
scala.meta.internal.parsers.ScalametaParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Scala.meta's API for parsing and its baseline implementation
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package scala.meta
package internal
package parsers
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.compat.Platform.EOL
import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}
import scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import mutable.{ ListBuffer, StringBuilder }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.{Seq => _}
import scala.collection.immutable._
import scala.meta.dialects.{Quasiquote, QuasiquoteTerm, QuasiquotePat, Metalevel}
import scala.meta.internal.parsers.Location._
import scala.meta.internal.ast._
import scala.meta.internal.ast.Helpers._
import scala.meta.internal.parsers.Absolutize._
import scala.meta.inputs._
import scala.meta.tokens._
import scala.meta.tokens.Token._
import scala.meta.internal.tokens._
import scala.meta.internal.ast.{AstInfo, astInfo}
import scala.meta.parsers._
import scala.meta.tokenizers._
import scala.meta.prettyprinters._
import scala.meta.classifiers._
import scala.meta.internal.classifiers._
import org.scalameta._
import org.scalameta.invariants._
class ScalametaParser(input: Input, dialect: Dialect) { parser =>
require(Set("@", ":").contains(dialect.bindToSeqWildcardDesignator))
require(Set("", EOL).contains(dialect.toplevelSeparator))
implicit val currentDialect: Dialect = dialect
def inQuasiquote = dialect.metalevel.isQuoted
def allowInline = dialect.allowInline
/* ------------- PARSER ENTRY POINTS -------------------------------------------- */
def parseRule[T <: Tree](rule: this.type => T): T = {
// NOTE: can't require in.tokenPos to be at -1, because TokIterator auto-rewinds when created
// require(in.tokenPos == -1 && debug(in.tokenPos))
val start = 0
val t = rule(this)
// NOTE: can't have in.prevTokenPos here
// because we need to subsume all the trailing trivia
val end = in.tokenPos
atPos(start, end)(t)
// Entry points for Parse[T]
// Used for quasiquotes as well as for ad-hoc parsing
// parseQuasiquoteStat is used to implement q"..." and surprisingly can't be reduced to anything that's already in the parser,
// because it needs to support a wide range of constructs, from expressions to top-level definitions.
// Note the expr(Local) part, which means that we're going to parse lambda expressions in the mode that
// precludes ambiguities with self-type annotations.
private val consumeStat: PartialFunction[Token, Stat] = {
case KwImport() => importStmt()
case KwPackage() if !dialect.allowToplevelTerms => packageOrPackageObjectDef()
case DefIntro() => nonLocalDefOrDcl()
case ExprIntro() => expr(Local) match { case q: Term.Quasi => q.become[Stat.Quasi]; case other => other }
case Ellipsis(_) => Term.Block(List(ellipsis(1, astInfo[Stat])))
def parseStat(): Stat = {
parseRule(parser => {
def skipStatementSeparators(): Unit = {
if (token.is[EOF]) return
if (!token.is[StatSep]) accept[EOF]
val maybeStat = consumeStat.lift(token)
val stat = maybeStat.getOrElse(reporter.syntaxError("unexpected start of statement", at = token))
def parseQuasiquoteStat(): Stat = {
def failEmpty() = {
reporter.syntaxError("unexpected end of input", at = token)
def failMix(advice: Option[String]) = {
val message = "these statements can't be mixed together"
val addendum = advice.map(", " + _).getOrElse("")
reporter.syntaxError(message + addendum, at = parserTokens.head)
parseRule(parser => parser.statSeq(consumeStat) match {
case Nil => failEmpty()
case stat :: Nil => stat
case stats if stats.forall(_.isBlockStat) => Term.Block(stats)
case stats if stats.forall(_.isTopLevelStat) => failMix(Some("try source\"...\" instead"))
case other => failMix(None)
def parseQuasiquoteCtor(): Ctor = parseRule(_.quasiquoteCtor())
def parseTerm(): Term = parseRule(_.expr())
def parseUnquoteTerm(): Term = parseRule(_.unquoteExpr())
def parseTermArg(): Term.Arg = parseRule(_.argumentExpr())
def parseTermParam(): Term.Param = parseRule(_.param(ownerIsCase = false, ownerIsType = true, isImplicit = false))
def parseType(): Type = parseRule(_.typ())
def parseTypeArg(): Type.Arg = parseRule(_.paramType())
def parseTypeParam(): Type.Param = parseRule(_.typeParam(ownerIsType = true, ctxBoundsAllowed = true))
def parsePat(): Pat = parseRule(_.pattern()).require[Pat]
def parseQuasiquotePat(): Pat = parseRule(_.quasiquotePattern()).require[Pat]
def parseUnquotePat(): Pat = parseRule(_.unquotePattern())
def parsePatArg(): Pat.Arg = parseRule(_.argumentPattern())
def parseQuasiquotePatArg(): Pat.Arg = parseRule(_.quasiquotePatternArg())
def parsePatType(): Pat.Type = parseRule(_.patternTyp())
def parseQuasiquotePatType(): Pat.Type = parseRule(_.quasiquotePatternTyp())
def parseCase(): Case = parseRule{parser => parser.accept[KwCase]; parser.caseClause()}
def parseCtorCall(): Ctor.Call = parseRule(_.constructorCall(typ(), allowArgss = true))
def parseTemplate(): Template = parseRule(_.template())
def parseQuasiquoteTemplate(): Template = parseRule(_.quasiquoteTemplate())
def parseMod(): Mod = {
implicit class XtensionParser(parser: this.type) {
def annot() = parser.annots(skipNewLines = false) match {
case annot :: Nil => annot
case annot :: other :: _ => parser.reporter.syntaxError(s"end of file expected but ${token.name} found", at = other)
case Nil => unreachable
def fail() = parser.reporter.syntaxError(s"modifier expected but ${parser.token.name} found", at = parser.token)
parseRule(parser => parser.autoPos(parser.token match {
case Unquote(_) => unquote[Mod.Quasi]
case At() => parser.annot()
case KwPrivate() => parser.accessModifier()
case KwProtected() => parser.accessModifier()
case KwImplicit() => parser.next(); Mod.Implicit()
case KwFinal() => parser.next(); Mod.Final()
case KwSealed() => parser.next(); Mod.Sealed()
case KwOverride() => parser.next(); Mod.Override()
case KwCase() => parser.next(); Mod.Case()
case KwAbstract() => parser.next(); Mod.Abstract()
case Ident("+") => parser.next(); Mod.Covariant()
case Ident("-") => parser.next(); Mod.Contravariant()
case KwLazy() => parser.next(); Mod.Lazy()
case KwVal() if !inQuasiquote => parser.next(); Mod.ValParam()
case KwVar() if !inQuasiquote => parser.next(); Mod.VarParam()
case Ident("valparam") if inQuasiquote => parser.next(); Mod.ValParam()
case Ident("varparam") if inQuasiquote => parser.next(); Mod.VarParam()
case KwInline() if allowInline => parser.next(); Mod.Inline()
case _ => fail()
def parseQuasiquoteMod(): Mod = parseMod() // NOTE: special treatment for mod"valparam" and likes is implemented directly in `parseMod`
def parseEnumerator(): Enumerator = {
parseRule(_.enumerator(isFirst = false, allowNestedIf = false) match {
case enumerator :: Nil => enumerator
case other => unreachable(debug(other))
def parseImporter(): Importer = parseRule(_.importer())
def parseImportee(): Importee = parseRule(_.importee())
def parseSource(): Source = parseRule(_.source())
/* ------------- TOKEN STREAM HELPERS -------------------------------------------- */
// NOTE: This is a cache that's necessary for reasonable performance of prev/next for tokens.
// It maps character positions in input's content into indices in the scannerTokens vector.
// One complication here is that there can be multiple tokens that sort of occupy a given position,
// so the clients of this cache need to be wary of that!
private val scannerTokenCache: Array[Int] = {
val result = new Array[Int](input.chars.length)
var i = 0
while (i < scannerTokens.length) {
val token = scannerTokens(i)
var j = token.start
while (j < token.end) {
result(j) = i
j += 1
i += 1
implicit class XtensionTokenIndex(token: Token) {
def index: Int = {
def lurk(roughIndex: Int): Int = {
require(roughIndex >= 0 && debug(token))
if (scannerTokens(roughIndex) eq token) roughIndex
else lurk(roughIndex - 1)
def prev: Token = {
val prev = scannerTokens.apply(Math.max(token.index - 1, 0))
if (prev.is[Whitespace] || prev.is[Comment]) prev.prev
else prev
def next: Token = {
val next = scannerTokens.apply(Math.min(token.index + 1, scannerTokens.length - 1))
if (next.is[Whitespace] || next.is[Comment]) next.next
else next
/* ------------- PARSER-SPECIFIC TOKENS -------------------------------------------- */
// TODO: Scala's parser isn't ready to accept whitespace and comment tokens,
// so we have to filter them out, because otherwise we'll get errors like `expected blah, got whitespace`
// However, in certain tricky cases some whitespace tokens (namely, newlines) do have to be emitted.
// This leads to extremely dirty and seriously crazy code, which I'd like to replace in the future.
private val XtensionParsersDialectApply = "shadow conflicting implicit"
lazy val scannerTokens = input.tokenize match {
case Tokenized.Success(tokens) => tokens
case Tokenized.Error(_, _, details) => throw details
lazy val (parserTokens, parserTokenPositions) = {
val parserTokens = mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[Token]()
val parserTokenPositions = mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[Int]()
@tailrec def loop(prevPos: Int, currPos: Int, sepRegions: List[Char]): Unit = {
if (currPos >= scannerTokens.length) return
val prev = if (prevPos >= 0) scannerTokens(prevPos) else null
val curr = scannerTokens(currPos)
val nextPos = {
var i = currPos + 1
while (i < scannerTokens.length && scannerTokens(i).is[Trivia]) i += 1
if (i == scannerTokens.length) i = -1
val next = if (nextPos != -1) scannerTokens(nextPos) else null
if (curr.isNot[Trivia]) {
parserTokens += curr
parserTokenPositions += currPos
val sepRegions1 = {
if (curr.is[LeftParen]) ')' :: sepRegions
else if (curr.is[LeftBracket]) ']' :: sepRegions
else if (curr.is[LeftBrace]) '}' :: sepRegions
else if (curr.is[CaseIntro]) '\u21d2' :: sepRegions
else if (curr.is[RightBrace]) {
var sepRegions1 = sepRegions
while (!sepRegions1.isEmpty && sepRegions1.head != '}') sepRegions1 = sepRegions1.tail
if (!sepRegions1.isEmpty) sepRegions1 = sepRegions1.tail
} else if (curr.is[RightBracket]) { if (!sepRegions.isEmpty && sepRegions.head == ']') sepRegions.tail else sepRegions }
else if (curr.is[RightParen]) { if (!sepRegions.isEmpty && sepRegions.head == ')') sepRegions.tail else sepRegions }
else if (curr.is[RightArrow]) { if (!sepRegions.isEmpty && sepRegions.head == '\u21d2') sepRegions.tail else sepRegions }
else sepRegions // do nothing for other tokens
loop(currPos, currPos + 1, sepRegions1)
} else {
var i = prevPos + 1
var lastNewlinePos = -1
var newlineStreak = false
var newlines = false
while (i < nextPos) {
if (scannerTokens(i).is[LF] || scannerTokens(i).is[FF]) {
lastNewlinePos = i
if (newlineStreak) newlines = true
newlineStreak = true
newlineStreak &= scannerTokens(i).is[Whitespace]
i += 1
if (lastNewlinePos != -1 &&
prev != null && prev.is[CanEndStat] &&
next != null && next.isNot[CantStartStat] &&
(sepRegions.isEmpty || sepRegions.head == '}')) {
var token = scannerTokens(lastNewlinePos)
if (newlines) token = LFLF(token.input, token.dialect, token.start, token.end)
parserTokens += token
parserTokenPositions += lastNewlinePos
loop(lastNewlinePos, currPos + 1, sepRegions)
} else {
loop(prevPos, nextPos, sepRegions)
loop(-1, 0, Nil)
val underlying = parserTokens.result
(Tokens(underlying, 0, underlying.length), parserTokenPositions.result)
// NOTE: public methods of TokenIterator return scannerTokens-based positions
trait TokenIterator extends Iterator[Token] { def prevTokenPos: Int; def tokenPos: Int; def token: Token; def fork: TokenIterator }
var in: TokenIterator = new SimpleTokenIterator()
private class SimpleTokenIterator(var i: Int = -1) extends TokenIterator {
if (i == -1) next() // NOTE: only do next() if we've been just created. forks can't go for next()
def hasNext: Boolean = i < parserTokens.length - 1
def next(): Token = { if (!hasNext) throw new NoSuchElementException(); i += 1; parserTokens(i) }
def prevTokenPos: Int = if (i > 0) parserTokenPositions(Math.min(i, parserTokens.length - 1) - 1) else -1
def tokenPos: Int = if (i > -1) parserTokenPositions(Math.min(i, parserTokens.length - 1)) else -1
def token: Token = parserTokens(i)
def fork: TokenIterator = new SimpleTokenIterator(i)
def token = in.token
def next() = in.next()
def nextOnce() = next()
def nextTwice() = { next(); next() }
def nextThrice() = { next(); next(); next() }
/* ------------- PARSER COMMON -------------------------------------------- */
/** Scoping operator used to temporarily look into the future.
* Backs up token iterator before evaluating a block and restores it after.
@inline final def ahead[T](body: => T): T = {
val forked = in.fork
try body finally in = forked
/** Perform an operation while peeking ahead.
* Recover to inputal state in case of exception.
@inline def peekingAhead[T](tree: => T): T = {
val forked = in.fork
// try it, in case it is recoverable
try tree catch { case e: Exception => in = forked ; throw e }
/** Methods inParensOrError and similar take a second argument which, should
* the next token not be the expected opener (e.g. token.LeftParen) will be returned
* instead of the contents of the groupers. However in all cases accept[LeftParen]
* will be called, so a parse error will still result. If the grouping is
* optional, token should be tested before calling these methods.
@inline final def inParens[T](body: => T): T = {
val ret = body
@inline final def inParensOrError[T](body: => T, alt: T): T =
if (token.is[LeftParen]) inParens(body)
else { accept[LeftParen]; alt }
@inline final def inParensOrUnit[T, Ret >: Lit](body: => Ret): Ret = inParensOrError(body, Lit(()))
@inline final def inParensOrNil[T](body: => List[T]): List[T] = inParensOrError(body, Nil)
@inline final def inBraces[T](body: => T): T = {
val ret = body
@inline final def inBracesOrError[T](body: => T, alt: T): T =
if (token.is[LeftBrace]) inBraces(body)
else { accept[LeftBrace]; alt }
@inline final def inBracesOrNil[T](body: => List[T]): List[T] = inBracesOrError(body, Nil)
@inline final def inBracesOrUnit[T](body: => Term): Term = inBracesOrError(body, Lit(()))
@inline final def dropAnyBraces[T](body: => T): T =
if (token.is[LeftBrace]) inBraces(body)
else body
@inline final def inBrackets[T](body: => T): T = {
val ret = body
/* ------------- POSITION HANDLING ------------------------------------------- */
// TODO: `startTokenPos` and `endTokenPos` are BOTH INCLUSIVE.
