Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
* Abstract low-level JSON parser.
* Implementation has no fields and therefore thread-safe, but sub-classes are not necessarily
* thread-safe.
If a JSON map is encountered while using a destination class of type Map, then an {@link
* java.util.ArrayMap} is used by default for the parsed values.
* @since 1.3
* @author Yaniv Inbar
public abstract class JsonParser implements Closeable {
* Maps a polymorphic {@link Class} to its {@link Field} with the {@link JsonPolymorphicTypeMap}
* annotation, or {@code null} if there is no field with that annotation.
private static WeakHashMap, Field> cachedTypemapFields =
new WeakHashMap, Field>();
/** Lock on the {@code cachedTypemapFields}. */
private static final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
/** Returns the JSON factory from which this generator was created. */
public abstract JsonFactory getFactory();
* Closes the parser and the underlying input stream or reader, and releases any memory associated
* with it.
public abstract void close() throws IOException;
/** Returns the next token from the stream or {@code null} to indicate end of input. */
public abstract JsonToken nextToken() throws IOException;
* Returns the token the parser currently points to or {@code null} for none (at start of input or
* after end of input).
public abstract JsonToken getCurrentToken();
* Returns the most recent field name or {@code null} for array values or for root-level values.
public abstract String getCurrentName() throws IOException;
* Skips to the matching {@link JsonToken#END_ARRAY} if current token is {@link
* JsonToken#START_ARRAY}, the matching {@link JsonToken#END_OBJECT} if the current token is
* {@link JsonToken#START_OBJECT}, else does nothing.
public abstract JsonParser skipChildren() throws IOException;
* Returns a textual representation of the current token or {@code null} if {@link
* #getCurrentToken()} is {@code null}.
public abstract String getText() throws IOException;
// TODO(yanivi): Jackson provides getTextCharacters(), getTextLength(), and getTextOffset()
/** Returns the byte value of the current token. */
public abstract byte getByteValue() throws IOException;
/** Returns the short value of the current token. */
public abstract short getShortValue() throws IOException;
/** Returns the int value of the current token. */
public abstract int getIntValue() throws IOException;
/** Returns the float value of the current token. */
public abstract float getFloatValue() throws IOException;
/** Returns the long value of the current token. */
public abstract long getLongValue() throws IOException;
/** Returns the double value of the current token. */
public abstract double getDoubleValue() throws IOException;
/** Returns the {@link BigInteger} value of the current token. */
public abstract BigInteger getBigIntegerValue() throws IOException;
/** Returns the {@link BigDecimal} value of the current token. */
public abstract BigDecimal getDecimalValue() throws IOException;
* Parse a JSON object, array, or value into a new instance of the given destination class, and
* then closes the parser.
* @param destination class
* @param destinationClass destination class that has a public default constructor to use to
* create a new instance
* @return new instance of the parsed destination class
* @since 1.15
public final T parseAndClose(Class destinationClass) throws IOException {
return parseAndClose(destinationClass, null);
* {@link Beta}
* Parse a JSON object, array, or value into a new instance of the given destination class using
* {@link JsonParser#parse(Class, CustomizeJsonParser)}, and then closes the parser.
* @param destination class
* @param destinationClass destination class that has a public default constructor to use to
* create a new instance
* @param customizeParser optional parser customizer or {@code null} for none
* @return new instance of the parsed destination class
public final T parseAndClose(Class destinationClass, CustomizeJsonParser customizeParser)
throws IOException {
try {
return parse(destinationClass, customizeParser);
} finally {
* Skips the values of all keys in the current object until it finds the given key.
* Before this method is called, the parser must either point to the start or end of a JSON
* object or to a field name. After this method ends, the current token will either be the {@link
* JsonToken#END_OBJECT} of the current object if the key is not found, or the value of the key
* that was found.
* @param keyToFind key to find
public final void skipToKey(String keyToFind) throws IOException {
* Skips the values of all keys in the current object until it finds one of the given keys.
Before this method is called, the parser must either point to the start or end of a JSON
* object or to a field name. After this method ends, the current token will either be the {@link
* JsonToken#END_OBJECT} of the current object if no matching key is found, or the value of the
* key that was found.
* @param keysToFind set of keys to look for
* @return name of the first matching key found or {@code null} if no match was found
* @since 1.10
public final String skipToKey(Set keysToFind) throws IOException {
JsonToken curToken = startParsingObjectOrArray();
while (curToken == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
String key = getText();
if (keysToFind.contains(key)) {
return key;
curToken = nextToken();
return null;
/** Starts parsing that handles start of input by calling {@link #nextToken()}. */
private JsonToken startParsing() throws IOException {
JsonToken currentToken = getCurrentToken();
// token is null at start, so get next token
if (currentToken == null) {
currentToken = nextToken();
Preconditions.checkArgument(currentToken != null, "no JSON input found");
return currentToken;
* Starts parsing an object or array by making sure the parser points to an object field name,
* first array value or end of object or array.
