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org.jbpm.sim.def.JbpmSimulationModel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jbpm.sim.def;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jbpm.JbpmConfiguration.Configs;
import org.jbpm.graph.def.Node;
import org.jbpm.graph.def.ProcessDefinition;
import org.jbpm.graph.def.Transition;
import org.jbpm.graph.exe.ProcessInstance;
import org.jbpm.graph.node.EndState;
import org.jbpm.sim.SimulationConstants;
import org.jbpm.sim.entity.ResourceUsingEntity;
import org.jbpm.sim.event.ProcessStartEventGenerator;
import org.jbpm.sim.exception.ExperimentConfigurationException;
import org.jbpm.sim.jpdl.SimulationDefinition;
import org.jbpm.sim.kpi.BusinessFigure;
import org.jbpm.taskmgmt.def.Task;
import org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance;
import desmoj.core.dist.Distribution;
import desmoj.core.dist.IntDist;
import desmoj.core.dist.RealDist;
import desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment;
import desmoj.core.simulator.Model;
import desmoj.core.simulator.Queue;
import desmoj.core.simulator.SimTime;
import desmoj.core.statistic.Count;
import desmoj.core.statistic.Tally;
import desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries;
* The main model, which is responsible to set up the
* environment for simulation runs.
* @author [email protected]
public abstract class JbpmSimulationModel extends Model {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JbpmSimulationModel.class);
* distributions for
* ending States
* ending TaskInstances
* every distribution is identified by a name. If you add more than one
* distribution with the same name of the experiment, a
* org.jbpm.sim.exception.ExperimentConfigurationException
is thrown.
private Map distributions = new HashMap();
* Map of all resource pools (which include all DESMOJ stuff needed for
* a resource pool).
* It's a Map
private Map resourcePools = new HashMap();
* Map of all Tallies recording wait time for entities
* (which are in our case Tasks, States, ...)
* It's a Map
private Map entityWaitTallies = new HashMap();
* the map has one entry for every process, containing the used distribution name
* if null, no start distribution is used (which means: never schedule start event)
* It's a Map
// private Map processStartDistributions = new HashMap();
* maps for process elements which distribution to use
* The key is the process element, the value the distribution name
private Map distributionMap = new HashMap();
* configurations for choosing the leaving transition
* It is a Map
private Map leavingTransitionConfigurations = new HashMap();
* Map which contains a list of resource requirements for
* process elements (for example Task's or State's)
* It is a Map
private Map resourceRequirements = new HashMap();
* Map which contains a tallies to report process cycle times on it
* It is a Map
private Map processCycleTimeTallies = new HashMap();
* Map with counter for every possible process end state
private Map processEndStateCounts = new HashMap();
* Map with counter of started instances for every
* possible process definition
private Map processStartCounts = new HashMap();
* This map remembers which elements were the source
* for a name used in DESMOJ. Because DESMOJ can only use
* Strings, but we may want to know the real source, like a
* a ProcessDefinition or whatever, later, maybe during the reporting.
private Map nameRegistry = new HashMap();
private ArrayList endedProcessInstances = new ArrayList();
* configures if a local history of ended process instances
* is kept. useful to lokk at them later, if that makes sense
private boolean rememberEndedProcessInstances = false;
* map for registered business figure calculators
private Map businessFigures = new HashMap();
public JbpmSimulationModel(Model owner, String name) {
super(owner, name, true, true);
// "install" the UserCode Intercepter (TODO: may not needed, delete then)
// UserCodeInterceptorConfig.setUserCodeInterceptor(new SimulationUserCodeInterceptor());
// load special configuration for simulation run
// JbpmConfiguration.getInstance("org/jbpm/sim/simulation.cfg.xml");
public JbpmSimulationModel() {
this(null, "JBoss jBPM simulation model");
public void connectToExperiment(Experiment exp) {
// set the jBPM-Clock and register it to be controlled by the real simulation clock
// TODO: Only do that, if the clock isn't already created, e.g. by JbpmExperiment
JbpmSimulationClock jbpmClock =
(JbpmSimulationClock) Configs.getObject("");
public void init() {
public void doInitialSchedules() {
ProcessDefinition[] definitions = getProcessDefinitions();
for (int i = 0; i < definitions.length; i++) {
SimTime processStartTime = getProcessStartTime(definitions[i]);
if (processStartTime==null) {
log.debug("process '" + definitions[i].getName() + "' has no start event distribution configured, it will not be started by the simulation framework");
else {
log.debug("process '" + definitions[i].getName() + "' has a start event distribution configured and will be started by the simulation framework. The first start is at model time " + processStartTime);
ProcessStartEventGenerator generator =
new ProcessStartEventGenerator(this, definitions[i]);
// schedule the first process start
// TODO: Check WHY it starts at sim time 0.0
public String description() {
return "jBPM-Simulation";
* This is implemented by the concrete implementation of the model
public abstract ProcessDefinition[] getProcessDefinitions();
public Distribution getDistribution(String name) {
return (Distribution) distributions.get(name);
* @return true, if probabilities for leaving transitions are configured for the given node
public boolean hasLeavingTransitionProbabilitiesConfigured(Node node) {
return leavingTransitionConfigurations.containsKey(node);
* figures out which leaving transition should be used for the
* given node, using the configured probabilities.