// This is at odds with the rest of scala.meta, where ends are non-inclusive.
sealed trait Pos {
def startTokenPos: Int
def endTokenPos: Int
case class IndexPos(index: Int) extends Pos {
def startTokenPos = index
def endTokenPos = startTokenPos
case class TokenPos(token: Token) extends Pos {
def startTokenPos = token.index
def endTokenPos = startTokenPos
case class TreePos(tree: Tree) extends Pos {
val (startTokenPos, endTokenPos) = tree.origin match {
case Origin.Parsed(_, _, pos) => (pos.start, pos.end - 1)
case _ => sys.error("internal error: unpositioned prototype ${tree.syntax}: ${tree.structure}")
case object AutoPos extends Pos {
def startTokenPos = in.tokenPos
def endTokenPos = in.prevTokenPos
implicit def intToIndexPos(index: Int): IndexPos = IndexPos(index)
implicit def tokenToTokenPos(token: Token): TokenPos = TokenPos(token)
implicit def treeToTreePos(tree: Tree): TreePos = TreePos(tree)
implicit def optionTreeToPos(tree: Option[Tree]): Pos = tree.map(TreePos).getOrElse(AutoPos)
implicit def modsToPos(mods: List[Mod]): Pos = mods.headOption.map(TreePos).getOrElse(AutoPos)
def auto = AutoPos
def atPos[T <: Tree](start: Pos, end: Pos)(body: => T): T = {
val startTokenPos = start.startTokenPos
val result = body
var endTokenPos = end.endTokenPos
if (endTokenPos < startTokenPos) endTokenPos = startTokenPos - 1
val pos = TokenStreamPosition(startTokenPos, endTokenPos + 1)
result.withOrigin(Origin.Parsed(input, dialect, pos)).asInstanceOf[T]
def autoPos[T <: Tree](body: => T): T = atPos(start = auto, end = auto)(body)
/* ------------- ERROR HANDLING ------------------------------------------- */
lazy val reporter = Reporter()
import reporter._
private var inFunReturnType = false
@inline private def fromWithinReturnType[T](body: => T): T = {
val saved = inFunReturnType
inFunReturnType = true
try body
finally inFunReturnType = saved
def syntaxErrorExpected[T <: Token : TokenInfo]: Nothing =
syntaxError(s"${implicitly[TokenInfo[T]].name} expected but ${token.name} found", at = token)
/** Consume one token of the specified type, or signal an error if it is not there. */
def accept[T <: Token : TokenInfo]: Unit =
if (token.is[T](implicitly[TokenInfo[T]])) {
if (token.isNot[EOF]) next()
} else syntaxErrorExpected[T]
/** If current token is T consume it. */
def acceptOpt[T <: Token : TokenInfo]: Unit =
if (token.is[T]) next()
/** {{{
* semi = nl {nl} | `;'
* nl = `\n' // where allowed
* }}}
def acceptStatSep(): Unit = token match {
case LF() | LFLF() => next()
case _ => accept[Semicolon]
def acceptStatSepOpt() =
if (!token.is[StatSeqEnd])
/* -------------- TOKEN CLASSES ------------------------------------------- */
def isIdentAnd(pred: String => Boolean) = token match {
case Ident(value) if pred(value.stripPrefix("`").stripSuffix("`")) => true
case _ => false
def isUnaryOp: Boolean = isIdentAnd(Helpers.isUnaryOp)
def isIdentExcept(except: String) = isIdentAnd(_ != except)
def isIdentOf(name: String) = isIdentAnd(_ == name)
def isIdent: Boolean = isIdentAnd(_ => true)
def isRawStar: Boolean = isIdentOf("*")
def isRawBar: Boolean = isIdentOf("|")
def isColonWildcardStar: Boolean = token.is[Colon] && ahead(token.is[Underscore] && ahead(isIdentOf("*")))
def isSpliceFollowedBy(check: => Boolean): Boolean
= token.is[Ellipsis] && ahead(token.is[Unquote] && ahead(token.is[Ident] || check))
def isBackquoted: Boolean = token.syntax.startsWith("`") && token.syntax.endsWith("`")
private implicit class XtensionTokenClass(token: Token) {
def isCaseClassOrObject = token.is[KwCase] && (token.next.is[KwClass] || token.next.is[KwObject])
trait TypeIntro {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[Ident] || token.is[KwSuper] || token.is[KwThis] ||
token.is[LeftParen] || token.is[At] || token.is[Underscore] ||
trait ExprIntro {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[Ident] || token.is[Literal] ||
token.is[Interpolation.Id] || token.is[Xml.Start] ||
token.is[KwDo] || token.is[KwFor] || token.is[KwIf] ||
token.is[KwNew] || token.is[KwReturn] || token.is[KwSuper] ||
token.is[KwThis] || token.is[KwThrow] || token.is[KwTry] || token.is[KwWhile] ||
token.is[LeftParen] || token.is[LeftBrace] || token.is[Underscore] ||
trait CaseIntro {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[KwCase] && !token.isCaseClassOrObject
trait DefIntro {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[Modifier] || token.is[At] ||
token.is[TemplateIntro] || token.is[DclIntro] ||
(token.is[Unquote] && token.next.is[DefIntro]) ||
(token.is[Ellipsis] && token.next.is[DefIntro]) ||
(token.is[KwCase] && token.isCaseClassOrObject)
trait TemplateIntro {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[Modifier] || token.is[At] ||
token.is[KwClass] || token.is[KwObject] || token.is[KwTrait] ||
(token.is[Unquote] && token.next.is[TemplateIntro]) ||
(token.is[KwCase] && token.isCaseClassOrObject)
trait DclIntro {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[KwDef] || token.is[KwType] ||
token.is[KwVal] || token.is[KwVar] ||
(token.is[Unquote] && token.next.is[DclIntro])
trait Modifier {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[KwAbstract] || token.is[KwFinal] ||
token.is[KwSealed] || token.is[KwImplicit] ||
token.is[KwLazy] || token.is[KwPrivate] ||
token.is[KwProtected] || token.is[KwOverride] ||
trait NonlocalModifier {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[KwPrivate] || token.is[KwProtected] ||
trait LocalModifier {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[Modifier] && !token.is[NonlocalModifier]
trait StatSeqEnd {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[RightBrace] || token.is[EOF]
trait CaseDefEnd {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[RightBrace] || token.is[EOF] ||
(token.is[KwCase] && !token.isCaseClassOrObject) ||
(token.is[Ellipsis] && token.next.is[KwCase])
trait CantStartStat {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[KwCatch] || token.is[KwElse] || token.is[KwExtends] ||
token.is[KwFinally] || token.is[KwForsome] || token.is[KwMatch] ||
token.is[KwWith] || token.is[KwYield] ||
token.is[RightParen] || token.is[LeftBracket] || token.is[RightBracket] || token.is[RightBrace] ||
token.is[Comma] || token.is[Colon] || token.is[Dot] || token.is[Equals] ||
token.is[Semicolon] || token.is[Hash] || token.is[RightArrow] || token.is[LeftArrow] ||
token.is[Subtype] || token.is[Supertype] || token.is[Viewbound] ||
token.is[LF] || token.is[LFLF] || token.is[EOF]
trait CanEndStat {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[Ident] || token.is[Literal] ||
token.is[Interpolation.End] || token.is[Xml.End] ||
token.is[KwReturn] || token.is[KwThis] || token.is[KwType] ||
token.is[RightParen] || token.is[RightBracket] || token.is[RightBrace] || token.is[Underscore] ||
token.is[Ellipsis] || token.is[Unquote]
trait StatSep {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[Semicolon] || token.is[LF] || token.is[LFLF] || token.is[EOF]
trait Literal {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = token match {
case Constant.Int(_) => true
case Constant.Long(_) => true
case Constant.Float(_) => true
case Constant.Double(_) => true
case Constant.Char(_) => true
case Constant.Symbol(_) => true
case Constant.String(_) => true
case KwTrue() => true
case KwFalse() => true
case KwNull() => true
case _ => false
trait NumericLiteral {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = token match {
case Constant.Int(_) => true
case Constant.Long(_) => true
case Constant.Float(_) => true
case Constant.Double(_) => true
case _ => false
trait Whitespace {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[Space] || token.is[Tab] ||
token.is[CR] || token.is[LF] ||
token.is[LFLF] || token.is[FF]
trait Trivia {
def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = {
token.is[Whitespace] || token.is[Comment]
/* ---------- TREE CONSTRUCTION ------------------------------------------- */
def ellipsis[T <: Tree : AstInfo](rank: Int, astInfo: AstInfo[T], extraSkip: => Unit = {}): T = autoPos {
token match {
case ellipsis: Ellipsis =>
if (dialect.allowEllipses) {
if (ellipsis.rank != rank) {
syntaxError(Messages.QuasiquoteRankMismatch(ellipsis.rank, rank), at = ellipsis)
} else {
val tree = {
val result = token match {
case LeftParen() => inParens(unquote[T])
case LeftBrace() => inBraces(unquote[T])
case Unquote(_) => unquote[T]
case _ => syntaxError(s"$$, ( or { expected but ${token.name} found", at = token)
result match {
case quasi: Quasi =>
// NOTE: In the case of an unquote nested directly under ellipsis, we get a bit of a mixup.
// Unquote's pt may not be directly equal unwrapped ellipsis's pt, but be its refinement instead.
// For example, in `new { ..$stats }`, ellipsis's pt is Seq[Stat], but quasi's pt is Term.
// This is an artifact of the current implementation, so we just need to keep it mind and work around it.
require(classTag[T].runtimeClass.isAssignableFrom(quasi.pt) && debug(ellipsis, result, result.structure))
atPos(quasi, quasi)(astInfo.quasi(quasi.rank, quasi.tree))
case other =>
astInfo.quasi(rank, tree)
} else {
syntaxError(s"$dialect doesn't support ellipses", at = ellipsis)
case _ =>
def unquote[T <: Tree : AstInfo](advance: Boolean = true): T = autoPos {
token match {
case unquote: Unquote =>
require(unquote.metalevel.nesting == 0)
require(unquote.input.chars(unquote.start + 1) != '$')
dialect match {
case dialect: Quasiquote =>
// TODO: The necessity to do position fixup for error messages is unsatisfying.
// NOTE: I considered having Input.Slice produce absolute positions from the get-go,
// but then such positions wouldn't be usable with Input.Slice.chars.
val unquotedTree = {
try {
val unquoteInput = Input.Slice(input, unquote.start + 1, unquote.end)
val unquoteDialect = dialect.underlying
val unquoteParser = new ScalametaParser(unquoteInput, unquoteDialect)
dialect match {
case dialect: QuasiquoteTerm => unquoteParser.parseUnquoteTerm()
case dialect: QuasiquotePat => unquoteParser.parseUnquotePat()
} catch {
case ex: Exception => throw ex.absolutize
if (advance) {
implicitly[AstInfo[T]].quasi(0, unquotedTree)
} else ahead {
implicitly[AstInfo[T]].quasi(0, unquotedTree)
case _ =>
syntaxError(s"$dialect doesn't support unquotes", at = unquote)
case _ =>
def unquote[T <: Tree : AstInfo]: T = unquote[T](advance = true) // to write `unquote[T]` without round braces
/** Convert tree to formal parameter list. */
def convertToParams(tree: Term): List[Term.Param] = tree match {
case Term.Tuple(ts) => ts.toList flatMap convertToParam
case _ => List(convertToParam(tree)).flatten
/** Convert tree to formal parameter. */
def convertToParam(tree: Term): Option[Term.Param] = tree match {
case q: Term.Quasi =>
case name: Term.Name =>
Some(atPos(tree, tree)(Term.Param(Nil, name, None, None)))
case name: Term.Placeholder =>
Some(atPos(tree, tree)(Term.Param(Nil, atPos(name, name)(Name.Anonymous()), None, None)))
case Term.Ascribe(quasiName: Term.Quasi, tpt) =>
val name = quasiName.become[Term.Name.Quasi]
Some(atPos(tree, tree)(Term.Param(Nil, name, Some(tpt), None)))
case Term.Ascribe(name: Term.Name, tpt) =>
Some(atPos(tree, tree)(Term.Param(Nil, name, Some(tpt), None)))
case Term.Ascribe(name: Term.Placeholder, tpt) =>
Some(atPos(tree, tree)(Term.Param(Nil, atPos(name, name)(Name.Anonymous()), Some(tpt), None)))
case Lit(()) =>
case other =>
syntaxError(s"not a legal formal parameter", at = other)
def convertToTypeId(ref: Term.Ref): Option[Type] = ref match {
case ref: Term.Ref.Quasi =>
case Term.Select(qual: Term.Quasi, name: Term.Name.Quasi) =>
val newQual = qual.become[Term.Ref.Quasi]
val newName = name.become[Type.Name.Quasi]
Some(atPos(ref, ref)(Type.Select(newQual, newName)))
case Term.Select(qual: Term.Ref, name) =>
val newName = atPos(name, name)(Type.Name(name.value))
Some(atPos(ref, ref)(Type.Select(qual, newName)))
case name: Term.Name =>
Some(atPos(name, name)(Type.Name(name.value)))
case _ =>
/** {{{ part { `sep` part } }}}, or if sepFirst is true, {{{ { `sep` part } }}}.
* if useUnquoteForEllipsis = true, uses direct unquote instead of `part`
* */
final def tokenSeparated[Sep <: Token : TokenInfo, T <: Tree : AstInfo](sepFirst: Boolean, part: => T): List[T] = {
def partOrEllipsis =
if (token.is[Ellipsis]) ellipsis(1, astInfo[T])
else part
val ts = new ListBuffer[T]
if (!sepFirst)
ts += partOrEllipsis
while (token.is[Sep] || token.is[Ellipsis]) {
if (token.is[Sep]) next()
ts += partOrEllipsis
@inline final def commaSeparated[T <: Tree : AstInfo](part: => T): List[T] =
tokenSeparated[Comma, T](sepFirst = false, part)
def makeTuple[T <: Tree](body: List[T], zero: () => T, tuple: List[T] => T): T = body match {
case Nil => zero()
case only :: Nil => only match {
case q: Quasi if q.rank == 1 => tuple(body)
case _ => only
case _ => tuple(body)
def makeTupleTerm(body: List[Term]): Term = {
// NOTE: we can't make this autoPos, unlike makeTupleTermParens
// see comments to makeTupleType for discussion
body match {
case Seq(q @ Term.Quasi(1, _)) => atPos(q, q)(Term.Tuple(body))
case _ => makeTuple[Term](body, () => Lit(()), Term.Tuple(_))
def makeTupleTermParens(bodyf: => List[Term]) = autoPos {
makeTupleTerm(inParens(if (token.is[RightParen]) Nil else bodyf))
// TODO: make zero tuple for types Lit.Unit() too?
def makeTupleType(body: List[Type]): Type = {
// NOTE: we can't make this autoPos, unlike makeTuplePatParens
// because, by the time control reaches this method, we're already past the closing parenthesis
// therefore, we'll rely on our callers to assign positions to the tuple we return
// we can't do atPos(body.first, body.last) either, because that wouldn't account for parentheses
body match {
case Seq(q @ Type.Quasi(1, _)) => atPos(q, q)(Type.Tuple(body))
case _ => makeTuple[Type](body, () => unreachable, Type.Tuple(_))
/* -------- IDENTIFIERS AND LITERALS ------------------------------------------- */
/** Methods which implicitly propagate the context in which they were
* called: either in a pattern context or not. Formerly, this was
* threaded through numerous methods as boolean isPattern.
trait PatternContextSensitive {
/** {{{
* ArgType ::= Type
* }}}
def argType(): Type
def functionArgType(): Type.Arg
private def tupleInfixType(): Type = autoPos {
require(token.is[LeftParen] && debug(token))
val openParenPos = in.tokenPos
// NOTE: This is a really hardcore disambiguation caused by introduction of Type.Method.
// We need to accept `(T, U) => W`, `(x: T): x.U` and also support unquoting.
// Maybe it was not the best idea to introduce method types or to have this syntax for them...
