markovNamegen.Model.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2020 Braian De Roo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package markovNamegen
import braianideroo.random.SeedRandom
import braianideroo.random.value._
import zio.ZIO._
import zio.{ Ref, ZIO }
private[markovNamegen] class Model private (
val order: Int,
probabilities: Ref[Map[String, RandomVIO[Nothing, Option[String]]]],
val smoothing: SmoothF[Any, String],
letters: IndexedSeq[(String, Double)]
) {
def generate(context: String): ZIO[SeedRandom, Nothing, Option[String]] =
for {
maybeChain <- probabilities.get >>= (x => succeed(x.get(context)))
res <- maybeChain match {
case Some(ref) => ref
case None => ZIO.none
} yield res
def retrain(data: IndexedSeq[String]): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Map[String, RandomVIO[Nothing, Option[String]]]] =
train(data) *> probabilities.get
private def train(data: IndexedSeq[String]) =
for {
observations <- Ref.make[Map[String, Ref[Probabilities[Any, String]]]](Map())
_ <- foreach_(data) { element =>
val parts = getParts(element, order)
foreach_(parts)(part =>
for {
obs <- observations.get
ref <- obs.get(part._1) match {
case Some(value) => succeed(value)
case None => addLetters(part._1, observations)
_ <- addPart(part, ref)
} yield ()
// smooth the probabilities
obs <- observations.get
_ <- foreach_(obs) { x =>
for {
aux <- x._2.get
_ <- aux.smooth(smoothing)
} yield ()
x = => (x._1, x._2.get >>= (y => RandomValue.fromMap(y))))
_ <- probabilities.set(x)
} yield ()
private def addLetters(element: String, observations: Ref[Map[String, Ref[Probabilities[Any, String]]]]) =
for {
lettersProb <- ZIO.foreach(letters)(x => Probability.make[Any](x._2).map(y => (x._1, y)))
refVec <- Ref.make[Probabilities[Any, String]](Map.from(lettersProb))
_ <- observations.update(_ + (element -> refVec))
} yield refVec
private def addPart(part: (String, String), obs: Ref[Probabilities[Any, String]]): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] =
for {
probabilities <- obs.get
probability = probabilities(part._2)
_ <- probability.addModifier("model", Modifier[Any](ZIO.some(1)))
} yield ()
def getParts(string: String, order: Int): Vector[(String, String)] = {
def inner(string: String, order: Int, res: Vector[(String, String)]): Vector[(String, String)] =
if (string.length <= order) res
else {
val aux = string.substring(0, order)
inner(string.tail, order, res :+ (aux, string(order).toString))
inner(("#" * order) + string + "#", order, Vector())
object Model {
def make(
smoothingF: SmoothF[Any, String],
order: Int,
letters: IndexedSeq[String],
probabilities: Ref[Map[String, RandomVIO[Nothing, Option[String]]]]
): Model =
new Model(order, probabilities, smoothingF, => (letter, 0.0)))
def make(
smoothingF: SmoothF[Any, String],
order: Int,
letters: IndexedSeq[String],
probabilities: Map[String, RandomVIO[Nothing, Option[String]]]
): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Model] =
.make[Map[String, RandomVIO[Nothing, Option[String]]]](probabilities)
.map(ref => make(smoothingF, order, letters, ref))
def make(smoothingF: SmoothF[Any, String], order: Int, letters: IndexedSeq[String]): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Model] =
make(smoothingF, order, letters, Map())