ru.akman.maven.plugins.jlink.JlinkMojo Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright (C) 2020 - 2022 Alexander Kapitman
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package ru.akman.maven.plugins.jlink;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.PathMatcher;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.JavaVersion;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.text.StringSubstitutor;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
// import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Execute;
// import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.ResolutionScope;
import org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.FileSet;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.Commandline;
import ru.akman.maven.plugins.BaseToolMojo;
import ru.akman.maven.plugins.CommandLineBuilder;
import ru.akman.maven.plugins.CommandLineOption;
* The jlink goal lets you create a custom runtime image with
* the jlink tool introduced in Java 9. It used to link a set of modules,
* along with their transitive dependences.
* The main idea is to avoid being tied to project artifacts and allow the user
* to fully control the process of creating an image. However, it is possible,
* of course, to customize the process using project artifacts.
name = "jlink",
requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.RUNTIME
// defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.VERIFY,
// requiresProject = true,
// aggregator = ,
// configurator = "",
// executionStrategy = "",
// inheritByDefault = ,
// instantiationStrategy = InstantiationStrategy.,
// requiresDependencyCollection = ResolutionScope.,
// requiresDirectInvocation = ,
// requiresOnline = ,
// threadSafe =
// @Execute(
// This will fork an alternate build lifecycle up to the specified phase
// before continuing to execute the current one.
// If no lifecycle is specified, Maven will use the lifecycle
// of the current build.
// phase = LifecyclePhase.VERIFY
// This will execute the given goal before execution of this one.
// The goal name is specified using the prefix:goal notation.
// goal = "prefix:goal"
// This will execute the given alternate lifecycle. A custom lifecycle
// can be defined in META-INF/maven/lifecycle.xml.
// lifecycle = "", phase=""
// )
public class JlinkMojo extends BaseToolMojo {
* The name of the subdirectory where the tool live.
private static final String TOOL_HOME_BIN = "bin";
* The tool name.
private static final String TOOL_NAME = "jlink";
* Filename for temporary file contains the tool options.
private static final String OPTS_FILE = TOOL_NAME + ".opts";
* Error message pattern for unability to resolve file path.
private static final String ERROR_RESOLVE =
"Error: Unable to resolve file path for {0} [{1}]";
* Filename of a module descriptor.
private static final String DESCRIPTOR_NAME = "module-info.class";
* Resolved java corresponding version for tool.
private JavaVersion toolJavaVersion;
* Resolved project dependencies.
private ResolvePathsResult projectDependencies;
* Resolved main module descriptor.
private JavaModuleDescriptor mainModuleDescriptor;
* JPMS location manager.
private LocationManager locationManager;
* Specifies the path to the JDK home directory providing the tool needed.
private File toolhome;
* Specifies the location in which modular dependencies will be copied.
defaultValue = "${}/jlink/mods"
private File modsdir;
* Specifies the location in which non modular dependencies will be copied.
defaultValue = "${}/jlink/libs"
private File libsdir;
* Specifies the module path. The path where the jlink tool discovers
* observable modules: modular JAR files, JMOD files, exploded modules.
* If this option is not specified, then the default module path
* is $JAVA_HOME/jmods. This directory contains the java.base module
* and the other standard and JDK modules. If this option is specified
* but the java.base module cannot be resolved from it, then
* the jlink command appends $JAVA_HOME/jmods to the module path.
* pathelements - passed to jlink as is
* filesets - sets of files (without directories)
* dirsets - sets of directories (without files)
* dependencysets - sets of dependencies with specified includes and
* excludes patterns (glob: or regex:) for file names
* and regex patterns only for module names
* <modulepath>
* <pathelements>
* <pathelement>mod.jar</pathelement>
* <pathelement>mod.jmod</pathelement>
* <pathelement>mods/exploded/mod</pathelement>
* </pathelements>
* <filesets>
* <fileset>
* <directory>${}</directory>
* <includes>
* <include>**/*</include>
* </includes>
* <excludes>
* <exclude>**/*Empty.jar</exclude>
* </excludes>
* <followSymlinks>false</followSymlinks>
* </fileset>
* </filesets>
* <dirsets>
* <dirset>
* <directory>target</directory>
* <includes>
* <include>**/*</include>
* </includes>
* <excludes>
* <exclude>**/*Test</exclude>
* </excludes>
* <followSymlinks>true</followSymlinks>
* </dirset>
* </dirsets>
* <dependencysets>
* <dependencyset>
* <includeoutput>false</includeoutput>
* <excludeautomatic>false</excludeautomatic>
* <includes>
* <include>glob:**/*.jar</include>
* <include>regex:foo-(bar|baz)-.*?\.jar</include>
* </includes>
* <includenames>
* <includename>.*</includename>
* </includenames>
* <excludes>
* <exclude>glob:**/javafx.*Empty</exclude>
* </excludes>
* <excludenames>
* <excludename>javafx\..+Empty</excludename>
* </excludenames>
* </dependencyset>
* </dependencysets>
* </modulepath>
* The jlink CLI is: --modulepath path
private ModulePath modulepath;
* Specifies the modules names (names of root modules) to add to
* the runtime image. Their transitive dependencies will add too.