// TODO: Decide whether to keep or remove this after we think about semantic once again.
var hasParams = false
var hasImplicits = false
var hasTypes = false
var secondOpenParenPos = -1
var closeParenPos = -1
val rawtss: List[List[Tree]] = {
def paramOrType() = {
def looksLikeParam = token.is[KwImplicit] || (token.is[Ident] && ahead(token.is[Colon]))
if (token.is[Ellipsis]) {
ellipsis(1, astInfo[Tree])
} else if (token.is[Unquote]) {
} else if (looksLikeParam) {
if (hasTypes) syntaxError("can't mix function type and method type syntaxes", at = token)
if (hasImplicits) accept[Ident]
hasParams = true
hasImplicits |= token.is[KwImplicit]
param(ownerIsCase = false, ownerIsType = false, isImplicit = hasImplicits)
} else {
if (hasParams) syntaxError("can't mix function type and method type syntaxes", at = token)
hasTypes = true
val rawtss = new ListBuffer[List[Tree]]
while (!hasTypes && !hasImplicits && token.is[LeftParen]) {
if (openParenPos != in.tokenPos && secondOpenParenPos == 0) secondOpenParenPos = in.tokenPos
val rawts = new ListBuffer[Tree]
if (!token.is[RightParen]) {
rawts += paramOrType()
while (token.is[Comma] || token.is[Ellipsis]) {
if (token.is[Comma]) next()
rawts += paramOrType()
closeParenPos = in.tokenPos
// NOTE: can't have this, because otherwise we run into #312
// newLineOptWhenFollowedBy[LeftParen]
rawtss += rawts.toList
def ts: List[Type.Arg] = {
if (hasParams) require(false && debug(hasParams, hasImplicits, hasTypes))
if (rawtss.length != 1) {
val message = "can't have multiple parameter lists in function types"
syntaxError(message, at = scannerTokens(secondOpenParenPos))
case q: Tree.Quasi => q.become[Type.Arg.Quasi]
case t: Type.Arg => t
case other => unreachable(debug(other.syntax, other.structure))
def pss: List[List[Term.Param]] = {
if (hasTypes) require(false && debug(hasParams, hasImplicits, hasTypes))
case q: Tree.Quasi => q.become[Term.Param.Quasi]
case t: Term.Param => t
case other => unreachable(debug(other.syntax, other.structure))
if (hasParams && !token.is[Colon]) syntaxError("can't mix function type and method type syntaxes", at = token)
if (hasTypes && token.is[Colon]) accept[RightArrow]
if (token.is[RightArrow]) {
Type.Function(ts, typ())
} else {
val tuple = atPos(openParenPos, closeParenPos)(makeTupleType(ts map {
case q: Type.Arg.Quasi => q.become[Type.Quasi]
case t: Type => t
case p: Type.Arg.ByName => syntaxError("by name type not allowed here", at = p)
case p: Type.Arg.Repeated => syntaxError("repeated type not allowed here", at = p)
/** {{{
* Type ::= InfixType `=>' Type
* | `(' [`=>' Type] `)' `=>' Type
* | `[' [`=>' Type] `]' `=>' Type
* | InfixType [ExistentialClause]
* ExistentialClause ::= forSome `{' ExistentialDcl {semi ExistentialDcl}} `}'
* ExistentialDcl ::= type TypeDcl | val ValDcl
* }}}
def typ(): Type = autoPos {
val t: Type =
if (token.is[LeftParen]) tupleInfixType()
else infixType(InfixMode.FirstOp)
token match {
case RightArrow() => next(); Type.Function(List(t), typ())
case KwForsome() => next(); Type.Existential(t, existentialStats())
case _ => t
/** {{{
* TypeArgs ::= `[' ArgType {`,' ArgType} `]'
* }}}
def typeArgs(): List[Type] = inBrackets(types())
/** {{{
* ModType ::= SimpleType {Annotation}
* }}}
def annotType(): Type = annotTypeRest(simpleType())
/** {{{
* SimpleType ::= SimpleType TypeArgs
* | SimpleType `#' Id
* | StableId
* | Path `.' type
* | `(' Types `)'
* | WildcardType
* }}}
def simpleType(): Type = {
simpleTypeRest(autoPos(token match {
case LeftParen() => autoPos(makeTupleType(inParens(types())))
case Underscore() => next(); atPos(in.prevTokenPos, auto)(Type.Placeholder(typeBounds()))
case _ =>
val ref: Term.Ref = path()
if (token.isNot[Dot])
convertToTypeId(ref) getOrElse { syntaxError("identifier expected", at = ref) }
else {
val refOrQuasi = ref match {
case quasi: Term.Name.Quasi =>
case ref => ref
def simpleTypeRest(t: Type): Type = token match {
case Hash() => next(); simpleTypeRest(atPos(t, auto)(Type.Project(t, typeName())))
case LeftBracket() => simpleTypeRest(atPos(t, auto)(Type.Apply(t, typeArgs())))
case _ => t
/** {{{
* CompoundType ::= ModType {with ModType} [Refinement]
* | Refinement
* }}}
def compoundType(): Type = compoundTypeRest {
if (token.is[LeftBrace])
else if (isSpliceFollowedBy(token.is[KwWith] || token.is[LeftBrace] || (token.is[LF] && ahead (token.is[LeftBrace]))))
Some(ellipsis(1, astInfo[Type]))
// TODO: warn about def f: Unit { } case?
def compoundTypeRest(t: Option[Type]): Type = atPos(t, auto) {
val ts = new ListBuffer[Type] ++ t
while (token.is[KwWith]) {
if (token.is[Ellipsis]) ts += ellipsis(1, astInfo[Type])
else ts += annotType()
val types = ts.toList
if (token.is[LeftBrace]) {
val refinements = refinement()
val hasQuasi = t match {
case q @ Some(Type.Quasi(1, _)) => true
case _ => false
(types, refinements) match {
case (typ :: Nil, Nil) if !hasQuasi => typ
case _ => Type.Compound(types, refinements)
} else {
if (types.length == 1) types.head
else Type.Compound(types, Nil)
def infixTypeRest(t: Type, mode: InfixMode.Value): Type = atPos(t, auto) {
if (isIdent || token.is[Unquote]) {
if (isRawStar && ahead(token.is[RightParen] || token.is[Comma] || token.is[Equals] || token.is[RightBrace] || token.is[EOF])) {
// we assume that this is a type specification for a vararg parameter
} else {
val name = termName(advance = false)
val leftAssoc = name.isLeftAssoc
if (mode != InfixMode.FirstOp) checkAssoc(name, leftAssoc = mode == InfixMode.LeftOp)
val op = typeName()
def mkOp(t1: Type) = atPos(t, t1)(Type.ApplyInfix(t, op, t1))
if (leftAssoc)
infixTypeRest(mkOp(compoundType()), InfixMode.LeftOp)
} else {
/** {{{
* InfixType ::= CompoundType {id [nl] CompoundType}
* }}}
def infixType(mode: InfixMode.Value): Type =
infixTypeRest(compoundType(), mode)
/** {{{
* Types ::= Type {`,' Type}
* }}}
def types(): List[Type] = commaSeparated(argType())
// TODO: I have a feeling that we no longer need PatternContextSensitive
// now that we have Pat.Type separate from Type
def patternTyp(allowInfix: Boolean, allowImmediateTypevars: Boolean): Pat.Type = {
def loop(tpe: Type, convertTypevars: Boolean): Pat.Type = tpe match {
case q: Type.Quasi =>
case tpe @ Type.Name(value) if convertTypevars && value(0).isLower =>
atPos(tpe, tpe)(Pat.Var.Type(tpe))
case tpe: Type.Name =>
case tpe: Type.Select =>
case Type.Project(qual, name) =>
val qual1 = loop(qual, convertTypevars = false)
val name1 = name
atPos(tpe, tpe)(Pat.Type.Project(qual1, name1))
case tpe: Type.Singleton =>
case Type.Apply(underlying, args) =>
val underlying1 = loop(underlying, convertTypevars = false)
val args1 = args.map(arg => loop(arg, convertTypevars = true))
atPos(tpe, tpe)(Pat.Type.Apply(underlying1, args1))
case Type.ApplyInfix(lhs, op, rhs) =>
val lhs1 = loop(lhs, convertTypevars = false)
val op1 = op
val rhs1 = loop(rhs, convertTypevars = false)
atPos(tpe, tpe)(Pat.Type.ApplyInfix(lhs1, op1, rhs1))
case Type.Function(params, res) =>
val params1 = params.map {
case q @ Type.Arg.Quasi(1, Type.Arg.Quasi(0, _)) => q.become[Pat.Type.Quasi]
case p => loop(p.require[Type], convertTypevars = true)
val res1 = loop(res, convertTypevars = false)
atPos(tpe, tpe)(Pat.Type.Function(params1, res1))
case Type.Tuple(elements) =>
val elements1 = elements.map(el => loop(el, convertTypevars = true))
atPos(tpe, tpe)(Pat.Type.Tuple(elements1))
case Type.Compound(tpes, refinement) =>
val tpes1 = tpes.map(tpe => loop(tpe, convertTypevars = false))
val refinement1 = refinement
atPos(tpe, tpe)(Pat.Type.Compound(tpes1, refinement1))
case Type.Existential(underlying, quants) =>
val underlying1 = loop(underlying, convertTypevars = false)
val quants1 = quants
atPos(tpe, tpe)(Pat.Type.Existential(underlying1, quants1))
case Type.Annotate(underlying, annots) =>
val underlying1 = loop(underlying, convertTypevars = false)
val annots1 = annots
atPos(tpe, tpe)(Pat.Type.Annotate(underlying1, annots1))
case Type.Placeholder(Type.Bounds(None, None)) if convertTypevars =>
atPos(tpe, tpe)(Pat.Type.Wildcard())
case Type.Placeholder(bounds) =>
val bounds1 = bounds
atPos(tpe, tpe)(Pat.Type.Placeholder(bounds1))
case tpe: Lit =>
val t: Type = {
if (allowInfix) {
val t = if (token.is[LeftParen]) tupleInfixType() else compoundType()
def mkOp(t1: Type) = atPos(t, t1)(Type.ApplyInfix(t, typeName(), t1))
token match {
case KwForsome() => next(); atPos(t, t)(Type.Existential(t, existentialStats()))
case Unquote(_) | Ident(_) if !isRawBar => infixTypeRest(mkOp(compoundType()), InfixMode.LeftOp)
case _ => t
} else {
loop(t, convertTypevars = allowImmediateTypevars)
def quasiquotePatternTyp(allowInfix: Boolean, allowImmediateTypevars: Boolean): Pat.Type = autoPos {
// NOTE: As per quasiquotes.md
// * pt"_" => Pat.Type.Wildcard (doesn't parse)
// * pt"x" => Pat.Var.Type (needs postprocessing, parsed as Type.Name)
// * pt"X" => error
// * pt"`x`" => Type.Name (ok)
// * pt"`X`" => Type.Name (ok)
token match {
case Underscore() if ahead(token.is[EOF]) =>
case _ =>
val bqIdent = isIdent && isBackquoted
val nonbqIdent = isIdent && !isBackquoted
val ptpe = patternTyp(allowInfix = true, allowImmediateTypevars = false)
ptpe match {
case ptpe: Type.Name if nonbqIdent =>
if (ptpe.value.head.isLower) atPos(ptpe, ptpe)(Pat.Var.Type(ptpe))
else syntaxError("Pattern type variables must start with a lower-case letter", at = ptpe)
case ptpe: Type.Name if bqIdent =>
syntaxError("Pattern type variables must not be enclosed in backquotes", at = ptpe)
case _ =>
def patternTypeArgs() = inBrackets(commaSeparated(patternTyp(allowInfix = true, allowImmediateTypevars = true)))
private trait AllowedName[T]
private object AllowedName {
implicit object AllowedTermName extends AllowedName[Term.Name]
implicit object AllowedTypeName extends AllowedName[Type.Name]
private def name[T <: Tree : AllowedName : AstInfo](ctor: String => T, advance: Boolean): T = token match {
case Ident(value) =>
val name = value.stripPrefix("`").stripSuffix("`")
val res = atPos(in.tokenPos, in.tokenPos)(ctor(name))
if (advance) next()
case Unquote(_) =>
case _ =>
def termName(advance: Boolean = true): Term.Name = name(Term.Name(_), advance)
def typeName(advance: Boolean = true): Type.Name = name(Type.Name(_), advance)
/** {{{
* Path ::= StableId
* | [Ident `.'] this
* ModType ::= Path [`.' type]
* }}}
// TODO: this has to be rewritten
def path(thisOK: Boolean = true): Term.Ref = {
val startsAtBof = token.prev.is[BOF]
def endsAtEof = token.is[EOF]
def stop = token.isNot[Dot] || ahead { token.isNot[KwThis] && token.isNot[KwSuper] && token.isNot[Ident] && token.isNot[Unquote] }
if (token.is[KwThis]) {
val anonqual = atPos(in.tokenPos, in.prevTokenPos)(Name.Anonymous())
val thisp = atPos(in.prevTokenPos, auto)(Term.This(anonqual))
if (stop && thisOK) thisp
else {
} else if (token.is[KwSuper]) {
val anonqual = atPos(in.tokenPos, in.prevTokenPos)(Name.Anonymous())
val superp = atPos(in.prevTokenPos, auto)(Term.Super(anonqual, mixinQualifier()))
if (startsAtBof && endsAtEof && inQuasiquote) return superp
val supersel = atPos(superp, auto)(Term.Select(superp, termName()))
if (stop) supersel
else {
} else {
val name = termName()
if (stop) name
else {
if (token.is[KwThis]) {
val qual = name match {
case q: Term.Name.Quasi => q.become[Name.Qualifier.Quasi]
case name => atPos(name, name)(Name.Indeterminate(name.value))
val thisp = atPos(name, auto)(Term.This(qual))
if (stop && thisOK) thisp
else {
} else if (token.is[KwSuper]) {
val qual = name match {
case q: Term.Name.Quasi => q.become[Name.Qualifier.Quasi]
case name => atPos(name, name)(Name.Indeterminate(name.value))
val superp = atPos(name, auto)(Term.Super(qual, mixinQualifier()))
if (startsAtBof && endsAtEof && inQuasiquote) return superp
val supersel = atPos(superp, auto)(Term.Select(superp, termName()))
if (stop) supersel
else {
} else {
selectors(name match {
case q: Term.Name.Quasi => q.become[Term.Quasi]
case name => name
def selector(t: Term): Term.Select = atPos(t, auto)(Term.Select(t, termName()))
def selectors(t: Term): Term.Ref = {
val t1 = selector(t)
if (token.is[Dot] && ahead { token.is[Ident] }) {
else t1
/** {{{
* MixinQualifier ::= `[' Id `]'
* }}}
def mixinQualifier(): Name.Qualifier = {
if (token.is[LeftBracket]) {
inBrackets {
typeName() match {
case q: Type.Name.Quasi => q.become[Name.Qualifier.Quasi]
case name => atPos(name, name)(Name.Indeterminate(name.value))
} else {
atPos(in.tokenPos, in.prevTokenPos)(Name.Anonymous())
/** {{{
* StableId ::= Id
* | Path `.' Id
* | [id `.'] super [`[' id `]']`.' id
* }}}
def stableId(): Term.Ref =
path(thisOK = false)
/** {{{
* QualId ::= Id {`.' Id}
* }}}
def qualId(): Term.Ref = {
val name = termName() match {
case quasi: Term.Name.Quasi =>
case ref => ref
if (token.isNot[Dot]) name
else {
/** {{{
* SimpleExpr ::= literal
* | symbol
* | null
* }}}
def literal(isNegated: Boolean = false): Lit = autoPos {
def isHex = token.syntax.startsWith("0x") || token.syntax.startsWith("0X")
val res = token match {
case Constant.Int(rawValue) =>
val value = if (isNegated) -rawValue else rawValue
val min = if (isHex) BigInt(Int.MinValue) * 2 + 1 else BigInt(Int.MinValue)
val max = if (isHex) BigInt(Int.MaxValue) * 2 + 1 else BigInt(Int.MaxValue)
if (value > max) syntaxError("integer number too large", at = token)
else if (value < min) syntaxError("integer number too small", at = token)
case Constant.Long(rawValue) =>
val value = if (isNegated) -rawValue else rawValue
val min = if (isHex) BigInt(Long.MinValue) * 2 + 1 else BigInt(Long.MinValue)
val max = if (isHex) BigInt(Long.MaxValue) * 2 + 1 else BigInt(Long.MaxValue)
if (value > max) syntaxError("integer number too large", at = token)
else if (value < min) syntaxError("integer number too small", at = token)
case Constant.Float(rawValue) =>
val value = if (isNegated) -rawValue else rawValue
if (value > Float.MaxValue) syntaxError("floating point number too large", at = token)
else if (value < Float.MinValue) syntaxError("floating point number too small", at = token)
case Constant.Double(rawValue) =>
val value = if (isNegated) -rawValue else rawValue
