com.geirsson.coursiersmall.CoursierSmall.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.geirsson.coursiersmall
import java.nio.file.Path
import coursier._
import coursier.ivy.{IvyRepository, Pattern}
import coursier.util.EitherT
import coursier.util.{Gather, Task}
import java.io.File
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
object CoursierSmall {
* Resolve and fetch jars for the given settings.
* @param settings the configuration for this resolution.
* @return list of paths to jar files on local disk containing the
* full classpath of the resolved dependencies.
* @throws ResolutionError in case of a resolution error
* @throws FileException in case of problems caching files
def fetch(settings: Settings): List[Path] = {
val dependencies = settings.dependencies.map { dep =>
val split = dep.name.split(";")
val name = split.head
val attributes =
for {
attribute <- split.iterator.drop(1)
Seq(key, value) = attribute.split("=", 2).toSeq
} yield (key, value)
Module(dep.organization, name, attributes = attributes.toMap),
transitive = dep.transitive
val forceVersions = settings.forceVersions.iterator.map { dep =>
(Module(dep.organization, dep.name), dep.version)
val baseResolution = Resolution(
rootDependencies = dependencies.toSet,
forceVersions = forceVersions.toMap
val repositories = settings.repositories.map {
case Repository.Ivy2Local =>
case maven: Repository.Maven =>
case ivy: Repository.Ivy =>
IvyRepository.fromPattern(ivy.root +: Pattern.default)
val term = new TermDisplay(settings.writer, fallbackMode = true)
val cachePolicies = CachePolicy.default.toList
val fetchs = cachePolicies.map { p =>
logger = Some(term),
ttl = settings.ttl,
cachePolicy = p
val fetch = Fetch.from(
fetchs.tail: _*
val fetchResolution = baseResolution.process.run(fetch).unsafeRun()
val errors = fetchResolution.errors
if (errors.nonEmpty) {
val resolutionErrors = errors.map {
case ((module, version), messages) =>
new ResolutionError(
new Dependency(module.organization, module.name, version),
throw new ResolutionException(settings, resolutionErrors.toList)
val isDefaultClassifier =
settings.classifiers.isEmpty ||
val baseArtifacts: Seq[Artifact] =
if (isDefaultClassifier) fetchResolution.artifacts(withOptional = true)
else Nil
val nonDefaultClassifier = settings.classifiers.filterNot(_ == "_")
val classifierArtifacts: Seq[Artifact] =
if (nonDefaultClassifier.isEmpty) Nil
else fetchResolution.classifiersArtifacts(nonDefaultClassifier)
val artifacts = baseArtifacts ++ classifierArtifacts
val localArtifacts = Gather[Task]
.gather(artifacts.map { artifact =>
def file(p: CachePolicy): EitherT[Task, FileError, File] =
Cache.file[Task](artifact, ttl = settings.ttl, cachePolicy = p)
(file(cachePolicies.head) /: cachePolicies.tail)(_ orElse file(_)).run
import com.geirsson.coursiersmall.{FileException => B}
import coursier.{FileError => A}
val jars = localArtifacts.flatMap {
case (Left(A.NotFound(_, _)), true) =>
case (Left(e), _) =>
throw e match {
case A.DownloadError(reason) =>
new B.DownloadError(reason)
case A.NotFound(file, permanent) =>
new B.NotFound(file, permanent)
case A.Unauthorized(file, realm) =>
new B.Unauthorized(file, realm)
case A.ChecksumNotFound(sumType, file) =>
new B.ChecksumNotFound(sumType, file)
case A.ChecksumFormatError(sumType, file) =>
new B.ChecksumFormatError(sumType, file)
case A.WrongChecksum(sumType, got, expected, file, sumFile) =>
new B.WrongChecksum(sumType, got, expected, file, sumFile)
case A.Locked(file) =>
new B.Locked(file.toPath)
case A.ConcurrentDownload(url) =>
new B.ConcurrentDownload(url)
case (Right(jar), _) if jar.getName.endsWith(".jar") => jar.toPath :: Nil
case _ => Nil
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