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energyml.prodml2_0.ObjectFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// This file was generated by the Eclipse Implementation of JAXB, v3.0.0
// See https://eclipse-ee4j.github.io/jaxb-ri
// Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema.
// Generated on: 2022.10.13 at 08:02:05 PM UTC
package energyml.prodml2_0;
import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementDecl;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRegistry;
import energyml.common2_1.LengthMeasure;
* This object contains factory methods for each
* Java content interface and Java element interface
* generated in the energyml.prodml2_0 package.
* An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically
* construct new instances of the Java representation
* for XML content. The Java representation of XML
* content can consist of schema derived interfaces
* and classes representing the binding of schema
* type definitions, element declarations and model
* groups. Factory methods for each of these are
* provided in this class.
public class ObjectFactory {
private final static QName _FiberPathDefectComment_QNAME = new QName("http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", "Comment");
private final static QName _FiberPathDefectOpticalPathDistanceEnd_QNAME = new QName("http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", "OpticalPathDistanceEnd");
private final static QName _FiberPathDefectOpticalPathDistanceStart_QNAME = new QName("http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", "OpticalPathDistanceStart");
private final static QName _FiberPathDefectTimeEnd_QNAME = new QName("http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", "TimeEnd");
private final static QName _FiberPathDefectTimeStart_QNAME = new QName("http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", "TimeStart");
private final static QName _FiberPathDefectDefectType_QNAME = new QName("http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", "DefectType");
private final static QName _FacilityIdentifierBusinessUnit_QNAME = new QName("http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", "BusinessUnit");
private final static QName _FacilityIdentifierKind_QNAME = new QName("http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", "Kind");
private final static QName _FacilityIdentifierOperator_QNAME = new QName("http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", "Operator");
private final static QName _FacilityIdentifierInstallation_QNAME = new QName("http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", "Installation");
private final static QName _FacilityIdentifierContextFacility_QNAME = new QName("http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", "ContextFacility");
private final static QName _FacilityIdentifierGeographicContext_QNAME = new QName("http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", "GeographicContext");
private final static QName _FacilityIdentifierName_QNAME = new QName("http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", "Name");
* Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: energyml.prodml2_0
public ObjectFactory() {
* Create an instance of {@link BusinessAssociate }
public BusinessAssociate createBusinessAssociate() {
return new BusinessAssociate();
* Create an instance of {@link CalibrationParameter }
public CalibrationParameter createCalibrationParameter() {
return new CalibrationParameter();
* Create an instance of {@link DatedComment }
public DatedComment createDatedComment() {
return new DatedComment();
* Create an instance of {@link EmailQualifierStruct }
public EmailQualifierStruct createEmailQualifierStruct() {
return new EmailQualifierStruct();
* Create an instance of {@link EndpointQualifiedDate }
public EndpointQualifiedDate createEndpointQualifiedDate() {
return new EndpointQualifiedDate();
* Create an instance of {@link EndpointQualifiedDateTime }
public EndpointQualifiedDateTime createEndpointQualifiedDateTime() {
return new EndpointQualifiedDateTime();
* Create an instance of {@link FacilityIdentifier }
public FacilityIdentifier createFacilityIdentifier() {
return new FacilityIdentifier();
* Create an instance of {@link FacilityIdentifierStruct }
public FacilityIdentifierStruct createFacilityIdentifierStruct() {
return new FacilityIdentifierStruct();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidComponent }
public FluidComponent createFluidComponent() {
return new FluidComponent();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidComponentCatalog }
public FluidComponentCatalog createFluidComponentCatalog() {
return new FluidComponentCatalog();
* Create an instance of {@link FormationWater }
public FormationWater createFormationWater() {
return new FormationWater();
* Create an instance of {@link GeneralAddress }
public GeneralAddress createGeneralAddress() {
return new GeneralAddress();
* Create an instance of {@link GeneralMeasureType }
public GeneralMeasureType createGeneralMeasureType() {
return new GeneralMeasureType();
* Create an instance of {@link GeneralQualifiedMeasure }
public GeneralQualifiedMeasure createGeneralQualifiedMeasure() {
return new GeneralQualifiedMeasure();
* Create an instance of {@link GeographicContext }
public GeographicContext createGeographicContext() {
return new GeographicContext();
* Create an instance of {@link GeologyFeature }
public GeologyFeature createGeologyFeature() {
return new GeologyFeature();
* Create an instance of {@link IndexedObject }
public IndexedObject createIndexedObject() {
return new IndexedObject();
* Create an instance of {@link IntegerQualifiedCount }
public IntegerQualifiedCount createIntegerQualifiedCount() {
return new IntegerQualifiedCount();
* Create an instance of {@link KeywordValueStruct }
public KeywordValueStruct createKeywordValueStruct() {
return new KeywordValueStruct();
* Create an instance of {@link KindQualifiedString }
public KindQualifiedString createKindQualifiedString() {
return new KindQualifiedString();
* Create an instance of {@link LiquidComposition }
public LiquidComposition createLiquidComposition() {
return new LiquidComposition();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasuredDepthCoord }
public MeasuredDepthCoord createMeasuredDepthCoord() {
return new MeasuredDepthCoord();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureOrQuantity }
public MeasureOrQuantity createMeasureOrQuantity() {
return new MeasureOrQuantity();
* Create an instance of {@link NameStruct }
public NameStruct createNameStruct() {
return new NameStruct();
* Create an instance of {@link NaturalGas }
public NaturalGas createNaturalGas() {
return new NaturalGas();
* Create an instance of {@link NorthSeaOffshore }
public NorthSeaOffshore createNorthSeaOffshore() {
return new NorthSeaOffshore();
* Create an instance of {@link OffshoreLocation }
public OffshoreLocation createOffshoreLocation() {
return new OffshoreLocation();
* Create an instance of {@link OverallComposition }
public OverallComposition createOverallComposition() {
return new OverallComposition();
* Create an instance of {@link PersonName }
public PersonName createPersonName() {
return new PersonName();
* Create an instance of {@link PhoneNumberStruct }