if (value > Double.MaxValue) syntaxError("floating point number too large", at = token)
else if (value < Double.MinValue) syntaxError("floating point number too small", at = token)
case Constant.Char(value) =>
case Constant.String(value) =>
case Constant.Symbol(value) =>
case KwTrue() =>
case KwFalse() =>
case KwNull() =>
case _ =>
def interpolate[Ctx <: Tree, Ret <: Tree](arg: () => Ctx, result: (Term.Name, List[Lit], List[Ctx]) => Ret): Ret = autoPos {
val interpolator = {
val name = token match {
case Xml.Start() => Term.Name("xml")
case Interpolation.Id(value) => Term.Name(value)
case _ => unreachable(debug(token))
atPos(in.tokenPos, in.tokenPos)(name)
if (token.is[Interpolation.Id]) next()
val partsBuf = new ListBuffer[Lit]
val argsBuf = new ListBuffer[Ctx]
def loop(): Unit = token match {
case Interpolation.Start() | Xml.Start() =>
case Interpolation.Part(value) =>
partsBuf += atPos(in.tokenPos, in.tokenPos)(Lit(value))
case Xml.Part(value) =>
partsBuf += atPos(in.tokenPos, in.tokenPos)(Lit(value))
case Interpolation.SpliceStart() | Xml.SpliceStart() =>
argsBuf += arg()
case Interpolation.SpliceEnd() | Xml.SpliceEnd() =>
case Interpolation.End() | Xml.End() =>
next(); // simply return
case _ =>
unreachable(debug(token, token.structure))
result(interpolator, partsBuf.toList, argsBuf.toList)
def interpolateTerm(): Term.Interpolate = {
interpolate[Term, Term.Interpolate](unquoteExpr _, Term.Interpolate.apply _)
def xmlTerm(): Term.Xml =
interpolate[Term, Term.Xml](unquoteXmlExpr _, (_, parts, args) => Term.Xml.apply(parts, args))
def interpolatePat(): Pat.Interpolate =
interpolate[Pat, Pat.Interpolate](unquotePattern _, Pat.Interpolate.apply _)
def xmlPat(): Pat.Xml =
interpolate[Pat, Pat.Xml](unquoteXmlPattern _, (_, parts, args) => Pat.Xml.apply(parts, args))
/* ------------- NEW LINES ------------------------------------------------- */
def newLineOpt(): Unit = {
if (token.is[LF]) next()
def newLinesOpt(): Unit = {
if (token.is[LF] || token.is[LFLF])
def newLineOptWhenFollowedBy[T <: Token : TokenInfo]: Unit = {
// note: next is defined here because current is token.LF
if (token.is[LF] && ahead { token.is[T] }) newLineOpt()
def newLineOptWhenFollowing(p: Token => Boolean): Unit = {
// note: next is defined here because current is token.LF
if (token.is[LF] && ahead { p(token) }) newLineOpt()
/* ------------- TYPES ---------------------------------------------------- */
/** {{{
* TypedOpt ::= [`:' Type]
* }}}
def typedOpt(): Option[Type] =
if (token.is[Colon]) { next(); Some(typ()) }
else None
def typeOrInfixType(location: Location): Type =
if (location == Local) typ()
else startInfixType()
def annotTypeRest(t: Type): Type = atPos(t, auto) {
val annots = this.annots(skipNewLines = false)
if (annots.isEmpty) t
else Type.Annotate(t, annots)
/* ----------- EXPRESSIONS ------------------------------------------------ */
def condExpr(): Term = {
val r = expr()
/** {{{
* Expr ::= (Bindings | [`implicit'] Id | `_') `=>' Expr
* | Expr1
* ResultExpr ::= (Bindings | Id `:' CompoundType) `=>' Block
* | Expr1
* Expr1 ::= if `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr [[semi] else Expr]
* | try (`{' Block `}' | Expr) [catch `{' CaseClauses `}'] [finally Expr]
* | while `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr
* | do Expr [semi] while `(' Expr `)'
* | for (`(' Enumerators `)' | `{' Enumerators `}') {nl} [yield] Expr
* | throw Expr
* | return [Expr]
* | [SimpleExpr `.'] Id `=' Expr
* | SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs `=' Expr
* | PostfixExpr Ascription
* | PostfixExpr match `{' CaseClauses `}'
* Bindings ::= `(' [Binding {`,' Binding}] `)'
* Binding ::= (Id | `_') [`:' Type]
* Ascription ::= `:' CompoundType
* | `:' Annotation {Annotation}
* | `:' `_' `*'
* }}}
def expr(): Term = expr(Local)
def unquoteExpr(): Term = {
def dropTrivialBlock(term: Term): Term = term match {
case Term.Block((stat: Term) :: Nil) => stat
case _ => term
token match {
case Ident(_) => termName()
case LeftBrace() => dropTrivialBlock(expr())
case KwThis() => val qual = atPos(in.tokenPos, in.prevTokenPos)(Name.Anonymous()); next(); atPos(in.prevTokenPos, auto)(Term.This(qual))
case _ => syntaxError("error in interpolated string: identifier, `this' or block expected", at = token)
def unquoteXmlExpr(): Term = {
// TODO: verify this
// TODO: when parsing `(2 + 3)`, do we want the ApplyInfix's position to include parentheses?
// if yes, then nothing has to change here
// if no, we need eschew autoPos here, because it forces those parentheses on the result of calling prefixExpr
def expr(location: Location): Term = autoPos(token match {
case KwIf() =>
val cond = condExpr()
val thenp = expr()
if (token.is[KwElse]) { next(); Term.If(cond, thenp, expr()) }
else if (token.is[Semicolon] && ahead { token.is[KwElse] }) { next(); next(); Term.If(cond, thenp, expr()) }
else { Term.If(cond, thenp, atPos(in.tokenPos, in.prevTokenPos)(Lit(()))) }
case KwTry() =>
val body: Term = token match {
case LeftBrace() => autoPos(inBracesOrUnit(block()))
case LeftParen() => inParensOrUnit(expr())
case _ => expr()
val catchopt =
if (token.isNot[KwCatch]) None
else {
if (token.isNot[LeftBrace]) Some(expr())
else inBraces {
if (token.is[CaseIntro] || token.is[Ellipsis]) Some(caseClauses())
else Some(expr())
val finallyopt = token match {
case KwFinally() => next(); Some(expr())
case _ => None
catchopt match {
case None => Term.TryWithCases(body, Nil, finallyopt)
case Some(cases: List[_]) => Term.TryWithCases(body, cases.require[List[Case]], finallyopt)
case Some(term: Term) => Term.TryWithTerm(body, term, finallyopt)
case _ => unreachable(debug(catchopt))
case KwWhile() =>
val cond = condExpr()
val body = expr()
Term.While(cond, body)
case KwDo() =>
val body = expr()
while (token.is[StatSep]) next()
val cond = condExpr()
Term.Do(body, cond)
case KwFor() =>
val enums =
if (token.is[LeftBrace]) inBracesOrNil(enumerators())
else inParensOrNil(enumerators())
if (token.is[KwYield]) {
Term.ForYield(enums, expr())
} else {
Term.For(enums, expr())
case KwReturn() =>
if (token.is[ExprIntro]) Term.Return(expr())
else Term.Return(atPos(in.tokenPos, auto)(Lit(())))
case KwThrow() =>
case KwImplicit() =>
case _ =>
var t: Term = autoPos(postfixExpr())
if (token.is[Equals]) {
t match {
case ref: Term.Ref =>
t = atPos(ref, auto)(Term.Assign(ref, expr()))
case app: Term.Apply =>
def decompose(term: Term): (Term, List[List[Term.Arg]]) = term match {
case Term.Apply(fun, args) =>
val (core, otherArgss) = decompose(fun)
(core, args.toList +: otherArgss)
case term =>
(term, Nil)
val (core, argss) = decompose(app)
t = atPos(core, auto)(Term.Update(core, argss, expr()))
case q: Term.Quasi =>
t = atPos(q, auto)(Term.Assign(q.become[Term.Ref.Quasi], expr()))
case _ =>
} else if (token.is[Colon]) {
if (token.is[At] || (token.is[Ellipsis] && ahead(token.is[At]))) {
t = atPos(t, auto)(Term.Annotate(t, annots(skipNewLines = false)))
} else {
t = {
val tpt = typeOrInfixType(location)
// this does not correspond to syntax, but is necessary to
// accept closures. We might restrict closures to be between {...} only.
atPos(t, tpt)(Term.Ascribe(t, tpt))
} else if (token.is[KwMatch]) {
t = atPos(t, auto)(Term.Match(t, inBracesOrNil(caseClauses())))
// Note the absense of `else if` here!!
if (token.is[RightArrow]) {
// This is a tricky one. In order to parse lambdas, we need to recognize token sequences
// like `(...) => ...`, `id | _ => ...` and `implicit id | _ => ...`.
// If we exclude Implicit (which is parsed elsewhere anyway), then we can see that
// these sequences are non-trivially ambiguous with tuples and self-type annotations
// (i.e. are not resolvable with static lookahead).
// Therefore, when we encounter RightArrow, the part in parentheses is already parsed into a Term,
// and we need to figure out whether that term represents what we expect from a lambda's param list
// in order to disambiguate. The term that we have at hand might wildly differ from the param list that one would expect.
// For example, when parsing `() => x`, we arrive at RightArrow having `Lit.Unit` as the parsed term.
// That's why we later need `convertToParams` to make sense of what the parser has produced.
// Rules:
// 1) `() => ...` means lambda
// 2) `x => ...` means self-type annotation, but only in template position
// 3) `(x) => ...` means self-type annotation, but only in template position
// 4a) `x: Int => ...` means self-type annotation in template position
// 4b) `x: Int => ...` means lambda in block position
// 4c) `x: Int => ...` means ascription, i.e. `x: (Int => ...)`, in expression position
// 5) `(x: Int) => ...` means lambda
// 6) `(x, y) => ...` or `(x: Int, y: Int) => ...` or with more entries means lambda
// A funny thing is that scalac's parser tries to disambiguate between self-type annotations and lambdas
// even if it's not parsing the first statement in the template. E.g. `class C { foo; x => x }` will be
// a parse error, because `x => x` will be deemed a self-type annotation, which ends up being inapplicable there.
val looksLikeLambda = {
val inParens = t.tokens.nonEmpty && t.tokens.head.is[LeftParen] && t.tokens.last.is[RightParen]
object NameLike { def unapply(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree.is[Term.Name] || tree.is[Term.Placeholder] }
object ParamLike {
def unapply(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
case Term.Quasi(0, _) => true
case Term.Quasi(1, ParamLike()) => true
case NameLike() => true
case Term.Ascribe(Term.Quasi(0, _), _) => true
case Term.Ascribe(NameLike(), _) => true
case _ => false
t match {
case Lit(()) => true // 1
case NameLike() => location != InTemplate // 2-3
case ParamLike() => inParens || location == InBlock // 4-5
case Term.Tuple(xs) => xs.forall(ParamLike.unapply) // 6
case _ => false
if (looksLikeLambda) {
t = atPos(t, auto)(Term.Function(convertToParams(t), if (location != InBlock) expr() else block()))
} else {
// do nothing, which will either allow self-type annotation parsing to kick in
// or will trigger an unexpected token error down the line
/** {{{
* Expr ::= implicit Id => Expr
* }}}
def implicitClosure(location: Location): Term.Function = {
require(token.isNot[KwImplicit] && debug(token))
val implicitPos = in.prevTokenPos
val paramName = termName()
val paramTpt = if (token.is[Colon]) { next(); Some(typeOrInfixType(location)) } else None
val param = atPos(implicitPos, auto)(Term.Param(List(atPos(implicitPos, implicitPos)(Mod.Implicit())), paramName, paramTpt, None))
atPos(implicitPos, auto)(Term.Function(List(param), if (location != InBlock) expr() else block()))
// Encapsulates state and behavior of parsing infix syntax.
// See `postfixExpr` for an involved usage example.
// Another, much less involved usage, lives in `pattern3`.
sealed abstract class InfixContext {
// Lhs is the type of the left-hand side of an infix expression.
// (Lhs, op and targs form UnfinishedInfix).
// Rhs if the type of the right-hand side.
// FinishedInfix is the type of an infix expression.
// The conversions are necessary to push the output of finishInfixExpr on stack.
type Lhs
type Rhs
// type UnfinishedInfix (see below)
type FinishedInfix
def toLhs(rhs: Rhs): Lhs
def toRhs(fin: FinishedInfix): Rhs
// Represents an unfinished infix expression, e.g. [a * b +] in `a * b + c`.
// 1) T is either Term for infix syntax in expressions or Pat for infix syntax in patterns.
// 2) We need to carry lhsStart/lhsEnd separately from lhs.pos
// because their extent may be bigger than lhs because of parentheses or whatnot.
case class UnfinishedInfix(lhsStart: Pos, lhs: Lhs, lhsEnd: Pos, op: Term.Name, targs: List[Type]) {
def precedence = op.precedence
override def toString = {
val s_lhs = lhs match {
case tree: Tree => tree.toString
case List(tree) => tree.toString
case List(trees @ _*) => "(" + trees.mkString(", ") + ")"
val s_targs = if (targs.nonEmpty) "[" + targs.mkString(", ") + "]" else ""
s"[$s_lhs $op$s_targs]"
// The stack of unfinished infix expressions, e.g. Stack([a + ]) in `a + b [*] c`.
// `push` takes `b`, reads `*`, checks for type arguments and adds [b *] on the top of the stack.
// Other methods working on the stack are self-explanatory.
var stack: List[UnfinishedInfix] = Nil
def head = stack.head
def push(lhsStart: Pos, lhs: Lhs, lhsEnd: Pos, op: Term.Name, targs: List[Type]): Unit = stack ::= UnfinishedInfix(lhsStart, lhs, lhsEnd, op, targs)
def pop(): UnfinishedInfix = try head finally stack = stack.tail
def reduceStack(stack: List[UnfinishedInfix], curr: Rhs, currEnd: Pos, op: Option[Term.Name]): Lhs = {
val opPrecedence = op.map(_.precedence).getOrElse(0)
val leftAssoc = op.map(_.isLeftAssoc).getOrElse(true)
def isDone = this.stack == stack
def lowerPrecedence = !isDone && (opPrecedence < this.head.precedence)
def samePrecedence = !isDone && (opPrecedence == this.head.precedence)
def canReduce = lowerPrecedence || leftAssoc && samePrecedence
if (samePrecedence) {
checkAssoc(this.head.op, leftAssoc)
// Pop off an unfinished infix expression off the stack and finish it with the rhs.
// Then convert the result, so that it can become someone else's rhs.
// Repeat while precedence and associativity allow.
def loop(rhs: Rhs): Lhs = {
if (!canReduce) {
} else {
val lhs = pop()
val fin = finishInfixExpr(lhs, rhs, currEnd)
val rhs1 = toRhs(fin)
// Takes the unfinished infix expression, e.g. `[x +]`,
// then takes the right-hand side (which can have multiple args), e.g. ` (y, z)`,
// and creates `x + (y, z)`.
// We need to carry endPos explicitly because its extent may be bigger than rhs because of parent of whatnot.
protected def finishInfixExpr(unf: UnfinishedInfix, rhs: Rhs, rhsEnd: Pos): FinishedInfix
// Infix syntax in terms is borderline crazy.
// For example, did you know that `a * b + (c, d) * (f, g: _*)` means:
// a.$times(b).$plus(scala.Tuple2(c, d).$times(f, g: _*))?!
// Therefore, Lhs = List[Term], Rhs = List[Term.Arg], FinishedInfix = Term.
// Actually there's even crazier stuff in scala-compiler.jar.