* <addmodules>
* <addmodule>java.base</addmodule>
* <addmodule>org.example.rootmodule</addmodule>
* </addmodules>
* The jlink CLI is: --add-modules module [, module...]
private List addmodules;
* Specifies the location of the generated runtime image.
* The jlink CLI is: --output path
defaultValue = "${}/jlink/image"
private File output;
* Limits the universe of observable modules to those in
* the transitive closure of the named modules, mod,
* plus the main module, if any, plus any further
* modules specified in the "addmodules" property.
* It used to limit resolve any services other than
* the selected services, if the property "bindservices"
* set to true.
* <limitmodules>
* <limitmodule>java.base</limitmodule>
* <limitmodule>org.example.limitmodule</limitmodule>
* </limitmodules>
* The jlink CLI is: --limit-modules module [, module...]
private List limitmodules;
* Suggest providers that implement the given service types
* from the module path.
* <suggestproviders>
* <suggestprovider></suggestprovider>
* </suggestproviders>
* The jlink CLI is: --suggest-providers [name, ...]
private List suggestproviders;
* Save jlink options in the given file.
* The jlink CLI is: --save-opts filename
private File saveopts;
* The last plugin allowed to sort resources.
* The jlink CLI is: --resources-last-sorter name
private String resourceslastsorter;
* Post process an existing image.
* The jlink CLI is: --post-process-path imagefile
private File postprocesspath;
* Enable verbose tracing.
* The jlink CLI is: --verbose
defaultValue = "false"
private boolean verbose;
* Link service provider modules and their dependencies.
* The jlink CLI is: --bind-services
defaultValue = "false"
private boolean bindservices;
* Specifies the launcher command name for the module (and the main class).
* <launcher>
* <command>mylauncher</command>
* <mainmodule>mainModule</mainmodule>
* <mainclass>mainClass</mainclass>
* </launcher>
* The jlink CLI is:
* --launcher command=main-module[/main-class]
private Launcher launcher;
* Excludes header files.
* The jlink CLI is: --no-header-files
defaultValue = "false"
private boolean noheaderfiles;
* Excludes man pages.
* The jlink CLI is: --no-man-pages
defaultValue = "false"
private boolean nomanpages;
* Specifies the byte order of the generated image: { NATIVE | LITTLE | BIG }.
* The jlink CLI is: --endian {little|big}
defaultValue = "NATIVE"
private Endian endian;
* Suppresses a fatal error when signed modular JARs are linked
* in the runtime image. The signature-related files of the signed
* modular JARs aren't copied to the runtime image.
* The jlink CLI is: --ignore-signing-information
defaultValue = "false"
private boolean ignoresigninginformation;
* Disables the specified plug-ins.
* For a complete list of all available plug-ins,
* run the command: jlink --list-plugins
* <disableplugins>
* <disableplugin>compress</disableplugin>
* <disableplugin>dedup-legal-notices</disableplugin>
* </disableplugins>
* The jlink CLI is: --disable-plugin pluginname
private List disableplugins;
For plug-in options that require a pattern-list, the value is
a comma-separated list of elements, with each element using one
the following forms:
- glob-pattern
- glob:glob-pattern
- regex:regex-pattern
- @filename
Example: **/module-info.class,glob:/java.base/java/lang/**,@file
* Compresses all resources in the output image. Specify
* An optional pattern-list filter can be specified to list
* the pattern of files to include.
* <compress>
* <compression>ZIP</compression>
* <filters>
* <filter>**/*-info.class</filter>
* <filter>glob:**/module-info.class</filter>
* <filter>regex:/java[a-z]+$</filter>
* <filter>@filename</filter>
* </filters>
* </compress>
* The jlink CLI is:
* --compress={0|1|2}[:filter=pattern-list]
private Compress compress;
* Includes the list of locales where langtag is
* a BCP 47 language tag. This option supports locale matching as
* defined in RFC 4647. CAUTION! Ensure that you specified:
* ‒‒add-modules jdk.localedata
when using this property.
