org.tron.trident.crypto.SECP256K1 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright ConsenSys AG.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
* an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package org.tron.trident.crypto;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException;
import java.security.KeyPairGenerator;
import java.security.Security;
import java.security.spec.ECGenParameterSpec;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import org.tron.trident.crypto.tuwenitypes.MutableBytes;
import org.tron.trident.crypto.tuwenitypes.Bytes;
import org.tron.trident.crypto.tuwenitypes.Bytes32;
import org.tron.trident.crypto.tuwenitypes.UInt256;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.sec.SECNamedCurves;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x9.X9ECParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x9.X9IntegerConverter;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.agreement.ECDHBasicAgreement;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SHA256Digest;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECDomainParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECPrivateKeyParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECPublicKeyParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.signers.ECDSASigner;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.signers.HMacDSAKCalculator;
import org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.ec.BCECPrivateKey;
import org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.ec.BCECPublicKey;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECAlgorithms;
import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECPoint;
import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.FixedPointCombMultiplier;
import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.custom.sec.SecP256K1Curve;
* Adapted from the BitcoinJ ECKey (Apache 2 License) implementation:
* https://github.com/bitcoinj/bitcoinj/blob/master/core/src/main/java/org/bitcoinj/core/ECKey.java
* Adapted from the web3j (Apache 2 License) implementations:
* https://github.com/web3j/web3j/crypto/src/main/java/org/web3j/crypto/*.java
public class SECP256K1 {
public static final String ALGORITHM = "ECDSA";
public static final String CURVE_NAME = "secp256k1";
public static final String PROVIDER = "BC";
public static final ECDomainParameters CURVE;
public static final BigInteger HALF_CURVE_ORDER;
private static final KeyPairGenerator KEY_PAIR_GENERATOR;
private static final BigInteger CURVE_ORDER;
static {
//support android platform
Security.insertProviderAt(new BouncyCastleProvider(), 1);
final X9ECParameters params = SECNamedCurves.getByName(CURVE_NAME);
CURVE = new ECDomainParameters(params.getCurve(), params.getG(), params.getN(), params.getH());
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
final ECGenParameterSpec ecGenParameterSpec = new ECGenParameterSpec(CURVE_NAME);
try {
} catch (final InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static Signature sign(final Bytes32 dataHash, final KeyPair keyPair) {
return signDefault(dataHash, keyPair);
* Verifies the given ECDSA signature against the message bytes using the public key bytes.
* When using native ECDSA verification, data must be 32 bytes, and no element may be larger
* than 520 bytes.
* @param data Hash of the data to verify.
* @param signature ASN.1 encoded signature.
* @param pub The public key bytes to use.
* @return True if the verification is successful.
public static boolean verify(final Bytes data, final Signature signature, final PublicKey pub) {
return verifyDefault(data, signature, pub);
/** Decompress a compressed public key (x co-ord and low-bit of y-coord). */
private static ECPoint decompressKey(final BigInteger xBN, final boolean yBit) {
final X9IntegerConverter x9 = new X9IntegerConverter();
final byte[] compEnc = x9.integerToBytes(xBN, 1 + x9.getByteLength(CURVE.getCurve()));
compEnc[0] = (byte) (yBit ? 0x03 : 0x02);
// TODO: Find a better way to handle an invalid point compression here.
// Currently ECCurve#decodePoint throws an IllegalArgumentException.
return CURVE.getCurve().decodePoint(compEnc);
* Given the components of a signature and a selector value, recover and return the public key
* that generated the signature according to the algorithm in SEC1v2 section 4.1.6.
If this method returns null it means recovery was not possible and recId should be iterated.
Given the above two points, a correct usage of this method is inside a for loop from 0 to 3,
* and if the output is null OR a key that is not the one you expect, you try again with the next
* recId.
* @param recId Which possible key to recover.
* @param r The R component of the signature.
* @param s The S component of the signature.