public PhoneNumberStruct createPhoneNumberStruct() {
return new PhoneNumberStruct();
* Create an instance of {@link PlusFluidComponent }
public PlusFluidComponent createPlusFluidComponent() {
return new PlusFluidComponent();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductFlowExternalReference }
public ProductFlowExternalReference createProductFlowExternalReference() {
return new ProductFlowExternalReference();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductFlowNetwork }
public ProductFlowNetwork createProductFlowNetwork() {
return new ProductFlowNetwork();
* Create an instance of {@link PseudoFluidComponent }
public PseudoFluidComponent createPseudoFluidComponent() {
return new PseudoFluidComponent();
* Create an instance of {@link PureFluidComponent }
public PureFluidComponent createPureFluidComponent() {
return new PureFluidComponent();
* Create an instance of {@link StartEndDate }
public StartEndDate createStartEndDate() {
return new StartEndDate();
* Create an instance of {@link StartEndTime }
public StartEndTime createStartEndTime() {
return new StartEndTime();
* Create an instance of {@link StockTankOil }
public StockTankOil createStockTankOil() {
return new StockTankOil();
* Create an instance of {@link VaporComposition }
public VaporComposition createVaporComposition() {
return new VaporComposition();
* Create an instance of {@link VolumeQualifiedMeasure }
public VolumeQualifiedMeasure createVolumeQualifiedMeasure() {
return new VolumeQualifiedMeasure();
* Create an instance of {@link WellElevationCoord }
public WellElevationCoord createWellElevationCoord() {
return new WellElevationCoord();
* Create an instance of {@link WellVerticalDepthCoord }
public WellVerticalDepthCoord createWellVerticalDepthCoord() {
return new WellVerticalDepthCoord();
* Create an instance of {@link DasAcquisition }
public DasAcquisition createDasAcquisition() {
return new DasAcquisition();
* Create an instance of {@link DasCalibration }
public DasCalibration createDasCalibration() {
return new DasCalibration();
* Create an instance of {@link DasCalibrationPoint }
public DasCalibrationPoint createDasCalibrationPoint() {
return new DasCalibrationPoint();
* Create an instance of {@link DasCustom }
public DasCustom createDasCustom() {
return new DasCustom();
* Create an instance of {@link DasExternalDatasetPart }
public DasExternalDatasetPart createDasExternalDatasetPart() {
return new DasExternalDatasetPart();
* Create an instance of {@link DasFbe }
public DasFbe createDasFbe() {
return new DasFbe();
* Create an instance of {@link DasFbeData }
public DasFbeData createDasFbeData() {
return new DasFbeData();
* Create an instance of {@link DasInstrumentBox }
public DasInstrumentBox createDasInstrumentBox() {
return new DasInstrumentBox();
* Create an instance of {@link DasProcessed }
public DasProcessed createDasProcessed() {
return new DasProcessed();
* Create an instance of {@link DasRaw }
public DasRaw createDasRaw() {
return new DasRaw();
* Create an instance of {@link DasRawData }
public DasRawData createDasRawData() {
return new DasRawData();
* Create an instance of {@link DasSpectra }
public DasSpectra createDasSpectra() {
return new DasSpectra();
* Create an instance of {@link DasSpectraData }
public DasSpectraData createDasSpectraData() {
return new DasSpectraData();
* Create an instance of {@link DasTimeArray }
public DasTimeArray createDasTimeArray() {
return new DasTimeArray();
* Create an instance of {@link DtsCalibration }
public DtsCalibration createDtsCalibration() {
return new DtsCalibration();
* Create an instance of {@link DtsInstalledSystem }
public DtsInstalledSystem createDtsInstalledSystem() {
return new DtsInstalledSystem();
* Create an instance of {@link DtsInstrumentBox }
public DtsInstrumentBox createDtsInstrumentBox() {
return new DtsInstrumentBox();
* Create an instance of {@link DtsPatchCord }
public DtsPatchCord createDtsPatchCord() {
return new DtsPatchCord();
* Create an instance of {@link Instrument }
public Instrument createInstrument() {
return new Instrument();
* Create an instance of {@link DtsInterpretationData }
public DtsInterpretationData createDtsInterpretationData() {
return new DtsInterpretationData();
* Create an instance of {@link DtsInterpretationLogSet }
public DtsInterpretationLogSet createDtsInterpretationLogSet() {
return new DtsInterpretationLogSet();
* Create an instance of {@link DtsMeasurement }
public DtsMeasurement createDtsMeasurement() {
return new DtsMeasurement();
* Create an instance of {@link DtsMeasurementTrace }
public DtsMeasurementTrace createDtsMeasurementTrace() {
return new DtsMeasurementTrace();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberCommon }
public FiberCommon createFiberCommon() {
return new FiberCommon();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberConnection }
public FiberConnection createFiberConnection() {
return new FiberConnection();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberControlLine }
public FiberControlLine createFiberControlLine() {
return new FiberControlLine();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberConveyance }
public FiberConveyance createFiberConveyance() {
return new FiberConveyance();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberFacilityGeneric }
public FiberFacilityGeneric createFiberFacilityGeneric() {
return new FiberFacilityGeneric();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberFacilityMapping }
public FiberFacilityMapping createFiberFacilityMapping() {
return new FiberFacilityMapping();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberFacilityMappingPart }
public FiberFacilityMappingPart createFiberFacilityMappingPart() {
return new FiberFacilityMappingPart();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberFacilityPipeline }
public FiberFacilityPipeline createFiberFacilityPipeline() {
return new FiberFacilityPipeline();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberFacilityWell }
public FiberFacilityWell createFiberFacilityWell() {
return new FiberFacilityWell();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberOneWayAttenuation }
public FiberOneWayAttenuation createFiberOneWayAttenuation() {
return new FiberOneWayAttenuation();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberOpticalPath }
public FiberOpticalPath createFiberOpticalPath() {
return new FiberOpticalPath();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberOpticalPathInventory }
public FiberOpticalPathInventory createFiberOpticalPathInventory() {
return new FiberOpticalPathInventory();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberOpticalPathNetwork }
public FiberOpticalPathNetwork createFiberOpticalPathNetwork() {
return new FiberOpticalPathNetwork();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberOpticalPathSegment }
public FiberOpticalPathSegment createFiberOpticalPathSegment() {
return new FiberOpticalPathSegment();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberOTDR }
public FiberOTDR createFiberOTDR() {
return new FiberOTDR();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberOTDRInstrumentBox }
public FiberOTDRInstrumentBox createFiberOTDRInstrumentBox() {
return new FiberOTDRInstrumentBox();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberPathDefect }
