com.gilt.gfc.collection.TopN.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.gilt.gfc.collection
import java.lang.System.arraycopy
import java.util.{Arrays => JArrays}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq
* Utility to select top N items from a collection.
* Given a collection of M items, the aim is to select top N (as defined by some explicit or implicit Ordering).
* Basically same as collection.sorted(ordering).take(N).
* The point of this class is to avoid sorting entire collection of M items while producing same results.
* Implementation assumes that N is relatively small.
* {{{
* scala> import com.gilt.gfc.collection.TopN
* scala> import scala.math.Ordering.Int
* scala> val elements = scala.util.Random.shuffle((1 to 10))
* scala> val topN = TopN[Int](5, elements)
* topN: Seq[Int] = ArraySeq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
* }}}
object TopN {
/** Gets the top N items from a given collection. */
def apply[T](n: Int,
items: TraversableOnce[T])
(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): Seq[T] = {
require(items != null, "items must not be null")
val topN = TopN(n)(ord)
/** Creates TopN object so that items can be added one at a time. */
def apply[T](n: Int)
(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): TopN[T] = {
require(n > 0, "n must be > 0")
require(ord != null, "ord must not be null")
new TopN(n, new ArraySeq[T](n), ord)
// Not to be constructed directly.
// The ugly implementation part, roughly
// -- sets up an array of N items
// -- simply appends to an array while total < N
// -- array is sorted when total == N
// -- new items are compared against smallest
// -- nothing to do if less than smallest
// -- binary search, insert, shift the rest if new item is greater than smallest
// Implementation assumes that N is small and arraycopy on array of N is very fast.
// It prefers element collections where results are closer to the beginning.
final class TopN[T] private(n: Int,
topItems: ArraySeq[T], // max .. min
ord: Ordering[T]) {
private val arrayComparator = ord.asInstanceOf[Ordering[Any]]
private val endIdx = n-1
private var appendIdx = 0
/** Adds a single element. */
final def add[TT <: T](x: TT) {
if (appendIdx > endIdx) {
if ([AnyRef], topItems.array(endIdx)) < 0) { insert(x) }
} else {
topItems.array(appendIdx) = x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
if (appendIdx == endIdx) {
JArrays.sort(topItems.array, arrayComparator)
appendIdx += 1
/** Adds all elements of a given collection. */
final def addAll[TT <: T](xs: TraversableOnce[TT]) {
/** Generates the resulting top N elements. */
final def toSeq(): Seq[T] = {
if (appendIdx < n) {
val items = topItems.slice(0, appendIdx)
JArrays.sort(items.array, arrayComparator)
} else {
final private[this] def insert(x: T) {
val insertIdx = JArrays.binarySearch(topItems.array, x, arrayComparator)
val insPoint = if (insertIdx >= 0) {
} else {
if (insPoint < endIdx) {
arraycopy(topItems.array, insPoint, topItems.array, insPoint+1, (endIdx - insPoint))
if (insPoint < n) {
topItems.array(insPoint) = x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]