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fm.common.QueryParams.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * Copyright 2020 Frugal Mechanic (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package fm.common

import scala.util.Try

object QueryParams {
  def get(uri: URI): Option[QueryParams] = Try{ apply(uri) }.toOption

  /** Create Query Params form a URI */
  def apply(uri: URI): QueryParams = apply(uri.getRawQuery)

  def get(query: String): Option[QueryParams] = Try{ apply(query) }.toOption

   * Create a QueryParams instance given a URL or Query String
   * @param queryString the URI/URL or Query String to extract Query Parameters from
  def apply(queryString: String): QueryParams = {
    if (queryString.isNullOrBlank) return empty

    val questionIdx: Int = queryString.indexOf('?')
    val hashIdx: Int = queryString.indexOf('#')

    // Ignore anything before the "?" and after the "#"
    val fixedQueryString: String = if (questionIdx >= 0 || hashIdx >= 0) {
      val question: Int = if (questionIdx >= 0) questionIdx+1 else 0
      val hash: Int = if (hashIdx >= 0) hashIdx else queryString.length
      queryString.substring(question, hash)
    } else queryString

    // Should support ";" in addition to "&" per:
    val rawParams: Array[String] = fixedQueryString.replace(';','&').split('&')

    val params: Seq[(String, String)] = ImmutableArray.unsafeWrapArray(rawParams).map { (param: String) =>
      val idx: Int = param.indexOf('=')
      if (idx < 0) {
        (StringEscapeUtils.decodeURIComponent(param), null)
      } else {
        (StringEscapeUtils.decodeURIComponent(param.substring(0, idx)), StringEscapeUtils.decodeURIComponent(param.substring(idx + 1)))


  def apply(params: Map[String, Seq[String]]): QueryParams = {
    apply(withoutNullPairsOrKeys(params.toSeq).flatMap{ case (k, vals) =>{ v => (k, v) } })

  def apply(head: (String, String), rest: (String,String)*): QueryParams = apply(head +: rest)

  // Note: all creation of QueryParams should go through this to filter out nulls
  def apply(params: Seq[(String, String)]): QueryParams = new QueryParams(withoutNullPairsOrKeys(params))

  private def withoutNullPairsOrKeys[T](params: Seq[(String,T)]): Seq[(String,T)] = {
    params.filterNot{ (pair: (String,T)) => null == pair || null == pair._1 }

  /** An empty instance of QueryParams */
  val empty: QueryParams = new QueryParams(Nil)

  def newBuilder: QueryParamsBuilder = new QueryParamsBuilder()

 * Represents immutable query parameters from a query string (e.g. "?foo=bar&asd=qwe").
 * This class distinguishes between 3 different types of values for a key:
 *   - null - "?foo"
 *   - blank - "?foo="
 *   - non-blank - "?foo=bar"
final class QueryParams private (private val params: Seq[(String, String)]) {

  def toSeq: Seq[(String, String)] = params

  def sorted: QueryParams = new QueryParams(params.sorted)

   * Optionally Returns the first non-null value for the given key
  def getFirst(key: String): Option[String] = nonNullValuesForKey(key).headOption

   * Optionally Returns the first non-blank value for the given key
  def getFirstNonBlank(key: String): Option[String] = nonBlankValuesForKey(key).headOption

   * Returns the first non-null value for the given key or throws a NoSuchElementException if none exists.
  def first(key: String): String = getFirst(key).getOrElse{ throw new NoSuchElementException(key) }

   * Returns the first non-blank value for the given key or throws a NoSuchElementException if none exists.
  def firstNonBlank(key: String): String = getFirstNonBlank(key).getOrElse{ throw new NoSuchElementException(key) }

   * Returns all values for the given key.  An Empty Seq is returns if the key doesn't exist or there are no non-null values.
  def get(key: String): Seq[String] = nonNullValuesForKey(key)

   * Returns all non-blank values for the given key.  An Empty Seq is returns if the key doesn't exist or there are no non-null values.
  def getNonBlank(key: String): Seq[String] = nonBlankValuesForKey(key)

   * Returns all values for the given key or throws a NoSuchElementException if the key doesn't exists. An Empty Seq is returned
   * if the key exists but has no non-null values.
  def apply(key: String): Seq[String] = {
    val vals: Seq[String] = get(key)
    if (vals.nonEmpty || contains(key)) vals else throw new NoSuchElementException(key)

   * Returns all non-null values for the given key or throws a NoSuchElementException if the key doesn't have non-null values.
  def nonNull(key: String): Seq[String] = {
    val vals: Seq[String] = nonNullValuesForKey(key)
    if (vals.nonEmpty) vals else throw new NoSuchElementException(key)

   * Returns all non-blank values for the given key or throws a NoSuchElementException if the key doesn't have non-null values.
  def nonBlank(key: String): Seq[String] = {
    val vals: Seq[String] = nonBlankValuesForKey(key)
    if (vals.nonEmpty) vals else throw new NoSuchElementException(key)

   * Check for key existence
  def contains(key: String): Boolean = hasKey(key)

   * Check for key/value pair existence
  def contains(key: String, value: String): Boolean = contains((key, value))

   * Check for key/value pair existence
  def contains(elem: (String, String)): Boolean = params.exists { _ === elem }

   * Returns true if there is a matching key (which doesn't need to have a value)
  def hasKey(key: String): Boolean = allKeys.contains(key)

   * Returns true if there is a matching key (which also has a value)
   * NOTE: The value can be blank (e.g. "?foo=" is blank vs "?foo" is null)
  def hasKeyWithValue(key: String): Boolean = keysWithValues.contains(key)

   * Returns true if there is a matching key which has the given value
   * Note: This is an alias for contains() but seems like a more natural name
   *       to use in code.
  def hasKeyWithValue(key: String, value: String): Boolean = contains(key, value)

