eventstore.akka.tcp.ConnectionActor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package eventstore
package akka
package tcp
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import{BufferOverflowException, CompletionStrategy, IgnoreComplete, StreamTcpException}
import eventstore.core.{HeartbeatRequest, HeartbeatResponse}
import eventstore.core.NotHandled.NotMaster
import eventstore.core.settings.ClusterSettings
import eventstore.core.cluster.ClusterException
import eventstore.core.util.{DelayedRetry, OneToMany}
import eventstore.core.tcp.{PackIn, PackOut}
import eventstore.core.operations._
import eventstore.akka.cluster.ClusterDiscovererActor.GetAddress
import eventstore.akka.cluster.ClusterDiscovererActor
import eventstore.akka.cluster.ClusterInfoOf
object ConnectionActor {
def props(settings: Settings = Settings.Default): Props = Props(new ConnectionActor(settings))
* Java API
def getProps(): Props = props()
* Java API
def getProps(settings: Settings): Props = props(settings)
private[eventstore]type Operations = OneToMany[Operation[Client], Uuid, Client]
private[eventstore] object Operations {
val Empty: Operations = OneToMany[Operation[Client], Uuid, Client](, _.client)
private[eventstore] final case class Connect(address: InetSocketAddress)
private[eventstore] final case class Connected(address: InetSocketAddress)
private[eventstore] final case class TimedOut(id: Uuid, version: Int)
private[eventstore] final case class Disconnected(address: InetSocketAddress)
private[eventstore] object TcpFailure {
def unapply(failure: Status.Failure): Option[RuntimeException] = PartialFunction.condOpt(failure.cause) {
case x: StreamTcpException => x
case x: BufferOverflowException => x
private[eventstore] object BufferFailure {
def unapply(failure: Status.Failure): Option[BufferOverflowException] = {
PartialFunction.condOpt(failure.cause) { case x: BufferOverflowException => x }
private[eventstore] object ClusterFailure {
def unapply(failure: Status.Failure): Option[ClusterException] = {
PartialFunction.condOpt(failure.cause) { case x: ClusterException => x }
private[eventstore] class ConnectionActor(settings: Settings) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
import ConnectionActor._
import context.{ dispatcher, system }
type Reconnect = (InetSocketAddress, Operations) => Option[Receive]
val flow = EventStoreFlow(settings.heartbeatInterval, settings.serializationParallelism, settings.serializationOrdered, log)
val tcp = Tcp(system)
val sslContext = if(settings.enableTcpTls) Some(Tls.createSSLContext(system)) else None
val identifyClient = IdentifyClient(version = 1, connectionName = settings.connectionName)
lazy val clusterDiscoverer: Option[ActorRef] =, settings.enableTcpTls))
lazy val delayedRetry = DelayedRetry.opt(
left = settings.maxReconnections,
delay = settings.reconnectionDelayMin,
maxDelay = settings.reconnectionDelayMax
def receive = {
val address = clusterDiscoverer match {
case Some(cd) =>
cd ! ClusterDiscovererActor.GetAddress()
case None =>
connect("Connecting", Duration.Zero)
connecting(address, Operations.Empty, reconnect(_, _, None))
def connecting(address: Option[InetSocketAddress], os: Operations, recover: Reconnect): Receive = {
def connecting(os: Operations) = this.connecting(address, os, recover)
val rcvAddressOrConnected: Receive = address match {
case Some(addr) => rcvConnected(addr, os, recover)
case None => rcvAddress(os, address => this.connecting(Some(address), os, recover))
rcvAddressOrConnected or rcvPack(os, connecting, None)
def connected(os: Operations, connection: Connection): Receive = {
val address = connection.address
def connected(os: Operations): Receive = {
def reconnect(reason: String, newAddress: InetSocketAddress = address) = {
val msg = s"Connection lost to $address: $reason"
this.reconnect(newAddress, os) match {
case None => connectionFailed(msg, os)
case Some(rcv) =>
context become rcv
val rcvAddress: Receive = clusterDiscoverer match {
case None => PartialFunction.empty
case Some(cd) =>
def reconnect(newAddress: InetSocketAddress, reason: String): Unit = if (newAddress != address) {"Address changed from {} to {}: {}", address, newAddress, reason)
val result = os.flatMap { operation =>
operation.disconnected match {
