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it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.AbstractIntList Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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/* Generic definitions */

/* Assertions (useful to generate conditional code) */

/* Current type and class (and size, if applicable) */
/* Value methods */

/* Interfaces (keys) */
/* Interfaces (values) */
/* Abstract implementations (keys) */
/* Abstract implementations (values) */

/* Static containers (keys) */
/* Static containers (values) */

/* Implementations */
/* Synchronized wrappers */
/* Unmodifiable wrappers */
/* Other wrappers */

/* Methods (keys) */
/* Methods (values) */
/* Methods (keys/values) */

/* Methods that have special names depending on keys (but the special names depend on values) */

/* Equality */
/* Object/Reference-only definitions (keys) */
/* Primitive-type-only definitions (keys) */
/* Object/Reference-only definitions (values) */
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Sebastiano Vigna
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License. 

package it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * An abstract class providing basic methods for lists implementing a
 * type-specific list interface.

* As an additional bonus, this class implements on top of the list operations a * type-specific stack. */ public abstract class AbstractIntList extends AbstractIntCollection implements IntList, IntStack { protected AbstractIntList() { } /** * Ensures that the given index is nonnegative and not greater than the list * size. * * @param index * an index. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException * if the given index is negative or greater than the list size. */ protected void ensureIndex(final int index) { if (index < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index (" + index + ") is negative"); if (index > size()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index (" + index + ") is greater than list size (" + (size()) + ")"); } /** * Ensures that the given index is nonnegative and smaller than the list * size. * * @param index * an index. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException * if the given index is negative or not smaller than the list * size. */ protected void ensureRestrictedIndex(final int index) { if (index < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index (" + index + ") is negative"); if (index >= size()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index (" + index + ") is greater than or equal to list size (" + (size()) + ")"); } public void add(final int index, final int k) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public boolean add(final int k) { add(size(), k); return true; } public int removeInt(int i) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public int set(final int index, final int k) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public boolean addAll(int index, final Collection c) { ensureIndex(index); int n = c.size(); if (n == 0) return false; Iterator i = c.iterator(); while (n-- != 0) add(index++,; return true; } /** Delegates to a more generic method. */ public boolean addAll(final Collection c) { return addAll(size(), c); } /** Delegates to the new covariantly stronger generic method. */ @Deprecated public IntListIterator intListIterator() { return listIterator(); } /** Delegates to the new covariantly stronger generic method. */ @Deprecated public IntListIterator intListIterator(final int index) { return listIterator(index); } public IntListIterator iterator() { return listIterator(); } public IntListIterator listIterator() { return listIterator(0); } public IntListIterator listIterator(final int index) { ensureIndex(index); return new AbstractIntListIterator() { int pos = index, last = -1; public boolean hasNext() { return pos < AbstractIntList.this.size(); } public boolean hasPrevious() { return pos > 0; } public int nextInt() { if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return AbstractIntList.this.getInt(last = pos++); } public int previousInt() { if (!hasPrevious()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return AbstractIntList.this.getInt(last = --pos); } public int nextIndex() { return pos; } public int previousIndex() { return pos - 1; } public void add(int k) { AbstractIntList.this.add(pos++, k); last = -1; } public void set(int k) { if (last == -1) throw new IllegalStateException(); AbstractIntList.this.set(last, k); } public void remove() { if (last == -1) throw new IllegalStateException(); AbstractIntList.this.removeInt(last); /* * If the last operation was a next(), we are removing an * element *before* us, and we must decrease pos * correspondingly. */ if (last < pos) pos--; last = -1; } }; } public boolean contains(final int k) { return indexOf(k) >= 0; } public int indexOf(final int k) { final IntListIterator i = listIterator(); int e; while (i.hasNext()) { e = i.nextInt(); if (((k) == (e))) return i.previousIndex(); } return -1; } public int lastIndexOf(final int k) { IntListIterator i = listIterator(size()); int e; while (i.hasPrevious()) { e = i.previousInt(); if (((k) == (e))) return i.nextIndex(); } return -1; } public void size(final int size) { int i = size(); if (size > i) while (i++ < size) add((0)); else while (i-- != size) remove(i); } public IntList subList(final int from, final int to) { ensureIndex(from); ensureIndex(to); if (from > to) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Start index (" + from + ") is greater than end index (" + to + ")"); return new IntSubList(this, from, to); } /** Delegates to the new covariantly stronger generic method. */ @Deprecated public IntList intSubList(final int from, final int to) { return subList(from, to); } /** * Removes elements of this type-specific list one-by-one. * *

