net.gdface.cassdk.jna.THFeatureLibrary Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.gdface.cassdk.jna;
import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* JNA Wrapper for library THFeature
* This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
* a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
* For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
public interface THFeatureLibrary extends Library {
public static final String JNA_LIBRARY_NAME = "THFeature";
public static final NativeLibrary JNA_NATIVE_LIB = NativeLibrary.getInstance(THFeatureLibrary.JNA_LIBRARY_NAME);
public static final THFeatureLibrary INSTANCE = (THFeatureLibrary)Native.loadLibrary(THFeatureLibrary.JNA_LIBRARY_NAME, THFeatureLibrary.class);
* API define//////
* Original signature : short EF_Init(int)
* native declaration : include\THFeature_i.h:35
short EF_Init(int nChannelNum);
* The EF_Init function will initialize the Face Feature(THFeature) algorithm module
* Parameters:
* nChannelNum,the channel number,support for muti-thread,one channel stand for one thread.max value is 32.
* Return Values:
* If the function succeeds, the return value is valid channel number.
* If the function fails, the return value is 0 or nagative;
* error code:
* -99,invalid license.
* -1,open file "feadb.db*" error
* -2,check file "feadb.db*" error
* -3,read file "feadb.db*" error
* Remarks:
* This function can be called one time at program initialization.
* Original signature : int EF_Size()
* native declaration : include\THFeature_i.h:53
int EF_Size();
* The EF_Size function will return face feature size.
* Parameters:
* No parameter.
* Return Values:
* If the function succeeds, the return value is face feature size.
* If the function fails, the return value is 0 or nagative;
* error code:
* -99,invalid license.
* Remarks:
* No remark.
* Original signature : int EF_Extract(short, BYTE*, int, int, int, THFI_FacePos*, BYTE*)
* native declaration : include\THFeature_i.h:68
int EF_Extract(short nChannelID, ByteBuffer pBuf, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nChannel, THFI_FacePos ptfp, ByteBuffer pFeature);
* The EF_Extract function execute face feature extraction from one photo
* Parameters:
* nChannelID[input],channel ID(from 0 to nChannelNum-1)
* pBuf[input],point to an image buffer,BGR format.
* nWidth[input],the image width.
* nHeight[input],the image height.
* nChannel[input],image buffer channel,must be 3
* ptfp[input],the facial data of a face.
* pFeature[output],the face feature buffer
* Return Values:
* If the function succeeds, the return value is 1.
* If the function fails, the return value is nagative.
* error code:
* -99,invalid license.
* -1,pBuf,ptfp,pFeature is NULL
* -2,nChannelID is invalid or SDK is not initialized
* Remarks:
* No remark.
* Original signature : int EF_Extract_M(short, BYTE*, int, int, int, THFI_FacePos[], BYTE*, int)
* native declaration : include\THFeature_i.h:91
int EF_Extract_M(short nChannelID, ByteBuffer pBuf, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nChannel, THFI_FacePos ptfps[], ByteBuffer pFeatures, int nFaceNum);
* The EF_Extract function execute face feature extraction from one photo
* Parameters:
* nChannelID[input],channel ID(from 0 to nChannelNum-1)
* pBuf[input],point to an image buffer,BGR format.
* nWidth[input],the image width.
* nHeight[input],the image height.
* nChannel[input],image buffer channel,must be 3
* ptfp[input],the facial data of a face.
* pFeature[output],the face feature buffer
* Return Values:
* If the function succeeds, the return value is 1.
* If the function fails, the return value is nagative.
* error code:
* -99,invalid license.
* -1,pBuf,ptfp,pFeature is NULL
* -2,nChannelID is invalid or SDK is not initialized
* Remarks:
* No remark.
