eventstore.akka.EsConnection.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package eventstore
package akka
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import _root_.akka.NotUsed
import _root_.akka.pattern.ask
import _root_.akka.util.Timeout
import eventstore.akka.tcp.ConnectionActor
import eventstore.akka.streams.{AllStreamsSourceStage, StreamSourceStage}
* Maintains a full duplex connection to the EventStore
* All operations are handled in a full async manner.
* Many threads can use an [[EsConnection]] at the same time or a single thread can make many asynchronous requests.
* To get the most performance out of the connection it is generally recommended to use it in this way.
class EsConnection(
connection: ActorRef,
factory: ActorRefFactory,
settings: Settings = Settings.Default
) {
implicit val timeout: Timeout = Timeout(settings.operationTimeout)
def apply[OUT <: Out, IN <: In](out: OUT, credentials: Option[UserCredentials] = None)(
implicit outIn: ClassTags[OUT, IN]
): Future[IN] = {
val future = connection ? credentials.fold[OutLike](out)(WithCredentials(out, _))
* Starts a transaction in the event store on a given stream asynchronously
* [[EsTransaction]] allows the calling of multiple writes with multiple
* round trips over long periods of time between the caller and the event store. This method
* is only available through the TCP interface and no equivalent exists for the RESTful interface.
* @param data Stream id and other params to star transaction
* @param credentials The optional user credentials to perform operation with
* @return A [[Future]] containing an actual transaction
def startTransaction(data: TransactionStart, credentials: Option[UserCredentials] = None): Future[EsTransaction] = {
val props = TransactionActor.props(connection, TransactionActor.Start(data), credentials = credentials)
val actor = factory.actorOf(props)
* Continues transaction by provided transaction ID.
* [[EsTransaction]] allows the calling of multiple writes with multiple
* round trips over long periods of time between the caller and the event store. This method
* is only available through the TCP interface and no equivalent exists for the RESTful interface.
* @param transactionId The transaction ID that needs to be continued.
* @param credentials The optional user credentials to perform operation with
* @return [[EsTransaction]] for given transaction id
def continueTransaction(transactionId: Long, credentials: Option[UserCredentials] = None): EsTransaction = {
val props = TransactionActor.props(connection, TransactionActor.Continue(transactionId), credentials = credentials)
val actor = factory.actorOf(props)
EsTransaction.continue(transactionId, actor)
* Subscribes to a single event stream. New events
* written to the stream while the subscription is active will be
* pushed to the client.
* @param streamId The stream to subscribe to
* @param observer A [[SubscriptionObserver]] to handle a new event received over the subscription
* @param resolveLinkTos Whether to resolve LinkTo events automatically
* @param credentials The optional user credentials to perform operation with
* @return A [[Closeable]] representing the subscription which can be closed.
def subscribeToStream(
streamId: EventStream.Id,
observer: SubscriptionObserver[Event],
resolveLinkTos: Boolean = settings.resolveLinkTos,
credentials: Option[UserCredentials] = None
): Closeable = {
subscribeToStream(streamId, observer, Some(EventNumber.Last), resolveLinkTos, credentials)
* Subscribes to a single event stream. Existing events from
* lastCheckpoint onwards are read from the stream
* and presented to the user of [[SubscriptionObserver]]
* as if they had been pushed.
* Once the end of the stream is read the subscription is
* transparently (to the user) switched to push new events as
* they are written.
* If events have already been received and resubscription from the same point
* is desired, use the event number of the last event processed which
* appeared on the subscription.
* @param streamId The stream to subscribe to
* @param observer A [[SubscriptionObserver]] to handle a new event received over the subscription
* @param fromNumberExclusive The event number from which to start, or `None` to read all events.
* @param resolveLinkTos Whether to resolve LinkTo events automatically
* @param credentials The optional user credentials to perform operation with
* @return A [[Closeable]] representing the subscription which can be closed.
def subscribeToStreamFrom(
streamId: EventStream.Id,
observer: SubscriptionObserver[Event],
fromNumberExclusive: Option[EventNumber.Exact] = None,
resolveLinkTos: Boolean = settings.resolveLinkTos,
credentials: Option[UserCredentials] = None
): Closeable = {
subscribeToStream(streamId, observer, fromNumberExclusive, resolveLinkTos, credentials)
private def subscribeToStream(
streamId: EventStream.Id,
observer: SubscriptionObserver[Event],
fromNumberExclusive: Option[EventNumber],
resolveLinkTos: Boolean,
credentials: Option[UserCredentials]
): Closeable = {
val client = factory.actorOf(SubscriptionObserverActor.props(observer))
val props = StreamSubscriptionActor.props(
connection = connection,
client = client,
streamId = streamId,
fromNumberExclusive = fromNumberExclusive,
credentials = credentials,
settings = settings.copy(resolveLinkTos = resolveLinkTos)
* Subscribes to all events in the Event Store. New events written to the stream
* while the subscription is active will be pushed to the client.
* @param observer A [[SubscriptionObserver]] to handle a new event received over the subscription
* @param resolveLinkTos Whether to resolve LinkTo events automatically
* @param credentials The optional user credentials to perform operation with
* @return A [[Closeable]] representing the subscription which can be closed.
def subscribeToAll(
observer: SubscriptionObserver[IndexedEvent],
resolveLinkTos: Boolean = settings.resolveLinkTos,
credentials: Option[UserCredentials] = None
): Closeable = {
subscribeToAll(observer, Some(Position.Last), resolveLinkTos, credentials)
* Subscribes to a all events. Existing events from position
* onwards are read from the Event Store and presented to the user of
* [[SubscriptionObserver]] as if they had been pushed.