* This is a trivial iterator-based implementation. It is expected that * implementations will override this method with a more optimized version. * * * @param from * the start index (inclusive). * @param to * the end index (exclusive). */ public void removeElements(final int from, final int to) { ensureIndex(to); IntListIterator i = listIterator(from); int n = to - from; if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start index (" + from + ") is greater than end index (" + to + ")"); while (n-- != 0) { i.nextInt(); i.remove(); } } /** * Adds elements to this type-specific list one-by-one. * *

* This is a trivial iterator-based implementation. It is expected that * implementations will override this method with a more optimized version. * * @param index * the index at which to add elements. * @param a * the array containing the elements. * @param offset * the offset of the first element to add. * @param length * the number of elements to add. */ public void addElements(int index, final int a[], int offset, int length) { ensureIndex(index); if (offset < 0) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Offset (" + offset + ") is negative"); if (offset + length > a.length) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("End index (" + (offset + length) + ") is greater than array length (" + a.length + ")"); while (length-- != 0) add(index++, a[offset++]); } public void addElements(final int index, final int a[]) { addElements(index, a, 0, a.length); } /** * Copies element of this type-specific list into the given array * one-by-one. * *

* This is a trivial iterator-based implementation. It is expected that * implementations will override this method with a more optimized version. * * @param from * the start index (inclusive). * @param a * the destination array. * @param offset * the offset into the destination array where to store the first * element copied. * @param length * the number of elements to be copied. */ public void getElements(final int from, final int a[], int offset, int length) { IntListIterator i = listIterator(from); if (offset < 0) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Offset (" + offset + ") is negative"); if (offset + length > a.length) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("End index (" + (offset + length) + ") is greater than array length (" + a.length + ")"); if (from + length > size()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("End index (" + (from + length) + ") is greater than list size (" + size() + ")"); while (length-- != 0) a[offset++] = i.nextInt(); } private boolean valEquals(final Object a, final Object b) { return a == null ? b == null : a.equals(b); } public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof List)) return false; final List l = (List) o; int s = size(); if (s != l.size()) return false; if (l instanceof IntList) { final IntListIterator i1 = listIterator(), i2 = ((IntList) l) .listIterator(); while (s-- != 0) if (i1.nextInt() != i2.nextInt()) return false; return true; } final ListIterator i1 = listIterator(), i2 = l.listIterator(); while (s-- != 0) if (!valEquals(, return false; return true; } /** * Compares this list to another object. If the argument is a * {@link List}, this method performs a lexicographical * comparison; otherwise, it throws a ClassCastException. * * @param l * a list. * @return if the argument is a {@link List}, a negative integer, * zero, or a positive integer as this list is lexicographically * less than, equal to, or greater than the argument. * @throws ClassCastException * if the argument is not a list. */ public int compareTo(final List l) { if (l == this) return 0; if (l instanceof IntList) { final IntListIterator i1 = listIterator(), i2 = ((IntList) l) .listIterator(); int r; int e1, e2; while (i1.hasNext() && i2.hasNext()) { e1 = i1.nextInt(); e2 = i2.nextInt(); if ((r = (, (e2)))) != 0) return r; } return i2.hasNext() ? -1 : (i1.hasNext() ? 1 : 0); } ListIterator i1 = listIterator(), i2 = l .listIterator(); int r; while (i1.hasNext() && i2.hasNext()) { if ((r = ((Comparable) .next())) != 0) return r; } return i2.hasNext() ? -1 : (i1.hasNext() ? 1 : 0); } /** * Returns the hash code for this list, which is identical to * {@link List#hashCode()}. * * @return the hash code for this list. */ public int hashCode() { IntIterator i = iterator(); int h = 1, s = size(); while (s-- != 0) { int k = i.nextInt(); h = 31 * h + (k); } return h; } public void push(int o) { add(o); } public int popInt() { if (isEmpty()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return removeInt(size() - 1); } public int topInt() { if (isEmpty()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return getInt(size() - 1); } public int peekInt(int i) { return getInt(size() - 1 - i); } public boolean rem(int k) { int index = indexOf(k); if (index == -1) return false; removeInt(index); return true; } /** Delegates to rem(). */ public boolean remove(final Object o) { return rem(((((Integer) (o)).intValue()))); } /** Delegates to a more generic method. */ public boolean addAll(final int index, final IntCollection c) { return addAll(index, (Collection) c); } /** Delegates to a more generic method. */ public boolean addAll(final int index, final IntList l) { return addAll(index, (IntCollection) l); } public boolean addAll(final IntCollection c) { return addAll(size(), c); } public boolean addAll(final IntList l) { return addAll(size(), l); } /** Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method. */ public void add(final int index, final Integer ok) { add(index, ok.intValue()); } /** * Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public Integer set(final int index, final Integer ok) { return (Integer.valueOf(set(index, ok.intValue()))); } /** * Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public Integer get(final int index) { return (Integer.valueOf(getInt(index))); } /** Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method. */ public int indexOf(final Object ok) { return indexOf(((((Integer) (ok)).intValue()))); } /** Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method. */ public int lastIndexOf(final Object ok) { return lastIndexOf(((((Integer) (ok)).intValue()))); } /** * Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public Integer remove(final int index) { return (Integer.valueOf(removeInt(index))); } /** Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method. */ public void push(Integer o) { push(o.intValue()); } /** * Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public Integer pop() { return Integer.valueOf(popInt()); } /** * Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public Integer top() { return Integer.valueOf(topInt()); } /** * Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public Integer peek(int i) { return Integer.valueOf(peekInt(i)); } public String toString() { final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); final IntIterator i = iterator(); int n = size(); int k; boolean first = true; s.append("["); while (n-- != 0) { if (first) first = false; else s.append(", "); k = i.nextInt(); s.append(String.valueOf(k)); } s.append("]"); return s.toString(); } public static class IntSubList extends AbstractIntList implements { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7046029254386353129L; /** The list this sublist restricts. */ protected final IntList l; /** Initial (inclusive) index of this sublist. */ protected final int from; /** Final (exclusive) index of this sublist. */ protected int to; private static final boolean ASSERTS = false; public IntSubList(final IntList l, final int from, final int to) { this.l = l; this.from = from; = to; } private void assertRange() { if (ASSERTS) { assert from <= l.size(); assert to <= l.size(); assert to >= from; } } public boolean add(final int k) { l.add(to, k); to++; if (ASSERTS) assertRange(); return true; } public void add(final int index, final int k) { ensureIndex(index); l.add(from + index, k); to++; if (ASSERTS) assertRange(); } public boolean addAll(final int index, final Collection c) { ensureIndex(index); to += c.size(); if (ASSERTS) { boolean retVal = l.addAll(from + index, c); assertRange(); return retVal; } return l.addAll(from + index, c); } public int getInt(int index) { ensureRestrictedIndex(index); return l.getInt(from + index); } public int removeInt(int index) { ensureRestrictedIndex(index); to--; return l.removeInt(from + index); } public int set(int index, int k) { ensureRestrictedIndex(index); return l.set(from + index, k); } public void clear() { removeElements(0, size()); if (ASSERTS) assertRange(); } public int size() { return to - from; } public void getElements(final int from, final int[] a, final int offset, final int length) { ensureIndex(from); if (from + length > size()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("End index (" + from + length + ") is greater than list size (" + size() + ")"); l.getElements(this.from + from, a, offset, length); } public void removeElements(final int from, final int to) { ensureIndex(from); ensureIndex(to); l.removeElements(this.from + from, this.from + to); -= (to - from); if (ASSERTS) assertRange(); } public void addElements(int index, final int a[], int offset, int length) { ensureIndex(index); l.addElements(this.from + index, a, offset, length); += length; if (ASSERTS) assertRange(); } public IntListIterator listIterator(final int index) { ensureIndex(index); return new AbstractIntListIterator() { int pos = index, last = -1; public boolean hasNext() { return pos < size(); } public boolean hasPrevious() { return pos > 0; } public int nextInt() { if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return l.getInt(from + (last = pos++)); } public int previousInt() { if (!hasPrevious()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return l.getInt(from + (last = --pos)); } public int nextIndex() { return pos; } public int previousIndex() { return pos - 1; } public void add(int k) { if (last == -1) throw new IllegalStateException(); IntSubList.this.add(pos++, k); last = -1; if (ASSERTS) assertRange(); } public void set(int k) { if (last == -1) throw new IllegalStateException(); IntSubList.this.set(last, k); } public void remove() { if (last == -1) throw new IllegalStateException(); IntSubList.this.removeInt(last); /* * If the last operation was a next(), we are removing an * element *before* us, and we must decrease pos * correspondingly. */ if (last < pos) pos--; last = -1; if (ASSERTS) assertRange(); } }; } public IntList subList(final int from, final int to) { ensureIndex(from); ensureIndex(to); if (from > to) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start index (" + from + ") is greater than end index (" + to + ")"); return new IntSubList(this, from, to); } public boolean rem(int k) { int index = indexOf(k); if (index == -1) return false; to--; l.removeInt(from + index); if (ASSERTS) assertRange(); return true; } public boolean remove(final Object o) { return rem(((((Integer) (o)).intValue()))); } public boolean addAll(final int index, final IntCollection c) { ensureIndex(index); to += c.size(); if (ASSERTS) { boolean retVal = l.addAll(from + index, c); assertRange(); return retVal; } return l.addAll(from + index, c); } public boolean addAll(final int index, final IntList l) { ensureIndex(index); to += l.size(); if (ASSERTS) { boolean retVal = this.l.addAll(from + index, l); assertRange(); return retVal; } return this.l.addAll(from + index, l); } } }

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