// Apparently you can parse and typecheck `a + (bs: _*) * c`,
// however I'm going to error out on this.
object termInfixContext extends InfixContext {
type Lhs = List[Term]
type Rhs = List[Term.Arg]
type FinishedInfix = Term
def toRhs(fin: FinishedInfix): Rhs = List(fin)
def toLhs(rhs: Rhs): Lhs = rhs.map({
case term: Term => term
case arg => syntaxError("`: _*' annotations are only allowed in arguments to *-parameters", at = arg)
protected def finishInfixExpr(unf: UnfinishedInfix, rhs: Rhs, rhsEnd: Pos): FinishedInfix = {
val UnfinishedInfix(lhsStart, lhses, lhsEnd, op, targs) = unf
val lhs = atPos(lhsStart, lhsEnd)(makeTupleTerm(lhses)) // `a + (b, c) * d` leads to creation of a tuple!
atPos(lhsStart, rhsEnd)(Term.ApplyInfix(lhs, op, targs, checkNoTripleDots(rhs)))
// In comparison with terms, patterns are trivial.
implicit object patInfixContext extends InfixContext {
type Lhs = Pat
type Rhs = Pat
type FinishedInfix = Pat
def toRhs(fin: FinishedInfix): Rhs = fin
def toLhs(rhs: Rhs): Lhs = rhs
protected def finishInfixExpr(unf: UnfinishedInfix, rhs: Rhs, rhsEnd: Pos): FinishedInfix = {
val UnfinishedInfix(lhsStart, lhs, _, op, _) = unf
val args = rhs match { case Pat.Tuple(args) => args.toList; case _ => List(rhs) }
atPos(lhsStart, rhsEnd)(Pat.ExtractInfix(lhs, op, checkNoTripleDots(args)))
def checkAssoc(op: Term.Name, leftAssoc: Boolean): Unit = (
if (op.isLeftAssoc != leftAssoc)
syntaxError("left- and right-associative operators with same precedence may not be mixed", at = op)
/** {{{
* PostfixExpr ::= InfixExpr [Id [nl]]
* InfixExpr ::= PrefixExpr
* | InfixExpr Id [nl] InfixExpr
* }}}
def postfixExpr(): Term = {
val ctx = termInfixContext
val base = ctx.stack
// Skip to later in the `postfixExpr` method to start mental debugging.
// rhsStartK/rhsEndK may be bigger than then extent of rhsK,
// so we really have to track them separately.
def loop(rhsStartK: Pos, rhsK: ctx.Rhs, rhsEndK: Pos): ctx.Rhs = {
if (!token.is[Ident] && !token.is[Unquote]) {
// Infix chain has ended.
// In the running example, we're at `a + b[]`
// with base = List([a +]), rhsK = List([b]).
} else {
// Infix chain continues.
// In the running example, we're at `a [+] b`.
val op = termName() // op = [+]
val targs = if (token.is[LeftBracket]) exprTypeArgs() else Nil // targs = Nil
// Check whether we're still infix or already postfix by testing the current token.
// In the running example, we're at `a + [b]` (infix).
// If we were parsing `val c = a b`, then we'd be at `val c = a b[]` (postfix).
if (token.is[ExprIntro]) {
// Infix chain continues, so we need to reduce the stack.
// In the running example, base = List(), rhsK = [a].
val lhsK = ctx.reduceStack(base, rhsK, rhsEndK, Some(op)) // lhsK = [a]
val lhsStartK = Math.min(rhsStartK.startTokenPos, lhsK.head.startTokenPos)
ctx.push(lhsStartK, lhsK, rhsEndK, op, targs) // afterwards, ctx.stack = List([a +])
val preRhsKplus1 = in.token
var rhsStartKplus1: Pos = IndexPos(in.tokenPos)
val rhsKplus1 = argumentExprsOrPrefixExpr()
var rhsEndKplus1: Pos = IndexPos(in.prevTokenPos)
if (preRhsKplus1.isNot[LeftBrace] && preRhsKplus1.isNot[LeftParen]) {
rhsStartKplus1 = TreePos(rhsKplus1.head)
rhsEndKplus1 = TreePos(rhsKplus1.head)
// Try to continue the infix chain.
loop(rhsStartKplus1, rhsKplus1, rhsEndKplus1) // base = List([a +]), rhsKplus1 = List([b])
} else {
// Infix chain has ended with a postfix expression.
// This never happens in the running example.
// TODO: The two type conversions that I have to do here are unfortunate,
// but I don't have time to figure our an elegant way of approaching this
val lhsQual = ctx.reduceStack(base, rhsK, rhsEndK, Some(op))
val finQual = lhsQual match { case List(finQual) => finQual; case _ => unreachable(debug(lhsQual)) }
if (targs.nonEmpty) syntaxError("type application is not allowed for postfix operators", at = token)
ctx.toRhs(atPos(finQual, op)(Term.Select(finQual, op)))
// Start the infix chain.
// We'll use `a + b` as our running example.
val rhs0 = ctx.toRhs(prefixExpr())
// Iteratively read the infix chain via `loop`.
// rhs0 is now [a]
// If the next token is not an ident or an unquote, the infix chain ends immediately,
// and `postfixExpr` becomes a fallthrough.
val rhsN = loop(rhs0.head, rhs0, rhs0.head)
// Infix chain has ended.
// base contains pending UnfinishedInfix parts and rhsN is the final rhs.
// For our running example, this'll be List([a +]) and [b].
// Afterwards, `lhsResult` will be List([a + b]).
val lhsResult = ctx.reduceStack(base, rhsN, in.prevTokenPos, None)
// This is something not captured by the type system.
// When applied to a result of `loop`, `reduceStack` will produce a singleton list.
lhsResult match { case List(finResult) => finResult; case _ => unreachable(debug(lhsResult)) }
/** {{{
* PrefixExpr ::= [`-' | `+' | `~' | `!' | `&'] SimpleExpr
* }}}
def prefixExpr(): Term =
if (!isUnaryOp) simpleExpr()
else {
val op = termName()
if (op.value == "-" && token.is[NumericLiteral])
simpleExprRest(atPos(op, auto)(literal(isNegated = true)), canApply = true)
atPos(op, auto)(Term.ApplyUnary(op, simpleExpr()))
/** {{{
* SimpleExpr ::= new (ClassTemplate | TemplateBody)
* | BlockExpr
* | SimpleExpr1 [`_']
* SimpleExpr1 ::= literal
* | xLiteral
* | Path
* | `(' [Exprs] `)'
* | SimpleExpr `.' Id
* | SimpleExpr TypeArgs
* | SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs
* }}}
def simpleExpr(): Term = autoPos {
var canApply = true
val t: Term = {
token match {
case Literal() =>
case Interpolation.Id(_) =>
case Xml.Start() =>
case Ident(_) | KwThis() | KwSuper() | Unquote(_) =>
path() match {
case q: Term.Ref.Quasi => q.become[Term.Quasi]
case path => path
case Underscore() =>
atPos(in.prevTokenPos, in.prevTokenPos)(Term.Placeholder())
case LeftParen() =>
case LeftBrace() =>
canApply = false
case KwNew() =>
canApply = false
atPos(in.prevTokenPos, auto)(Term.New(template()))
case _ =>
syntaxError(s"illegal start of simple expression", at = token)
simpleExprRest(t, canApply = canApply)
def simpleExprRest(t: Term, canApply: Boolean): Term = atPos(t, auto) {
if (canApply) newLineOptWhenFollowedBy[LeftBrace]
token match {
case Dot() =>
simpleExprRest(selector(t), canApply = true)
case LeftBracket() =>
t match {
case _: Term.Quasi | _: Term.Name | _: Term.Select | _: Term.Apply =>
var app: Term = t
while (token.is[LeftBracket])
app = atPos(t, auto)(Term.ApplyType(app, exprTypeArgs()))
simpleExprRest(app, canApply = true)
case _ =>
case LeftParen() | LeftBrace() if (canApply) =>
simpleExprRest(atPos(t, auto)(Term.Apply(t, argumentExprs())), canApply = true)
case Underscore() =>
case _ =>
def argumentExprsOrPrefixExpr(): List[Term.Arg] = {
if (token.isNot[LeftBrace] && token.isNot[LeftParen]) prefixExpr() :: Nil
else {
def argsToTerm(args: List[Term.Arg], openParenPos: Int, closeParenPos: Int): Term = {
def badRep(rep: Term.Arg.Repeated) = syntaxError("repeated argument not allowed here", at = rep)
def loop(args: List[Term.Arg]): List[Term] = args match {
case Nil => Nil
case (t: Term) :: rest => t :: loop(rest)
case (nmd @ Term.Arg.Named(name, rhs: Term)) :: rest => atPos(nmd, nmd)(Term.Assign(name, rhs)) :: loop(rest)
case (Term.Arg.Named(_, rep: Term.Arg.Repeated)) :: rest => badRep(rep)
case (rep: Term.Arg.Repeated) :: rest => badRep(rep)
case _ => unreachable(debug(args))
atPos(openParenPos, closeParenPos)(makeTupleTerm(loop(args)))
val openParenPos = in.tokenPos
val args = argumentExprs()
val closeParenPos = in.prevTokenPos
token match {
case Dot() | LeftBracket() | LeftParen() | LeftBrace() | Underscore() =>
simpleExprRest(argsToTerm(args, openParenPos, closeParenPos), canApply = true) :: Nil
case _ =>
args match {
case arg :: Nil => atPos(openParenPos, closeParenPos)(arg) :: Nil
case other => other
def argumentExpr(): Term.Arg = {
expr() match {
case q: Quasi =>
case Term.Ascribe(t1, Type.Placeholder(Type.Bounds(None, None))) if isIdentOf("*") =>
atPos(t1, auto)(Term.Arg.Repeated(t1))
case Term.Assign(t1: Term.Name, Term.Ascribe(t2, Type.Placeholder(Type.Bounds(None, None)))) if isIdentOf("*") =>
atPos(t1, auto)(Term.Arg.Named(t1, atPos(t2, auto)(Term.Arg.Repeated(t2))))
case Term.Assign(t2: Term.Name, rhs) =>
atPos(t2, auto)(Term.Arg.Named(t2, rhs))
case other =>
/** {{{
* ArgumentExprs ::= `(' [Exprs] `)'
* | [nl] BlockExpr
* }}}
def argumentExprs(): List[Term.Arg] = token match {
case LeftBrace() =>
case LeftParen() =>
inParens(token match {
case RightParen() =>
case tok: Ellipsis if tok.rank == 2 =>
List(ellipsis(2, astInfo[Term.Arg]))
case _ =>
case _ =>
private def checkNoTripleDots[T <: Tree](trees: Seq[T]): Seq[T] = {
val illegalQuasis = trees.collect{ case q: Quasi if q.rank == 2 => q }
illegalQuasis.foreach(q => syntaxError(Messages.QuasiquoteRankMismatch(q.rank, 1), at = q))
/** {{{
* BlockExpr ::= `{' (CaseClauses | Block) `}'
* }}}
def blockExpr(): Term = autoPos {
inBraces {
if (token.is[CaseIntro] || (token.is[Ellipsis] && ahead(token.is[KwCase]))) Term.PartialFunction(caseClauses())
else block()
/** {{{
* Block ::= BlockStatSeq
* }}}
* @note Return tree does not carry position.
def block(): Term = autoPos {
def caseClause(): Case = atPos(in.prevTokenPos, auto) {
require(token.isNot[KwCase] && debug(token))
Case(pattern().require[Pat], guard(), {
val start = in.tokenPos
def end = in.prevTokenPos
blockStatSeq() match {
case List(q: Quasi) => q.become[Term.Quasi]
case List(term: Term) => term
case other => atPos(start, end)(Term.Block(other))
/** {{{
* CaseClauses ::= CaseClause {CaseClause}
* CaseClause ::= case Pattern [Guard] `=>' Block
* }}}
def caseClauses(): List[Case] = {
val cases = new ListBuffer[Case]
while (token.is[CaseIntro] || token.is[Ellipsis]) {
if (token.is[Ellipsis]) {
cases += ellipsis(1, astInfo[Case], accept[KwCase])
while (token.is[StatSep]) next()
} else if (token.is[KwCase] && ahead(token.is[Unquote])) {
cases += unquote[Case]
while (token.is[StatSep]) next()
} else {
cases += caseClause()
if (cases.isEmpty) // trigger error if there are no cases
/** {{{
* Guard ::= if PostfixExpr
* }}}
def guard(): Option[Term] =
if (token.is[KwIf]) { next(); Some(autoPos(postfixExpr())) }
else None
/** {{{
* Enumerators ::= Generator {semi Enumerator}
* Enumerator ::= Generator
* | Guard
* | val Pattern1 `=' Expr
* }}}
def enumerators(): List[Enumerator] = {
val enums = new ListBuffer[Enumerator]
enums ++= enumerator(isFirst = true)
while (token.is[StatSep]) {
enums ++= enumerator(isFirst = false)
def enumerator(isFirst: Boolean, allowNestedIf: Boolean = true): List[Enumerator] =
if (token.is[KwIf] && !isFirst) autoPos(Enumerator.Guard(guard().get)) :: Nil
else if (token.is[Ellipsis]) {
ellipsis(1, astInfo[Enumerator.Generator]) :: Nil
} else if (token.is[Unquote] && ahead(!token.is[Equals] && !token.is[LeftArrow])) { // support for q"for ($enum1; ..$enums; $enum2)"
unquote[Enumerator.Generator] :: Nil
else generator(!isFirst, allowNestedIf)
/** {{{
* Generator ::= Pattern1 (`<-' | `=') Expr [Guard]
* }}}
def generator(eqOK: Boolean, allowNestedIf: Boolean = true): List[Enumerator] = {
val startPos = in.tokenPos
val hasVal = token.is[KwVal]
if (hasVal)
val pat = noSeq.pattern1()
val point = token.start
val hasEq = token.is[Equals]
if (hasVal) {
if (hasEq) deprecationWarning("val keyword in for comprehension is deprecated", at = token)
else syntaxError("val in for comprehension must be followed by assignment", at = token)
if (hasEq && eqOK) next()
else accept[LeftArrow]
val rhs = expr()
val head = {
if (hasEq) atPos(startPos, auto)(Enumerator.Val(pat.require[Pat], rhs))
else atPos(startPos, auto)(Enumerator.Generator(pat.require[Pat], rhs))
val tail = {
def loop(): List[Enumerator] = {
if (token.isNot[KwIf]) Nil
else autoPos(Enumerator.Guard(guard().get)) :: loop()
if (allowNestedIf) loop()
else Nil
head :: tail
/* -------- PATTERNS ------------------------------------------- */
/** Methods which implicitly propagate whether the initial call took
* place in a context where sequences are allowed. Formerly, this
* was threaded through methods as boolean seqOK.
trait SeqContextSensitive extends PatternContextSensitive {
// is a sequence pattern _* allowed?
def isSequenceOK: Boolean
// are we in an XML pattern?