* If the parser is at the start of input, {@link #nextToken()} is called. The current token
* must then be {@link JsonToken#START_OBJECT}, {@link JsonToken#END_OBJECT}, {@link
* JsonToken#START_ARRAY}, {@link JsonToken#END_ARRAY}, or {@link JsonToken#FIELD_NAME}. For an
* object only, after the method is called, the current token must be either {@link
* JsonToken#FIELD_NAME} or {@link JsonToken#END_OBJECT}.
private JsonToken startParsingObjectOrArray() throws IOException {
JsonToken currentToken = startParsing();
switch (currentToken) {
currentToken = nextToken();
currentToken == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME || currentToken == JsonToken.END_OBJECT,
currentToken = nextToken();
return currentToken;
* Parse a JSON Object from the given JSON parser -- which is closed after parsing completes --
* into the given destination object.
Before this method is called, the parser must either point to the start or end of a JSON
* object or to a field name.
* @param destination destination object
* @since 1.15
public final void parseAndClose(Object destination) throws IOException {
parseAndClose(destination, null);
* {@link Beta}
* Parse a JSON Object from the given JSON parser -- which is closed after parsing completes --
* into the given destination object, optionally using the given parser customizer.
Before this method is called, the parser must either point to the start or end of a JSON
* object or to a field name.
* @param destination destination object
* @param customizeParser optional parser customizer or {@code null} for none
public final void parseAndClose(Object destination, CustomizeJsonParser customizeParser)
throws IOException {
try {
parse(destination, customizeParser);
} finally {
* Parse a JSON object, array, or value into a new instance of the given destination class.
If it parses an object, after this method ends, the current token will be the object's
* ending {@link JsonToken#END_OBJECT}. If it parses an array, after this method ends, the current
* token will be the array's ending {@link JsonToken#END_ARRAY}.
* @param destination class
* @param destinationClass destination class that has a public default constructor to use to
* create a new instance
* @return new instance of the parsed destination class
* @since 1.15
public final T parse(Class destinationClass) throws IOException {
return parse(destinationClass, null);
* {@link Beta}
* Parse a JSON object, array, or value into a new instance of the given destination class,
* optionally using the given parser customizer.
* If it parses an object, after this method ends, the current token will be the object's
* ending {@link JsonToken#END_OBJECT}. If it parses an array, after this method ends, the current
* token will be the array's ending {@link JsonToken#END_ARRAY}.
* @param destination class
* @param destinationClass destination class that has a public default constructor to use to
* create a new instance
* @param customizeParser optional parser customizer or {@code null} for none
* @return new instance of the parsed destination class
public final T parse(Class destinationClass, CustomizeJsonParser customizeParser)
throws IOException {
T result = (T) parse(destinationClass, false, customizeParser);
return result;
* Parse a JSON object, array, or value into a new instance of the given destination class.
* If it parses an object, after this method ends, the current token will be the object's
* ending {@link JsonToken#END_OBJECT}. If it parses an array, after this method ends, the current
* token will be the array's ending {@link JsonToken#END_ARRAY}.
* @param dataType Type into which the JSON should be parsed
* @param close {@code true} if {@link #close()} should be called after parsing
* @return new instance of the parsed dataType
* @since 1.15
public Object parse(Type dataType, boolean close) throws IOException {
return parse(dataType, close, null);
* {@link Beta}
* Parse a JSON object, array, or value into a new instance of the given destination class,
* optionally using the given parser customizer.
If it parses an object, after this method ends, the current token will be the object's
* ending {@link JsonToken#END_OBJECT}. If it parses an array, after this method ends, the current
* token will be the array's ending {@link JsonToken#END_ARRAY}.
* @param dataType Type into which the JSON should be parsed
* @param close {@code true} if {@link #close()} should be called after parsing
* @param customizeParser optional parser customizer or {@code null} for none
* @return new instance of the parsed dataType
* @since 1.10
public Object parse(Type dataType, boolean close, CustomizeJsonParser customizeParser)
throws IOException {
try {
if (!Void.class.equals(dataType)) {
return parseValue(null, dataType, new ArrayList(), null, customizeParser, true);
} finally {
if (close) {
* Parse a JSON object from the given JSON parser into the given destination object.
* Before this method is called, the parser must either point to the start or end of a JSON
* object or to a field name. After this method ends, the current token will be the {@link
* JsonToken#END_OBJECT} of the current object.
