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* Copyright 2015 Frugal Mechanic (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fm.xml
import com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxOutputFactory
import fm.common.Implicits._
import fm.common.Resource
import org.codehaus.stax2.{XMLStreamReader2, XMLStreamWriter2}
import scala.annotation.switch
object RichXMLStreamReader2 {
implicit def toRichXMLStreamReader2(sr: org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamReader2): RichXMLStreamReader2 = new RichXMLStreamReader2(sr)
final class RichXMLStreamReader2(val sr: XMLStreamReader2) extends AnyVal {
* Opposite of XMLStreamReader.require()
def requireNot(tpe: Int): Unit = {
if (sr.getEventType() === tpe) throw new XMLStreamException(s"Expected current tag to be NOT $tpe", sr.getLocation())
def requireEither(one: Int, two: Int): Unit = {
val tpe: Int = sr.getEventType()
if (one != tpe && two != tpe) throw new XMLStreamException(s"Expected current tag to be either $one or $two", sr.getLocation())
@inline def require(cond: Boolean, msg: => String): Unit = {
if (!cond) throw new XMLStreamException(msg, sr.getLocation())
* Given a freshly opened XMLStreamReader2, move to the START_ELEMENT of the ROOT element (skipping stuff like DTDs)
def seekToRootElement(): Unit = seekToRootElement(null)
* Given a freshly opened XMLStreamReader2, move to the START_ELEMENT of the ROOT element (skipping stuff like DTDs) and require that the root name be the expectedName
def seekToRootElement(expectedName: String): Unit = {
require (sr.getDepth() === 0, "Current Depth should be 0!")
while (sr.getEventType != START_ELEMENT)
if (null != expectedName) sr.require(START_ELEMENT, null, expectedName)
* Seek to the first parsing event after the START_ELEMENT of the root tag
def seekFirstEventPastRootElement(): Unit = seekFirstEventPastRootElement(null)
* Seek to the first parsing event after the START_ELEMENT of the root tag after verifying the root tag name
def seekFirstEventPastRootElement(expectedName: String): Unit = {
// We are positioned on the START_ELEMENT of the rootName tag, so advance to the next parsing event
require(sr.hasNext(), "Missing next parsing event after the ROOT element")
def seekToSiblingElement(): Unit = seekToSiblingElement(null)
* Seek to the first sibling element (the first START_ELEMENT at the current depth) that matching name
* e.g.
* We don't want this
* This is what we want
* A call to seekFirstEventPastRootElement leaves us just after the element. Then a call
* to seekToSiblingElement("target") will skip and the nested and elements
* and end up on the second element that is a sibling to
def seekToSiblingElement(name: String): Unit = {
if (!trySeekToSiblingElement(name)) throw new XMLStreamException(s"Couldn't find matching child element: $name", sr.getLocation())
def trySeekToSiblingElement(): Boolean = trySeekToSiblingElement(null)
def trySeekToSiblingElement(name: String): Boolean = {
// If we are at a START_ELEMENT then skip the element to get to the next sibling
if (sr.getEventType === START_ELEMENT) sr.skipElement()
while (sr.hasNext) {
val tpe: Int =
if (tpe === START_ELEMENT) {
if (null == name || sr.getLocalName === name) return true
else sr.skipElement()
} else if (tpe === END_ELEMENT) {
return false
def seekToChildElement(): Unit = seekToChildElement(null)
def seekToChildElement(name: String): Unit = {
if (trySeekToChildElement(name)) {
sr.require(START_ELEMENT, null, name)
} else {
throw new XMLStreamException(s"Couldn't find matching child element: $name", sr.getLocation())
def trySeekToChildElement(): Boolean = trySeekToChildElement(null)
def trySeekToChildElement(name: String): Boolean = {
// We should be pointing at a start element