* @param dataHash Hash of the data that was signed.
* @return An ECKey containing only the public part, or null if recovery wasn't possible.
private static BigInteger recoverFromSignature(
final int recId, final BigInteger r, final BigInteger s, final Bytes32 dataHash) {
assert (recId >= 0);
assert (r.signum() >= 0);
assert (s.signum() >= 0);
assert (dataHash != null);
// 1.0 For j from 0 to h (h == recId here and the loop is outside this function)
// 1.1 Let x = r + jn
final BigInteger n = CURVE.getN(); // Curve order.
final BigInteger i = BigInteger.valueOf((long) recId / 2);
final BigInteger x = r.add(i.multiply(n));
// 1.2. Convert the integer x to an octet string X of length mlen using the conversion
// routine specified in Section 2.3.7, where mlen = ⌈(log2 p)/8⌉ or mlen = ⌈m/8⌉.
// 1.3. Convert the octet string (16 set binary digits)||X to an elliptic curve point R
// using the conversion routine specified in Section 2.3.4. If this conversion
// routine outputs "invalid", then do another iteration of Step 1.
// More concisely, what these points mean is to use X as a compressed public key.
final BigInteger prime = SecP256K1Curve.q;
if (x.compareTo(prime) >= 0) {
// Cannot have point co-ordinates larger than this as everything takes place modulo Q.
return null;
// Compressed keys require you to know an extra bit of data about the y-coord as there are
// two possibilities. So it's encoded in the recId.
final ECPoint R = decompressKey(x, (recId & 1) == 1);
// 1.4. If nR != point at infinity, then do another iteration of Step 1 (callers
// responsibility).
if (!R.multiply(n).isInfinity()) {
return null;
// 1.5. Compute e from M using Steps 2 and 3 of ECDSA signature verification.
final BigInteger e = dataHash.toUnsignedBigInteger();
// 1.6. For k from 1 to 2 do the following. (loop is outside this function via
// iterating recId)
// 1.6.1. Compute a candidate public key as:
// Q = mi(r) * (sR - eG)
// Where mi(x) is the modular multiplicative inverse. We transform this into the following:
// Q = (mi(r) * s ** R) + (mi(r) * -e ** G)
// Where -e is the modular additive inverse of e, that is z such that z + e = 0 (mod n).
// In the above equation ** is point multiplication and + is point addition (the EC group
// operator).
// We can find the additive inverse by subtracting e from zero then taking the mod. For
// example the additive inverse of 3 modulo 11 is 8 because 3 + 8 mod 11 = 0, and
// -3 mod 11 = 8.
final BigInteger eInv = BigInteger.ZERO.subtract(e).mod(n);
final BigInteger rInv = r.modInverse(n);
final BigInteger srInv = rInv.multiply(s).mod(n);
final BigInteger eInvrInv = rInv.multiply(eInv).mod(n);
final ECPoint q = ECAlgorithms.sumOfTwoMultiplies(CURVE.getG(), eInvrInv, R, srInv);
if (q.isInfinity()) {
return null;
final byte[] qBytes = q.getEncoded(false);
// We remove the prefix
return new BigInteger(1, Arrays.copyOfRange(qBytes, 1, qBytes.length));
private static Signature signDefault(final Bytes32 dataHash, final KeyPair keyPair) {
final ECDSASigner signer = new ECDSASigner(new HMacDSAKCalculator(new SHA256Digest()));
final ECPrivateKeyParameters privKey =
new ECPrivateKeyParameters(keyPair.getPrivateKey().getEncodedBytes().toUnsignedBigInteger(), CURVE);
signer.init(true, privKey);
final BigInteger[] components = signer.generateSignature(dataHash.toArrayUnsafe());
return normaliseSignature(components[0], components[1], keyPair.getPublicKey(), dataHash);
public static Signature normaliseSignature(
final BigInteger nativeR, final BigInteger nativeS, final PublicKey publicKey, final Bytes32 dataHash) {
BigInteger s = nativeS;
// Automatically adjust the S component to be less than or equal to half the curve
// order, if necessary. This is required because for every signature (r,s) the signature
// (r, -s (mod N)) is a valid signature of the same message. However, we dislike the
// ability to modify the bits of a Bitcoin transaction after it's been signed, as that
// violates various assumed invariants. Thus in future only one of those forms will be
// considered legal and the other will be banned.