* @param destination destination object
* @since 1.15
public final void parse(Object destination) throws IOException {
parse(destination, null);
* {@link Beta}
* Parse a JSON object from the given JSON parser into the given destination object, optionally
* using the given parser customizer.
Before this method is called, the parser must either point to the start or end of a JSON
* object or to a field name. After this method ends, the current token will be the {@link
* JsonToken#END_OBJECT} of the current object.
* @param destination destination object
* @param customizeParser optional parser customizer or {@code null} for none
public final void parse(Object destination, CustomizeJsonParser customizeParser)
throws IOException {
ArrayList context = new ArrayList();
parse(context, destination, customizeParser);
* Parses the next field from the given JSON parser into the given destination object.
* @param context destination context stack (possibly empty)
* @param destination destination object instance or {@code null} for none (for example empty
* context stack)
* @param customizeParser optional parser customizer or {@code null} for none
private void parse(
ArrayList context, Object destination, CustomizeJsonParser customizeParser)
throws IOException {
if (destination instanceof GenericJson) {
((GenericJson) destination).setFactory(getFactory());
JsonToken curToken = startParsingObjectOrArray();
Class> destinationClass = destination.getClass();
ClassInfo classInfo = ClassInfo.of(destinationClass);
boolean isGenericData = GenericData.class.isAssignableFrom(destinationClass);
if (!isGenericData && Map.class.isAssignableFrom(destinationClass)) {
// The destination class is not a sub-class of GenericData but is of Map, so parse data
// using parseMap.
Map destinationMap = (Map) destination;
while (curToken == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
String key = getText();
// stop at items for feeds
if (customizeParser != null && customizeParser.stopAt(destination, key)) {
// get the field from the type information
FieldInfo fieldInfo = classInfo.getFieldInfo(key);
if (fieldInfo != null) {
// skip final fields
if (fieldInfo.isFinal() && !fieldInfo.isPrimitive()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("final array/object fields are not supported");
Field field = fieldInfo.getField();
int contextSize = context.size();
Object fieldValue =
field, fieldInfo.getGenericType(), context, destination, customizeParser, true);
fieldInfo.setValue(destination, fieldValue);
} else if (isGenericData) {
// store unknown field in generic JSON
GenericData object = (GenericData) destination;
object.set(key, parseValue(null, null, context, destination, customizeParser, true));
} else {
// unrecognized field, skip value.
if (customizeParser != null) {
customizeParser.handleUnrecognizedKey(destination, key);
curToken = nextToken();
* Parse a JSON Array from the given JSON parser (which is closed after parsing completes) into
* the given destination collection.
* @param destinationCollectionClass class of destination collection (must have a public default
* constructor)
* @param destinationItemClass class of destination collection item (must have a public default
* constructor)
* @since 1.15
public final Collection parseArrayAndClose(
Class> destinationCollectionClass, Class destinationItemClass) throws IOException {
return parseArrayAndClose(destinationCollectionClass, destinationItemClass, null);
* {@link Beta}
* Parse a JSON Array from the given JSON parser (which is closed after parsing completes) into
* the given destination collection, optionally using the given parser customizer.
* @param destinationCollectionClass class of destination collection (must have a public default
* constructor)
* @param destinationItemClass class of destination collection item (must have a public default
* constructor)
* @param customizeParser optional parser customizer or {@code null} for none
public final Collection parseArrayAndClose(
Class> destinationCollectionClass,
Class destinationItemClass,
CustomizeJsonParser customizeParser)
throws IOException {
try {
return parseArray(destinationCollectionClass, destinationItemClass, customizeParser);
} finally {
* Parse a JSON Array from the given JSON parser (which is closed after parsing completes) into
* the given destination collection.
* @param destinationCollection destination collection
* @param destinationItemClass class of destination collection item (must have a public default
* constructor)
* @since 1.15
public final void parseArrayAndClose(
Collection super T> destinationCollection, Class destinationItemClass)
throws IOException {
parseArrayAndClose(destinationCollection, destinationItemClass, null);
* {@link Beta}
* Parse a JSON Array from the given JSON parser (which is closed after parsing completes) into
* the given destination collection, optionally using the given parser customizer.
* @param destinationCollection destination collection
* @param destinationItemClass class of destination collection item (must have a public default
* constructor)
* @param customizeParser optional parser customizer or {@code null} for none
public final void parseArrayAndClose(
Collection super T> destinationCollection,
Class destinationItemClass,
CustomizeJsonParser customizeParser)
throws IOException {
try {
parseArray(destinationCollection, destinationItemClass, customizeParser);
} finally {
* Parse a JSON Array from the given JSON parser into the given destination collection.
