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import static;
import static;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

 * Service Account credentials for calling APIs using a JWT directly for access.

Uses a JSON Web Token (JWT) directly in the request metadata to provide authorization. */ public class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials extends Credentials implements JwtProvider, ServiceAccountSigner, QuotaProjectIdProvider { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7274955171379494197L; static final String JWT_ACCESS_PREFIX = OAuth2Utils.BEARER_PREFIX; @VisibleForTesting static final long LIFE_SPAN_SECS = TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(1); private static final long CLOCK_SKEW = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(5); private final String clientId; private final String clientEmail; private final PrivateKey privateKey; private final String privateKeyId; private final URI defaultAudience; private final String quotaProjectId; private transient LoadingCache credentialsCache; // Until we expose this to the users it can remain transient and non-serializable @VisibleForTesting transient Clock clock = Clock.SYSTEM; /** * Constructor with minimum identifying information. * * @param clientId Client ID of the service account from the console. May be null. * @param clientEmail Client email address of the service account from the console. * @param privateKey RSA private key object for the service account. * @param privateKeyId Private key identifier for the service account. May be null. * @deprecated Use {@link #newBuilder()} instead. This constructor will either be deleted or made * private in a later version. */ @Deprecated public ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials( String clientId, String clientEmail, PrivateKey privateKey, String privateKeyId) { this(clientId, clientEmail, privateKey, privateKeyId, null, null); } /** * Constructor with full information. * * @param clientId Client ID of the service account from the console. May be null. * @param clientEmail Client email address of the service account from the console. * @param privateKey RSA private key object for the service account. * @param privateKeyId Private key identifier for the service account. May be null. * @param defaultAudience Audience to use if not provided by transport. May be null. */ private ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials( String clientId, String clientEmail, PrivateKey privateKey, String privateKeyId, URI defaultAudience, String quotaProjectId) { this.clientId = clientId; this.clientEmail = Preconditions.checkNotNull(clientEmail); this.privateKey = Preconditions.checkNotNull(privateKey); this.privateKeyId = privateKeyId; this.defaultAudience = defaultAudience; this.credentialsCache = createCache(); this.quotaProjectId = quotaProjectId; } /** * Returns service account credentials defined by JSON using the format supported by the * Developers Console. * * @param json a map from the JSON representing the credentials. * @return the credentials defined by the JSON. * @throws IOException if the credential cannot be created from the JSON. */ static ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials fromJson(Map json) throws IOException { return fromJson(json, null); } /** * Returns service account credentials defined by JSON using the format supported by the * Developers Console. * * @param json a map from the JSON representing the credentials. * @param defaultAudience Audience to use if not provided by transport. May be null. * @return the credentials defined by the JSON. * @throws IOException if the credential cannot be created from the JSON. */ static ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials fromJson(Map json, URI defaultAudience) throws IOException { String clientId = (String) json.get("client_id"); String clientEmail = (String) json.get("client_email"); String privateKeyPkcs8 = (String) json.get("private_key"); String privateKeyId = (String) json.get("private_key_id"); String quoataProjectId = (String) json.get("quota_project_id"); if (clientId == null || clientEmail == null || privateKeyPkcs8 == null || privateKeyId == null) { throw new IOException( "Error reading service account credential from JSON, " + "expecting 'client_id', 'client_email', 'private_key' and 'private_key_id'."); } return ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials.fromPkcs8( clientId, clientEmail, privateKeyPkcs8, privateKeyId, defaultAudience, quoataProjectId); } /** * Factory using PKCS#8 for the private key. * * @param clientId Client ID of the service account from the console. May be null. * @param clientEmail Client email address of the service account from the console. * @param privateKeyPkcs8 RSA private key object for the service account in PKCS#8 format. * @param privateKeyId Private key identifier for the service account. May be null. * @return New ServiceAccountJwtAcceessCredentials created from a private key. * @throws IOException if the credential cannot be created from the private key. */ public static ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials fromPkcs8( String clientId, String