* Once the end of the stream is read the subscription is
* transparently (to the user) switched to push new events as
* they are written.
* If events have already been received and resubscription from the same point
* is desired, use the position representing the last event processed which
* appeared on the subscription.
* @param observer A [[SubscriptionObserver]] to handle a new event received over the subscription
* @param fromPositionExclusive The position from which to start, or `None` to read all events
* @param resolveLinkTos Whether to resolve LinkTo events automatically
* @param credentials The optional user credentials to perform operation with
* @return A [[Closeable]] representing the subscription which can be closed.
def subscribeToAllFrom(
observer: SubscriptionObserver[IndexedEvent],
fromPositionExclusive: Option[Position.Exact] = None,
resolveLinkTos: Boolean = settings.resolveLinkTos,
credentials: Option[UserCredentials] = None
): Closeable = {
subscribeToAll(observer, fromPositionExclusive, resolveLinkTos, credentials)
private def subscribeToAll(
observer: SubscriptionObserver[IndexedEvent],
fromPositionExclusive: Option[Position],
resolveLinkTos: Boolean,
credentials: Option[UserCredentials]
) = {
val client = factory actorOf SubscriptionObserverActor.props(observer)
val props = SubscriptionActor.props(
connection = connection,
client = client,
fromPositionExclusive = fromPositionExclusive,
settings = settings.copy(resolveLinkTos = resolveLinkTos)
def setStreamMetadata(
streamId: EventStream.Id,
metadata: Content,
expectedMetastreamVersion: ExpectedVersion = ExpectedVersion.Any,
credentials: Option[UserCredentials] = None
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[WriteResult]] = {
val writeEvents = WriteEvents.StreamMetadata(streamId.metadata, metadata, expectedMetastreamVersion)
apply(writeEvents, credentials).map(WriteResult.opt)
// TODO think about replacing content with something similar to what is in the .Net client
def getStreamMetadata(streamId: EventStream.Id, credentials: Option[UserCredentials] = None)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Content] = {
apply(ReadEvent.StreamMetadata(streamId.metadata), credentials).map {
case ReadEventCompleted(Event.StreamMetadata(data)) => data
case ReadEventCompleted(EventRecord.Deleted) => Content.Empty
case ReadEventCompleted(event) => throw NonMetadataEventException(event)
}.recover {
case _: StreamNotFoundException => Content.Empty
case _: StreamDeletedException => Content.Empty
* Creates a [[Source]] you can use to subscribe to a single event stream. Existing events from
* event number onwards are read from the stream and presented to the user of
* [[Source]] as if they had been pushed.
* Once the end of the stream is read the [[Source]] transparently (to the user)
* switches to push new events as they are written.
* If events have already been received and resubscription from the same point
* is desired, use the event number of the last event processed.
* @param streamId The stream to subscribe to
* @param fromEventNumberExclusive The event number from which to start, or [[None]] to read all events.
* @param resolveLinkTos Whether to resolve LinkTo events automatically
* @param credentials The optional user credentials to perform operation with
* @param infinite Whether to subscribe to the future events upon reading all current
* @param readBatchSize Number of events to be retrieved by client as single message
* @return A [[]] representing the stream
def streamSource(
streamId: EventStream.Id,
fromEventNumberExclusive: Option[EventNumber] = None,
resolveLinkTos: Boolean = settings.resolveLinkTos,
credentials: Option[UserCredentials] = None,
infinite: Boolean = true,
readBatchSize: Int = settings.readBatchSize
): Source[Event, NotUsed] = Source.fromGraph(
new StreamSourceStage(
connection = connection,
streamId = streamId,
fromNumberExclusive = fromEventNumberExclusive,
credentials = credentials,
settings = settings.copy(resolveLinkTos = resolveLinkTos, readBatchSize = readBatchSize),
infinite = infinite
* Creates a [[Source]] you can use to subscribes to all events. Existing events from position
* onwards are read from the Event Store and presented to the user of
* [[Source]] as if they had been pushed.
* Once the end of the stream is read the [[Source]] transparently (to the user)
* switches to push new events as they are written.
* If events have already been received and resubscription from the same point
* is desired, use the position representing the last event processed.
* @param resolveLinkTos Whether to resolve LinkTo events automatically
* @param fromPositionExclusive The position from which to start, or [[None]] to read all events
* @param credentials The optional user credentials to perform operation with
* @param infinite Whether to subscribe to the future events upon reading all current
* @param readBatchSize Number of events to be retrieved by client as single message
* @return A [[]] representing all streams
def allStreamsSource(
resolveLinkTos: Boolean = settings.resolveLinkTos,
fromPositionExclusive: Option[Position] = None,
credentials: Option[UserCredentials] = None,
infinite: Boolean = true,
readBatchSize: Int = settings.readBatchSize
): Source[IndexedEvent, NotUsed] = Source.fromGraph(
new AllStreamsSourceStage(
connection = connection,
fromPositionExclusive = fromPositionExclusive,
credentials = credentials,
settings = settings.copy(resolveLinkTos = resolveLinkTos, readBatchSize = readBatchSize),
infinite = infinite
object EsConnection {
def apply(system: ActorSystem, settings: Settings = Settings.Default): EsConnection = {
val props = ConnectionActor.props(settings)
new EsConnection(system.actorOf(props), system,settings)