com.geotab.model.entity.user.User Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.geotab.model.entity.user;
import static com.geotab.model.entity.user.NoDriver.NO_DRIVER_ID;
import static com.geotab.model.entity.user.NoUser.NO_USER_ID;
import static com.geotab.model.entity.user.SystemUser.SYSTEM_USER_ID;
import static com.geotab.model.entity.user.UnknownDriver.UNKNOWN_DRIVER_ID;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import com.geotab.model.Id;
import com.geotab.model.entity.NameEntityWithVersion;
import com.geotab.model.entity.certificate.Certificate;
import com.geotab.model.entity.fuel.FuelEconomyUnit;
import com.geotab.model.entity.groupfilter.GroupFilter;
import com.geotab.model.entity.worktime.DayOfWeek;
import com.geotab.model.serialization.serdes.EntityCollectionAsIdCollectionSerializer;
import com.geotab.model.serialization.serdes.UserDeserializer;
import com.geotab.model.settings.GoogleMapStyle;
import com.geotab.model.settings.HereMapStyle;
import com.geotab.model.settings.MapView;
import com.geotab.model.settings.OpenStreetMapStyle;
import com.geotab.util.Util;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.List;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.experimental.SuperBuilder;
* A user of the system. A user can be a MyGeotab user or a user that is a {@link Driver}.
@Getter @Setter
@SuperBuilder(builderMethodName = "userBuilder")
@JsonDeserialize(using = UserDeserializer.class)
public class User extends NameEntityWithVersion {
* A value indicating the user accepted EULA revision number. Default [0].
protected Integer acceptedEULA;
* The version of the last drive what's new guide viewed by the user. Default [0].
protected Integer driveGuideVersion;
* Value indicating accepted WiFi-specific EULA version. Default [0].
protected Integer wifiEULA;
* The active dashboard reports. Default [empty].
protected List activeDashboardReports;
* The list of bookmarked pages. Default [empty].
protected List bookmarks;
* The date the user is active from. Default [UtcNow].
protected LocalDateTime activeFrom;
* The date the user is active to. Default [MaxDate].
protected LocalDateTime activeTo;
* List of all available dashboard reports to the user. Default [empty].
protected List availableDashboardReports;
* The user's stored list of custom response options to choose from when sending a TextMessage. Each item is a set of
* predefined response options. Default [empty].
protected String[][] cannedResponseOptions;
* Flag indicating whether the user's password requires resetting. If [true], the user will be forced to change their
* password on next login. Default [false].
protected Boolean changePassword;
* Free text field where any user information can be stored and referenced for this entity. Default [""].
protected String comment;
* List of organization {@link Group}(s) that the user belongs to.
@JsonSerialize(converter = EntityCollectionAsIdCollectionSerializer.class)
protected List companyGroups;
* The group filter {@link GroupFilter} that the user belongs to, which is used to determine what the user can see within the database.
protected GroupFilter accessGroupFilter;
* A value to nullify accessGroupFilter.
protected Boolean nullifyAccessGroupFilter;
* The format dates will be displayed to this user. Default ["MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss"].
protected String dateFormat;
* The user phone number with space separated country phone code. Example +1 5555555555. Maximum length [20] Default
* [""]
protected String phoneNumber;
* Gets or sets the user's preferred currency for display in the UI.
protected Currency displayCurrency;
* The user two symbols country ISO code ( Maximum length [2] Default
* [""]
protected String countryCode;
* The user phone number without formatting. Maximum length [5] Default [""]
protected String phoneNumberExtension;
* The default map style for Google maps. Default [Roadmap].
protected GoogleMapStyle defaultGoogleMapStyle;
* The default map engine to use for this user. System map engines are:
* -
* GoogleMaps
* -
* HereMap
* -
* MapBox
* Default ["MapBox"].
protected String defaultMapEngine;
* The default map style for Open Street Maps. Default [MapBox].
protected OpenStreetMapStyle defaultOpenStreetMapStyle;
* The default map style for Here Maps. Default [Roadmap].
protected HereMapStyle defaultHereMapStyle;
* Indicates the default page to view when login complete. Maps to the hash portion of the web site URL
* (https://url/enpoint/[#page]). Default [helpGuide].
protected String defaultPage;
* The designation or title of the employee. Maximum length [50] Default [""].
protected String designation;
* The employee number or external identifier. Maximum length [50] Default [""].
protected String employeeNo;
* The first name of the user. Maximum length [255].