   * Returns true if there is a matching key (which also has a non-blank value)
  def hasKeyWithNonBlankValue(key: String): Boolean = keysWithNonBlankValues.contains(key)

   * Make sure the key (without a value) exists
  def updated(key: String): QueryParams = updated(key, null)

   * If the key doesn't exist then add it, otherwise replace the first occurance
   * of the key with the new value and remove any other values.
  def updated(key: String, value: String): QueryParams = {
    if (null == key) return this

    var found: Boolean = false
    val newParams: Seq[(String, String)] = params.flatMap{ case (k,v) =>
      if (key === k) {
        if (!found) {
          found = true
          Some((k, value))
        } else None
      } else Some((k,v))
    if (!found) QueryParams(newParams :+ (key -> value)) else QueryParams(newParams)

   * Update multiple key/value pairs
  def updated(other: QueryParams): QueryParams = updated(other.params:_*)

   * Update multiple key/value pairs
  def updated(kvPairs: (String, String)*): QueryParams = {
    var tmp: QueryParams = this
    QueryParams.withoutNullPairsOrKeys(kvPairs).foreach{ case (k,v) => tmp = tmp.updated(k, v) }

   * Add a key/value pair
   * @return A new QueryParams instance with the added key/value pair
  def add(key: String, value: String): QueryParams = {
    if (null == key) return this
    QueryParams(params ++ Seq(key -> value))

   * Add multiple key/value pairs
   * @return A new QueryParams instance with the added key/value pair
  def add(kvPairs: (String, String)*): QueryParams = QueryParams(params ++ kvPairs)

   * Add multiple key/value pairs
   * @return A new QueryParams instance with the added key/value pair
  def add(other: QueryParams): QueryParams = QueryParams(params ++ other.params)

   * Remove any params with blank values
   * @return A new QueryParams instance without blank values
  def withoutBlankValues(): QueryParams = QueryParams(params.filter{ case (_, v: String) => v.isNotNullOrBlank })

   * Remove a key/value pair based on the key
   * @return A new QueryParams instance without the keys
  def remove(keys: String*): QueryParams = QueryParams(params.filterNot{ case (k: String, _) => keys.contains(k) })

   * Replaces the entry for the given key only if it was previously mapped to some value.
  def replace(key: String, value: String): QueryParams = if (hasKey(key)) updated(key, value) else this

  private def nonNullValuesForKey(key: String): Seq[String] = params.filter{ case (k, v) => k === key && v != null }.map{ case (k, v) => v }.toList
  private def nonBlankValuesForKey(key: String): Seq[String] = params.filter{ case (k, v) => k === key && v.isNotNullOrBlank }.map{ case (k, v) => v }.toList

   * The unique set of keys with or without values
  def allKeys: Set[String] ={ case (k, v) => k }.toSet

   * The unique set of keys with non-null values (blank is a valid value)
  def keysWithValues: Set[String] = params.filterNot{ case (k, v) => null == v }.map{ case (k, v) => k }.toSet

   * The unique set of keys with non-blank values
  def keysWithNonBlankValues: Set[String] = params.filterNot{ case (k, v) => v.isNullOrBlank }.map{ case (k, v) => k }.toSet

   * The unique set of keys without values
  def keysWithoutValues: Set[String] = params.filter{ case (k, v) => null == v }.map{ case (k, v) => k }.toSet

   * Convert to a Map[String, Seq[String]]
  def toMap: Map[String, Seq[String]] = {
    val res: Map[String,Seq[(String,String)]] = params.groupBy{ case (k, v) => k }
    val res2: Map[String,Seq[String]] = res.mapValuesStrict{ (values: Seq[(String, String)]) =>{ _._2 }.filterNot{ _ === null } }

   * Convert all keys to lower case
  def withLowerKeys: QueryParams = QueryParams( { case (k, v) => (k.toLowerCase, v) })

  /** Add a prefix to each key */
  def withPrefixedKeys(prefix: String) = mapKeys{ prefix + _ }

  def prettyString: String = {
    "{"{ case (key, values) =>
    }.mkString(", ")+"}"

  /** An alias for toQueryString */
  override def toString(): String = toQueryString()

   * Create a valid query string using the current parameters (everything after the ?).
   * e.g.: foo=bar&hello=world
  def toQueryString(): String = {{ case (k, v) =>
      StringEscapeUtils.encodeURIComponent(k) + (if (null == v) "" else "="+StringEscapeUtils.encodeURIComponent(v))

  def map(f: ((String, String)) => (String, String)): QueryParams = QueryParams(
  def mapKeys(f: String => String): QueryParams = QueryParams({ case (key, value) => (f(key), value) })
  def mapValues(f: String => String): QueryParams = QueryParams({ case (key, value) => (key, f(value)) })

  def filter(f: ((String, String)) => Boolean): QueryParams = QueryParams(params.filter(f))
  def filterNot(f: ((String, String)) => Boolean): QueryParams = QueryParams(params.filterNot(f))
  def filterKeys(f: String => Boolean): QueryParams = QueryParams(params.filter{ case (key, _) => f(key) })
  def filterValues(f: String => Boolean): QueryParams = QueryParams(params.filter{ case (_, value) => f(value) })

  def foreach[U](f: ((String,String)) => U): Unit = params.foreach(f)

  def apply(idx: Int): (String, String) = params(idx)
  def length: Int = params.length

  def isEmpty: Boolean = params.isEmpty
  def nonEmpty: Boolean = params.nonEmpty

  override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {
    obj match {
      case null => false
      case other: QueryParams => other.params === params
      case _ => false

  override def hashCode(): Int = params.hashCode()

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