if (s.compareTo(HALF_CURVE_ORDER) > 0) {
// The order of the curve is the number of valid points that exist on that curve.
// If S is in the upper half of the number of valid points, then bring it back to
// the lower half. Otherwise, imagine that
// N = 10
// s = 8, so (-8 % 10 == 2) thus both (r, 8) and (r, 2) are valid solutions.
// 10 - 8 == 2, giving us always the latter solution, which is canonical.
s = CURVE.getN().subtract(s);
// Now we have to work backwards to figure out the recId needed to recover the signature.
int recId = -1;
final BigInteger publicKeyBI = publicKey.getEncodedBytes().toUnsignedBigInteger();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
final BigInteger k = recoverFromSignature(i, nativeR, s, dataHash);
if (k != null && k.equals(publicKeyBI)) {
recId = i;
if (recId == -1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not construct a recoverable key. This should never happen.");
return new Signature(nativeR, s, (byte) recId);
private static boolean verifyDefault(final Bytes data, final Signature signature, final PublicKey pub) {
final ECDSASigner signer = new ECDSASigner();
final Bytes toDecode = Bytes.wrap(Bytes.of((byte) 4), pub.getEncodedBytes());
final ECPublicKeyParameters params =
new ECPublicKeyParameters(CURVE.getCurve().decodePoint(toDecode.toArrayUnsafe()), CURVE);
signer.init(false, params);
try {
return signer.verifySignature(data.toArrayUnsafe(), signature.r, signature.s);
} catch (final NullPointerException e) {
// Bouncy Castle contains a bug that can cause NPEs given specially crafted signatures. Those
// signatures
// are inherently invalid/attack sigs so we just fail them here rather than crash the thread.
return false;
* Verifies the given ECDSA signature using the public key bytes against the message bytes,
* previously passed through a preprocessor function, which is normally a hashing function.
* @param data The data to verify.
* @param signature ASN.1 encoded signature.
* @param pub The public key bytes to use.
* @param preprocessor The function to apply to the data before verifying the signature, normally
* a hashing function.
* @return True if the verification is successful.
public static boolean verify(
final Bytes data, final Signature signature, final PublicKey pub, final UnaryOperator preprocessor) {
assert preprocessor != null : "preprocessor must not be null";
return verify(preprocessor.apply(data), signature, pub);
* Calculates an ECDH key agreement between the private and the public key.
* @param privKey The private key.
* @param theirPubKey The public key.
* @return The agreed secret.