case OnDisconnected.Continue(op) => List(op)
case OnDisconnected.Stop(in) => operation.client(in); Nil
def renewAddress: Reconnect = (_, os) => {
cd ! GetAddress()
Some(connecting(None, os, renewAddress))
connect("Connecting", Duration.Zero, newAddress)
context become connecting(Some(newAddress), result, renewAddress)
case ClusterDiscovererActor.Address(x) => reconnect(x, "discovered better node")
case PackIn(Failure(NotHandled(NotMaster(x))), _) => reconnect(x.tcpAddress, "NotMaster failure received")
case ClusterFailure(x) =>
log.error("Cluster failed with error: {}", x)
context stop self
val rcvDisconnected: Receive = {
case Terminated(connection()) => reconnect("source terminated")
case Disconnected(`address`) => reconnect("sink disconnected")
case Disconnected(_) =>
case TcpFailure(x) => reconnect(x.toString)
rcvDisconnected or rcvAddress or rcvPack(os, connected, Some(connection))
def rcvPack(os: Operations, rcv: Operations => Receive, connection: Option[Connection]): Receive = {
def send(packOut: PackOut) = for { connection <- connection } connection(packOut)
def inspectIn(msg: Try[In], operation: Operation[Client]) = operation.inspectIn(msg) match {
case OnIncoming.Ignore => os
case OnIncoming.Stop(in) => stopOperation(operation, os, in)
case OnIncoming.Retry(op, packOut) =>
os + op
case OnIncoming.Continue(op, in) =>
os + op
def onPackIn(packIn: PackIn) = {
val correlationId = packIn.correlationId
val msg = packIn.message
def forward: Operations = os.single(correlationId) map { operation =>
inspectIn(msg, operation)
} getOrElse {
msg match {
case Failure(m) => log.warning("Cannot deliver {}, client not found for correlationId: {}", m, correlationId)
case Success(m) => m match {
case Pong | HeartbeatResponse | Unsubscribed | ClientIdentified =>
case _: SubscribeCompleted | _: StreamEventAppeared =>
log.warning("Cannot deliver {}, client not found for correlationId: {}, unsubscribing", m, correlationId)
send(PackOut(Unsubscribe, correlationId, settings.defaultCredentials))
case _ => log.warning("Cannot deliver {}, client not found for correlationId: {}", m.getClass, correlationId)
msg match {
case Success(HeartbeatRequest) => send(PackOut(HeartbeatResponse, correlationId))
case Success(Ping) => send(PackOut(Pong, correlationId))
case _ => context become rcv(forward)
def onPackOut(packOut: PackOut): Unit = {
val msg = packOut.message
val id = packOut.correlationId
val client = Client(sender())
def isDefined(x: Iterable[Operation[Client]]) = x.find(_.inspectOut.isDefinedAt(msg))
def forId = isDefined(os.single(id))
def forMsg = isDefined(os.many(client))
// TODO current requirement is the only one subscription per actor allowed
val result = forId orElse forMsg match {
case Some(operation) =>
operation.inspectOut(msg) match {
case OnOutgoing.Stop(po, in) =>
stopOperation(operation, os, in)
case OnOutgoing.Continue(op, po) =>
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(settings.operationTimeout, self, TimedOut(id, op.version))
os + op
case None =>
Operation.opt(packOut, client, connection.isDefined, settings.operationMaxRetries).fold(os) { operation =>
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(settings.operationTimeout, self, TimedOut(id, operation.version))
os + operation
context become rcv(result)
def onTimedOut(timedOut: TimedOut) = {
val operation = os.single(
for { operation <- operation if operation.version == timedOut.version } {
val result = inspectIn(Failure(OperationTimedOut), operation)
context become rcv(result)
def onTerminated(client: Client) = {
val operations = os.many(client)
if (operations.nonEmpty) {
for {
connection <- connection.toList
operation <- operations
packOut <- operation.clientTerminated
} connection(packOut)
context become rcv(os -- operations)
case x: PackOut => onPackOut(x)
case x: OutLike => onPackOut(PackOut(x.out, randomUuid, credentials(x)))
case x: PackIn => onPackIn(x)
case x: TimedOut => onTimedOut(x)
case Terminated(x) => onTerminated(Client(x))
def rcvAddress(os: Operations, rcv: InetSocketAddress => Receive): Receive = {
case ClusterDiscovererActor.Address(address) =>
connect("Connecting", Duration.Zero, address)
context become rcv(address)
case ClusterFailure(x) => connectionFailed(s"Cluster failed with error: $x", x, os)