def isXML: Boolean = false
def functionArgType(): Type.Arg = paramType()
def argType(): Type = typ()
/** {{{
* Patterns ::= Pattern { `,' Pattern }
* SeqPatterns ::= SeqPattern { `,' SeqPattern }
* }}}
def patterns(): List[Pat.Arg] = commaSeparated(pattern())
/** {{{
* Pattern ::= Pattern1 { `|' Pattern1 }
* SeqPattern ::= SeqPattern1 { `|' SeqPattern1 }
* }}}
def pattern(): Pat.Arg = {
def loop(pat: Pat.Arg): Pat.Arg =
if (!isRawBar) pat
else { next(); atPos(pat, auto)(Pat.Alternative(pat.require[Pat], pattern().require[Pat])) }
private def topLevelNamesToPats[T >: Pat](op: => T): T = {
// NOTE: As per quasiquotes.md
// * p"x" => Pat.Var.Term (ok)
// * p"X" => Pat.Var.Term (needs postprocessing, parsed as Term.Name)
// * p"`x`" => Term.Name (ok)
// * p"`X`" => Term.Name (ok)
val nonbqIdent = isIdent && !isBackquoted
val pat = op
pat match {
case pat: Term.Name if nonbqIdent => atPos(pat, pat)(Pat.Var.Term(pat))
case _ => pat
def quasiquotePattern(): Pat.Arg = {
def unquotePattern(): Pat = {
def unquoteXmlPattern(): Pat = {
// TODO: verify this
def quasiquotePatternArg(): Pat.Arg = {
/** {{{
* Pattern1 ::= varid `:' TypePat
* | `_' `:' TypePat
* | Pattern2
* SeqPattern1 ::= varid `:' TypePat
* | `_' `:' TypePat
* | [SeqPattern2]
* }}}
def pattern1(): Pat.Arg = autoPos {
val p = pattern2()
if (token.isNot[Colon]) p
else {
p match {
case p: Pat.Quasi =>
Pat.Typed(p, patternTyp(allowInfix = false, allowImmediateTypevars = false))
case p: Pat.Var.Term if dialect.bindToSeqWildcardDesignator == ":" && isColonWildcardStar =>
val wildcard = autoPos({ nextTwice(); Pat.Arg.SeqWildcard() })
Pat.Bind(p, wildcard)
case p: Pat.Var.Term =>
Pat.Typed(p, patternTyp(allowInfix = false, allowImmediateTypevars = false))
case p: Pat.Wildcard if dialect.bindToSeqWildcardDesignator == ":" && isColonWildcardStar =>
case p: Pat.Wildcard =>
Pat.Typed(p, patternTyp(allowInfix = false, allowImmediateTypevars = false))
case p =>
/** {{{
* Pattern2 ::= varid [ @ Pattern3 ]
* | Pattern3
* SeqPattern2 ::= varid [ @ SeqPattern3 ]
* | SeqPattern3
* }}}
def pattern2(): Pat.Arg = autoPos {
val p = pattern3()
if (token.isNot[At]) p
else p match {
case p: Pat.Quasi =>
val lhs = p.become[Pat.Var.Term.Quasi]
val rhs = pattern3() match {
case q @ Pat.Quasi(0, _) => q.become[Pat.Arg.Quasi]
case p => p
Pat.Bind(lhs, rhs)
case p: Term.Name =>
syntaxError("Pattern variables must start with a lower-case letter. (SLS 8.1.1.)", at = p)
case p: Pat.Var.Term =>
Pat.Bind(p, pattern3())
case p: Pat.Wildcard =>
case p =>
/** {{{
* Pattern3 ::= SimplePattern
* | SimplePattern {Id [nl] SimplePattern}
* }}}
def pattern3(): Pat.Arg = {
val ctx = patInfixContext
val lhs = simplePattern(badPattern3)
val base = ctx.stack
// See SI-3189, SI-4832 for motivation. Cf SI-3480 for counter-motivation.
def isCloseDelim = token match {
case RightBrace() => isXML
case RightParen() => !isXML
case _ => false
def checkWildStar: Option[Pat.Arg.SeqWildcard] = lhs match {
case Pat.Wildcard() if isSequenceOK && isRawStar && dialect.bindToSeqWildcardDesignator == "@" => peekingAhead (
// TODO: used to be Star(lhs) | EmptyTree, why start had param?
if (isCloseDelim) Some(atPos(lhs, auto)(Pat.Arg.SeqWildcard()))
else None
case _ => None
def loop(rhs: ctx.Rhs): ctx.Rhs = {
val op = if (isIdentExcept("|") || token.is[Unquote]) Some(termName()) else None
val lhs1 = ctx.reduceStack(base, rhs, rhs, op)
op match {
case Some(op) =>
if (token.is[LeftBracket]) syntaxError("infix patterns cannot have type arguments", at = token)
ctx.push(lhs1, lhs1, lhs1, op, Nil)
val rhs1 = simplePattern(badPattern3)
case None =>
lhs1 // TODO: more rigorous type discipline
checkWildStar getOrElse loop(lhs) // TODO: more rigorous type discipline
def badPattern3(token: Token): Nothing = {
import patInfixContext._
def isComma = token.is[Comma]
def isDelimiter = token.is[RightParen] || token.is[RightBrace]
def isCommaOrDelimiter = isComma || isDelimiter
val (isUnderscore, isStar) = stack match {
case UnfinishedInfix(_, Pat.Wildcard(), _, Term.Name("*"), _) :: _ => (true, true)
case UnfinishedInfix(_, _, _, Term.Name("*"), _) :: _ => (false, true)
case _ => (false, false)
def isSeqPatternClose = isUnderscore && isStar && isSequenceOK && isDelimiter
val preamble = "bad simple pattern:"
val subtext = (isUnderscore, isStar, isSequenceOK) match {
case (true, true, true) if isComma => "bad use of _* (a sequence pattern must be the last pattern)"
case (true, true, true) if isDelimiter => "bad brace or paren after _*"
case (true, true, false) if isDelimiter => "bad use of _* (sequence pattern not allowed)"
case (false, true, true) if isDelimiter => "use _* to match a sequence"
case (false, true, _) if isCommaOrDelimiter => "trailing * is not a valid pattern"
case _ => null
val msg = if (subtext != null) s"$preamble $subtext" else "illegal start of simple pattern"
// better recovery if don't skip delims of patterns
val skip = !isCommaOrDelimiter || isSeqPatternClose
syntaxError(msg, at = token)
/** {{{
* SimplePattern ::= varid
* | `_'
* | literal
* | XmlPattern
* | StableId /[TypeArgs]/ [`(' [Patterns] `)']
* | StableId [`(' [Patterns] `)']
* | StableId [`(' [Patterns] `,' [varid `@'] `_' `*' `)']
* | `(' [Patterns] `)'
* }}}
* XXX: Hook for IDE
def simplePattern(): Pat =
// simple diagnostics for this entry point
simplePattern(token => syntaxError("illegal start of simple pattern", at = token))
def simplePattern(onError: Token => Nothing): Pat = autoPos(token match {
case Ident(_) | KwThis() | Unquote(_) =>
val isBackquoted = parser.isBackquoted
val sid = stableId()
val isVarPattern = sid match {
case _: Term.Name.Quasi => false
case Term.Name(value) => !isBackquoted && ((value.head.isLower && value.head.isLetter) || value.head == '_')
case _ => false
if (token.is[NumericLiteral]) {
sid match {
case Term.Name("-") =>
return atPos(sid, auto)(literal(isNegated = true))
case _ =>
val targs = token match {
case LeftBracket() => patternTypeArgs()
case _ => Nil
(token, sid) match {
case (LeftParen(), _) =>
val quasiOrSid = sid match {
case quasi: Term.Name.Quasi => quasi.become[Term.Ref.Quasi]
case path => path
Pat.Extract(quasiOrSid, targs, checkNoTripleDots(argumentPatterns()))
case (_, _) if targs.nonEmpty => syntaxError("pattern must be a value", at = token)
case (_, name: Term.Name.Quasi) => name.become[Pat.Quasi]
case (_, name: Term.Name) if isVarPattern => Pat.Var.Term(name)
case (_, name: Term.Name) => name
case (_, select: Term.Select) => select
case _ => unreachable(debug(token, token.structure, sid, sid.structure))
case Underscore() =>
case Literal() =>
case Interpolation.Id(_) =>
case Xml.Start() =>
case LeftParen() =>
val patterns = inParens(if (token.is[RightParen]) Nil else noSeq.patterns()).map {
case q: Pat.Arg.Quasi => q.become[Pat.Quasi]
case p => p.require[Pat]
makeTuple[Pat](patterns, () => Lit(()), Pat.Tuple(_))
case _ =>
/** The implementation of the context sensitive methods for parsing outside of patterns. */
object outPattern extends PatternContextSensitive {
def argType(): Type = typ()
def functionArgType(): Type.Arg = paramType()
/** The implementation for parsing inside of patterns at points where sequences are allowed. */
object seqOK extends SeqContextSensitive {
val isSequenceOK = true
/** The implementation for parsing inside of patterns at points where sequences are disallowed. */
object noSeq extends SeqContextSensitive {
val isSequenceOK = false
/** For use from xml pattern, where sequence is allowed and encouraged. */
object xmlSeqOK extends SeqContextSensitive {
val isSequenceOK = true
override val isXML = true
/** These are default entry points into the pattern context sensitive methods:
* they are all initiated from non-pattern context.
def typ() = outPattern.typ()
def startInfixType() = outPattern.infixType(InfixMode.FirstOp)
def startModType() = outPattern.annotType()
def exprTypeArgs() = outPattern.typeArgs()
def exprSimpleType() = outPattern.simpleType()
/** Default entry points into some pattern contexts. */
def pattern(): Pat.Arg = noSeq.pattern()
def quasiquotePattern(): Pat.Arg = noSeq.quasiquotePattern()
def unquotePattern(): Pat = noSeq.unquotePattern()
def unquoteXmlPattern(): Pat = xmlSeqOK.unquoteXmlPattern()
def quasiquotePatternArg(): Pat.Arg = seqOK.quasiquotePatternArg()
def seqPatterns(): List[Pat.Arg] = seqOK.patterns()
def xmlSeqPatterns(): List[Pat.Arg] = xmlSeqOK.patterns() // Called from xml parser
def argumentPattern(): Pat.Arg = seqOK.pattern()
def argumentPatterns(): List[Pat.Arg] = inParens {
if (token.is[RightParen]) Nil
else seqPatterns()
def xmlLiteralPattern(): Pat = syntaxError("XML literals are not supported", at = in.token)
def patternTyp() = noSeq.patternTyp(allowInfix = true, allowImmediateTypevars = false)
def quasiquotePatternTyp() = noSeq.quasiquotePatternTyp(allowInfix = true, allowImmediateTypevars = false)
def patternTypeArgs() = noSeq.patternTypeArgs()
/* -------- MODIFIERS and ANNOTATIONS ------------------------------------------- */
def accessModifier(): Mod = autoPos {
val mod = in.token match {
case KwPrivate() => (name: Name.Qualifier) => Mod.Private(name)
case KwProtected() => (name: Name.Qualifier) => Mod.Protected(name)
case other => unreachable(debug(other, other.structure))
if (in.token.isNot[LeftBracket]) mod(autoPos(Name.Anonymous()))
else {
val result = {
if (in.token.is[KwThis]) {
val qual = atPos(in.tokenPos, in.prevTokenPos)(Name.Anonymous())
mod(atPos(in.prevTokenPos, auto)(Term.This(qual)))
} else if (in.token.is[Unquote]) {
} else {
val name = termName()
mod(atPos(name, name)(Name.Indeterminate(name.value)))
/** {{{
* AccessModifier ::= (private | protected) [AccessQualifier]
* AccessQualifier ::= `[' (Id | this) `]'
* }}}
def accessModifierOpt(): Option[Mod] = token match {
case Unquote(_) => Some(unquote[Mod])
case Ellipsis(_) => Some(ellipsis(1, astInfo[Mod]))
case KwPrivate() => Some(accessModifier())
case KwProtected() => Some(accessModifier())
case _ => None
def modifier(): Mod = autoPos(token match {
case Unquote(_) => unquote[Mod]
case Ellipsis(_) => ellipsis(1, astInfo[Mod])
case KwAbstract() => next(); Mod.Abstract()
case KwFinal() => next(); Mod.Final()
case KwSealed() => next(); Mod.Sealed()
case KwImplicit() => next(); Mod.Implicit()
case KwLazy() => next(); Mod.Lazy()
case KwOverride() => next(); Mod.Override()
case KwPrivate() => accessModifier()
case KwProtected() => accessModifier()
case KwInline() if allowInline => next(); Mod.Inline()
case _ => syntaxError(s"modifier expected but ${token.name} found", at = token)
/** {{{
* Modifiers ::= {Modifier}
* Modifier ::= LocalModifier
* | AccessModifier
* | override
* }}}
def modifiers(isLocal: Boolean = false): List[Mod] = {
def appendMod(mods: List[Mod], mod: Mod): List[Mod] = {
def validate() = {
if (isLocal && !mod.tokens.head.is[LocalModifier]) syntaxError("illegal modifier for a local definition", at = mod)
if (!mod.is[Mod.Quasi]) mods.foreach(m => if (m.productPrefix == mod.productPrefix) syntaxError("repeated modifier", at = mod))
if (mod.hasAccessBoundary) mods.filter(_.hasAccessBoundary).foreach(mod => syntaxError("duplicate access qualifier", at = mod))
mods :+ mod
// the only things that can come after $mod or $mods are either keywords or $pname/$tpname; the former is easy,
// but in the case of the latter, we need to take care to not hastily parse those names as modifiers
def continueLoop = ahead(token.is[Colon] || token.is[Equals] || token.is[EOF] || token.is[LeftBracket] || token.is[Subtype] || token.is[Supertype] || token.is[Viewbound])
def loop(mods: List[Mod]): List[Mod] = token match {
case Unquote(_) => if (continueLoop) mods else loop(appendMod(mods, modifier()))
case Ellipsis(_) => loop(appendMod(mods, modifier()))
case Modifier() => loop(appendMod(mods, modifier()))
case LF() if !isLocal => next(); loop(mods)
case _ => mods
/** {{{
* LocalModifiers ::= {LocalModifier}
* LocalModifier ::= abstract | final | sealed | implicit | lazy
* }}}
def localModifiers(): List[Mod] = modifiers(isLocal = true)
/** {{{
* Annotations ::= {`@' SimpleType {ArgumentExprs}}
* ConsrAnnotations ::= {`@' SimpleType ArgumentExprs}
* }}}
def annots(skipNewLines: Boolean, allowArgss: Boolean = true): List[Mod.Annot] = {
val annots = new ListBuffer[Mod.Annot]
while (token.is[At] || (token.is[Ellipsis] && ahead(token.is[At]))) {
if (token.is[Ellipsis]) {
annots += ellipsis(1, astInfo[Mod.Annot], accept[At])
} else {
if (token.is[Unquote]) annots += unquote[Mod.Annot]
else annots += atPos(in.prevTokenPos, auto)(Mod.Annot(constructorCall(exprSimpleType(), allowArgss)))
if (skipNewLines) newLineOpt()
def constructorAnnots(): List[Mod.Annot] = annots(skipNewLines = false, allowArgss = false)
/* -------- PARAMETERS ------------------------------------------- */
/** {{{
* ParamClauses ::= {ParamClause} [[nl] `(' implicit Params `)']
* ParamClause ::= [nl] `(' [Params] `)'
* Params ::= Param {`,' Param}
* Param ::= {Annotation} Id [`:' ParamType] [`=' Expr]
* ClassParamClauses ::= {ClassParamClause} [[nl] `(' implicit ClassParams `)']
* ClassParamClause ::= [nl] `(' [ClassParams] `)'
* ClassParams ::= ClassParam {`,' ClassParam}
* ClassParam ::= {Annotation} [{Modifier} (`val' | `var')] Id [`:' ParamType] [`=' Expr]
* }}}
def paramClauses(ownerIsType: Boolean, ownerIsCase: Boolean = false): List[List[Term.Param]] = {
var parsedImplicits = false
def paramClause(): List[Term.Param] = token match {
case RightParen() =>
case tok: Ellipsis if tok.rank == 2 =>
List(ellipsis(2, astInfo[Term.Param]))
case _ =>
if (token.is[KwImplicit]) {
parsedImplicits = true
commaSeparated(param(ownerIsCase, ownerIsType, isImplicit = parsedImplicits))
val paramss = new ListBuffer[List[Term.Param]]
while (!parsedImplicits && token.is[LeftParen]) {
paramss += paramClause()
/** {{{
* ParamType ::= Type | `=>' Type | Type `*'
* }}}
def paramType(): Type.Arg = autoPos(token match {
case RightArrow() =>
case _ =>
val t = typ()
if (!isRawStar) t
else {
def param(ownerIsCase: Boolean, ownerIsType: Boolean, isImplicit: Boolean): Term.Param = autoPos {
var mods: List[Mod] = annots(skipNewLines = false)
if (isImplicit) mods ++= List(atPos(in.tokenPos, in.prevTokenPos)(Mod.Implicit()))
if (ownerIsType) {
mods ++= modifiers()
mods.getAll[Mod.Lazy].foreach { m =>
syntaxError("lazy modifier not allowed here. Use call-by-name parameters instead", at = m)
val (isValParam, isVarParam) = (ownerIsType && token.is[KwVal], ownerIsType && token.is[KwVar])
if (isValParam) { mods :+= atPos(in.tokenPos, in.tokenPos)(Mod.ValParam()); next() }
if (isVarParam) { mods :+= atPos(in.tokenPos, in.tokenPos)(Mod.VarParam()); next() }
val name = termName() match {
case q: Term.Name.Quasi => q.become[Term.Param.Name.Quasi]
case x => x
val tpt =
if (token.isNot[Colon] && name.is[Term.Param.Name.Quasi])
else {
val tpt = paramType() match {
case q: Type.Quasi => q.become[Type.Arg.Quasi]
case x => x
if (tpt.is[Type.Arg.ByName]) {
def mayNotBeByName(subj: String) =
syntaxError(s"$subj parameters may not be call-by-name", at = name)
val isLocalToThis: Boolean = {
val isExplicitlyLocal = mods.accessBoundary.exists(_.is[Term.This])
if (ownerIsCase) isExplicitlyLocal
else isExplicitlyLocal || (!isValParam && !isVarParam)
if (ownerIsType && !isLocalToThis) {
if (isVarParam)
} else if (isImplicit)
val default =
if (token.isNot[Equals]) None
else {
Term.Param(mods, name, tpt, default)
/** {{{
* TypeParamClauseOpt ::= [TypeParamClause]
* TypeParamClause ::= `[' VariantTypeParam {`,' VariantTypeParam} `]']
* VariantTypeParam ::= {Annotation} [`+' | `-'] TypeParam
* FunTypeParamClauseOpt ::= [FunTypeParamClause]
* FunTypeParamClause ::= `[' TypeParam {`,' TypeParam} `]']
* TypeParam ::= Id TypeParamClauseOpt TypeBounds {<% Type} {":" Type}
* }}}
def typeParamClauseOpt(ownerIsType: Boolean, ctxBoundsAllowed: Boolean): List[Type.Param] = {
if (token.isNot[LeftBracket]) Nil
else inBrackets(commaSeparated(typeParam(ownerIsType, ctxBoundsAllowed)))
def typeParam(ownerIsType: Boolean, ctxBoundsAllowed: Boolean): Type.Param = autoPos {
if (token.is[Unquote]) return unquote[Type.Param]
var mods: List[Mod] = if (token.is[Ellipsis]) List(ellipsis(1, astInfo[Mod])) else annots(skipNewLines = true)
if (ownerIsType && token.is[Ident]) {
if (isIdentOf("+")) {
mods ++= List(atPos(in.prevTokenPos, in.prevTokenPos)(Mod.Covariant()))
} else if (isIdentOf("-")) {
mods ++= List(atPos(in.prevTokenPos, in.prevTokenPos)(Mod.Contravariant()))
val nameopt =
if (token.is[Ident]) typeName()
else if (token.is[Unquote]) unquote[Type.Param.Name]
else if (token.is[Underscore]) { next(); atPos(in.prevTokenPos, in.prevTokenPos)(Name.Anonymous()) }
else syntaxError("identifier or `_' expected", at = token)
val tparams = typeParamClauseOpt(ownerIsType = true, ctxBoundsAllowed = false)
val tbounds = this.typeBounds()
val vbounds = new ListBuffer[Type]
val cbounds = new ListBuffer[Type]
if (ctxBoundsAllowed) {
while (token.is[Viewbound]) {
// TODO: dialect?