* @param destinationCollectionClass class of destination collection (must have a public default
* constructor)
* @param destinationItemClass class of destination collection item (must have a public default
* constructor)
* @since 1.15
public final Collection parseArray(
Class> destinationCollectionClass, Class destinationItemClass) throws IOException {
return parseArray(destinationCollectionClass, destinationItemClass, null);
* {@link Beta}
* Parse a JSON Array from the given JSON parser into the given destination collection, optionally
* using the given parser customizer.
* @param destinationCollectionClass class of destination collection (must have a public default
* constructor)
* @param destinationItemClass class of destination collection item (must have a public default
* constructor)
* @param customizeParser optional parser customizer or {@code null} for none
public final Collection parseArray(
Class> destinationCollectionClass,
Class destinationItemClass,
CustomizeJsonParser customizeParser)
throws IOException {
Collection destinationCollection =
(Collection) Data.newCollectionInstance(destinationCollectionClass);
parseArray(destinationCollection, destinationItemClass, customizeParser);
return destinationCollection;
* Parse a JSON Array from the given JSON parser into the given destination collection.
* @param destinationCollection destination collection
* @param destinationItemClass class of destination collection item (must have a public default
* constructor)
* @since 1.15
public final void parseArray(
Collection super T> destinationCollection, Class destinationItemClass)
throws IOException {
parseArray(destinationCollection, destinationItemClass, null);
* {@link Beta}
* Parse a JSON Array from the given JSON parser into the given destination collection, optionally
* using the given parser customizer.
* @param destinationCollection destination collection
* @param destinationItemClass class of destination collection item (must have a public default
* constructor)
* @param customizeParser optional parser customizer or {@code null} for none
public final void parseArray(
Collection super T> destinationCollection,
Class destinationItemClass,
CustomizeJsonParser customizeParser)
throws IOException {
null, destinationCollection, destinationItemClass, new ArrayList(), customizeParser);
* Parse a JSON Array from the given JSON parser into the given destination collection, optionally
* using the given parser customizer.
* @param fieldContext field context or {@code null} for none
* @param destinationCollection destination collection
* @param destinationItemType type of destination collection item
* @param context destination context stack (possibly empty)
* @param customizeParser optional parser customizer or {@code null} for none
private void parseArray(
Field fieldContext,
Collection destinationCollection,
Type destinationItemType,
ArrayList context,
CustomizeJsonParser customizeParser)
throws IOException {
JsonToken curToken = startParsingObjectOrArray();
while (curToken != JsonToken.END_ARRAY) {
T parsedValue =
curToken = nextToken();
* Parse a JSON Object from the given JSON parser into the given destination map, optionally using
* the given parser customizer.
* @param fieldContext field context or {@code null} for none
* @param destinationMap destination map
* @param valueType valueType of the map value type parameter
* @param context destination context stack (possibly empty)
* @param customizeParser optional parser customizer or {@code null} for none
private void parseMap(
Field fieldContext,
Map destinationMap,
Type valueType,
ArrayList context,
CustomizeJsonParser customizeParser)
throws IOException {
JsonToken curToken = startParsingObjectOrArray();
while (curToken == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
String key = getText();
// stop at items for feeds
if (customizeParser != null && customizeParser.stopAt(destinationMap, key)) {
Object value =
parseValue(fieldContext, valueType, context, destinationMap, customizeParser, true);
destinationMap.put(key, value);
curToken = nextToken();
* Parse a value.
* @param fieldContext field context or {@code null} for none (for example into a map)
* @param valueType value type or {@code null} if not known (for example into a map)
* @param context destination context stack (possibly empty)
* @param destination destination object instance or {@code null} for none (for example empty
* context stack)
* @param customizeParser customize parser or {@code null} for none
* @param handlePolymorphic whether or not to check for polymorphic schema
* @return parsed value
private final Object parseValue(
Field fieldContext,
Type valueType,
ArrayList context,
Object destination,
CustomizeJsonParser customizeParser,
boolean handlePolymorphic)
throws IOException {
valueType = Data.resolveWildcardTypeOrTypeVariable(context, valueType);
// resolve a parameterized type to a class
Class> valueClass = valueType instanceof Class> ? (Class>) valueType : null;
if (valueType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
valueClass = Types.getRawClass((ParameterizedType) valueType);
// Void means skip
if (valueClass == Void.class) {
return null;
// value type is now null, class, parameterized type, or generic array type
JsonToken token = getCurrentToken();
try {
switch (token) {
boolean isArray = Types.isArray(valueType);
valueType == null
|| isArray
|| valueClass != null && Types.isAssignableToOrFrom(valueClass, Collection.class),
"expected collection or array type but got %s",