public FiberPathDefect createFiberPathDefect() {
return new FiberPathDefect();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberPumpActivity }
public FiberPumpActivity createFiberPumpActivity() {
return new FiberPumpActivity();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberRefractiveIndex }
public FiberRefractiveIndex createFiberRefractiveIndex() {
return new FiberRefractiveIndex();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberSplice }
public FiberSplice createFiberSplice() {
return new FiberSplice();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberTerminator }
public FiberTerminator createFiberTerminator() {
return new FiberTerminator();
* Create an instance of {@link FiberTurnaround }
public FiberTurnaround createFiberTurnaround() {
return new FiberTurnaround();
* Create an instance of {@link Frequency }
public Frequency createFrequency() {
return new Frequency();
* Create an instance of {@link InterventionConveyance }
public InterventionConveyance createInterventionConveyance() {
return new InterventionConveyance();
* Create an instance of {@link PermanentCable }
public PermanentCable createPermanentCable() {
return new PermanentCable();
* Create an instance of {@link WaveLength }
public WaveLength createWaveLength() {
return new WaveLength();
* Create an instance of {@link AtmosphericFlashTestAndCompositionalAnalysis }
public AtmosphericFlashTestAndCompositionalAnalysis createAtmosphericFlashTestAndCompositionalAnalysis() {
return new AtmosphericFlashTestAndCompositionalAnalysis();
* Create an instance of {@link ConstantCompositionExpansionTest }
public ConstantCompositionExpansionTest createConstantCompositionExpansionTest() {
return new ConstantCompositionExpansionTest();
* Create an instance of {@link ConstantCompositionExpansionTestStep }
public ConstantCompositionExpansionTestStep createConstantCompositionExpansionTestStep() {
return new ConstantCompositionExpansionTestStep();
* Create an instance of {@link ConstantVolumeDepletionTest }
public ConstantVolumeDepletionTest createConstantVolumeDepletionTest() {
return new ConstantVolumeDepletionTest();
* Create an instance of {@link CumulativeGasProducedRatioStd }
public CumulativeGasProducedRatioStd createCumulativeGasProducedRatioStd() {
return new CumulativeGasProducedRatioStd();
* Create an instance of {@link CumulativeGasProducedVol }
public CumulativeGasProducedVol createCumulativeGasProducedVol() {
return new CumulativeGasProducedVol();
* Create an instance of {@link DifferentialLiberationTest }
public DifferentialLiberationTest createDifferentialLiberationTest() {
return new DifferentialLiberationTest();
* Create an instance of {@link FlashedGas }
public FlashedGas createFlashedGas() {
return new FlashedGas();
* Create an instance of {@link FlashedLiquid }
public FlashedLiquid createFlashedLiquid() {
return new FlashedLiquid();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidAnalysis }
public FluidAnalysis createFluidAnalysis() {
return new FluidAnalysis();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidAnalysisReport }
public FluidAnalysisReport createFluidAnalysisReport() {
return new FluidAnalysisReport();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidCvdTestStep }
public FluidCvdTestStep createFluidCvdTestStep() {
return new FluidCvdTestStep();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidDifferentialLiberationTestStep }
public FluidDifferentialLiberationTestStep createFluidDifferentialLiberationTestStep() {
return new FluidDifferentialLiberationTestStep();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidSeparatorTest }
public FluidSeparatorTest createFluidSeparatorTest() {
return new FluidSeparatorTest();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidSeparatorTestStep }
public FluidSeparatorTestStep createFluidSeparatorTestStep() {
return new FluidSeparatorTestStep();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidVolumeReference }
public FluidVolumeReference createFluidVolumeReference() {
return new FluidVolumeReference();
* Create an instance of {@link HydrocarbonAnalysis }
public HydrocarbonAnalysis createHydrocarbonAnalysis() {
return new HydrocarbonAnalysis();
* Create an instance of {@link InjectedGas }
public InjectedGas createInjectedGas() {
return new InjectedGas();
* Create an instance of {@link InterfacialTensionTest }
public InterfacialTensionTest createInterfacialTensionTest() {
return new InterfacialTensionTest();
* Create an instance of {@link InterfacialTensionTestStep }
public InterfacialTensionTestStep createInterfacialTensionTestStep() {
return new InterfacialTensionTestStep();
* Create an instance of {@link LiquidDropoutFraction }
public LiquidDropoutFraction createLiquidDropoutFraction() {
return new LiquidDropoutFraction();
* Create an instance of {@link LiquidVolume }
public LiquidVolume createLiquidVolume() {
return new LiquidVolume();
* Create an instance of {@link MassBalance }
public MassBalance createMassBalance() {
return new MassBalance();
* Create an instance of {@link MassIn }
public MassIn createMassIn() {
return new MassIn();
* Create an instance of {@link MassOut }
public MassOut createMassOut() {
return new MassOut();
* Create an instance of {@link MultipleContactMiscibilityTest }
public MultipleContactMiscibilityTest createMultipleContactMiscibilityTest() {
return new MultipleContactMiscibilityTest();
* Create an instance of {@link OilCompressibility }
public OilCompressibility createOilCompressibility() {
return new OilCompressibility();
* Create an instance of {@link OilShrinkageFactor }
public OilShrinkageFactor createOilShrinkageFactor() {
return new OilShrinkageFactor();
* Create an instance of {@link OilVolume }
public OilVolume createOilVolume() {
return new OilVolume();
* Create an instance of {@link OtherMeasurementTest }
public OtherMeasurementTest createOtherMeasurementTest() {
return new OtherMeasurementTest();
* Create an instance of {@link OtherMeasurementTestStep }
public OtherMeasurementTestStep createOtherMeasurementTestStep() {
return new OtherMeasurementTestStep();
* Create an instance of {@link PhaseDensity }
public PhaseDensity createPhaseDensity() {
return new PhaseDensity();
* Create an instance of {@link PhaseViscosity }
public PhaseViscosity createPhaseViscosity() {
return new PhaseViscosity();
* Create an instance of {@link ProducedGasProperties }
public ProducedGasProperties createProducedGasProperties() {
return new ProducedGasProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link ProducedOilProperties }
public ProducedOilProperties createProducedOilProperties() {
return new ProducedOilProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link RefInjectedGasAdded }
public RefInjectedGasAdded createRefInjectedGasAdded() {
return new RefInjectedGasAdded();
* Create an instance of {@link RelativeVolumeRatio }
public RelativeVolumeRatio createRelativeVolumeRatio() {
return new RelativeVolumeRatio();
* Create an instance of {@link ReportLocation }
public ReportLocation createReportLocation() {
return new ReportLocation();
* Create an instance of {@link SampleContaminant }
public SampleContaminant createSampleContaminant() {
return new SampleContaminant();
* Create an instance of {@link SampleIntegrityAndPreparation }
public SampleIntegrityAndPreparation createSampleIntegrityAndPreparation() {