sr.require(START_ELEMENT, null, null)
while (sr.hasNext) {
val tpe: Int =
if (tpe === START_ELEMENT) {
if (null == name || sr.getLocalName === name) return true
else sr.skipElement()
} else if (tpe === END_ELEMENT) {
// No matching element
return false
def seekToEndOfParentElement(): Unit = {
val targetDepth: Int = sr.getDepth() - 1
require(targetDepth >= 0, "Already at depth 0")
// If we are at a START_ELEMENT then skip the element to get to the next sibling
if (sr.getEventType === START_ELEMENT) sr.skipElement()
var done: Boolean = false
while (!done && sr.hasNext) {
val tpe: Int =
if (tpe === START_ELEMENT) sr.skipElement()
else if (tpe === END_ELEMENT && sr.getDepth === targetDepth) done = true
require(sr.getDepth() === targetDepth, s"Something failed: Target Depth: $targetDepth Current Depth: ${sr.getDepth()}")
sr.require(END_ELEMENT, null, null)
* Read the contents of an Element. Only works at the START_ELEMENT and if the element has no other nested elements
def readElementText(): String = {
sr.require(START_ELEMENT, null, null)
var done: Boolean = false
var text: String = ""
while (!done && sr.hasNext()) {
val tpe: Int =
(tpe: @switch) match {
case END_ELEMENT => done = true
case CHARACTERS | CDATA | SPACE => text += sr.getText()
case ATTRIBUTE | COMMENT => // Ignore
case _ => require(false, s"Unexpcted Event Type: ${sr.getEventType()}")
sr.require(END_ELEMENT, null, null)
def readElementAsXMLString(): String = {
sr.require(START_ELEMENT, null, null)
val sw: StringWriter = new StringWriter()
val outputFactory: WstxOutputFactory = new WstxOutputFactory()
import Resource.toCloseable
Resource.using(outputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(sw).asInstanceOf[XMLStreamWriter2]) { (writer: XMLStreamWriter2) =>
val startingDepth: Int = sr.getDepth()
var done: Boolean = false
writer.copyEventFromReader(sr, false)
while(!done && sr.hasNext) {
val res: Int =
if (res === END_ELEMENT && sr.getDepth === startingDepth) {
done = true
writer.copyEventFromReader(sr, false)
def tryReadChildElementText(name: String): Option[String] = {
if (trySeekToChildElement(name)) {
val text: String = readElementText()
} else None
def readChildElementText(name: String): String = {
val text: String = readElementText()
* Seek to the first element with name (at any depth)
* Returns the depth that the element was found at
def seekToAnyMatching(name: String): Int = {
var depth: Int = 0
var done: Boolean = false
while (!done && sr.hasNext) {
val tpe: Int =
if (tpe === START_ELEMENT) {
depth += 1
if (sr.getLocalName === name) done = true
} else if (tpe === END_ELEMENT) {
depth -= 1
sr.require(START_ELEMENT, null, name)
def getAttributeValue(name: String): String = sr.getAttributeValue(null, name)
* Call f() for every START_ELEMENT that satisfies the XPath-like path.
@inline def foreach[U](path: String)(f: => U): Unit = {
require(!path.startsWith("/"), s"Paths starting with / are not supports: $path")
val pathParts: Array[String] = path.split('/')
val startingDepth: Int = sr.getDepth()
var done: Boolean = false
while (!done && sr.hasNext) {
val tpe: Int =
if (tpe === START_ELEMENT) {
val depth: Int = sr.getDepth()
val pathIdx: Int = depth - startingDepth - 1
if (sr.getLocalName() != pathParts(pathIdx)) sr.skipElement()
else if (pathIdx === pathParts.length - 1) {
// Call the user function
require(sr.getDepth === depth, s"Invalid Usage of Foreach. Expected to end at the same depth we started! Depth before calling f: $depth Depth after calling f: ${sr.getDepth}")
} else if (tpe === END_ELEMENT && sr.getDepth === startingDepth) {
// This is the END_ELEMENT event of the tag we started with so we are done
done = true
require(sr.getDepth === startingDepth, "Should have ended at the same depth we started!")