* <includelocales>
* <includelocale>en</includelocale>
* <includelocale>ja</includelocale>
* <includelocale>*-IN</includelocale>
* </includelocales>
* The jlink CLI is:
* --include-locales=langtag[,langtag ...]
private List includelocales;
* Orders the specified paths in priority order.
* <orderresources>
* <orderresource>**/*-info.class</orderresource>
* <orderresource>glob:**/module-info.class</orderresource>
* <orderresource>regex:/java[a-z]+$</orderresource>
* <orderresource>@filename</orderresource>
* </orderresources>
* The jlink CLI is: --order-resources=pattern-list
private List orderresources;
* Specify resources to exclude.
* <excluderesources>
* <excluderesource>**/*-info.class</excluderesource>
* <excluderesource>glob:**/module-info.class</excluderesource>
* <excluderesource>regex:/java[a-z]+$</excluderesource>
* <excluderesource>@filename</excluderesource>
* </excluderesources>
* The jlink CLI is: --order-resources=pattern-list
private List excluderesources;
* Strips debug information from the output image.
* The jlink CLI is: --strip-debug
defaultValue = "false"
private boolean stripdebug;
* Strip Java debug attributes from classes in the output image.
* The jlink CLI is: --strip-java-debug-attributes
defaultValue = "false"
private boolean stripjavadebugattributes;
* Exclude native commands (such as java/java.exe) from the image.
* The jlink CLI is: --strip-native-commands
defaultValue = "false"
private boolean stripnativecommands;
* De-duplicate all legal notices. If true is specified then
* it will be an error if two files of the same filename
* are different.
* The jlink CLI is:
* --dedup-legal-notices=error-if-not-same-content
defaultValue = "false"
private boolean deduplegalnotices;
* Specify files to exclude.
* <excludefiles>
* <excludefile>**/*-info.class</excludefile>
* <excludefile>glob:**/module-info.class</excludefile>
* <excludefile>regex:/java[a-z]+$</excludefile>
* <excludefile>@filename</excludefile>
* </excludefiles>
* The jlink CLI is: --exclude-files=pattern-list
private List excludefiles;
* Specify a JMOD section to exclude { MAN | HEADERS }.
* The jlink CLI is: --exclude-jmod-section={man|headers}
private Section excludejmodsection;
* Specify a file listing the java.lang.invoke classes to pre-generate.
* By default, this plugin may use a builtin list of classes
* to pre-generate. If this plugin runs on a different runtime
* version than the image being created then code generation
* will be disabled by default to guarantee correctness add
* ignore-version=true to override this.
* The jlink CLI is: --generate-jli-classes=@filename
private File generatejliclasses;
* Load release properties from the supplied option file.
* - adds: is to add properties to the release file.
* - dels: is to delete the list of keys in release file.
* - Any number of key=value pairs can be passed.
* <releaseinfo>
* <file>file</file>
* <adds>
* <key1>value1</key1>
* <key2>value2</key2>
* </adds>
* <dells>
* <key1 />
* <key2 />
* </dells>
* </releaseinfo>
* The jlink CLI is:
* --release-info=file|add:key1=value1:key2=value2:...|del:key-list
private ReleaseInfo releaseinfo;
// /**
// * Fast loading of module descriptors. Always on.
// *
// * Default value: true.
// *
// * The jlink CLI is: --system-modules=
// */
// @Parameter(
// defaultValue = "true"
// )
// private boolean systemmodules;
* Select the HotSpot VM in
* the output image: { CLIENT | SERVER | MINIMAL | ALL }.
* Default is ALL.
* The jlink CLI is: --vm={client|server|minimal|all}
private HotSpot vm;
* Resolve project dependencies.
* @return map of the resolved project dependencies
* @throws MojoExecutionException if any errors occurred while resolving
* dependencies
private ResolvePathsResult resolveDependencies()
throws MojoExecutionException {
// get project artifacts - all dependencies that this project has,
// including transitive ones (depends on what phases have run)
final Set artifacts = getProject().getArtifacts();
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
// create a list of the paths which will be resolved
final List paths = new ArrayList<>();
// add the project output directory
// SCOPE_COMPILE - This is the default scope, used if none is specified.
// Compile dependencies are available in all classpaths.
// Furthermore, those dependencies are propagated to
// dependent projects.
// SCOPE_PROVIDED - This is much like compile, but indicates you expect
// the JDK or a container to provide it at runtime.
// It is only available on the compilation and
// test classpath, and is not transitive.