clientEmail, String privateKeyPkcs8, String privateKeyId) throws IOException { return fromPkcs8(clientId, clientEmail, privateKeyPkcs8, privateKeyId, null); } /** * Factory using PKCS#8 for the private key. * * @param clientId Client ID of the service account from the console. May be null. * @param clientEmail Client email address of the service account from the console. * @param privateKeyPkcs8 RSA private key object for the service account in PKCS#8 format. * @param privateKeyId Private key identifier for the service account. May be null. * @param defaultAudience Audience to use if not provided by transport. May be null. * @return New ServiceAccountJwtAcceessCredentials created from a private key. * @throws IOException if the credential cannot be created from the private key. */ public static ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials fromPkcs8( String clientId, String clientEmail, String privateKeyPkcs8, String privateKeyId, URI defaultAudience) throws IOException { return ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials.fromPkcs8( clientId, clientEmail, privateKeyPkcs8, privateKeyId, defaultAudience, null); } static ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials fromPkcs8( String clientId, String clientEmail, String privateKeyPkcs8, String privateKeyId, URI defaultAudience, String quotaProjectId) throws IOException { PrivateKey privateKey = ServiceAccountCredentials.privateKeyFromPkcs8(privateKeyPkcs8); return new ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials( clientId, clientEmail, privateKey, privateKeyId, defaultAudience, quotaProjectId); } /** * Returns credentials defined by a Service Account key file in JSON format from the * Developers Console. * * @param credentialsStream the stream with the credential definition. * @return the credential defined by the credentialsStream. * @throws IOException if the credential cannot be created from the stream. */ public static ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials fromStream(InputStream credentialsStream) throws IOException { return fromStream(credentialsStream, null); } /** * Returns credentials defined by a Service Account key file in JSON format from the * Developers Console. * * @param credentialsStream the stream with the credential definition. * @param defaultAudience Audience to use if not provided by transport. May be null. * @return the credential defined by the credentialsStream. * @throws IOException if the credential cannot be created from the stream. */ public static ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials fromStream( InputStream credentialsStream, URI defaultAudience) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(credentialsStream); JsonFactory jsonFactory = OAuth2Utils.JSON_FACTORY; JsonObjectParser parser = new JsonObjectParser(jsonFactory); GenericJson fileContents = parser.parseAndClose(credentialsStream, OAuth2Utils.UTF_8, GenericJson.class); String fileType = (String) fileContents.get("type"); if (fileType == null) { throw new IOException("Error reading credentials from stream, 'type' field not specified."); } if (SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE_TYPE.equals(fileType)) { return fromJson(fileContents, defaultAudience); } throw new IOException( String.format( "Error reading credentials from stream, 'type' value '%s' not recognized." + " Expecting '%s'.", fileType, SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE_TYPE)); } private LoadingCache createCache() { return CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(100) .expireAfterWrite(LIFE_SPAN_SECS - CLOCK_SKEW, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .ticker( new Ticker() { @Override public long read() { return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(clock.currentTimeMillis()); } }) .build( new CacheLoader() { @Override public JwtCredentials load(JwtClaims claims) throws Exception { return JwtCredentials.newBuilder() .setPrivateKey(privateKey) .setPrivateKeyId(privateKeyId) .setJwtClaims(claims) .setLifeSpanSeconds(LIFE_SPAN_SECS) .setClock(clock) .build(); } }); } /** * Returns a new JwtCredentials instance with modified claims. * * @param newClaims new claims. Any unspecified claim fields will default to the the current * values. * @return new credentials */ @Override public JwtCredentials jwtWithClaims(JwtClaims newClaims) { JwtClaims.Builder claimsBuilder = JwtClaims.newBuilder().setIssuer(clientEmail).setSubject(clientEmail); if (defaultAudience != null) { claimsBuilder.setAudience(defaultAudience.toString()); } return JwtCredentials.newBuilder() .setPrivateKey(privateKey) .setPrivateKeyId(privateKeyId) .setJwtClaims( .setLifeSpanSeconds(LIFE_SPAN_SECS) .setClock(clock) .build(); } @Override public String getAuthenticationType() { return "JWTAccess"; } @Override public boolean hasRequestMetadata() { return true; } @Override public boolean hasRequestMetadataOnly() { return true; } @Override public void getRequestMetadata( final URI uri, Executor executor, final RequestMetadataCallback callback) { // It doesn't use network. Only some CPU work on par with TLS handshake. So it's preferrable // to do it in the current thread, which is likely to be the