public static Bytes32 calculateECDHKeyAgreement(final PrivateKey privKey, final PublicKey theirPubKey) {
assert privKey != null : "missing private key";
assert theirPubKey != null : "missing remote public key";
final ECPrivateKeyParameters privKeyP = new ECPrivateKeyParameters(privKey.getD(), CURVE);
final ECPublicKeyParameters pubKeyP = new ECPublicKeyParameters(theirPubKey.asEcPoint(), CURVE);
final ECDHBasicAgreement agreement = new ECDHBasicAgreement();
final BigInteger agreed = agreement.calculateAgreement(pubKeyP);
return UInt256.valueOf(agreed).toBytes();
public static class PrivateKey implements java.security.PrivateKey {
private final Bytes32 encoded;
private PrivateKey(final Bytes32 encoded) {
assert encoded != null;
this.encoded = encoded;
public static PrivateKey create(final BigInteger key) {
assert key != null;
return create(UInt256.valueOf(key).toBytes());
public static PrivateKey create(final Bytes32 key) {
return new PrivateKey(key);
public static PrivateKey create(final String hexKey) {
assert hexKey.length() == 64;
return create(Bytes32.fromHexString(hexKey));
public boolean equals(final Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof PrivateKey)) {
return false;
final PrivateKey that = (PrivateKey) other;
return this.encoded.equals(that.encoded);
public byte[] getEncoded() {
return encoded.toArrayUnsafe();
public Bytes32 getEncodedBytes() {
return encoded;
public BigInteger getD() {
return encoded.toUnsignedBigInteger();
public String getAlgorithm() {
public String getFormat() {
return null;
public int hashCode() {
return encoded.hashCode();
public String toString() {
return encoded.toString();
public static class PublicKey implements java.security.PublicKey {
private static final int BYTE_LENGTH = 64;
private final Bytes encoded;
public static PublicKey create(final PrivateKey privateKey) {
BigInteger privKey = privateKey.getEncodedBytes().toUnsignedBigInteger();
* TODO: FixedPointCombMultiplier currently doesn't support scalars longer than the group
* order, but that could change in future versions.
if (privKey.bitLength() > CURVE.getN().bitLength()) {
privKey = privKey.mod(CURVE.getN());
final ECPoint point = new FixedPointCombMultiplier().multiply(CURVE.getG(), privKey);
return PublicKey.create(Bytes.wrap(Arrays.copyOfRange(point.getEncoded(false), 1, 65)));
private static Bytes toBytes64(final byte[] backing) {
if (backing.length == BYTE_LENGTH) {
return Bytes.wrap(backing);
} else if (backing.length > BYTE_LENGTH) {
return Bytes.wrap(backing, backing.length - BYTE_LENGTH, BYTE_LENGTH);
} else {
final MutableBytes res = MutableBytes.create(BYTE_LENGTH);
Bytes.wrap(backing).copyTo(res, BYTE_LENGTH - backing.length);
return res;
public static PublicKey create(final BigInteger key) {
assert key != null;
return create(toBytes64(key.toByteArray()));
public static PublicKey create(final Bytes encoded) {
return new PublicKey(encoded);
public static Optional recoverFromSignature(final Bytes32 dataHash, final Signature signature) {
final BigInteger publicKeyBI =
SECP256K1.recoverFromSignature(signature.getRecId(), signature.getR(), signature.getS(), dataHash);
return Optional.ofNullable(publicKeyBI).map(PublicKey::create);
private PublicKey(final Bytes encoded) {
assert encoded != null;
assert encoded.size() == BYTE_LENGTH;
this.encoded = encoded;
* Returns this public key as an {@link ECPoint} of Bouncy Castle, to facilitate cryptographic
* operations.
* @return This public key represented as an Elliptic Curve point.
public ECPoint asEcPoint() {
// 0x04 is the prefix for uncompressed keys.
