eventstore.akka.ProjectionsClient.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package eventstore
package akka
import scala.concurrent.Future
import sttp.client3._
import sttp.client3.circe._
import sttp.model.{MediaType, StatusCode, Uri}
import ProjectionsClient.ProjectionCreationResult._
import ProjectionsClient.ProjectionDeleteResult._
import ProjectionsClient.ProjectionMode
import ProjectionsClient.ProjectionMode._
* The API miss documentation so I used the C# client as a starting point
* See :
protected[this] trait ProjectionsUrls {
protected def baseUri: Uri
protected def createProjectionUrl(
name: String,
mode: ProjectionMode,
allowEmit: Boolean
): Uri = {
val emit = if (allowEmit) "emit=1&checkpoints=yes" else "emit=0"
val projectionModeStr = mode match {
case OneTime => "onetime"
case Transient => "transient"
case Continuous => "continuous"
baseUri.addPath("projections", projectionModeStr).addQuerySegments(
Uri.QuerySegment.KeyValue("name", name),
Uri.QuerySegment.KeyValue("type", "JS"),
protected def projectionBaseUrl(name: String): Uri =
protected def fetchProjectionStateUrl(name: String, partition: Option[String]): Uri =
projectionBaseUrl(name).addPath(s"state").addQuerySegments("partition", _)).toList
protected def fetchProjectionResultUrl(name: String, partition: Option[String]): Uri =
projectionBaseUrl(name).addPath(s"result").addQuerySegments("partition", _)).toList
protected def projectionCommandUrl(name: String, command: String): Uri =
object ProjectionsClient {
sealed trait ProjectionMode
object ProjectionMode {
case object Continuous extends ProjectionMode
case object OneTime extends ProjectionMode
case object Transient extends ProjectionMode
def apply(modeString: String): ProjectionMode = modeString.toLowerCase match {
case "onetime" => OneTime
case "transient" => Transient
case "continuous" => Continuous
case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Expected ProjectionMode to be one of OneTime|Transient|Continuous but was $other")
sealed trait ProjectionStatus
object ProjectionStatus {
case object Running extends ProjectionStatus
case object Faulted extends ProjectionStatus
case object Completed extends ProjectionStatus
case object Stopped extends ProjectionStatus
final case class Other(status: String) extends ProjectionStatus
def apply(statusString: String): ProjectionStatus = statusString match {
case status if status.startsWith("Running") => Running
case status if status.startsWith("Completed") => Completed
case status if status.startsWith("Stopped") => Stopped
case status if status.startsWith("Faulted") => Faulted
case other => Other(other)
sealed trait ProjectionCreationResult
object ProjectionCreationResult {
case object ProjectionCreated extends ProjectionCreationResult
case object ProjectionAlreadyExist extends ProjectionCreationResult
sealed trait ProjectionDeleteResult
object ProjectionDeleteResult {
case object ProjectionDeleted extends ProjectionDeleteResult
final case class UnableToDeleteProjection(reason: String) extends ProjectionDeleteResult
final case class ProjectionException(message: String, cause: Option[Throwable]) extends EsException(message, cause)
object ProjectionException {
def apply(msg: String): ProjectionException = ProjectionException(msg, None)
def apply(msg: String, th: Throwable): ProjectionException = ProjectionException(msg, Option(th))
* A client allowing to create, get the status and delete an existing projection.
class ProjectionsClient(settings: Settings = Settings.Default, system: ActorSystem) extends ProjectionsUrls {
import ProjectionsClient._
import system.dispatcher
private val hs = settings.http
val baseUri: Uri = uri"${hs.protocol}://${}:${hs.port}${hs.prefix}"
private val sttp = Http.mkSttpFutureBackend(hs.useTls, system)
private val br = settings.defaultCredentials.fold(basicRequest)(c => basicRequest.auth.basic(c.login, c.password))
* Create the projection with the specified name and code
* @param name the name of the projection to create
* @param javascript the javascript code for the projection
* @param mode the projection's mode (Either OneTime, Continuous or Transient)
* @param allowEmit indicates if the projection is allowed to emit new events.