network thread. blockingGetToCallback(uri, callback); } /** Provide the request metadata by putting an access JWT directly in the metadata. */ @Override public Map> getRequestMetadata(URI uri) throws IOException { if (uri == null) { if (defaultAudience != null) { uri = defaultAudience; } else { throw new IOException( "JwtAccess requires Audience uri to be passed in or the " + "defaultAudience to be specified"); } } try { JwtClaims defaultClaims = JwtClaims.newBuilder() .setAudience(uri.toString()) .setIssuer(clientEmail) .setSubject(clientEmail) .build(); JwtCredentials credentials = credentialsCache.get(defaultClaims); Map> requestMetadata = credentials.getRequestMetadata(uri); return addQuotaProjectIdToRequestMetadata(quotaProjectId, requestMetadata); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Throwables.propagateIfPossible(e.getCause(), IOException.class); // Should never happen throw new IllegalStateException( "generateJwtAccess threw an unexpected checked exception", e.getCause()); } catch (UncheckedExecutionException e) { Throwables.throwIfUnchecked(e); // Should never happen throw new IllegalStateException( "generateJwtAccess threw an unchecked exception that couldn't be rethrown", e); } } /** Discard any cached data */ @Override public void refresh() { credentialsCache.invalidateAll(); } public final String getClientId() { return clientId; } public final String getClientEmail() { return clientEmail; } public final PrivateKey getPrivateKey() { return privateKey; } public final String getPrivateKeyId() { return privateKeyId; } @Override public String getAccount() { return getClientEmail(); } @Override public byte[] sign(byte[] toSign) { try { Signature signer = Signature.getInstance(OAuth2Utils.SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM); signer.initSign(getPrivateKey()); signer.update(toSign); return signer.sign(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException | SignatureException ex) { throw new ServiceAccountSigner.SigningException("Failed to sign the provided bytes", ex); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash( clientId, clientEmail, privateKey, privateKeyId, defaultAudience, quotaProjectId); } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this) .add("clientId", clientId) .add("clientEmail", clientEmail) .add("privateKeyId", privateKeyId) .add("defaultAudience", defaultAudience) .add("quotaProjectId", quotaProjectId) .toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials)) { return false; } ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials other = (ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials) obj; return Objects.equals(this.clientId, other.clientId) && Objects.equals(this.clientEmail, other.clientEmail) && Objects.equals(this.privateKey, other.privateKey) && Objects.equals(this.privateKeyId, other.privateKeyId) && Objects.equals(this.defaultAudience, other.defaultAudience) && Objects.equals(this.quotaProjectId, other.quotaProjectId); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream input) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { input.defaultReadObject(); clock = Clock.SYSTEM; credentialsCache = createCache(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return new Builder(); } public Builder toBuilder() { return new Builder(this); } @Override public String getQuotaProjectId() { return quotaProjectId; } public static class Builder { private String clientId; private String clientEmail; private PrivateKey privateKey; private String privateKeyId; private URI defaultAudience; private String quotaProjectId; protected Builder() {} protected Builder(ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials credentials) { this.clientId = credentials.clientId; this.clientEmail = credentials.clientEmail; this.privateKey = credentials.privateKey; this.privateKeyId = credentials.privateKeyId; this.defaultAudience = credentials.defaultAudience; this.quotaProjectId = credentials.quotaProjectId; } public Builder setClientId(String clientId) { this.clientId = clientId; return this; } public Builder setClientEmail(String clientEmail) { this.clientEmail = clientEmail; return this; } public Builder setPrivateKey(PrivateKey privateKey) { this.privateKey = privateKey; return this; } public Builder setPrivateKeyId(String privateKeyId) { this.privateKeyId = privateKeyId; return this; } public Builder setDefaultAudience(URI defaultAudience) { this.defaultAudience = defaultAudience; return this; } public Builder setQuotaProjectId(String quotaProjectId) { this.quotaProjectId = quotaProjectId; return this; } public String getClientId() { return clientId; } public String getClientEmail() { return clientEmail; } public PrivateKey getPrivateKey() { return privateKey; } public String getPrivateKeyId() { return privateKeyId; } public URI getDefaultAudience() { return defaultAudience; } public String getQuotaProjectId() { return quotaProjectId; } public ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials build() { return new ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials( clientId, clientEmail, privateKey, privateKeyId, defaultAudience, quotaProjectId); } } }

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