* If no probabilities for this node are configured,
* the default transition is returned
* @return leaving transition to take or the default transition,
* if no probabilities are configured
public Transition getLeavingTransition(Node node) {
LeavingTransitionProbabilityConfiguration conf =
(LeavingTransitionProbabilityConfiguration) leavingTransitionConfigurations.get(node);
if (conf==null) {
log.debug("No transition probabilities configured for " + node + ", taking default transition");
return node.getDefaultLeavingTransition();
else {
Transition transition = conf.decideOutgoingTransition();
log.debug("Simulation engine decided for leaving " + transition + " for " + node);
return transition;
* Returns the time, needed to work on the task with the given id
* The time is queried from the configured distribution
* @return the simulation time when the task should be finished
public SimTime getTaskWorkingTime(Task task) {
return getNextSimTimeWithDistributionMap(task);
public SimTime getStateWorkingTime(Node state) {
return getNextSimTimeWithDistributionMap(state);
public SimTime getProcessStartTime(ProcessDefinition processDefinition) {
return getNextSimTimeWithDistributionMap(processDefinition);
protected SimTime getNextSimTimeWithDistributionMap(Object key) {
String distributionName = (String) distributionMap.get(key);
if (distributionName==null) {
log.warn("no distribution configured for element '" + key + "'");
return null;
Distribution dist = (Distribution) distributions.get(distributionName);
if (dist==null)
throw new ExperimentConfigurationException("Distribution with name '" + distributionName + "' configured as event distribution for element '" + key + "' is not defined.");
SimTime result = getSimTimeFromDistribution(dist);
log.debug("generated sim time "+result+" with distribution for element '" + key + "'");
return result;
private SimTime getSimTimeFromDistribution(Distribution dist) {
if (IntDist.class.isAssignableFrom(dist.getClass()))
return new SimTime( getPositiveLong(((IntDist)dist).sample()) );
else if (RealDist.class.isAssignableFrom(dist.getClass()))
return new SimTime( getPositiveDouble(((RealDist)dist).sample()) );
throw new ExperimentConfigurationException("Distribution class " + dist.getClass().getName() + " can not be used to construct time events");
private double getPositiveDouble(double d) {
if (d<0)
return (-1) * d;
return d;
private long getPositiveLong(long l) {
if (l<0)
return (-1) * l;
return l;
public TimeSeries[] getResourceTimeSeries() {
TimeSeries[] result = new TimeSeries[ resourcePools.size() ];
int i=0;
for (Iterator iterator = resourcePools.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
ResourcePool rp = (ResourcePool);
result[i] = rp.getAvailableResourceTimeSeries();
return result;
public void addResourcePool(String poolName, int capacity, double costPerTimeUnit) {
// create pool
ResourcePool pool = new ResourcePool(this, poolName, capacity, costPerTimeUnit);
// // and build an observer to it
// Observer plotter = new Observer() {
// public void update(Observable obs, Object value) {
// log.debug("YYYYY " +
// availableResourceTimeSeries.getDataValues().toArray().length + " | " +
// availableResourceTimeSeries.getTimeValues().toArray().length);
// log.debug("XXXXXXX " + obs + ": " + value);
// }
// };
// pool.getAvailableResourceTimeSeries().connectToPlotter(plotter);
poolName, //
public String[] getResourcePoolNames() {
return (String[]) resourcePools.keySet().toArray(new String[0]);
public ResourcePool getResourcePool(String poolName) {
ResourcePool resourcePool =(ResourcePool) resourcePools.get(poolName);
if (resourcePool == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("pool " + poolName + " is not defined");
return resourcePool;
public void resourceUsageChanged(String poolName) {
TimeSeries ts = getResourcePool(poolName).getAvailableResourceTimeSeries();
ts.update( //
getResourcePool(poolName).getAvailableResources() );
* @return the resource pool as Queue
public Queue getResourcePoolQueue(String poolName) {
return getResourcePool(poolName).getPool();
* @return the resource pool time series
public TimeSeries getResourcePoolTimeSeries(String poolName) {
return getResourcePool(poolName).getAvailableResourceTimeSeries();
* returns a queue for a resource pool (needed if no resource is available)
* the queues are constructed on the fly.