return new SampleIntegrityAndPreparation();
* Create an instance of {@link SampleRestoration }
public SampleRestoration createSampleRestoration() {
return new SampleRestoration();
* Create an instance of {@link Sara }
public Sara createSara() {
return new Sara();
* Create an instance of {@link SaturationPressure }
public SaturationPressure createSaturationPressure() {
return new SaturationPressure();
* Create an instance of {@link SaturationTemperature }
public SaturationTemperature createSaturationTemperature() {
return new SaturationTemperature();
* Create an instance of {@link SaturationTest }
public SaturationTest createSaturationTest() {
return new SaturationTest();
* Create an instance of {@link SeparatorConditions }
public SeparatorConditions createSeparatorConditions() {
return new SeparatorConditions();
* Create an instance of {@link SlimTubeSpecification }
public SlimTubeSpecification createSlimTubeSpecification() {
return new SlimTubeSpecification();
* Create an instance of {@link SlimTubeTest }
public SlimTubeTest createSlimTubeTest() {
return new SlimTubeTest();
* Create an instance of {@link SlimTubeTestStep }
public SlimTubeTestStep createSlimTubeTestStep() {
return new SlimTubeTestStep();
* Create an instance of {@link SlimTubeTestVolumeStep }
public SlimTubeTestVolumeStep createSlimTubeTestVolumeStep() {
return new SlimTubeTestVolumeStep();
* Create an instance of {@link STOAnalysis }
public STOAnalysis createSTOAnalysis() {
return new STOAnalysis();
* Create an instance of {@link STOFlashedLiquid }
public STOFlashedLiquid createSTOFlashedLiquid() {
return new STOFlashedLiquid();
* Create an instance of {@link SwellingTest }
public SwellingTest createSwellingTest() {
return new SwellingTest();
* Create an instance of {@link SwellingTestStep }
public SwellingTestStep createSwellingTestStep() {
return new SwellingTestStep();
* Create an instance of {@link VaporLiquidEquilibriumTest }
public VaporLiquidEquilibriumTest createVaporLiquidEquilibriumTest() {
return new VaporLiquidEquilibriumTest();
* Create an instance of {@link ViscosityAtTemperature }
public ViscosityAtTemperature createViscosityAtTemperature() {
return new ViscosityAtTemperature();
* Create an instance of {@link WaterAnalysis }
public WaterAnalysis createWaterAnalysis() {
return new WaterAnalysis();
* Create an instance of {@link WaterAnalysisTest }
public WaterAnalysisTest createWaterAnalysisTest() {
return new WaterAnalysisTest();
* Create an instance of {@link WaterAnalysisTestStep }
public WaterAnalysisTestStep createWaterAnalysisTestStep() {
return new WaterAnalysisTestStep();
* Create an instance of {@link WaterSampleComponent }
public WaterSampleComponent createWaterSampleComponent() {
return new WaterSampleComponent();
* Create an instance of {@link ApplicationInfo }
public ApplicationInfo createApplicationInfo() {
return new ApplicationInfo();
* Create an instance of {@link BerganAndSuttonUndersaturated }
public BerganAndSuttonUndersaturated createBerganAndSuttonUndersaturated() {
return new BerganAndSuttonUndersaturated();
* Create an instance of {@link BerganSuttonDead }
public BerganSuttonDead createBerganSuttonDead() {
return new BerganSuttonDead();
* Create an instance of {@link BergmanSuttonBubblePoint }
public BergmanSuttonBubblePoint createBergmanSuttonBubblePoint() {
return new BergmanSuttonBubblePoint();
* Create an instance of {@link BinaryInteractionCoefficient }
public BinaryInteractionCoefficient createBinaryInteractionCoefficient() {
return new BinaryInteractionCoefficient();
* Create an instance of {@link BinaryInteractionCoefficientSet }
public BinaryInteractionCoefficientSet createBinaryInteractionCoefficientSet() {
return new BinaryInteractionCoefficientSet();
* Create an instance of {@link CarrDempsey }
public CarrDempsey createCarrDempsey() {
return new CarrDempsey();
* Create an instance of {@link ComponentPropertySet }
public ComponentPropertySet createComponentPropertySet() {
return new ComponentPropertySet();
* Create an instance of {@link CompositionalThermalModel }
public CompositionalThermalModel createCompositionalThermalModel() {
return new CompositionalThermalModel();
* Create an instance of {@link CorrelationThermalModel }
public CorrelationThermalModel createCorrelationThermalModel() {
return new CorrelationThermalModel();
* Create an instance of {@link CSPedersen84 }
public CSPedersen84 createCSPedersen84() {
return new CSPedersen84();
* Create an instance of {@link CSPedersen87 }
public CSPedersen87 createCSPedersen87() {
return new CSPedersen87();
* Create an instance of {@link CustomPvtModelExtension }
public CustomPvtModelExtension createCustomPvtModelExtension() {
return new CustomPvtModelExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link CustomPvtModelParameter }
public CustomPvtModelParameter createCustomPvtModelParameter() {
return new CustomPvtModelParameter();
* Create an instance of {@link DeGhettoBubblePoint }
public DeGhettoBubblePoint createDeGhettoBubblePoint() {
return new DeGhettoBubblePoint();
* Create an instance of {@link DeGhettoDead }
public DeGhettoDead createDeGhettoDead() {
return new DeGhettoDead();
* Create an instance of {@link DeGhettoUndersaturated }
public DeGhettoUndersaturated createDeGhettoUndersaturated() {
return new DeGhettoUndersaturated();
* Create an instance of {@link DindorukChristmanBubblePoint }
public DindorukChristmanBubblePoint createDindorukChristmanBubblePoint() {
return new DindorukChristmanBubblePoint();
* Create an instance of {@link DindorukChristmanDead }
public DindorukChristmanDead createDindorukChristmanDead() {
return new DindorukChristmanDead();
* Create an instance of {@link DindorukChristmanUndersaturated }
public DindorukChristmanUndersaturated createDindorukChristmanUndersaturated() {
return new DindorukChristmanUndersaturated();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidCharacterization }
public FluidCharacterization createFluidCharacterization() {
return new FluidCharacterization();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidCharacterizationModel }
public FluidCharacterizationModel createFluidCharacterizationModel() {
return new FluidCharacterizationModel();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidCharacterizationSource }
public FluidCharacterizationSource createFluidCharacterizationSource() {
return new FluidCharacterizationSource();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidCharacterizationTable }
public FluidCharacterizationTable createFluidCharacterizationTable() {
return new FluidCharacterizationTable();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidCharacterizationTableColumn }
public FluidCharacterizationTableColumn createFluidCharacterizationTableColumn() {
return new FluidCharacterizationTableColumn();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidCharacterizationTableConstant }
public FluidCharacterizationTableConstant createFluidCharacterizationTableConstant() {
return new FluidCharacterizationTableConstant();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidCharacterizationTableFormat }
public FluidCharacterizationTableFormat createFluidCharacterizationTableFormat() {
return new FluidCharacterizationTableFormat();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidCharacterizationTableFormatSet }
public FluidCharacterizationTableFormatSet createFluidCharacterizationTableFormatSet() {
return new FluidCharacterizationTableFormatSet();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidCharacterizationTableRow }
public FluidCharacterizationTableRow createFluidCharacterizationTableRow() {
return new FluidCharacterizationTableRow();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidComponentProperty }
public FluidComponentProperty createFluidComponentProperty() {
return new FluidComponentProperty();
* Create an instance of {@link FrictionTheory }
public FrictionTheory createFrictionTheory() {
return new FrictionTheory();
* Create an instance of {@link LeeGonzalez }
public LeeGonzalez createLeeGonzalez() {
return new LeeGonzalez();
* Create an instance of {@link LohrenzBrayClarkCorrelation }
public LohrenzBrayClarkCorrelation createLohrenzBrayClarkCorrelation() {
return new LohrenzBrayClarkCorrelation();
* Create an instance of {@link LondonoArcherBlasinggame }
public LondonoArcherBlasinggame createLondonoArcherBlasinggame() {
return new LondonoArcherBlasinggame();
* Create an instance of {@link Lucas }
public Lucas createLucas() {
return new Lucas();
* Create an instance of {@link PengRobinson76EOS }
public PengRobinson76EOS createPengRobinson76EOS() {
return new PengRobinson76EOS();
* Create an instance of {@link PengRobinson78EOS }
public PengRobinson78EOS createPengRobinson78EOS() {
return new PengRobinson78EOS();
* Create an instance of {@link PetroskyFarshadBubblePoint }
public PetroskyFarshadBubblePoint createPetroskyFarshadBubblePoint() {
return new PetroskyFarshadBubblePoint();
* Create an instance of {@link PetroskyFarshadDead }
public PetroskyFarshadDead createPetroskyFarshadDead() {
return new PetroskyFarshadDead();
* Create an instance of {@link PetroskyFarshadUndersaturated }
public PetroskyFarshadUndersaturated createPetroskyFarshadUndersaturated() {
return new PetroskyFarshadUndersaturated();
* Create an instance of {@link PrsvParameter }
public PrsvParameter createPrsvParameter() {
return new PrsvParameter();
* Create an instance of {@link PvtModelParameter }
public PvtModelParameter createPvtModelParameter() {
return new PvtModelParameter();
* Create an instance of {@link PvtModelParameterSet }
public PvtModelParameterSet createPvtModelParameterSet() {
return new PvtModelParameterSet();
* Create an instance of {@link ReferenceSeparatorStage }
public ReferenceSeparatorStage createReferenceSeparatorStage() {
return new ReferenceSeparatorStage();
* Create an instance of {@link SrkEOS }
public SrkEOS createSrkEOS() {
return new SrkEOS();
* Create an instance of {@link StandingBubblePoint }
public StandingBubblePoint createStandingBubblePoint() {
return new StandingBubblePoint();
* Create an instance of {@link StandingDead }
public StandingDead createStandingDead() {
return new StandingDead();
* Create an instance of {@link StandingUndersaturated }
public StandingUndersaturated createStandingUndersaturated() {
return new StandingUndersaturated();
* Create an instance of {@link TableDelimiter }
public TableDelimiter createTableDelimiter() {
return new TableDelimiter();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidSample }
public FluidSample createFluidSample() {
return new FluidSample();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidSampleAcquisitionJobSource }
public FluidSampleAcquisitionJobSource createFluidSampleAcquisitionJobSource() {
return new FluidSampleAcquisitionJobSource();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidSampleChainofCustodyEvent }
public FluidSampleChainofCustodyEvent createFluidSampleChainofCustodyEvent() {
return new FluidSampleChainofCustodyEvent();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidSampleComposition }
public FluidSampleComposition createFluidSampleComposition() {
return new FluidSampleComposition();
* Create an instance of {@link SampleRecombinationRequirement }
public SampleRecombinationRequirement createSampleRecombinationRequirement() {
return new SampleRecombinationRequirement();
* Create an instance of {@link DownholeSampleAcquisition }
public DownholeSampleAcquisition createDownholeSampleAcquisition() {
return new DownholeSampleAcquisition();
* Create an instance of {@link FacilitySampleAcquisition }
public FacilitySampleAcquisition createFacilitySampleAcquisition() {
return new FacilitySampleAcquisition();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidSampleAcquisition }
public FluidSampleAcquisition createFluidSampleAcquisition() {
return new FluidSampleAcquisition();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidSampleAcquisitionJob }
public FluidSampleAcquisitionJob createFluidSampleAcquisitionJob() {
return new FluidSampleAcquisitionJob();
* Create an instance of {@link SeparatorSampleAcquisition }
public SeparatorSampleAcquisition createSeparatorSampleAcquisition() {
return new SeparatorSampleAcquisition();
* Create an instance of {@link WellheadSampleAcquisition }
public WellheadSampleAcquisition createWellheadSampleAcquisition() {
return new WellheadSampleAcquisition();
* Create an instance of {@link WftSampleAcquisitionJob }
public WftSampleAcquisitionJob createWftSampleAcquisitionJob() {
return new WftSampleAcquisitionJob();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidSampleContainer }
public FluidSampleContainer createFluidSampleContainer() {
return new FluidSampleContainer();
* Create an instance of {@link FluidSystem }
public FluidSystem createFluidSystem() {
return new FluidSystem();
* Create an instance of {@link ConnectedNode }
public ConnectedNode createConnectedNode() {
return new ConnectedNode();
* Create an instance of {@link ExpectedFlowQualifier }
public ExpectedFlowQualifier createExpectedFlowQualifier() {
return new ExpectedFlowQualifier();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductFlowChangeLog }
public ProductFlowChangeLog createProductFlowChangeLog() {
return new ProductFlowChangeLog();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductFlowExpectedUnitProperty }
public ProductFlowExpectedUnitProperty createProductFlowExpectedUnitProperty() {
return new ProductFlowExpectedUnitProperty();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductFlowExternalPort }
public ProductFlowExternalPort createProductFlowExternalPort() {
return new ProductFlowExternalPort();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductFlowModel }
public ProductFlowModel createProductFlowModel() {
return new ProductFlowModel();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductFlowNetworkPlan }
public ProductFlowNetworkPlan createProductFlowNetworkPlan() {
return new ProductFlowNetworkPlan();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductFlowPort }
public ProductFlowPort createProductFlowPort() {
return new ProductFlowPort();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductFlowQualifierExpected }
public ProductFlowQualifierExpected createProductFlowQualifierExpected() {
return new ProductFlowQualifierExpected();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductFlowUnit }
public ProductFlowUnit createProductFlowUnit() {
return new ProductFlowUnit();
* Create an instance of {@link Qualifier }
public Qualifier createQualifier() {
return new Qualifier();