// if (settings.future) {
// val msg = ("Use an implicit parameter instead.\n" +
// "Example: Instead of `def f[A <% Int](a: A)` " +
// "use `def f[A](a: A)(implicit ev: A => Int)`.")
// deprecationWarning(s"View bounds are deprecated. $msg")
// }
if (token.is[Ellipsis]) vbounds += ellipsis(1, astInfo[Type])
else vbounds += typ()
while (token.is[Colon]) {
if (token.is[Ellipsis]) cbounds += ellipsis(1, astInfo[Type])
else cbounds += typ()
Type.Param(mods, nameopt, tparams, tbounds, vbounds.toList, cbounds.toList)
/** {{{
* TypeBounds ::= [`>:' Type] [`<:' Type]
* }}}
def typeBounds() =
autoPos(Type.Bounds(bound[Supertype], bound[Subtype]))
def bound[T <: Token : TokenInfo]: Option[Type] =
if (token.is[T]) { next(); Some(typ()) } else None
/* -------- DEFS ------------------------------------------- */
/** {{{
* Import ::= import ImportExpr {`,' ImportExpr}
* }}}
def importStmt(): Import = autoPos {
/** {{{
* ImportExpr ::= StableId `.' (Id | `_' | ImportSelectors)
* }}}
def importer(): Importer = autoPos {
val sid = stableId() match {
case quasi: Term.Name.Quasi => quasi.become[Term.Ref.Quasi]
case path => path
def dotselectors = { accept[Dot]; Importer(sid, importees()) }
sid match {
case Term.Select(sid: Term.Ref, name: Term.Name) if sid.isStableId =>
if (token.is[Dot]) dotselectors
else Importer(sid, atPos(name, name)(Importee.Name(atPos(name, name)(Name.Indeterminate(name.value)))) :: Nil)
case _ =>
/** {{{
* ImportSelectors ::= `{' {ImportSelector `,'} (ImportSelector | `_') `}'
* }}}
def importees(): List[Importee] =
if (token.isNot[LeftBrace]) List(importWildcardOrName())
else inBraces(commaSeparated(importee()))
def importWildcardOrName(): Importee = autoPos {
if (token.is[Underscore]) { next(); Importee.Wildcard() }
else if (token.is[Unquote]) Importee.Name(unquote[Name.Indeterminate.Quasi])
else { val name = termName(); Importee.Name(atPos(name, name)(Name.Indeterminate(name.value))) }
/** {{{
* ImportSelector ::= Id [`=>' Id | `=>' `_']
* }}}
def importee(): Importee = autoPos {
importWildcardOrName() match {
case from: Importee.Name if token.is[RightArrow] =>
importWildcardOrName() match {
case to: Importee.Name => Importee.Rename(from.value, to.value)
case to: Importee.Wildcard => Importee.Unimport(from.value)
case other => unreachable(debug(other, other.structure))
// NOTE: this is completely nuts
case from: Importee.Wildcard if token.is[RightArrow] && ahead(token.is[Underscore]) =>
case other =>
def nonLocalDefOrDcl(): Stat = {
val anns = annots(skipNewLines = true)
val mods = anns ++ modifiers()
defOrDclOrSecondaryCtor(mods) match {
case s if s.isTemplateStat => s
case other => syntaxError("is not a valid template statement", at = other)
/** {{{
* Def ::= val PatDef
* | var PatDef
* | def FunDef
* | type [nl] TypeDef
* | TmplDef
* Dcl ::= val PatDcl
* | var PatDcl
* | def FunDcl
* | type [nl] TypeDcl
* }}}
def defOrDclOrSecondaryCtor(mods: List[Mod]): Stat = {
mods.getAll[Mod.Lazy].foreach { m =>
if (token.isNot[KwVal]) syntaxError("lazy not allowed here. Only vals can be lazy", at = m)
token match {
case KwVal() | KwVar() =>
case KwDef() =>
case KwType() =>
case _ =>
/** {{{
* PatDef ::= Pattern2 {`,' Pattern2} [`:' Type] `=' Expr
* ValDcl ::= Id {`,' Id} `:' Type
* VarDef ::= PatDef | Id {`,' Id} `:' Type `=' `_'
* }}}
def patDefOrDcl(mods: List[Mod]): Stat = atPos(mods, auto) {
val isMutable = token.is[KwVar]
val lhs: List[Pat] = commaSeparated(noSeq.pattern2().require[Pat]).map {
case q: Pat.Quasi => q.become[Pat.Var.Term.Quasi]
case name: Term.Name => atPos(name, name)(Pat.Var.Term(name))
case pat => pat
val tp: Option[Type] = typedOpt()
if (tp.isEmpty || token.is[Equals]) {
val rhs =
if (token.is[Underscore] && tp.nonEmpty && isMutable && lhs.forall(_.is[Pat.Var.Term])) {
} else Some(expr())
if (isMutable) Defn.Var(mods, lhs, tp, rhs)
else Defn.Val(mods, lhs, tp, rhs.get)
} else {
mods.getAll[Mod.Lazy].foreach { m => syntaxError("lazy values may not be abstract", at = m) }
val ids = lhs.map {
case name: Pat.Var.Term => name
case other => syntaxError("pattern definition may not be abstract", at = other)
if (isMutable) Decl.Var(mods, ids, tp.get)
else Decl.Val(mods, ids, tp.get)
/** {{{
* FunDef ::= FunSig [`:' Type] `=' [`macro'] Expr
* | FunSig [nl] `{' Block `}'
* | `this' ParamClause ParamClauses
* (`=' ConstrExpr | [nl] ConstrBlock)
* FunDcl ::= FunSig [`:' Type]
* FunSig ::= id [FunTypeParamClause] ParamClauses
* }}}
def funDefOrDclOrSecondaryCtor(mods: List[Mod]): Stat = {
if (ahead(token.isNot[KwThis])) funDefRest(mods)
else secondaryCtor(mods)
def funDefRest(mods: List[Mod]): Stat = atPos(mods, auto) {
val name = termName()
def warnProcedureDeprecation =
deprecationWarning(s"Procedure syntax is deprecated. Convert procedure `$name` to method by adding `: Unit`.", at = name)
val tparams = typeParamClauseOpt(ownerIsType = false, ctxBoundsAllowed = true)
val paramss = paramClauses(ownerIsType = false).require[Seq[Seq[Term.Param]]]
val restype = fromWithinReturnType(typedOpt())
if (token.is[StatSep] || token.is[RightBrace]) {
if (restype.isEmpty) {
Decl.Def(mods, name, tparams, paramss, atPos(in.tokenPos, in.prevTokenPos)(Type.Name("Unit"))) // TODO: hygiene!
} else
Decl.Def(mods, name, tparams, paramss, restype.get)
} else if (restype.isEmpty && token.is[LeftBrace]) {
Defn.Def(mods, name, tparams, paramss, Some(atPos(in.tokenPos, in.prevTokenPos)(Type.Name("Unit"))), expr()) // TODO: hygiene!
} else {
var isMacro = false
val rhs = {
if (token.is[Equals]) {
isMacro = token.is[KwMacro]
if (isMacro) next()
} else {
if (isMacro) Defn.Macro(mods, name, tparams, paramss, restype, rhs)
else Defn.Def(mods, name, tparams, paramss, restype, rhs)
/** {{{
* TypeDef ::= type Id [TypeParamClause] `=' Type
* | FunSig `=' Expr
* TypeDcl ::= type Id [TypeParamClause] TypeBounds
* }}}
def typeDefOrDcl(mods: List[Mod]): Member.Type with Stat = atPos(mods, auto) {
val name = typeName()
val tparams = typeParamClauseOpt(ownerIsType = true, ctxBoundsAllowed = false)
def aliasType() = Defn.Type(mods, name, tparams, typ())
def abstractType() = Decl.Type(mods, name, tparams, typeBounds())
token match {
case Equals() => next(); aliasType()
case Supertype() | Subtype() | Comma() | RightBrace() => abstractType()
case StatSep() => abstractType()
case _ => syntaxError("`=', `>:', or `<:' expected", at = token)
/** Hook for IDE, for top-level classes/objects. */
def topLevelTmplDef: Member with Stat =
tmplDef(annots(skipNewLines = true) ++ modifiers())
/** {{{
* TmplDef ::= [case] class ClassDef
* | [case] object ObjectDef
* | [override] trait TraitDef
* }}}
def tmplDef(mods: List[Mod]): Member with Stat = {
mods.getAll[Mod.Lazy].foreach { m => syntaxError("classes cannot be lazy", at = m) }
token match {
case KwTrait() =>
case KwClass() =>
case KwCase() if ahead(token.is[KwClass]) =>
val casePos = in.tokenPos
classDef(mods :+ atPos(casePos, casePos)(Mod.Case()))
case KwObject() =>
case KwCase() if ahead(token.is[KwObject]) =>
val casePos = in.tokenPos
objectDef(mods :+ atPos(casePos, casePos)(Mod.Case()))
case _ =>
syntaxError(s"expected start of definition", at = token)
/** {{{
* TraitDef ::= Id [TypeParamClause] RequiresTypeOpt TraitTemplateOpt
* }}}
def traitDef(mods: List[Mod]): Defn.Trait = atPos(mods, auto) {
Defn.Trait(mods, typeName(),
typeParamClauseOpt(ownerIsType = true, ctxBoundsAllowed = false),
/** {{{
* ClassDef ::= Id [TypeParamClause] {Annotation}
* [AccessModifier] ClassParamClauses RequiresTypeOpt ClassTemplateOpt
* }}}
def classDef(mods: List[Mod]): Defn.Class = atPos(mods, auto) {
// TODO:
// if (ofCaseClass && token.isNot[LeftParen])
// syntaxError(token.offset, "case classes without a parameter list are not allowed;\n"+
// "use either case objects or case classes with an explicit `()' as a parameter list.")
// TODO:
// if (owner == nme.CONSTRUCTOR && (result.isEmpty || (result.head take 1 exists (_.mods.isImplicit)))) {
// token match {
// case LeftBracket() => syntaxError("no type parameters allowed here")
// case EOF() => incompleteInputError("auxiliary constructor needs non-implicit parameter list")
// case _ => syntaxError(start, "auxiliary constructor needs non-implicit parameter list")
// }
// }
Defn.Class(mods, typeName(),
typeParamClauseOpt(ownerIsType = true, ctxBoundsAllowed = true),
primaryCtor(if (mods.has[Mod.Case]) OwnedByCaseClass else OwnedByClass), templateOpt(OwnedByClass))
/** {{{
* ObjectDef ::= Id ClassTemplateOpt
* }}}
def objectDef(mods: List[Mod]): Defn.Object = atPos(mods, auto) {
Defn.Object(mods, termName(), templateOpt(OwnedByObject))
/* -------- CONSTRUCTORS ------------------------------------------- */
// TODO: we need to store some string in Ctor.Name in order to represent constructor calls (which also use Ctor.Name)
// however, when representing constructor defns, we can't easily figure out that name
// a natural desire would be to have this name equal to the name of the enclosing class/trait/object
// but unfortunately we can't do that, because we can create ctors in isolation from their enclosures
// therefore, I'm going to use `Term.Name("this")` here for the time being
def primaryCtor(owner: TemplateOwner): Ctor.Primary = autoPos {
if (owner.isClass) {
val mods = constructorAnnots() ++ accessModifierOpt()
val name = atPos(in.tokenPos, in.prevTokenPos)(Ctor.Name("this"))
val paramss = paramClauses(ownerIsType = true, owner == OwnedByCaseClass)
Ctor.Primary(mods, name, paramss)
} else if (owner.isTrait) {
Ctor.Primary(Nil, atPos(in.tokenPos, in.prevTokenPos)(Ctor.Name("this")), Nil)
} else {
def secondaryCtor(mods: List[Mod]): Ctor.Secondary = atPos(mods, auto) {
val thisPos = in.tokenPos
// TODO: ownerIsType = true is most likely a bug here
// secondary constructors can't have val/var parameters
val paramss = paramClauses(ownerIsType = true)
val body = token match {
case LeftBrace() => constrBlock()
case _ => accept[Equals]; constrExpr()
Ctor.Secondary(mods, atPos(thisPos, thisPos)(Ctor.Name("this")), paramss, body)
def quasiquoteCtor(): Ctor = autoPos {
val anns = annots(skipNewLines = true)
val mods = anns ++ modifiers()
val name = atPos(in.tokenPos, in.tokenPos)(Ctor.Name("this"))
val paramss = paramClauses(ownerIsType = true)
if (token.is[EOF]) {
Ctor.Primary(mods, name, paramss)
} else {
val body = token match {
case LeftBrace() => constrBlock()
case _ => accept[Equals]; constrExpr()
Ctor.Secondary(mods, name, paramss, body)
/** {{{
* ConstrBlock ::= `{' SelfInvocation {semi BlockStat} `}'
* }}}
def constrBlock(): Term.Block = autoPos {
val supercall = selfInvocation()
val stats =
if (!token.is[StatSep]) Nil
else { next(); blockStatSeq() }
Term.Block(supercall +: stats)
/** {{{
* ConstrExpr ::= SelfInvocation
* | ConstrBlock
* }}}
def constrExpr(): Term =
if (token.is[LeftBrace]) constrBlock()
else selfInvocation()
/** {{{
* SelfInvocation ::= this ArgumentExprs {ArgumentExprs}
* }}}
def selfInvocation(): Term =
if (token.is[Unquote])
else {
var result: Term = autoPos(Ctor.Name("this"))
while (token.is[LeftParen] || token.is[LeftBrace]) {
result = atPos(result, auto)(Term.Apply(result, argumentExprs()))
def constructorCall(tpe: Type, allowArgss: Boolean = true): Ctor.Call = {
object Types {
def unapply(tpes: Seq[Type.Arg]): Option[Seq[Type]] = {
if (tpes.forall(t => t.is[Type] || t.is[Type.Arg.Quasi])) Some(tpes.map {
case q: Type.Arg.Quasi => q.become[Type.Quasi]
case t: Type => t.require[Type]
else None
def convert(tpe: Type): Ctor.Call = {
// TODO: we should really think of a different representation for constructor invocations...