* Original signature : int EF_Extract_M(short, BYTE*, int, int, int, THFI_FacePos[], BYTE*, int)
* native declaration : include\THFeature_i.h:91
int EF_Extract_M(short nChannelID, Pointer pBuf, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nChannel, THFI_FacePos ptfps[], Pointer pFeatures, int nFaceNum);
* The EF_Extract_M function execute face feature extraction for muti-faces from one photo
* Parameters:
* nChannelID[input],channel ID(from 0 to nChannelNum-1)
* pBuf[input],point to an image buffer,BGR format.
* nWidth[input],the image width.
* nHeight[input],the image height.
* nChannel[input],image buffer channel,must be 3
* ptfps[input],the facial data of muti-faces
* pFeatures[output],the face feature buffer for muti-faces
* nFaceNum[input],the face number
* Return Values:
* If the function succeeds, the return value is 1.
* If the function fails, the return value is 0 or nagative.
* error code:
* -99,invalid license.
* -1,pBuf,ptfps,pFeatures is NULL
* -2,nChannelID is invalid or SDK is not initialized
* Remarks:
* No remark.
* Original signature : int EF_Extracts(short, TH_Image_Data[], THFI_FacePos[], BYTE*, int)
* native declaration : include\THFeature_i.h:115
int EF_Extracts(short nChannelID, TH_Image_Data ptids[], THFI_FacePos ptfps[], ByteBuffer pFeatures, int nNum);
* The EF_Extract_M function execute face feature extraction for muti-faces from one photo
* Parameters:
* nChannelID[input],channel ID(from 0 to nChannelNum-1)
* pBuf[input],point to an image buffer,BGR format.
* nWidth[input],the image width.
* nHeight[input],the image height.
* nChannel[input],image buffer channel,must be 3
* ptfps[input],the facial data of muti-faces
* pFeatures[output],the face feature buffer for muti-faces
* nFaceNum[input],the face number
* Return Values:
* If the function succeeds, the return value is 1.
* If the function fails, the return value is 0 or nagative.
* error code:
* -99,invalid license.
* -1,pBuf,ptfps,pFeatures is NULL
* -2,nChannelID is invalid or SDK is not initialized
* Remarks:
* No remark.
* Original signature : int EF_Extracts(short, TH_Image_Data[], THFI_FacePos[], BYTE*, int)
* native declaration : include\THFeature_i.h:115
int EF_Extracts(short nChannelID, TH_Image_Data ptids[], THFI_FacePos ptfps[], Pointer pFeatures, int nNum);
* The EF_Extracts function execute face feature extraction for muti-faces from muti-photos
* Parameters:
* nChannelID[input],channel ID(from 0 to nChannelNum-1)
* ptids[input],the image data list of muti-photos
* ptfps[input],the facial data list of muti-photos(one image data-one facial data)
* pFeatures[output],the face feature buffer for muti-faces
* nNum[input],the image data number
* Return Values:
* If the function succeeds, the return value is 1.
* If the function fails, the return value is 0 or nagative.
* error code:
* -99,invalid license.
* -1,ptids,ptfp,pFeature is NULL
* -2,nChannelID is invalid or SDK is not initialized
* Remarks:
* No remark.
* Original signature : float EF_Compare(BYTE*, BYTE*)
* native declaration : include\THFeature_i.h:136
float EF_Compare(ByteBuffer pFeature1, ByteBuffer pFeature2);
* The EF_Compare function execute two face features compare.
* Parameters:
* pFeature1[input],point to one face feature buffer.
* pFeature2[input],point to another face feature buffer.
* Return Values:
* the return value is the two face features's similarity.
* Remarks:
* No remark.
* Original signature : void EF_Release()
* native declaration : include\THFeature_i.h:149
void EF_Release();
* The EF_Release function will release the Face Feature (THFeature) algorithm module
* Parameters:
* No parameter.
* Return Values:
* No return value.
* Remarks:
* This function can be called one time at program Un-Initialization.
* Original signature : short EF_Init_Ex(int, EF_Param*)
* native declaration : include\THFeature_i.h:161
short EF_Init_Ex(int nChannelNum, EF_Param pParam);
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