Download com.g2forge.gearbox JAR files with all dependencies
gb-functional from group com.g2forge.gearbox (version 0.0.1)
Group: com.g2forge.gearbox Artifact: gb-functional
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gb-jira from group com.g2forge.gearbox (version 0.0.2)
A thin wrapper of helpers methods around the Atlassian Jira Java REST client, along with some helpful utilities.
Group: com.g2forge.gearbox Artifact: gb-jira
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gb-command-test from group com.g2forge.gearbox (version 0.0.9)
Helper code for testing modules build on GearBox Command.
gb-github from group com.g2forge.gearbox (version 0.0.9)
Client API for Github
gb-git from group com.g2forge.gearbox (version 0.0.9)
A thin wrapper of helpers methods around JGit.
gb-project from group com.g2forge.gearbox (version 0.0.9)
Parent project for Gearbox.
Group: com.g2forge.gearbox Artifact: gb-project
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gb-command from group com.g2forge.gearbox (version 0.0.9)
A functional abstraction of command line programs, allowing Java to invoke shell commands painlessly.
gb-browser from group com.g2forge.gearbox (version 0.0.9)
Library for browsing websites, screen scraping & automation.
gb-rest from group com.g2forge.gearbox (version 0.0.9)
A thin wrapper around retrofit.
gb-ssh from group com.g2forge.gearbox (version 0.0.9)
Library for SSH client & server, including support for gearbox functional runners.
gb-cli from group com.g2forge.gearbox (version 0.0.9)
A thin wrapper around picocli.
gearbox from group com.g2forge.gearbox (version 0.0.9)
A library of clients and frameworks for building them, including REST and command line.
Group: com.g2forge.gearbox Artifact: gearbox
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gb-jira from group com.g2forge.gearbox (version 0.0.9)
A thin wrapper of helpers methods around the Atlassian Jira Java REST client, along with some helpful utilities.
gb-maven from group com.g2forge.gearbox (version 0.0.9)
Command line wrapper and helpers for running maven.
gb-git-test from group com.g2forge.gearbox (version 0.0.9)
A library for unit testing code bases which work with git.
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