// if anything, this mkCtorRefFunction is a testament to how problematic our current encoding is
// the Type.ApplyInfix => Term.ApplyType conversion is weird as well
def mkCtorRefFunction(tpe: Type) = {
val arrow = scannerTokens.slice(tpe.tokens.head.index, tpe.tokens.last.index + 1).find(_.is[RightArrow]).get
atPos(arrow, arrow)(Ctor.Ref.Function(atPos(arrow, arrow)(Ctor.Name("=>"))))
atPos(tpe, tpe)(tpe match {
case q: Type.Quasi => q.become[Ctor.Call.Quasi]
case Type.Name(value) => Ctor.Name(value)
case Type.Select(qual, name: Type.Name.Quasi) => Ctor.Ref.Select(qual, atPos(name, name)(name.become[Ctor.Name.Quasi]))
case Type.Select(qual, name) => Ctor.Ref.Select(qual, atPos(name, name)(Ctor.Name(name.value)))
case Type.Project(qual, name: Type.Name.Quasi) => Ctor.Ref.Project(qual, atPos(name, name)(name.become[Ctor.Name.Quasi]))
case Type.Project(qual, name) => Ctor.Ref.Project(qual, atPos(name, name)(Ctor.Name(name.value)))
case Type.Function(Types(params), ret) => Term.ApplyType(mkCtorRefFunction(tpe), params :+ ret)
case Type.Annotate(tpe, annots) => Term.Annotate(convert(tpe), annots)
case Type.Apply(tpe, args) => Term.ApplyType(convert(tpe), args)
case Type.ApplyInfix(lhs, op, rhs) => Term.ApplyType(convert(op), List(lhs, rhs))
case _ => syntaxError("this type can't be used in a constructor call", at = tpe)
var result = convert(tpe)
var done = false
while (token.is[LeftParen] && !done) {
result = atPos(result, auto)(Term.Apply(result, argumentExprs()))
if (!allowArgss) done = true
/* -------- TEMPLATES ------------------------------------------- */
sealed trait TemplateOwner {
def isTerm = this eq OwnedByObject
def isClass = (this eq OwnedByCaseClass) || (this eq OwnedByClass)
def isTrait = this eq OwnedByTrait
object OwnedByTrait extends TemplateOwner
object OwnedByCaseClass extends TemplateOwner
object OwnedByClass extends TemplateOwner
object OwnedByObject extends TemplateOwner
/** {{{
* ClassParents ::= ModType {`(' [Exprs] `)'} {with ModType}
* TraitParents ::= ModType {with ModType}
* }}}
def templateParents(): List[Ctor.Call] = {
val parents = new ListBuffer[Ctor.Call]
def readAppliedParent() = {
val parent = token match {
case Unquote(_) =>
val parent = constructorCall(startModType())
parent match {
case parent: Ctor.Ref.Name.Quasi => parent.become[Ctor.Call.Quasi]
case other => other
case Ellipsis(_) =>
ellipsis(1, astInfo[Ctor.Call])
case _ =>
parents += parent
while (token.is[KwWith]) { next(); readAppliedParent() }
/** {{{
* ClassTemplate ::= [EarlyDefs with] ClassParents [TemplateBody]
* TraitTemplate ::= [EarlyDefs with] TraitParents [TemplateBody]
* EarlyDefs ::= `{' [EarlyDef {semi EarlyDef}] `}'
* EarlyDef ::= Annotations Modifiers PatDef
* }}}
def template(): Template = autoPos {
if (token.is[LeftBrace]) {
// @S: pre template body cannot stub like post body can!
val (self, body) = templateBody(isPre = true)
if (token.is[KwWith] && self.name.is[Name.Anonymous] && self.decltpe.isEmpty) {
val edefs = body.map(ensureEarlyDef)
val parents = templateParents()
val (self1, body1) = templateBodyOpt(parenMeansSyntaxError = false)
Template(edefs, parents, self1, body1)
} else {
Template(Nil, Nil, self, Some(body))
} else if (token.is[Unquote] && ahead(
!token.is[Dot] && !token.is[Hash] && !token.is[At] && !token.is[Ellipsis] &&
!token.is[LeftParen] && !token.is[LeftBracket] && !token.is[LeftBrace] && !token.is[KwWith]
)) {
} else {
val parents = templateParents()
val (self, body) = templateBodyOpt(parenMeansSyntaxError = false)
Template(Nil, parents, self, body)
def quasiquoteTemplate(): Template = autoPos {
token match {
case Unquote(_) if ahead(token.is[EOF]) =>
val parents = List(unquote[Ctor.Call])
val self = autoPos(Term.Param(Nil, autoPos(Name.Anonymous()), None, None))
Template(Nil, parents, self, None)
case _ =>
def ensureEarlyDef(tree: Stat): Stat = tree match {
case v: Stat.Quasi => v
case v: Defn.Val => v
case v: Defn.Var => v
case t: Defn.Type => t
case other => syntaxError("not a valid early definition", at = other)
/** {{{
* ClassTemplateOpt ::= `extends' ClassTemplate | [[`extends'] TemplateBody]
* TraitTemplateOpt ::= TraitExtends TraitTemplate | [[`extends'] TemplateBody] | `<:' TemplateBody
* TraitExtends ::= `extends' | `<:'
* }}}
def templateOpt(owner: TemplateOwner): Template = {
if (token.is[KwExtends] || (token.is[Subtype] && owner.isTrait)) {
} else {
val startPos = in.tokenPos
val (self, body) = templateBodyOpt(parenMeansSyntaxError = !owner.isClass)
atPos(startPos, auto)(Template(Nil, Nil, self, body))
/** {{{
* TemplateBody ::= [nl] `{' TemplateStatSeq `}'
* }}}
* @param isPre specifies whether in early initializer (true) or not (false)
def templateBody(isPre: Boolean): (Term.Param, List[Stat]) =
inBraces(templateStatSeq(isPre = isPre))
def templateBodyOpt(parenMeansSyntaxError: Boolean): (Term.Param, Option[List[Stat]]) = {
if (token.is[LeftBrace]) {
val (self, body) = templateBody(isPre = false)
(self, Some(body))
} else {
if (token.is[LeftParen]) {
if (parenMeansSyntaxError) syntaxError("traits or objects may not have parameters", at = token)
else syntaxError("unexpected opening parenthesis", at = token)
(autoPos(Term.Param(Nil, autoPos(Name.Anonymous()), None, None)), None)
/** {{{
* Refinement ::= [nl] `{' RefineStat {semi RefineStat} `}'
* }}}
def refinement(): List[Stat] = inBraces(refineStatSeq())
def existentialStats(): List[Stat] = refinement() map {
case stat if stat.isExistentialStat => stat
case other => syntaxError("not a legal existential clause", at = other)
/* -------- STATSEQS ------------------------------------------- */
def statSeq[T <: Tree: AstInfo](statpf: PartialFunction[Token, T],
errorMsg: String = "illegal start of definition"): List[T] = {
val stats = new ListBuffer[T]
while (!token.is[StatSeqEnd]) {
def isDefinedInEllipsis = { if (token.is[LeftParen] || token.is[LeftBrace]) next(); statpf.isDefinedAt(token) }
if (statpf.isDefinedAt(token) || (token.is[Ellipsis] && ahead(isDefinedInEllipsis)))
stats += statpf(token)
else if (!token.is[StatSep])
syntaxError(errorMsg, at = token)
/** {{{
* TopStatSeq ::= TopStat {semi TopStat}
* TopStat ::= Annotations Modifiers TmplDef
* | Packaging
* | package object objectDef
* | Import
* |
* }}}
def topStatSeq(): List[Stat] = statSeq(topStat, errorMsg = "expected class or object definition")
def topStat: PartialFunction[Token, Stat] = {
case Ellipsis(_) =>
ellipsis(1, astInfo[Stat])
case Unquote(_) =>
case KwPackage() =>
case KwImport() =>
case TemplateIntro() =>
/** {{{
* TemplateStatSeq ::= [id [`:' Type] `=>'] TemplateStats
* }}}
* @param isPre specifies whether in early initializer (true) or not (false)
def templateStatSeq(isPre : Boolean): (Term.Param, List[Stat]) = {
var self: Term.Param = autoPos(Term.Param(Nil, autoPos(Name.Anonymous()), None, None))
var firstOpt: Option[Stat] = None
if (token.is[ExprIntro]) {
val first = expr(InTemplate) // @S: first statement is potentially converted so cannot be stubbed.
if (token.is[RightArrow]) {
first match {
case q: Term.Quasi =>
self = q.become[Term.Param.Quasi]
case name: Term.Placeholder =>
self = atPos(first, first)(Term.Param(Nil, atPos(name, name)(Name.Anonymous()), None, None))
case name @ Term.This(Name.Anonymous()) =>
self = atPos(first, first)(Term.Param(Nil, atPos(name, name)(Name.Anonymous()), None, None))
case name: Term.Name =>
self = atPos(first, first)(Term.Param(Nil, name, None, None))
case Term.Ascribe(name: Term.Placeholder, tpt) =>
self = atPos(first, first)(Term.Param(Nil, atPos(name, name)(Name.Anonymous()), Some(tpt), None))
case Term.Ascribe(name @ Term.This(Name.Anonymous()), tpt) =>
self = atPos(first, first)(Term.Param(Nil, atPos(name, name)(Name.Anonymous()), Some(tpt), None))
case Term.Ascribe(name: Term.Name, tpt) =>
self = atPos(first, first)(Term.Param(Nil, name, Some(tpt), None))
case _ =>
} else {
firstOpt = Some(first match {
case q: Term.Quasi => q.become[Stat.Quasi]
case other => other
(self, firstOpt ++: templateStats())
/** {{{
* TemplateStats ::= TemplateStat {semi TemplateStat}
* TemplateStat ::= Import
* | Annotations Modifiers Def
* | Annotations Modifiers Dcl
* | Expr1
* | super ArgumentExprs {ArgumentExprs}
* |
* }}}
def templateStats(): List[Stat] = statSeq(templateStat)
def templateStat: PartialFunction[Token, Stat] = {
case KwImport() =>
case DefIntro() =>
case Unquote(_) =>
case Ellipsis(_) =>
ellipsis(1, astInfo[Stat])
case ExprIntro() =>
/** {{{
* RefineStatSeq ::= RefineStat {semi RefineStat}
* RefineStat ::= Dcl
* | type TypeDef
* |
* }}}
def refineStatSeq(): List[Stat] = {
val stats = new ListBuffer[Stat]
while (!token.is[StatSeqEnd]) {
stats ++= refineStat()
if (token.isNot[RightBrace]) acceptStatSep()
def refineStat(): Option[Stat] =
if (token.is[Ellipsis]) {
Some(ellipsis(1, astInfo[Stat]))
} else if (token.is[DclIntro]) {
defOrDclOrSecondaryCtor(Nil) match {
case stat if stat.isRefineStat => Some(stat)
case other => syntaxError("is not a valid refinement declaration", at = other)
} else if (!token.is[StatSep]) {
"illegal start of declaration"+
(if (inFunReturnType) " (possible cause: missing `=' in front of current method body)"
else ""), at = token)
} else None
def localDef(implicitMod: Option[Mod.Implicit]): Stat = {
val mods = (implicitMod ++: annots(skipNewLines = true)) ++ localModifiers()
if (mods forall { case _: Mod.Implicit | _: Mod.Lazy | _: Mod.Inline | _: Mod.Annot => true; case _ => false })
(defOrDclOrSecondaryCtor(mods) match {
case stat if stat.isBlockStat => stat
case other => syntaxError("is not a valid block statement", at = other)
(tmplDef(mods) match {
case stat if stat.isBlockStat => stat
case other => syntaxError("is not a valid block statement", at = other)
/** {{{
* BlockStatSeq ::= { BlockStat semi } [ResultExpr]
* BlockStat ::= Import
* | Annotations [implicit] [lazy] Def
* | Annotations LocalModifiers TmplDef
* | Expr1
* |
* }}}
def blockStatSeq(): List[Stat] = {
val stats = new ListBuffer[Stat]
while (!token.is[StatSeqEnd] && !token.is[CaseDefEnd]) {
if (token.is[KwImport]) {
stats += importStmt()
else if (token.is[DefIntro] && !token.is[NonlocalModifier]) {
if (token.is[KwImplicit]) {
val implicitPos = in.tokenPos
if (token.is[Ident]) stats += implicitClosure(InBlock)
else stats += localDef(Some(atPos(implicitPos, implicitPos)(Mod.Implicit())))
} else {
stats += localDef(None)
else if (token.is[ExprIntro]) {
stats += (expr(InBlock) match { case q: Term.Quasi => q.become[Stat.Quasi]; case other => other })
if (!token.is[CaseDefEnd]) acceptStatSep()
else if (token.is[StatSep]) {
else if (token.is[Ellipsis]) {
stats += ellipsis(1, astInfo[Stat])
else {
syntaxError("illegal start of statement", at = token)
def packageOrPackageObjectDef(): Stat = autoPos {
require(token.is[KwPackage] && debug(token))
if (ahead(token.is[KwObject])) packageObjectDef()
else packageDef()
def packageDef(): Pkg = autoPos {
Pkg(qualId(), inBracesOrNil(topStatSeq()))
def packageObjectDef(): Pkg.Object = autoPos {
Pkg.Object(Nil, termName(), templateOpt(OwnedByObject))
/** {{{
* CompilationUnit ::= {package QualId semi} TopStatSeq
* }}}
def source(): Source = autoPos {
if (dialect.allowToplevelTerms) scriptSource()
else batchSource()
def scriptSource(): Source = autoPos {
// TODO: Faithfully reimplement the logic in SBT (see #368 in details).
// So far, our use case is to reformat already valid programs,
// so we can afford accepting more than necessary.
if (dialect.toplevelSeparator == "") {
} else {
require(dialect.toplevelSeparator == EOL)
def batchSource(): Source = autoPos {
def inBracelessPackage() = token.is[KwPackage] && !ahead(token.is[KwObject]) && ahead{ qualId(); token.isNot[LeftBrace] }
def bracelessPackageStats(): Seq[Stat] = {
if (token.is[EOF]) {
} else if (token.is[StatSep]) {
} else if (token.is[KwPackage] && !ahead(token.is[KwObject])) {
val startPos = in.tokenPos
val qid = qualId()
if (token.is[LeftBrace]) {
val pkg = atPos(startPos, auto)(Pkg(qid, inBraces(topStatSeq())))
pkg +: bracelessPackageStats()
} else {
List(atPos(startPos, auto)(Pkg(qid, bracelessPackageStats())))
} else if (token.is[LeftBrace]) {
} else {
if (inBracelessPackage) {
val startPos = in.tokenPos
Source(List(atPos(startPos, auto)(Pkg(qualId(), bracelessPackageStats()))))
} else {
object ScalametaParser {
def toParse[T](fn: ScalametaParser => T): Parse[T] = new Parse[T] {
def apply(input: Input, dialect: Dialect): Parsed[T] = {
try {
val parser = new ScalametaParser(input, dialect)
} catch {
case details @ TokenizeException(pos, message) =>
Parsed.Error(pos, message, details)
case details @ ParseException(pos, message) =>
Parsed.Error(pos, message, details)
class Location private(val value: Int) extends AnyVal
object Location {
val Local = new Location(0)
val InBlock = new Location(1)
val InTemplate = new Location(2)
object InfixMode extends Enumeration {
val FirstOp, LeftOp, RightOp = Value
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