Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2011-2021, baomidou ([email protected]).
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* KingbaseES 表数据查询
* @author kingbase
* @since 2019-10-12
public class KingbaseESQuery extends AbstractDbQuery {
public String tablesSql() {
return "SELECT A.tablename, obj_description(relfilenode, 'sys_class') AS comments FROM sys_tables A, sys_class B WHERE A.schemaname='%s' AND A.tablename = B.relname";
public String tableFieldsSql() {
return "SELECT A.attname AS name, format_type(A.atttypid, A.atttypmod) AS type,col_description(A.attrelid, A.attnum) AS comment, (CASE C.contype WHEN 'p' THEN 'PRI' ELSE '' END) AS key " +
"FROM sys_attribute A LEFT JOIN sys_constraint C ON A.attnum = C.conkey[1] AND A.attrelid = C.conrelid " +
"WHERE A.attrelid = '%s.%s'::regclass AND A.attnum > 0 AND NOT A.attisdropped ORDER BY A.attnum";
public String tableName() {
return "tablename";
public String tableComment() {
return "comments";
public String fieldName() {
return "name";
public String fieldType() {
return "type";
public String fieldComment() {
return "comment";
public String fieldKey() {
return "key";