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* Copyright 2014 Frugal Mechanic (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fm.xml
import fm.common.{ClassUtil, Logging, Resource}
import{Closeable, InputStream, OutputStream, Reader, StringReader, StringWriter, Writer}
import javax.xml.bind.{JAXBContext, Marshaller, Unmarshaller}
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement
import{XMLInputFactory, XMLOutputFactory, XMLStreamReader, XMLStreamWriter}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
object JAXBMarshaller {
private val inputFactory: XMLInputFactory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance()
private val outputFactory: XMLOutputFactory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance()
// XMLStreamWriter doesn't implement AutoCloseable or Closeable so we need a rich wrapper for Resource.using to work
private final implicit class XMLStreamWriterCloseable(writer: XMLStreamWriter) extends Closeable { def close(): Unit = writer.close() }
// XMLStreamReader doesn't implement AutoCloseable or Closeable so we need a rich wrapper for Resource.using to work
private final implicit class XMLStreamReaderCloseable(reader: XMLStreamReader) extends Closeable { def close(): Unit = reader.close() }
* A wraper around the JAXB Marshaller/Unmarshaller. This class is thread-safe.
final class JAXBMarshaller[T: ClassTag](
packageName: String,
rootElement: String,
fragment: Boolean = true,
format: Boolean = true,
indent: String = " "
) extends Logging {
import JAXBMarshaller._
// The JAXBContext is thread-safe
private[this] val context: JAXBContext = {
val classes: Set[Class[_]] = ClassUtil.findAnnotatedClasses(packageName, classOf[XmlRootElement])
try {
JAXBContext.newInstance(classes.toArray: _*)
} catch {
case ex: Exception =>
logger.error(s"Caught exception trying to create JAXBContext for Jaxb2Marshaller($packageName) with classes: ${{_.getName}.mkString(", ")}", ex)
throw ex
// Marshaller is not thread-safe
private[this] val marshaller: ThreadLocal[Marshaller] = new ThreadLocal[Marshaller] {
override protected def initialValue: Marshaller = {
val m: Marshaller = context.createMarshaller()
m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT, fragment)
m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, format)
m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_ENCODING, "UTF-8")
try {
// This probably won't work on non stock JAXB implementations
m.setProperty("com.sun.xml.internal.bind.indentString", indent)
} catch {
case _: javax.xml.bind.PropertyException => // ignore
// Unmarshaller is not thread-safe
private[this] val unmarshaller: ThreadLocal[Unmarshaller] = new ThreadLocal[Unmarshaller] {
override protected def initialValue: Unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller()
def toXML(obj: T): String = {
val writer: StringWriter = new StringWriter()
Resource.using(outputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(writer)) { writeXML(obj, _) }
def toXML(obj: T, comments: XMLCommentProvider): String = {
val writer: StringWriter = new StringWriter()
Resource.using(outputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(writer)) { (writer: XMLStreamWriter) =>
val wrapped: CommentingXMLStreamWriter = new CommentingXMLStreamWriter(new IndentingXMLStreamWriter(writer), comments)
writeXML(obj, wrapped)
def writeXML(obj: T, os: OutputStream): Unit = writeXML(obj, os, "UTF-8")
def writeXML(obj: T, os: OutputStream, encoding: String): Unit = Resource.using(outputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(os, encoding)){ writeXML(obj, _) }
def writeXML(obj: T, w: Writer): Unit = Resource.using(outputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(w)){ writeXML(obj, _) }
def writeXML(obj: T, writer: XMLStreamWriter): Unit = {
val wrapped: XMLStreamWriter = if (format) IndentingXMLStreamWriter(writer, indent = indent) else writer
marshaller.get().marshal(obj, wrapped)
def writeXML(obj: T, writer: IndentingXMLStreamWriter): Unit = marshaller.get().marshal(obj, writer)
def writeXML(obj: T, writer: CommentingXMLStreamWriter): Unit = marshaller.get().marshal(obj, writer)
def fromXML(xml: String): T = Resource.using(inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(xml))){ readXML }
def readXML(is: InputStream): T = Resource.using(inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(is)){ readXML }
def readXML(is: InputStream, encoding: String): T = Resource.using(inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(is, encoding)){ readXML }
def readXML(reader: Reader): T = Resource.using(inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(reader)){ readXML }
def readXML(reader: XMLStreamReader): T = unmarshaller.get().unmarshal(reader).asInstanceOf[T]