonPrefix: Int = commonPrefixBitCount(from, to)
val fromTrailingZeros: Int = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(from)
val toTrailingOnes: Int = numberOfTrailingOnes(to)
val validFrom: Boolean = commonPrefix + fromTrailingZeros >= 32
val validTo: Boolean = commonPrefix + toTrailingOnes >= 32
from < to && validFrom && validTo
private def commonPrefixBitCount(a: Int, b: Int): Int = Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(a ^ b)
private def numberOfLeadingOnes(i: Int): Int = Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(i ^ 0xffffffff)
private def numberOfTrailingOnes(i: Int): Int = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(i ^ 0xffffffff)
final case class IPSubnet(ip: IP, bits: Int) extends IPOrSubnet {
require(bits <= 32, "Invalid bits: "+bits)
private def shift: Int = 32 - bits
private def prefix: Int = ip.intValue >>> shift
// Is this
def isDefaultRoute: Boolean = ip.intValue === 0 && bits === 0
// Alias of isDefaultRoute
def isQuadZero: Boolean = isDefaultRoute
* The bitmask for this subnet.
* For example the mask for is 1111111000000000000000000000000 (8 leading bits are 1)
def mask: Int = if (32 === shift) 0 else -1 >>> shift << shift
require(ip.intValue >>> shift << shift === ip.intValue, s"Subnet IP has non-zero bits when they should be zero. IP: $ip ${Integer.toBinaryString(ip.intValue).lPad(32, '0')} Mask: ${Integer.toBinaryString(mask).lPad(32, '0')}")
// IPOrSubnet implementation
def ipAddress: IP = ip
// IPOrSubnet implementation
def toIPSubnet: IPSubnet = this
* Does this Subnet contain the IP address?
def contains(other: IP): Boolean = prefix.toLong === other.longValue >>> shift
* The starting IP address for this Subnet
def start: IP = ip
* The ending IP address for this subnet
def end: IP = IP(ip.intValue | (mask ^ 0xffffffff))
override def toString = ip.toString+"/"+bits
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