// SCOPE_SYSTEM - This scope is similar to provided except that you
// have to provide the JAR which contains it explicitly.
// The artifact is always available and is not looked up
// in a repository.
// SCOPE_RUNTIME - This scope indicates that the dependency is not
// required for compilation, but is for execution.
// It is in the runtime and test classpaths, but not
// the compile classpath.
// SCOPE_TEST - This scope indicates that the dependency is not
// required for normal use of the application, and is
// only available for the test compilation and execution
// phases. It is not transitive.
// SCOPE_IMPORT - This scope indicates that the dependency is a managed
// POM dependency i.e. only other POM into
// the dependencyManagement section.
// [ !SCOPE_TEST ] add the project artifacts files
.filter(a -> a != null && !Artifact.SCOPE_TEST.equals(a.getScope()))
.map(a -> a.getFile())
// [ SCOPE_SYSTEM ] add the project system dependencies
// getSystemPath() is used only if the dependency scope is system
.filter(d -> d != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(d.getSystemPath()))
.map(d -> new File(StringUtils.stripToEmpty(d.getSystemPath())))
// create request contains all information
// required to analyze the project
final ResolvePathsRequest request =
// this is used to resolve main module descriptor
final File descriptorFile =
if (descriptorFile.exists() && !descriptorFile.isDirectory()) {
// this is used to extract the module name
if (getToolHomeDirectory() != null) {
// resolve project dependencies
try {
return locationManager.resolvePaths(request);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(
"Error: Unable to resolve project dependencies", ex);
* Fetch the resolved main module descriptor.
* @return main module descriptor or null if it not exists
private JavaModuleDescriptor fetchMainModuleDescriptor() {
final JavaModuleDescriptor descriptor =
if (descriptor == null) {
// detected that the project is non modular
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn("The main module descriptor not found");
} else {
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
"Found the main module descriptor: [{0}]",;
return descriptor;
* Fetch path exceptions for every modulename which resolution failed.
* @return pairs of path exception file and cause
private Map fetchPathExceptions() {
return projectDependencies.getPathExceptions()
.filter(entry -> entry != null && entry.getKey() != null)
entry -> entry.getKey(),
entry -> PluginUtils.getThrowableCause(entry.getValue())
* Fetch classpath elements.
* @return classpath elements
private List fetchClasspathElements() {
final List result = projectDependencies.getClasspathElements()
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug("Found classpath elements: " + result.size()
+ System.lineSeparator()
.map(file -> file.toString())
return result;
* Fetch modulepath elements.
* @return modulepath elements
private List fetchModulepathElements() {
final List result = projectDependencies.getModulepathElements()
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug("Found modulepath elements: " + result.size()
+ System.lineSeparator()
+ projectDependencies.getModulepathElements().entrySet().stream()
.filter(entry -> entry != null && entry.getKey() != null)
.map(entry -> entry.getKey().toString()
+ (ModuleNameSource.FILENAME.equals(entry.getValue())
? System.lineSeparator()
+ "[!] Detected 'requires' filename based "
+ "automatic module"
+ System.lineSeparator()
+ "[!] Please don't publish this project to "
+ "a public artifact repository"
+ System.lineSeparator()
+ (mainModuleDescriptor != null
&& mainModuleDescriptor.exports().isEmpty()
: "[!] LIBRARY")
: ""))
return result;
* Get path from the pathelements parameter.
* @return path contains parameter elements
private String getPathElements() {
String result = null;
if (modulepath != null) {
final List pathelements = modulepath.getPathElements();
if (pathelements != null && !pathelements.isEmpty()) {
result =
.map(file -> file.toString())
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
return result;
* Get filesets from modulepath parameter.
* @return path contains filesets
* @throws MojoExecutionException if any errors occurred while resolving
* a fileset
private String getFileSets() throws MojoExecutionException {
String result = null;
if (modulepath != null) {
final List filesets = modulepath.getFileSets();
if (filesets != null && !filesets.isEmpty()) {
for (final FileSet fileSet : filesets) {
final File fileSetDir;
try {
fileSetDir =
PluginUtils.normalizeFileSetBaseDir(getBaseDir(), fileSet);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(
"Error: Unable to resolve fileset", ex);
result = Stream.of(getFileSetManager().getIncludedFiles(fileSet))
.filter(fileName -> !StringUtils.isBlank(fileName))
.map(fileName -> fileSetDir.toPath().resolve(
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
fileSet, result));
return result;
* Get dirsets from modulepath parameter.
