com.gilt.gfc.util.RateLimiter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.gilt.gfc.util
import scala.beans.BeanProperty
import com.gilt.gfc.collection.CircularBuffer
* Used to rate-limit calls to a work function, e.g. that writes to a db.
* Note you can disable the rate limiter by setting the frequency to 0.
* The math is as follows (mod some conversions between seconds and nano-seconds):
* After n samples, we can computer Ri as the "immediate rate" like:
* Ri = (n-1) / (timestamp(n) - timestamp(0))
* which is essentially the 1/average interval.
* Given a target rate, Rt ("maxFreqHz"), we can compute it like:
* Rt = n / (S + (timestamp(n) - timestamp(0))
* S here is how long to sleep before we invoke the next operation. Solving for S:
* S = n / Rt - (timestamp(n) - timestamp(0))
* @param maxFreqHz Frequency the system should strive to achieve on average. Not a guarantee
class RateLimiter(@BeanProperty val maxFreqHz: Int) {
require(maxFreqHz >= 0, "Frequency < 0 behavior not defined")
private val buffer = new CircularBuffer[Long](math.max(3, maxFreqHz)) // small freq needs some buffer
private val maxFreqNanoHz = maxFreqHz / 1000000000d // convert 1/s to 1/nanoseconds
def limit[T](workFunction: =>T): T = {
if (maxFreqHz == 0) {
} else {
buffer.add(System.nanoTime) // record the timestamp first! otherwise delays between invocations don't count
if (buffer.size > 1) { // at least 2 samples required to be able to define this
val sum = buffer.newest - buffer.oldest // Sum of all intervals
val sleepTime = (buffer.size / maxFreqNanoHz) - sum
val sleepMs = math.round((sleepTime)/1000000) // how long sleep to achieve maxFreqHz
val sleepNs = math.round((sleepTime)%1000000).toInt
if (sleepMs > 0 || sleepNs > 0) {
Thread.sleep(sleepMs, sleepNs)
workFunction // do what we are meant to do and return result
* Fairly heavy-handed thread safe version of the above. There's not a lot of point to trying to avoid
* locking here, since the whole point of this thing is to block writes, so we might as well keep it simple.
* @param maxFreqHz Frequency the system should strive to achieve on average. Not a guarantee
class ThreadSafeRateLimiter(maxFreqHz: Int) extends RateLimiter(maxFreqHz) {
override def limit[T](workFunction: =>T): T = {
* Used by JRateLimiter in lieu of call-by-name from java.
trait LimitCallback[T <: AnyRef] {
def apply: T
* Java-friendly version of ThreadSafeRateLimiter.
class JRateLimiter(maxFreqHz: Int) extends ThreadSafeRateLimiter(maxFreqHz) {
def rateLimit[T <: AnyRef](callback: LimitCallback[T]): T = {