* Create an instance of {@link RelativeCoordinate }
public RelativeCoordinate createRelativeCoordinate() {
return new RelativeCoordinate();
* Create an instance of {@link CrewCount }
public CrewCount createCrewCount() {
return new CrewCount();
* Create an instance of {@link LostVolumeAndReason }
public LostVolumeAndReason createLostVolumeAndReason() {
return new LostVolumeAndReason();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionOperation }
public ProductionOperation createProductionOperation() {
return new ProductionOperation();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionOperationActivity }
public ProductionOperationActivity createProductionOperationActivity() {
return new ProductionOperationActivity();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionOperationAlarm }
public ProductionOperationAlarm createProductionOperationAlarm() {
return new ProductionOperationAlarm();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionOperationCargoShipOperation }
public ProductionOperationCargoShipOperation createProductionOperationCargoShipOperation() {
return new ProductionOperationCargoShipOperation();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionOperationHSE }
public ProductionOperationHSE createProductionOperationHSE() {
return new ProductionOperationHSE();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionOperationInstallationReport }
public ProductionOperationInstallationReport createProductionOperationInstallationReport() {
return new ProductionOperationInstallationReport();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionOperationLostProduction }
public ProductionOperationLostProduction createProductionOperationLostProduction() {
return new ProductionOperationLostProduction();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionOperationMarineOperation }
public ProductionOperationMarineOperation createProductionOperationMarineOperation() {
return new ProductionOperationMarineOperation();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionOperationOperationalComment }
public ProductionOperationOperationalComment createProductionOperationOperationalComment() {
return new ProductionOperationOperationalComment();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionOperationSafety }
public ProductionOperationSafety createProductionOperationSafety() {
return new ProductionOperationSafety();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionOperationShutdown }
public ProductionOperationShutdown createProductionOperationShutdown() {
return new ProductionOperationShutdown();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionOperationThirdPartyProcessing }
public ProductionOperationThirdPartyProcessing createProductionOperationThirdPartyProcessing() {
return new ProductionOperationThirdPartyProcessing();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionOperationWaterCleaningQuality }
public ProductionOperationWaterCleaningQuality createProductionOperationWaterCleaningQuality() {
return new ProductionOperationWaterCleaningQuality();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionOperationWeather }
public ProductionOperationWeather createProductionOperationWeather() {
return new ProductionOperationWeather();
* Create an instance of {@link SafetyCount }
public SafetyCount createSafetyCount() {
return new SafetyCount();
* Create an instance of {@link CommonPropertiesProductVolume }
public CommonPropertiesProductVolume createCommonPropertiesProductVolume() {
return new CommonPropertiesProductVolume();
* Create an instance of {@link CurveData }
public CurveData createCurveData() {
return new CurveData();
* Create an instance of {@link CurveDefinition }
public CurveDefinition createCurveDefinition() {
return new CurveDefinition();
* Create an instance of {@link FacilityParent }
public FacilityParent createFacilityParent() {
return new FacilityParent();
* Create an instance of {@link FacilityUnitPort }
public FacilityUnitPort createFacilityUnitPort() {
return new FacilityUnitPort();
* Create an instance of {@link IntegerData }
public IntegerData createIntegerData() {
return new IntegerData();
* Create an instance of {@link OwnershipBusinessAcct }
public OwnershipBusinessAcct createOwnershipBusinessAcct() {
return new OwnershipBusinessAcct();
* Create an instance of {@link Parentfacility }
public Parentfacility createParentfacility() {
return new Parentfacility();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolume }
public ProductVolume createProductVolume() {
return new ProductVolume();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumeAlert }
public ProductVolumeAlert createProductVolumeAlert() {
return new ProductVolumeAlert();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumeBalanceDetail }
public ProductVolumeBalanceDetail createProductVolumeBalanceDetail() {
return new ProductVolumeBalanceDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumeBalanceEvent }
public ProductVolumeBalanceEvent createProductVolumeBalanceEvent() {
return new ProductVolumeBalanceEvent();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumeBalanceSet }
public ProductVolumeBalanceSet createProductVolumeBalanceSet() {
return new ProductVolumeBalanceSet();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumeBusinessSubUnit }
public ProductVolumeBusinessSubUnit createProductVolumeBusinessSubUnit() {
return new ProductVolumeBusinessSubUnit();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumeBusinessUnit }
public ProductVolumeBusinessUnit createProductVolumeBusinessUnit() {
return new ProductVolumeBusinessUnit();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumeComponentContent }
public ProductVolumeComponentContent createProductVolumeComponentContent() {
return new ProductVolumeComponentContent();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumeDestination }
public ProductVolumeDestination createProductVolumeDestination() {
return new ProductVolumeDestination();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumeFacility }
public ProductVolumeFacility createProductVolumeFacility() {
return new ProductVolumeFacility();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumeFlow }
public ProductVolumeFlow createProductVolumeFlow() {
return new ProductVolumeFlow();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumeParameterSet }
public ProductVolumeParameterSet createProductVolumeParameterSet() {
return new ProductVolumeParameterSet();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumeParameterValue }
public ProductVolumeParameterValue createProductVolumeParameterValue() {
return new ProductVolumeParameterValue();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumePeriod }
public ProductVolumePeriod createProductVolumePeriod() {
return new ProductVolumePeriod();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumePortDifference }
public ProductVolumePortDifference createProductVolumePortDifference() {
return new ProductVolumePortDifference();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumeProduct }
public ProductVolumeProduct createProductVolumeProduct() {
return new ProductVolumeProduct();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductVolumeRelatedFacility }
public ProductVolumeRelatedFacility createProductVolumeRelatedFacility() {