* @return path contains dirsets
* @throws MojoExecutionException if any errors occurred while resolving
* a dirset
private String getDirSets() throws MojoExecutionException {
String result = null;
if (modulepath != null) {
final List dirsets = modulepath.getDirSets();
if (dirsets != null && !dirsets.isEmpty()) {
for (final FileSet dirSet : dirsets) {
final File dirSetDir;
try {
dirSetDir =
PluginUtils.normalizeFileSetBaseDir(getBaseDir(), dirSet);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(
"Error: Unable to resolve dirset", ex);
result = Stream.of(getFileSetManager().getIncludedDirectories(dirSet))
.filter(dirName -> !StringUtils.isBlank(dirName))
.map(dirName -> dirSetDir.toPath().resolve(
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
dirSet, result));
return result;
* Get dependencysets from modulepath parameter.
* @return path contains dependencysets
private String getDependencySets() {
String result = null;
if (modulepath != null) {
final List dependencysets =
if (dependencysets != null && !dependencysets.isEmpty()) {
for (final DependencySet dependencySet : dependencysets) {
result = getIncludedDependencies(dependencySet)
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
"DEPENDENCYSET", dependencySet, result));
return result;
* Get the included project dependencies
* defined in the specified dependencyset.
* @param depSet the dependencyset
* @return the set of the included project dependencies
private Set getIncludedDependencies(final DependencySet depSet) {
return projectDependencies.getPathElements().entrySet().stream()
.filter(entry -> entry != null
&& entry.getKey() != null
&& filterDependency(depSet, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()))
.map(entry -> entry.getKey().toString())
* Get the excluded project dependencies
* defined in the specified dependencyset.
* @param depSet the dependencyset
* @return the set of the excluded project dependencies
private Set getExcludedDependencies(final DependencySet depSet) {
return projectDependencies.getPathElements().entrySet().stream()
.filter(entry -> entry != null
&& entry.getKey() != null
&& !filterDependency(depSet, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()))
.map(entry -> entry.getKey().toString())
* Checks whether the dependency defined by the file and
* the module descriptor matches the rules defined in the dependencyset.
* The dependency that matches at least one include pattern will be included,
* but if the dependency matches at least one exclude pattern too,
* then the dependency will not be included.
* @param depSet the dependencyset
* @param file the dependency file
* @param descriptor the dependency module descriptor
* @return will the dependency be accepted
private boolean filterDependency(final DependencySet depSet, final File file,
final JavaModuleDescriptor descriptor) {
if (descriptor == null) {
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn("Missing module descriptor: " + file);
} else {
if (descriptor.isAutomatic() && getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug("Found automatic module: " + file);
boolean isIncluded = false;
if (depSet == null) {
// include module by default
isIncluded = true;
// include automatic module by default
if (descriptor != null && descriptor.isAutomatic()
&& getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug("Included automatic module: " + file);
// exclude output module by default
if (file.compareTo(getOutputDir()) == 0) {
isIncluded = false;
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug("Excluded output module: " + file);
} else {
if (descriptor != null && descriptor.isAutomatic()
&& depSet.isAutomaticExcluded()) {
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug("Excluded automatic module: " + file);
} else {
if (file.compareTo(getOutputDir()) == 0) {
if (depSet.isOutputIncluded()) {
isIncluded = true;
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug("Included output module: " + file);
} else {
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug("Excluded output module: " + file);
} else {
isIncluded = matchesIncludes(depSet, file, descriptor)
&& !matchesExcludes(depSet, file, descriptor);
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug(PluginUtils.getDependencyDebugInfo(file, descriptor,
return isIncluded;
* Checks whether the dependency defined by the file and
* the module descriptor matches the include patterns
* from the dependencyset.
* @param depSet the dependencyset
* @param file the file
* @param descriptor the module descriptor
* @return should the dependency be included
private boolean matchesIncludes(final DependencySet depSet, final File file,
final JavaModuleDescriptor descriptor) {
final String name = descriptor == null ? "" :;
final List includes = depSet.getIncludes();
final List includenames = depSet.getIncludeNames();
boolean result = true;
if (includenames == null || includenames.isEmpty()) {
if (includes == null || includes.isEmpty()) {
result = true;
} else {
result = pathMatches(includes, file.toPath());
} else {
if (includes == null || includes.isEmpty()) {
result = nameMatches(includenames, name);
} else {
result = pathMatches(includes, file.toPath())
|| nameMatches(includenames, name);
return result;
* Checks whether the dependency defined by the file and
* the module descriptor matches the exclude patterns
* from the dependencyset.