protected String firstName;
* The user's preferred {@link FuelEconomyUnit} for viewing fuel economy. Default [{@link
* FuelEconomyUnit#LITERS_PER_100_KM}].
protected FuelEconomyUnit fuelEconomyUnit;
* The user's preferred {@link ElectricEnergyEconomyUnit} for viewing fuel economy. Default [{@link
* ElectricEnergyEconomyUnit#LITERS_E_PER_100_KM}].
protected ElectricEnergyEconomyUnit electricEnergyEconomyUnit;
* The {@link HosRuleSet} the user follows. Default [{@link HosRuleSet#NONE}].
protected HosRuleSet hosRuleSet;
* Value indicating whether the user is allowed to HOS yard move. Default [false].
protected Boolean isYardMoveEnabled;
* Value indicating whether the user is allowed to HOS personal conveyance. Default [false].
protected Boolean isPersonalConveyanceEnabled;
* Value indicating whether the user is allowed to HOS personal conveyance. Default [false].
protected Boolean isExemptHOSEnabled;
* Value indicating the maximum personal conveyance distance per day in meters. Default [0].
protected Double maxPCDistancePerDay;
* The HOS authority name of the user. Default [""].
protected String authorityName;
* The HOS authority address of the user. Default [""].
protected String authorityAddress;
* Value indicating whether the old EULA has been accepted by the end user. Default [false].
protected Boolean isEULAAccepted;
* Value that indicates whether news notifications are enabled for this user. Default [true].
protected Boolean isNewsEnabled = true;
* Value indicating whether are service update notifications enabled for this user. Default [false].
protected Boolean isServiceUpdatesEnabled;
* Value indicating whether labs are enabled for this user. When set to true this will enable experimental features
* that are still in the process of being developed. Default [false].
protected Boolean isLabsEnabled;
* Whether the current regional settings is in metric units of measurement (or US/Imperial). Default [true].
protected Boolean isMetric = true;
* The user's language. Default: ["en"] for English.
protected String language;
* The user's preferred day to represent the start of the week. Default ["Sunday"].
protected DayOfWeek firstDayOfWeek;
* The last name of the user. Maximum length [255].
protected String lastName;
* The list of the of the available {@link MapView}s from the live map. Default [continent of the user's selected time
* zone].
protected List mapViews;
* The user's password.
protected String password;
* The private {@link Group}(s) that the user belongs to.
@JsonSerialize(converter = EntityCollectionAsIdCollectionSerializer.class)
protected List privateUserGroups;
* The report {@link Group}(s) for reporting that this user belongs to. The selected reporting groups will allow the
* user to sort entities that are children of the selected groups. It will not allow them to see entities that are
* outside of their data access. Default [empty].
@JsonSerialize(converter = EntityCollectionAsIdCollectionSerializer.class)
protected List reportGroups;
* The security {@link Group}(s) this user belongs to; which define the user's access.
@JsonSerialize(converter = EntityCollectionAsIdCollectionSerializer.class)
protected List securityGroups;
* A flag indicating whether to show ClickOnce support warning as the default page. (legacy) Default [false].
protected Boolean showClickOnceWarning;
* The IANA time zone Id of the user. All data will be displayed in this time zone. Default ["America/New_York"].
protected String timeZoneId;
* The user authentication type. Default [Basic].
protected UserAuthenticationType userAuthenticationType;
* The default zone display mode used on the map. Default [Default].
protected ZoneDisplayMode zoneDisplayMode;
* The issuer certificate for the user. Will only be populated for users not using basic authentication.
protected Certificate issuerCertificate;
* The name of the company for the user. Default [""].
protected String companyName;
* The company address for the user. Default [""].
protected String companyAddress;
* The carrier number. Default [""].
protected String carrierNumber;
* The user's Last access date of the system.
protected LocalDateTime lastAccessDate;
* The is driver toggle, if [true] the user is a driver, otherwise [false]. Default [false].
protected Boolean isDriver;
* If [true] the user will receive the emailed report, otherwise [false]. Default [true].
protected Boolean isEmailReportEnabled = true;
public User(String id) {
setId(new Id(id));
public static User fromSystem(String id) {
if (Util.isEmpty(id)) return null;
if (NO_DRIVER_ID.equals(id)) return NoDriver.getInstance();
if (UNKNOWN_DRIVER_ID.equals(id)) return UnknownDriver.getInstance();
if (NO_USER_ID.equals(id)) return NoUser.getInstance();
if (SYSTEM_USER_ID.equals(id)) return SystemUser.getInstance();
return null;