* @return the queue for the resource pool
public Queue getResourceQueue(String poolName) {
Queue resourceQueue = getResourcePool(poolName).getResourceQueue();
if (resourceQueue == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("pool " + poolName + " is not defined");
return resourceQueue;
public void checkWaitingQueue(String poolName) {
Queue q = getResourceQueue(poolName);
if (!q.isEmpty()) {
// okay, somebody is waiting
ResourceUsingEntity e = (ResourceUsingEntity) q.first();
// tell this entity the resource is available
if (e.resourceReleased(poolName))
// and remove if, if the entity could successfully acquire the resource
public String formatTaskInstance(TaskInstance taskInstance) {
return taskInstance.toString();
public ResourceRequirement[] getResourceRequirements(Object processElement) {
List reqList = (List) resourceRequirements.get(processElement);
if (reqList==null)
return new ResourceRequirement[0];
return (ResourceRequirement[]) reqList.toArray(new ResourceRequirement[0]);
public Tally getResourceWaitTimeTally(String poolName) {
return getResourcePool(poolName).getWaitTimeTally();
public Tally getResourceWorkTimeTally(String poolName) {
return getResourcePool(poolName).getWorkTimeTally();
public Tally getEntityWaitTimeTally(Object obj) {
if (!entityWaitTallies.containsKey(obj)) {
log.debug("Lazy initializing Histogram for Entity '" + obj + "'");
// @TODO: Think about an automatically adjusting Histogram (lower & upper end)
// Histogram h = new Histogram( this, // owning model
// "Waiting before " + name, // name
// 0, // lower end
// 500, // upper end
// 10, // cells
// true, // show in report
// false);
Tally result = new Tally(this, // owning model
buildName(obj, SimulationConstants.NAME_PREFIX_WAITING_BEFORE_STATE, SimulationConstants.NAME_SUFFIX_WAITING_BEFORE_STATE), // name
true, // show in report
false); // show in trace
obj, //
result); // show in trace
return result;
return (Tally) entityWaitTallies.get(obj);
private void initResourcePools() {
HashMap requiredPools = new HashMap();
HashMap resourceCosts = new HashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < getProcessDefinitions().length; i++) {
SimulationDefinition simulationDefinition =
(SimulationDefinition) getProcessDefinitions()[i].getDefinition(SimulationDefinition.class);
for (Iterator iterator = simulationDefinition.getResourcePoolDefinitions().keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
String poolName = (String);
Object[] def = (Object[]) simulationDefinition.getResourcePoolDefinitions().get(poolName);
Integer poolSize = (Integer) def[0];
Double costs = (Double) def[1];
if (requiredPools.containsKey(poolName)) {
Integer otherPoolSize = (Integer) requiredPools.get(poolName);
if (poolSize.intValue() > otherPoolSize.intValue() ) {
requiredPools.put(poolName, poolSize);
resourceCosts.put(poolName, costs);
log.warn("resource pool '" + poolName + "' redefined in process '"+getProcessDefinitions()[i].getName()+"' with the bigger poolsize " + poolSize + ", was " + otherPoolSize + " before" );
else if (poolSize.intValue() < otherPoolSize.intValue() ) {
log.warn("resource pool '" + poolName + "' redefined in process '"+getProcessDefinitions()[i].getName()+"' with the smaler poolsize " + poolSize + " which is ignored. Poolsize still is " + otherPoolSize);
else {
requiredPools.put(poolName, poolSize);
resourceCosts.put(poolName, costs);
// this is only allowed AFTER the connection is made!