* @param depSet the dependencyset
* @param file the file
* @param descriptor the module descriptor
* @return should the dependency be excluded
private boolean matchesExcludes(final DependencySet depSet, final File file,
final JavaModuleDescriptor descriptor) {
final String name = descriptor == null ? "" :;
final List excludes = depSet.getExcludes();
final List excludenames = depSet.getExcludeNames();
boolean result = false;
if (excludenames == null || excludenames.isEmpty()) {
if (excludes == null || excludes.isEmpty()) {
result = false;
} else {
result = pathMatches(excludes, file.toPath());
} else {
if (excludes == null || excludes.isEmpty()) {
result = nameMatches(excludenames, name);
} else {
result = pathMatches(excludes, file.toPath())
|| nameMatches(excludenames, name);
return result;
* Checks if the path matches at least one of the patterns.
* The pattern should be regex or glob, this is determined
* by the prefix specified in the pattern.
* @param patterns the list of patterns
* @param path the file path
* @return true if the path matches at least one of the patterns or
* if no patterns are specified
private boolean pathMatches(final List patterns, final Path path) {
for (final String pattern : patterns) {
final PathMatcher pathMatcher =
if (pathMatcher.matches(path)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the name matches at least one of the patterns.
* The pattern should be regex only.
* @param patterns the list of patterns
* @param name the name
* @return true if the name matches at least one of the patterns or
* if no patterns are specified
private boolean nameMatches(final List patterns, final String name) {
for (final String pattern : patterns) {
final Pattern regexPattern = Pattern.compile(pattern);
final Matcher nameMatcher = regexPattern.matcher(name);
if (nameMatcher.matches()) {
return true;
return false;
* Process modules.
* @param cmdLine the command line builder
* @throws MojoExecutionException if any errors occurred
private void processModules(final CommandLineBuilder cmdLine)
throws MojoExecutionException {
CommandLineOption opt = null;
// modulepath
if (modulepath != null) {
final StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder();
final String pathElements = getPathElements();
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(pathElements)) {
final String fileSets = getFileSets();
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(fileSets)) {
if (path.length() != 0) {
final String dirSets = getDirSets();
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dirSets)) {
if (path.length() != 0) {
final String dependencySets = getDependencySets();
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dependencySets)) {
if (path.length() != 0) {
if (path.length() != 0) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
// addmodules
if (includelocales != null && !includelocales.isEmpty()) {
if (addmodules == null) {
addmodules = new ArrayList<>();
if (addmodules != null && !addmodules.isEmpty()) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
* Process options.
* @param cmdLine the command line builder
* @throws MojoExecutionException if any errors occurred
private void processOptions(final CommandLineBuilder cmdLine)
throws MojoExecutionException {
CommandLineOption opt = null;
// output
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(MessageFormat.format(
output.toString()), ex);
// saveopts
if (saveopts != null) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(MessageFormat.format(
saveopts.toString()), ex);
// postprocesspath
if (postprocesspath != null) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(MessageFormat.format(
postprocesspath.toString()), ex);
// resourceslastsorter
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(resourceslastsorter)) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
// verbose
if (verbose) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
// bindservices
if (bindservices) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
// noheaderfiles
if (noheaderfiles) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
// nomanpages
if (nomanpages) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
// ignoresigninginformation
if (ignoresigninginformation) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
// stripdebug
if (stripdebug) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
// stripjavadebugattributes
if (stripjavadebugattributes) {
if (toolJavaVersion.atLeast(JavaVersion.JAVA_13)) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
} else {
stripjavadebugattributes = false;
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
"Parameter [{0}] skiped, at least {1} is required to use it",
// stripnativecommands
if (stripnativecommands) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
// deduplegalnotices
if (deduplegalnotices) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
// limitmodules
if (limitmodules != null && !limitmodules.isEmpty()) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
// suggestproviders
if (suggestproviders != null && !suggestproviders.isEmpty()) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
// endian
if (endian != null && !endian.equals(Endian.NATIVE)) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
// disableplugins
if (disableplugins != null) {
for (final String plugin : disableplugins) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
// includelocales
if (includelocales != null && !includelocales.isEmpty()) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
.collect(Collectors.joining(",", "--include-locales=", "")));
// excludejmodsection
if (excludejmodsection != null) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
+ excludejmodsection.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
// generatejliclasses
if (generatejliclasses != null) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
try {
+ generatejliclasses.getCanonicalPath());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(MessageFormat.format(