return new ProductVolumeRelatedFacility();
* Create an instance of {@link ReferenceFlow }
public ReferenceFlow createReferenceFlow() {
return new ReferenceFlow();
* Create an instance of {@link StringData }
public StringData createStringData() {
return new StringData();
* Create an instance of {@link Report }
public Report createReport() {
return new Report();
* Create an instance of {@link ReportingEntity }
public ReportingEntity createReportingEntity() {
return new ReportingEntity();
* Create an instance of {@link ReportingHierarchy }
public ReportingHierarchy createReportingHierarchy() {
return new ReportingHierarchy();
* Create an instance of {@link ReportingHierarchyNode }
public ReportingHierarchyNode createReportingHierarchyNode() {
return new ReportingHierarchyNode();
* Create an instance of {@link AssetProductionVolumes }
public AssetProductionVolumes createAssetProductionVolumes() {
return new AssetProductionVolumes();
* Create an instance of {@link DeferredProduction }
public DeferredProduction createDeferredProduction() {
return new DeferredProduction();
* Create an instance of {@link DeferredProductionEvent }
public DeferredProductionEvent createDeferredProductionEvent() {
return new DeferredProductionEvent();
* Create an instance of {@link DowntimeReasonCode }
public DowntimeReasonCode createDowntimeReasonCode() {
return new DowntimeReasonCode();
* Create an instance of {@link Injection }
public Injection createInjection() {
return new Injection();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductDisposition }
public ProductDisposition createProductDisposition() {
return new ProductDisposition();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductFluid }
public ProductFluid createProductFluid() {
return new ProductFluid();
* Create an instance of {@link Production }
public Production createProduction() {
return new Production();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionWellPeriod }
public ProductionWellPeriod createProductionWellPeriod() {
return new ProductionWellPeriod();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductionWellTest }
public ProductionWellTest createProductionWellTest() {
return new ProductionWellTest();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductRate }
public ProductRate createProductRate() {
return new ProductRate();
* Create an instance of {@link ReportingEntityVolumes }
public ReportingEntityVolumes createReportingEntityVolumes() {
return new ReportingEntityVolumes();
* Create an instance of {@link ServiceFluid }
public ServiceFluid createServiceFluid() {
return new ServiceFluid();
* Create an instance of {@link TerminalLifting }
public TerminalLifting createTerminalLifting() {
return new TerminalLifting();
* Create an instance of {@link TerminalLiftingDisposition }
public TerminalLiftingDisposition createTerminalLiftingDisposition() {
return new TerminalLiftingDisposition();
* Create an instance of {@link TestCondition }
public TestCondition createTestCondition() {
return new TestCondition();
* Create an instance of {@link Transfer }
public Transfer createTransfer() {
return new Transfer();
* Create an instance of {@link TransferDisposition }
public TransferDisposition createTransferDisposition() {
return new TransferDisposition();
* Create an instance of {@link WellFlowingCondition }
public WellFlowingCondition createWellFlowingCondition() {
return new WellFlowingCondition();
* Create an instance of {@link WellProductionParameters }
public WellProductionParameters createWellProductionParameters() {
return new WellProductionParameters();
* Create an instance of {@link DoubleValue }
public DoubleValue createDoubleValue() {
return new DoubleValue();
* Create an instance of {@link StringValue }
public StringValue createStringValue() {
return new StringValue();
* Create an instance of {@link TimeSeriesData }
public TimeSeriesData createTimeSeriesData() {
return new TimeSeriesData();
* Create an instance of {@link TimeSeriesDoubleSample }
public TimeSeriesDoubleSample createTimeSeriesDoubleSample() {
return new TimeSeriesDoubleSample();
* Create an instance of {@link TimeSeriesStringSample }
public TimeSeriesStringSample createTimeSeriesStringSample() {
return new TimeSeriesStringSample();
* Create an instance of {@link EndpointDateTime }
public EndpointDateTime createEndpointDateTime() {
return new EndpointDateTime();
* Create an instance of {@link EndpointQuantity }
public EndpointQuantity createEndpointQuantity() {
return new EndpointQuantity();
* Create an instance of {@link TimeSeriesStatistic }
public TimeSeriesStatistic createTimeSeriesStatistic() {
return new TimeSeriesStatistic();
* Create an instance of {@link TimeSeriesThreshold }
public TimeSeriesThreshold createTimeSeriesThreshold() {
return new TimeSeriesThreshold();
* Create an instance of {@link DatumCRS }
public DatumCRS createDatumCRS() {
return new DatumCRS();
* Create an instance of {@link DatumName }
public DatumName createDatumName() {
return new DatumName();
* Create an instance of {@link Location }
public Location createLocation() {
return new Location();
* Create an instance of {@link WellContext }
public WellContext createWellContext() {
return new WellContext();
* Create an instance of {@link WellDatum }
public WellDatum createWellDatum() {
return new WellDatum();
* Create an instance of {@link WellKnownNameStruct }
public WellKnownNameStruct createWellKnownNameStruct() {
return new WellKnownNameStruct();
* Create an instance of {@link WellTest }
public WellTest createWellTest() {
return new WellTest();
* Create an instance of {@link WellTestBottomholeData }
public WellTestBottomholeData createWellTestBottomholeData() {
return new WellTestBottomholeData();
* Create an instance of {@link WellTestCumulative }
public WellTestCumulative createWellTestCumulative() {
return new WellTestCumulative();
* Create an instance of {@link WellTestElectricSubmersiblePumpData }
public WellTestElectricSubmersiblePumpData createWellTestElectricSubmersiblePumpData() {
return new WellTestElectricSubmersiblePumpData();
* Create an instance of {@link WellTestFluidLevelTest }
public WellTestFluidLevelTest createWellTestFluidLevelTest() {
return new WellTestFluidLevelTest();
* Create an instance of {@link WellTestFluidRate }
public WellTestFluidRate createWellTestFluidRate() {
return new WellTestFluidRate();
* Create an instance of {@link WellTestInjectionTestData }
public WellTestInjectionTestData createWellTestInjectionTestData() {
return new WellTestInjectionTestData();
* Create an instance of {@link WellTestInterval }
public WellTestInterval createWellTestInterval() {
return new WellTestInterval();
* Create an instance of {@link WellTestPointData }
public WellTestPointData createWellTestPointData() {
return new WellTestPointData();
* Create an instance of {@link WellTestProductionTestData }
public WellTestProductionTestData createWellTestProductionTestData() {
return new WellTestProductionTestData();
* Create an instance of {@link WellTestProductionTestResults }
public WellTestProductionTestResults createWellTestProductionTestResults() {
return new WellTestProductionTestResults();
* Create an instance of {@link WellTestSeparatorData }
public WellTestSeparatorData createWellTestSeparatorData() {
return new WellTestSeparatorData();