def rcvConnected(address: InetSocketAddress, os: Operations, reconnect: Reconnect): Receive = {
case Connected(`address`) =>"Connected to {}", address)
val connection = Connection(address, sender(), context)
connection(PackOut(identifyClient, randomUuid))
val result = os.flatMap { operation =>
operation.connected match {
case OnConnected.Retry(op, packOut) =>
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(settings.operationTimeout, self, TimedOut(packOut.correlationId, op.version))
case OnConnected.Stop(in) =>
context become connected(result, connection)
case Connect(`address`) => connect(address)
case x: Connected =>
log.debug("Received unexpected {}", x)
system stop sender()
case TcpFailure(x) =>
val msg = s"Connection failed to $address: $x"
reconnect(address, os) match {
case None => connectionFailed(msg, os)
case Some(rcv) =>
context become rcv
def reconnect(address: InetSocketAddress, os: Operations, retry: Option[DelayedRetry] = delayedRetry): Option[Receive] = {
val result = os.flatMap { operation =>
operation.disconnected match {
case OnDisconnected.Continue(op) => List(op)
case OnDisconnected.Stop(in) => operation.client(in); Nil
clusterDiscoverer match {
case Some(cd) =>
def reconnect(address: InetSocketAddress, os: Operations): Option[Receive] = {
cd ! GetAddress(Some(address))
Some(connecting(None, os, reconnect))
reconnect(address, result)
case None =>
def reconnect(retry: Option[DelayedRetry], address: InetSocketAddress, os: Operations): Option[Receive] = { { retry =>
connect("Reconnecting", retry.delay)
connecting(Some(address), os, reconnect(, _, _))
reconnect(retry, address, result)
def newClusterDiscoverer(settings: ClusterSettings, useTls: Boolean): ActorRef = {
context.actorOf(ClusterDiscovererActor.props(settings, ClusterInfoOf(useTls).apply), "cluster")
def credentials(x: OutLike): Option[UserCredentials] = x match {
case WithCredentials(_, c) => Some(c)
case _: Out => settings.defaultCredentials
def connect(label: String, in: FiniteDuration, address: InetSocketAddress = settings.address): Unit = {
if (in == Duration.Zero) {
log.debug("{} to {}", label, address)
} else {
log.debug("{} to {} in {}", label, address, in)
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(in, self, Connect(address))
def connect(address: InetSocketAddress): Unit = {
import settings.{connectionTimeout, heartbeatTimeout, bufferSize, bufferOverflowStrategy}
def secureConnection(ctx: SSLContext) = {
def createEngine() = Tls.createSSLEngine(address.getHostString, address.getPort, ctx)
address, createEngine, None, Nil, connectionTimeout, heartbeatTimeout,_ => Success(()), IgnoreComplete
def insecureConnection = tcp.outgoingConnection(
remoteAddress = address, connectTimeout = connectionTimeout, idleTimeout = heartbeatTimeout
val connection = sslContext match {
case Some(v) => secureConnection(v)
case None => insecureConnection
val completionMatcher: PartialFunction[Any, CompletionStrategy] = {
case Status.Success(s: CompletionStrategy) => s
case Status.Success(_) => CompletionStrategy.draining
case Status.Success => CompletionStrategy.draining
val failureMatcher: PartialFunction[Any, Throwable] = {
case Status.Failure(cause) => cause
// completionMatcher & failureMatcher are the same as the deprecated `Source.actorRef` Akka 2.6.0 uses.
val source = Source.actorRef(completionMatcher, failureMatcher, bufferSize, bufferOverflowStrategy.toAkka)
// onFailureMessage is the same as the deprecated `Sink.actorRef` in Akka 2.6.0 uses.
val sink = Sink.actorRef(self, Disconnected(address), th => Status.Failure(th))
val (ref, connected) = source.viaMat(connection.join(flow))(Keep.both).toMat(sink)(Keep.left).run()
for { _ <- connected } self.tell(Connected(address), ref)
def connectionFailed(msg: String, e: EsException, os: Operations): Unit = {
val failure = Status.Failure(e)
for { client <- os.manySet } client(failure)
context stop self
def connectionFailed(msg: String, os: Operations): Unit = {
connectionFailed(msg, CannotEstablishConnectionException(msg), os)
def stopOperation(operation: Operation[Client], os: Operations, in: Try[In]): Operations = {
val client = operation.client
val result = os - operation
if (!(result contains client)) client.unwatch()
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