* @return
def createProjection(
name: String,
javascript: String,
mode: ProjectionMode = Continuous,
allowEmit: Boolean = true
): Future[ProjectionCreationResult] = {
val uri = createProjectionUrl(name, mode, allowEmit)
val res = withErrorHandling(, uri) {
case StatusCode.Created => Future.successful(ProjectionCreated)
case StatusCode.Conflict => Future.successful(ProjectionAlreadyExist)
case status => Future.failed(ProjectionException(s"Received unexpected response status $status on $uri"))
* Fetch the details for the specified projection.
* @param name the name of the projection
* @return the Projection details if it exist. None otherwise
def fetchProjectionDetails(name: String): Future[Option[ProjectionDetails]] = {
val uri = projectionBaseUrl(name)
val res = withErrorHandling(br.get(uri).response(asJson[ProjectionDetails]).send(sttp), uri)
res.flatMap { r =>
r.body match {
case Left(_) if r.code == StatusCode.NotFound => Future.successful(None)
case Left(v) => Future.failed(v)
case Right(v) => Future.successful(Some(v))
private[this] def fetchProjectionData(uri: Uri): Future[Option[String]] =
withErrorHandling(br.get(uri).response(asStringAlways).send(sttp), uri).flatMap { r =>
if(r.code == StatusCode.NotFound) Future.successful(None) else Future.successful(Some(r.body))
* Fetch the projection's state
* @param name the name of the projection
* @param partition the name of the partition
* @return a String that should be either empty or a valid json object with the current state.
def fetchProjectionState(name: String, partition: Option[String] = None): Future[Option[String]] =
fetchProjectionData(fetchProjectionStateUrl(name, partition))
* Fetch the projection's result.
* It only works for OneTime projections as Continuous one dont provide a result.
* @param name the name of the projection
* @param partition the name of the partition
* @return a String that should be either empty or a valid json object with the projection's result.
def fetchProjectionResult(name: String, partition: Option[String] = None): Future[Option[String]] =
fetchProjectionData(fetchProjectionResultUrl(name, partition))
private[this] def executeCommand(name: String, command: String): Future[Unit] = {
val uri = projectionCommandUrl(name, command)
val res = withErrorHandling("{}").contentType(MediaType.ApplicationJson).send(sttp), uri) {
case StatusCode.NotFound | StatusCode.Ok => Future.successful(())
case status => Future.failed(ProjectionException(s"Received unexpected reponse status : $status"))
* Start the projection with the specified name.
* Note that when eventstore responds to the command. It only acknowledges it.
* To know when it is started, you should use #waitForProjectionStatus
* @param name the name of the projection to start
* @return a future completed when the request is completed.
def startProjection(name: String): Future[Unit] = executeCommand(name, "enable")
* Stop the projection with the specified name.
* Note that when eventstore responds to the command. It only acknowledges it.
* To know when it is stopped, you should use #waitForProjectionStatus
* @param name the name of the projection to stop
* @return a future completed when the request is completed.
def stopProjection(name: String): Future[Unit] = executeCommand(name, "disable")
* Try to delete the projection with the specified name.
* To delete a projection. It must be stopped first (see #stopProjection)
* @param name the name of the projection to stop
* @return a future telling whether the action was done (@ProjectionDeleted) or if it was not able to do so (@UnableToDeleteProjection)
def deleteProjection(name: String): Future[ProjectionDeleteResult] = {
val uri = projectionBaseUrl(name)
val res = withErrorHandling(br.delete(uri).response(asStringAlways).send(sttp), uri)
res.flatMap {
case response if response.code == StatusCode.InternalServerError =>
case response if response.code == StatusCode.Ok =>
case response =>
Future.failed(ProjectionException(s"Received unexpected reponse $response"))
def withErrorHandling[T](response: Future[Response[T]], uri:Uri): Future[Response[T]] = {
response.flatMap(r =>
if(r.code == StatusCode.Unauthorized) Future.failed(AccessDeniedException("Invalid credentials "))
else Future.successful(r)
).recoverWith {
case ex => Future.failed(ProjectionException(s"Failed to query eventstore on $uri", ex))
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