* Create an instance of {@link WellTestTestVolume }
public WellTestTestVolume createWellTestTestVolume() {
return new WellTestTestVolume();
* Create an instance of {@link WellTestValidationOperation }
public WellTestValidationOperation createWellTestValidationOperation() {
return new WellTestValidationOperation();
* Create an instance of {@link WellTestWellheadData }
public WellTestWellheadData createWellTestWellheadData() {
return new WellTestWellheadData();
* Create an instance of {@link WftCurveSection }
public WftCurveSection createWftCurveSection() {
return new WftCurveSection();
* Create an instance of {@link WftEvent }
public WftEvent createWftEvent() {
return new WftEvent();
* Create an instance of {@link WftInOutParameter }
public WftInOutParameter createWftInOutParameter() {
return new WftInOutParameter();
* Create an instance of {@link WftResultReference }
public WftResultReference createWftResultReference() {
return new WftResultReference();
* Create an instance of {@link WftRun }
public WftRun createWftRun() {
return new WftRun();
* Create an instance of {@link WftSampleAcquisition }
public WftSampleAcquisition createWftSampleAcquisition() {
return new WftSampleAcquisition();
* Create an instance of {@link WftStation }
public WftStation createWftStation() {
return new WftStation();
* Create an instance of {@link WftTest }
public WftTest createWftTest() {
return new WftTest();
* Create an instance of {@link WftTestData }
public WftTestData createWftTestData() {
return new WftTestData();
* Create an instance of {@link WftTestResult }
public WftTestResult createWftTestResult() {
return new WftTestResult();
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", name = "Comment", scope = FiberPathDefect.class)
public JAXBElement createFiberPathDefectComment(String value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FiberPathDefectComment_QNAME, String.class, FiberPathDefect.class, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LengthMeasure }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LengthMeasure }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", name = "OpticalPathDistanceEnd", scope = FiberPathDefect.class)
public JAXBElement createFiberPathDefectOpticalPathDistanceEnd(LengthMeasure value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FiberPathDefectOpticalPathDistanceEnd_QNAME, LengthMeasure.class, FiberPathDefect.class, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LengthMeasure }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LengthMeasure }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", name = "OpticalPathDistanceStart", scope = FiberPathDefect.class)
public JAXBElement createFiberPathDefectOpticalPathDistanceStart(LengthMeasure value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FiberPathDefectOpticalPathDistanceStart_QNAME, LengthMeasure.class, FiberPathDefect.class, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link XMLGregorianCalendar }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link XMLGregorianCalendar }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", name = "TimeEnd", scope = FiberPathDefect.class)
public JAXBElement createFiberPathDefectTimeEnd(XMLGregorianCalendar value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FiberPathDefectTimeEnd_QNAME, XMLGregorianCalendar.class, FiberPathDefect.class, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link XMLGregorianCalendar }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link XMLGregorianCalendar }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", name = "TimeStart", scope = FiberPathDefect.class)
public JAXBElement createFiberPathDefectTimeStart(XMLGregorianCalendar value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FiberPathDefectTimeStart_QNAME, XMLGregorianCalendar.class, FiberPathDefect.class, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PathDefectTypes }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PathDefectTypes }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", name = "DefectType", scope = FiberPathDefect.class)
public JAXBElement createFiberPathDefectDefectType(PathDefectTypes value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FiberPathDefectDefectType_QNAME, PathDefectTypes.class, FiberPathDefect.class, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", name = "BusinessUnit", scope = FacilityIdentifier.class)
public JAXBElement createFacilityIdentifierBusinessUnit(String value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FacilityIdentifierBusinessUnit_QNAME, String.class, FacilityIdentifier.class, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", name = "Kind", scope = FacilityIdentifier.class)
public JAXBElement createFacilityIdentifierKind(String value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FacilityIdentifierKind_QNAME, String.class, FacilityIdentifier.class, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BusinessAssociate }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BusinessAssociate }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", name = "Operator", scope = FacilityIdentifier.class)
public JAXBElement createFacilityIdentifierOperator(BusinessAssociate value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FacilityIdentifierOperator_QNAME, BusinessAssociate.class, FacilityIdentifier.class, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FacilityIdentifierStruct }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FacilityIdentifierStruct }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", name = "Installation", scope = FacilityIdentifier.class)
public JAXBElement createFacilityIdentifierInstallation(FacilityIdentifierStruct value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FacilityIdentifierInstallation_QNAME, FacilityIdentifierStruct.class, FacilityIdentifier.class, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FacilityIdentifierStruct }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FacilityIdentifierStruct }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", name = "ContextFacility", scope = FacilityIdentifier.class)
public JAXBElement createFacilityIdentifierContextFacility(FacilityIdentifierStruct value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FacilityIdentifierContextFacility_QNAME, FacilityIdentifierStruct.class, FacilityIdentifier.class, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GeographicContext }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GeographicContext }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", name = "GeographicContext", scope = FacilityIdentifier.class)
public JAXBElement createFacilityIdentifierGeographicContext(GeographicContext value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FacilityIdentifierGeographicContext_QNAME, GeographicContext.class, FacilityIdentifier.class, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link NameStruct }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link NameStruct }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/prodmlv2", name = "Name", scope = FacilityIdentifier.class)
public JAXBElement createFacilityIdentifierName(NameStruct value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FacilityIdentifierName_QNAME, NameStruct.class, FacilityIdentifier.class, value);