generatejliclasses.toString()), ex);
// vm
if (vm != null) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
+ vm.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
// launcher
if (launcher != null) {
final String launcherCommand =
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(launcherCommand)) {
final String launcherModule =
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(launcherModule)) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
final String launcherClass =
if (StringUtils.isBlank(launcherClass)) {
opt.createArg().setValue(launcherCommand + "="
+ launcherModule);
} else {
opt.createArg().setValue(launcherCommand + "="
+ launcherModule + "/" + launcherClass);
// compress
if (compress != null) {
final Compression compression = compress.getCompression();
final List filters = compress.getFilters();
if (compression != null) {
final StringBuilder option = new StringBuilder("--compress=");
if (filters != null) {
.collect(Collectors.joining(",", ":filter=", "")));
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
// orderresources
if (orderresources != null && !orderresources.isEmpty()) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
.collect(Collectors.joining(",", "--order-resources=", "")));
// excluderesources
if (excluderesources != null && !excluderesources.isEmpty()) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
.collect(Collectors.joining(",", "--exclude-resources=", "")));
// excludefiles
if (excludefiles != null && !excludefiles.isEmpty()) {
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
.collect(Collectors.joining(",", "--exclude-files=", "")));
// releaseinfo
if (releaseinfo != null) {
final StringBuilder option = new StringBuilder();
final File releaseinfofile = releaseinfo.getFile();
if (releaseinfofile != null) {
final Map adds = releaseinfo.getAdds();
if (adds != null && !adds.entrySet().isEmpty()) {
if (option.length() != 0) {
.filter(add -> add != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(add.getKey()))
.map(add -> StringUtils.stripToEmpty(add.getKey()) + "="
+ StringUtils.stripToEmpty(add.getValue()))
.collect(Collectors.joining(":", "add:", "")));
final Map dels = releaseinfo.getDels();
if (dels != null && !dels.entrySet().isEmpty()) {
if (option.length() != 0) {
.filter(del -> del != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(del.getKey()))
.map(del -> StringUtils.stripToEmpty(del.getKey()))
.collect(Collectors.joining(":", "del:", "")));
opt = cmdLine.createOpt();
opt.createArg().setValue("--release-info=" + option.toString());
* Copy files (only files, not directories) to the specified directory.
* @param files the list of files
* @param dir the destination directory
* @throws MojoExecutionException if any errors occurred while copying a file
private void copyFiles(final List files, final File dir)
throws MojoExecutionException {
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug(MessageFormat.format("Copy files to: [{0}]", dir));
for (final File file : files) {
try {
if (file.exists()) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug(MessageFormat.format("Skiped directory: [{0}]",
} else {
FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(file, dir);
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug(MessageFormat.format("Copied file: [{0}]", file));
} catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(MessageFormat.format(
"Error: Unable to copy file: [{0}]", file), ex);
* Process launcher scripts.
* @throws MojoExecutionException if any errors occurred
private void processLauncherScripts() throws MojoExecutionException {
if (launcher == null) {
final String scriptName = StringUtils.stripToEmpty(launcher.getCommand());
if (StringUtils.isBlank(scriptName)) {
final Path nixScript = output.toPath().resolve("bin/" + scriptName);
final Path winScript = output.toPath().resolve("bin/" + scriptName
+ ".bat");
if (stripnativecommands) {
if (Files.exists(nixScript) && !Files.isDirectory(nixScript)) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
"Unable to delete launcher script: [{0}]", nixScript));
if (Files.exists(winScript) && !Files.isDirectory(winScript)) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
"Unable to delete launcher script: [{0}]", winScript));
final String moduleName = StringUtils.stripToEmpty(
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(moduleName)) {
final String mainClassName = StringUtils.stripToEmpty(
final StringBuilder mainName = new StringBuilder(moduleName);
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(mainClassName)) {
final String args = StringUtils.stripToEmpty(launcher.getArgs());
final String jvmArgs = StringUtils.stripToEmpty(launcher.getJvmArgs());
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
+ "Processing launcher scripts with following variables:"
+ System.lineSeparator()
+ MessageFormat.format(" - moduleName = [{0}]", moduleName)
+ System.lineSeparator()
+ MessageFormat.format(" - mainClassName = [{0}]", mainClassName)
+ System.lineSeparator()
+ MessageFormat.format(" - mainName = [{0}]", mainName.toString())
+ System.lineSeparator()
+ MessageFormat.format(" - args = [{0}]", args)
+ System.lineSeparator()
+ MessageFormat.format(" - jvmArgs = [{0}]", jvmArgs));
final Map data = new HashMap<>();
data.put("moduleName", moduleName);
data.put("mainClassName", mainClassName);
data.put("mainName", mainName.toString());
data.put("args", args);
data.put("jvmArgs", jvmArgs);
final File nixTemplate = launcher.getNixTemplate();
if (nixTemplate != null && Files.exists(nixTemplate.toPath())
&& !Files.isDirectory(nixTemplate.toPath())) {
createLauncherScript(nixScript, nixTemplate.toPath(), data);
final File winTemplate = launcher.getWinTemplate();
if (winTemplate != null && Files.exists(winTemplate.toPath())
&& !Files.isDirectory(winTemplate.toPath())) {
createLauncherScript(winScript, winTemplate.toPath(), data);
* Create launcher script.