final Bytes val = Bytes.concatenate(Bytes.of(0x04), encoded);
return CURVE.getCurve().decodePoint(val.toArrayUnsafe());
public boolean equals(final Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof PublicKey)) {
return false;
final PublicKey that = (PublicKey) other;
return this.encoded.equals(that.encoded);
public byte[] getEncoded() {
return encoded.toArrayUnsafe();
public Bytes getEncodedBytes() {
return encoded;
public String getAlgorithm() {
public String getFormat() {
return null;
public int hashCode() {
return encoded.hashCode();
public String toString() {
return encoded.toString();
public static class KeyPair {
private final PrivateKey privateKey;
private final PublicKey publicKey;
public KeyPair(final PrivateKey privateKey, final PublicKey publicKey) {
assert privateKey != null;
assert publicKey != null;
this.privateKey = privateKey;
this.publicKey = publicKey;
public static KeyPair create(final PrivateKey privateKey) {
return new KeyPair(privateKey, PublicKey.create(privateKey));
public static KeyPair generate() {
final java.security.KeyPair rawKeyPair = KEY_PAIR_GENERATOR.generateKeyPair();
final BCECPrivateKey privateKey = (BCECPrivateKey) rawKeyPair.getPrivate();
final BCECPublicKey publicKey = (BCECPublicKey) rawKeyPair.getPublic();
final BigInteger privateKeyValue = privateKey.getD();
// Ethereum does not use encoded public keys like bitcoin - see
// https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Elliptic_Curve_Digital_Signature_Algorithm for details
// Additionally, as the first bit is a constant prefix (0x04) we ignore this value
final byte[] publicKeyBytes = publicKey.getQ().getEncoded(false);
final BigInteger publicKeyValue =
new BigInteger(1, Arrays.copyOfRange(publicKeyBytes, 1, publicKeyBytes.length));
return new KeyPair(PrivateKey.create(privateKeyValue), PublicKey.create(publicKeyValue));
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(privateKey, publicKey);
public boolean equals(final Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof KeyPair)) {
return false;
final KeyPair that = (KeyPair) other;
return this.privateKey.equals(that.privateKey) && this.publicKey.equals(that.publicKey);
public PrivateKey getPrivateKey() {
return privateKey;
public PublicKey getPublicKey() {
return publicKey;
public static class Signature {
public static final int BYTES_REQUIRED = 65;
* The recovery id to reconstruct the public key used to create the signature.
* The recId is an index from 0 to 3 which indicates which of the 4 possible keys is the
* correct one. Because the key recovery operation yields multiple potential keys, the correct
* key must either be stored alongside the signature, or you must be willing to try each recId
* in turn until you find one that outputs the key you are expecting.
private final byte recId;
private final BigInteger r;
private final BigInteger s;
Signature(final BigInteger r, final BigInteger s, final byte recId) {
this.r = r;
this.s = s;
this.recId = recId;
* Creates a new signature object given its parameters.
* @param r the 'r' part of the signature.
* @param s the 's' part of the signature.
* @param recId the recovery id part of the signature.
* @return the created {@link Signature} object.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code r} or {@code s} are {@code null}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is invalid (for instance, {@code v} is
* neither 27 or 28).
public static Signature create(final BigInteger r, final BigInteger s, final byte recId) {
assert r != null;
assert s != null;
checkInBounds("r", r);
checkInBounds("s", s);
if (recId != 0 && recId != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid 'recId' value, should be 0 or 1 but got " + recId);
return new Signature(r, s, recId);
private static void checkInBounds(final String name, final BigInteger i) {
if (i.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Invalid '%s' value, should be >= 1 but got %s", name, i));
if (i.compareTo(CURVE_ORDER) >= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Invalid '%s' value, should be < %s but got %s", CURVE_ORDER, name, i));
public static Signature decode(final Bytes bytes) {
assert bytes.size() == BYTES_REQUIRED : "encoded SECP256K1 signature must be 65 bytes long";
final BigInteger r = bytes.slice(0, 32).toUnsignedBigInteger();
final BigInteger s = bytes.slice(32, 32).toUnsignedBigInteger();
final byte recId = bytes.get(64);
return SECP256K1.Signature.create(r, s, recId);
public Bytes encodedBytes() {
final MutableBytes bytes = MutableBytes.create(BYTES_REQUIRED);
UInt256.valueOf(r).toBytes().copyTo(bytes, 0);
UInt256.valueOf(s).toBytes().copyTo(bytes, 32);
bytes.set(64, recId);
return bytes;
public boolean equals(final Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof Signature)) {
return false;
final Signature that = (Signature) other;
return this.r.equals(that.r) && this.s.equals(that.s) && this.recId == that.recId;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(r, s, recId);
public byte getRecId() {
return recId;
public BigInteger getR() {
return r;
public BigInteger getS() {
return s;
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("r=").append(r).append(", ");
sb.append("s=").append(s).append(", ");
return sb.append("}").toString();