for (Iterator iterator = requiredPools.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
String poolName = (String);
Integer capacity = (Integer) requiredPools.get(poolName);
Double costs = (Double) resourceCosts.get(poolName);
addResourcePool(poolName, capacity.intValue(), costs.doubleValue());
private void initDistributions() {
for (int i = 0; i < getProcessDefinitions().length; i++) {
SimulationDefinition simulationDefinition =
(SimulationDefinition) getProcessDefinitions()[i].getDefinition(SimulationDefinition.class);
for (Iterator iterator = simulationDefinition.getDistributions().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
DistributionDefinition distDef = (DistributionDefinition);
// TODO: improve to check, if the definition is the same (then this distribution can be just ignored)
if (distributions.containsKey(distDef.getName()))
throw new RuntimeException("duplicate definition of distribution '" + distDef.getName() + "'");
distributions.put(distDef.getName(), distDef.createDistribution(this));
private void initDistributionUsages() {
for (int i = 0; i < getProcessDefinitions().length; i++) {
SimulationDefinition simulationDefinition =
(SimulationDefinition) getProcessDefinitions()[i].getDefinition(SimulationDefinition.class);
private void initTransitionDistributions() {
for (int i = 0; i < getProcessDefinitions().length; i++) {
SimulationDefinition simulationDefinition =
(SimulationDefinition) getProcessDefinitions()[i].getDefinition(SimulationDefinition.class);
for (Iterator iterator = simulationDefinition.getTransitionProbabilities().keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Transition trans = (Transition);
double probability = ((Double)simulationDefinition.getTransitionProbabilities().get(trans)).doubleValue();
// now check for every node, if we have already started a configuration
// if not, create it. The configuration creates correct ranges for every
// transition with configured probability
if (leavingTransitionConfigurations.get(trans.getFrom())==null) {
leavingTransitionConfigurations.put( //
new LeavingTransitionProbabilityConfiguration(trans.getFrom(), trans, probability));
else {
LeavingTransitionProbabilityConfiguration conf =
(LeavingTransitionProbabilityConfiguration) leavingTransitionConfigurations.get(trans.getFrom());
conf.addTransition(trans, probability);
// now we registered all nodes and transitions, so we now the probability sum
// so we can create all distributioons now
for (Iterator iterator = leavingTransitionConfigurations.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
LeavingTransitionProbabilityConfiguration conf = (LeavingTransitionProbabilityConfiguration);
private void initResourceRequirements() {
for (int i = 0; i < getProcessDefinitions().length; i++) {
SimulationDefinition simulationDefinition =
(SimulationDefinition) getProcessDefinitions()[i].getDefinition(SimulationDefinition.class);
public void reportProcessInstanceCycleTime(ProcessDefinition pd, double duration) {
Tally tally = (Tally) processCycleTimeTallies.get(pd);
if (tally==null) {
tally = new Tally( this, //
buildName(pd, SimulationConstants.NAME_PREFIX_PROCESS_CYCLE_TIME, SimulationConstants.NAME_SUFFIX_PROCESS_CYCLE_TIME), // name
true, // show in report
false); // show in trace
processCycleTimeTallies.put(pd, tally);
public void reportProcessEndState(EndState node) {
Count count = (Count) processEndStateCounts.get(node);
if (count==null) {
count = new Count( this, //
buildName(node, SimulationConstants.NAME_PREFIX_PROCESS_END_STATE + node.getProcessDefinition().getName() + " | ", SimulationConstants.NAME_SUFFIX_PROCESS_END_STATE), // name
true, // show in report
false); // show in trace
processEndStateCounts.put(node, count);
public void reportProcessStart(ProcessDefinition processDefinition) {
Count count = (Count) processStartCounts.get(processDefinition);
if (count==null) {
count = new Count( this, //
buildName(processDefinition, SimulationConstants.NAME_PREFIX_PROCESS_START + processDefinition.getName() + " | ", SimulationConstants.NAME_SUFFIX_PROCESS_START), // name
true, // show in report
false); // show in trace
processStartCounts.put(processDefinition, count);
public String buildName(Object o, String prefix, String sufix) {
Object propertyName = getShortNameForObject(o);
String name = prefix + propertyName + sufix;
nameRegistry.put(name, o);
return name;
private String getShortNameForObject(Object o) {
if (o==null)
return null;
Object propertyName = o;
if (PropertyUtils.isReadable(o, "name")) {
try {
propertyName = PropertyUtils.getProperty(o, "name");
catch (Exception e) {
if (propertyName==null)
return null;
return propertyName.toString();
public String getShortNameFor(String fullName) {
return getShortNameForObject( getSourceElementForName(fullName) );
public Object getSourceElementForName(String fullName) {
return nameRegistry.get(fullName);
* remember that process instance has run,
* if configured to remember it
public void reportFinishedProcessInstance(ProcessInstance processInstance) {
if (isRememberEndedProcessInstances())
public boolean isRememberEndedProcessInstances() {
return rememberEndedProcessInstances;
public void setRememberEndedProcessInstances(
boolean rememberEndedProcessInstances) {
this.rememberEndedProcessInstances = rememberEndedProcessInstances;
public ArrayList getEndedProcessInstances() {
return endedProcessInstances;
public void addBusinessFigure(BusinessFigure conf) {
businessFigures.put(conf.getName(), conf);
public BusinessFigure getBusinessFigure(String name) {
return (BusinessFigure) businessFigures.get(name);
public Collection getBusinessFigures() {
return businessFigures.values();
public Collection getBusinessFigureTypes() {
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator iterator = getBusinessFigures().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
BusinessFigure figure = (BusinessFigure);
if (!result.contains( figure.getType() )) {
return result;
public double getBusinessFigureSum(String businessFigureType) {
double result = 0;
for (Iterator iterator = getBusinessFigures().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
BusinessFigure figure = (BusinessFigure);
if (figure.getType().equals( businessFigureType )) {
result += figure.getResult();
return result;