Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 Frugal Mechanic (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import fm.common.{QueryParams, URI}
import fm.common.Implicits._
trait RichURIBase[T] extends Any {
def scheme: Option[String]
def userInfo: Option[String]
def host: Option[String]
def port: Option[Int]
def path: Option[String]
def query: Option[String]
def fragment: Option[String]
def queryParams: QueryParams
protected def self: T
protected def make(s: String): T
protected def toURI: URI
// protected def toURL: URL
* Is this a file:// URI/URL?
def isFile: Boolean = scheme.exists{ _ == "file" }
def toFile: File = {
require(isFile, "Not a file: "+toURI)
new File(toURI)
def toFileOption: Option[File] = if (isFile) Some(new File(toURI)) else None
def updateQueryParam(key: String, value: String): T = copyQueryParams(queryParams.updated(key, value))
def updateQueryParams(kvPairs: (String, String)*): T = {
if (kvPairs.isEmpty) self else copyQueryParams(queryParams.updated(kvPairs:_*))
def addQueryParam(key: String, value: String): T = copyQueryParams(queryParams.add(key, value))
def addQueryParams(kvPairs: (String, String)*): T = copyQueryParams(queryParams.add(kvPairs: _*))
def addQueryParams(other: QueryParams): T = copyQueryParams(queryParams.add(other))
def removeQueryParam(key: String): T = copyQueryParams(queryParams.remove(key))
def removeQueryParams(keys: String*): T = copyQueryParams(queryParams.remove(keys:_*))
* Calls QueryParams.updated
* If the key doesn't exist then add it, otherwise replace the first occurance
* of the key with the new value and remove any other values.
def withQueryParams(params: (String, String)*): T = copyQueryParams(queryParams.updated(params:_*))
* Calls QueryParams.updated
* If the key doesn't exist then add it, otherwise replace the first occurance
* of the key with the new value and remove any other values.
def withQueryParams(params: QueryParams): T = copyQueryParams(queryParams.updated(params))
* Calls QueryParams.updated
* If the key doesn't exist then add it, otherwise replace the first occurance
* of the key with the new value and remove any other values.
def withQueryParam(key: String, value: String): T = withQueryParams(key -> value)
* Calls QueryParams.updated
* If the key doesn't exist then add it, otherwise replace the first occurance
* of the key with the new value and remove any other values.
def withQueryParam(kv: (String, String)): T = withQueryParams(kv)
def withoutQueryParams: T = copy(query = None)
private def copyQueryParams(params: QueryParams): T = copy(query = params.toString.toBlankOption)
def withScheme(scheme: String): T = copy(scheme = Option(scheme))
def withHost(host: String): T = copy(host = Option(host))
def withPath(path: String): T = copy(path = Option(path))
// Strip schema/host/port/etc for creating HTML-friendly absolute URI paths agnostic of protocol/host/etc
final def pathQueryAndFragmentURI: URI = toURI.copy(scheme = None, host = None, userInfo = None, port = None)
final def pathAndQueryURI: URI = toURI.copy(scheme = None, host = None, userInfo = None, port = None, fragment = None)
def copy(
scheme: Option[String] = scheme,
userInfo: Option[String] = userInfo,
host: Option[String] = host,
port: Option[Int] = port,
path: Option[String] = path,
query: Option[String] = query,
fragment: Option[String] = fragment
): T = {
// Can't use this since it messes with the encoding and you end up with a double or not encoded query string
//new URI(scheme.orNull, userInfo.orNull, host.orNull, port.getOrElse(-1), path.orNull, query.orNull, fragment.orNull)
// From: URI Java Docs for the multi-arg constructor. Building up the string the same way but not performing the same escaping they are doing.
// 1. Initially, the result string is empty.
val sb = new StringBuilder
// 2. If a scheme is given then it is appended to the result, followed by a colon character (':').
sb ++={ _+":" }.getOrElse("")
// 3. If user information, a host, or a port are given then the string "//" is appended.
if (userInfo.isDefined || host.isDefined || port.isDefined) sb ++= "//"
// 4. If user information is given then it is appended, followed by a commercial-at character ('@'). Any character not in the unreserved, punct, escaped, or other categories is quoted.
sb ++={ _+"@" }.getOrElse("")
// 5. If a host is given then it is appended. If the host is a literal IPv6 address but is not enclosed in square brackets ('[' and ']') then the square brackets are added.
sb ++= host.getOrElse("")
// 6. If a port number is given then a colon character (':') is appended, followed by the port number in decimal.
sb ++={ ":"+_ }.getOrElse("")
// 7. If a path is given then it is appended. Any character not in the unreserved, punct, escaped, or other categories, and not equal to the slash character ('/') or the commercial-at character ('@'), is quoted.
sb ++= path.getOrElse("")
// 8. If a query is given then a question-mark character ('?') is appended, followed by the query. Any character that is not a legal URI character is quoted.
sb ++={ "?"+_ }.getOrElse("")
// Should this filter out blank query params?
// sb ++= query.filter{ _.isNotNullOrBlank }.map{ "?"+_ }.getOrElse("")
// 9. Finally, if a fragment is given then a hash character ('#') is appended, followed by the fragment. Any character that is not a legal URI character is quoted.
sb ++={ "#"+_ }.getOrElse("")
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