* @param script the launcher script file path
* @param template the launcher template file path
* @param data the hash map contains variable names and values to substitute
* @throws MojoExecutionException if any errors occurred while processing
* launcher script files
private void createLauncherScript(final Path script, final Path template,
final Map data) throws MojoExecutionException {
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
+ MessageFormat.format("Fixing launcher script: [{0}]", script)
+ System.lineSeparator()
+ MessageFormat.format("with template: [{0}]", template));
final StringSubstitutor engine = new StringSubstitutor(data)
try {
Files.lines(template, getCharset())
.map(line -> engine.replace(line).replace("\\$", "$"))
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(MessageFormat.format(
"Error: Variable not found in the launcher template file: [{0}]",
template), ex);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(MessageFormat.format(
"Error: Unable to write to the launcher script file: [{0}]",
script), ex);
* Execute goal.
* @throws MojoExecutionException if any errors occurred
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException {
// Init
init(TOOL_NAME, toolhome, TOOL_HOME_BIN); // from BaseToolMojo
// Check version
toolJavaVersion = getToolJavaVersion();
if (toolJavaVersion == null
|| !toolJavaVersion.atLeast(JavaVersion.JAVA_9)) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(MessageFormat.format(
"Error: At least {0} is required to use [{1}]", JavaVersion.JAVA_9,
// Create mods directory
try {
} catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(MessageFormat.format(
"Error: Unable to create mods directory: [{0}]", modsdir), ex);
// Create libs directory
try {
} catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(MessageFormat.format(
"Error: Unable to create libs directory: [{0}]", libsdir), ex);
// Delete image output directory if it exists
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug(MessageFormat.format("Output directory: [{0}]", output));
if (output.exists() && output.isDirectory()) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(MessageFormat.format(
"Error: Unable to delete image output directory: [{0}]", output),
// Resolve and fetch project dependencies
projectDependencies = resolveDependencies();
mainModuleDescriptor = fetchMainModuleDescriptor();
List classpathElements = fetchClasspathElements();
List modulepathElements = fetchModulepathElements();
Map pathExceptions = fetchPathExceptions();
if (!pathExceptions.isEmpty() && getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn("Found path exceptions: " + pathExceptions.size()
+ System.lineSeparator()
+ pathExceptions.entrySet().stream()
.map(entry -> entry.getKey().toString()
+ System.lineSeparator()
+ entry.getValue())
// copy dependencies
copyFiles(modulepathElements, modsdir);
copyFiles(classpathElements, libsdir);
// Build command line and populate the list of the command options
final CommandLineBuilder cmdLineBuilder = new CommandLineBuilder();
final List optsLines = new ArrayList<>();
optsLines.add("# " + TOOL_NAME);
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
System.lineSeparator(), "")));
// Save the list of command options to the file
// will be used in the tool command line
final Path cmdOptsPath = getBuildDir().toPath().resolve(OPTS_FILE);
try {
Files.write(cmdOptsPath, optsLines, getCharset());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(MessageFormat.format(
"Error: Unable to write command options to file: [{0}]",
cmdOptsPath), ex);
// Prepare command line with command options
// specified in the file created early
final Commandline cmdLine = new Commandline();
cmdLine.createArg().setValue("@" + cmdOptsPath.toString());
// Execute command line
int exitCode = 0;
try {
exitCode = execCmdLine(cmdLine); // from BaseToolMojo
} catch (CommandLineException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(MessageFormat.format(
"Error: Unable to execute [{0}] tool", TOOL_NAME), ex);
if (exitCode != 0) {
if (getLog().isErrorEnabled()) {
+ "Command options was: "
+ System.lineSeparator()
throw new MojoExecutionException(MessageFormat.format(
"Error: Tool execution failed [{0}] with exit code: {1}", TOOL_NAME,
// Process launcher scripts
// Delete temporary file
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(MessageFormat.format(
"Error: Unable to delete temporary file: [{0}]", cmdOptsPath), ex);