com.github.alex1304.ultimategdbot.api.CommandKernel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.alex1304.ultimategdbot.api;
import static com.github.alex1304.ultimategdbot.api.utils.BotUtils.debugError;
import static java.util.Collections.synchronizedSet;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.github.alex1304.ultimategdbot.api.command.Command;
import com.github.alex1304.ultimategdbot.api.command.CommandProvider;
import com.github.alex1304.ultimategdbot.api.database.NativeGuildSettings;
import discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageCreateEvent;
import discord4j.core.object.entity.User;
import discord4j.core.object.util.Snowflake;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
* The command kernel coordinates the command providers from all plugins. It
* also holds a blacklist to restrict the usage of commands from certain guilds,
* channels or users. It listens to message create events and dispatch the to
* the proper command providers to trigger the execution of commands.
public class CommandKernel {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger("ultimategdbot.commandkernel");
private final Bot bot;
private final Set providers = synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>());
private final Set blacklist = synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>());
private final ConcurrentHashMap guildPrefixCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public CommandKernel(Bot bot) { = requireNonNull(bot);
* Adds a new command provider to this kernel.
* @param provider the command provider to add
public void addProvider(CommandProvider provider) {
* Processes a MessageCreateEvent. It first checks if neither the guild, the
* channel and the user is blacklisted, then proceeds to find the guild-specific
* prefix and trigger the command if it matches with one provided by one of the
* command providers.
* @param event the {@link MessageCreateEvent} that was received
* @return a Mono that completes when the command has terminated. If the
* blacklist check doesn't pass, a Mono completing immediately is
* returned. Any errors that may occur when running the command are
* forwarded through this Mono.
public Mono processEvent(MessageCreateEvent event) {
var authorId = event.getMessage().getAuthor().map(User::getId);
var guildId = event.getGuildId();
var channelId = event.getMessage().getChannelId();
if (event.getMessage().getAuthor().map(User::isBot).orElse(true)) {
return Mono.empty();
if ( -> blacklist.contains(id.asLong())).orElse(false)) {
LOGGER.debug("Ignoring event due to AUTHOR being blacklisted: {}", event);
return Mono.empty();
if ( -> blacklist.contains(id.asLong())).orElse(false)) {
LOGGER.debug("Ignoring event due to GUILD being blacklisted: {}", event);
return Mono.empty();
if (blacklist.contains(channelId.asLong())) {
LOGGER.debug("Ignoring event due to CHANNEL being blacklisted: {}", event);
return Mono.empty();
return findGuildSpecificPrefix(event)
.flatMapMany(prefix -> Flux.fromIterable(providers)
.flatMap(provider -> event.getMessage().getChannel()
.flatMap(channel -> Mono.justOrEmpty(provider.provideFromEvent(bot, prefix, event, channel)))))
.flatMap(executable -> executable.execute()
.onErrorResume(e -> Mono.when(event.getMessage().getChannel()
.flatMap(c -> c.createMessage(":no_entry_sign: Something went wrong. "
+ "A crash report has been sent to the developer. Sorry for "
+ "the inconvenience."))
.onErrorResume(__ -> Mono.empty()),
debugError(":no_entry_sign: Something went wrong when executing a command", executable.getContext(), e),
Mono.fromRunnable(() -> LOGGER.error("Something went wrong when executing a command. Context dump: "
+ executable.getContext(), e)))))
public void start() {
.flatMap(client -> client.getEventDispatcher().on(MessageCreateEvent.class))
.flatMap(event -> processEvent(event).onErrorResume(e -> Mono
.fromRunnable(() -> LOGGER.error("An error occured when processing event " + event, e))))
* Gets a command instance corresponding to the given alias.
* @param alias the alias of the command
* @return the corresponding command instance, or null if not found
public Command getCommandByAlias(String alias) {
for (var p : providers) {
var cmd = p.getCommandByAlias(alias);
if (cmd != null) {
return cmd;
return null;
* Gets an unmodifiable set of IDs that are not allowed to perform operations on
* the command kernel.
* @return an unmodifiable set of IDs
public Set getBlacklist() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(blacklist);
* Blacklists a new ID.
* @param id the ID of a user, a channel or a guild that won't be allowed to run
* commands from this kernel.
public void blacklist(long id) {
* Removes an ID from the blacklist.
* @param id the ID of a user, a channel or a guild that will be allowed to run
* commands from this kernel again.
public void unblacklist(long id) {
* Forces this command kernel to evict the prefix from cache for the specified
* guild.
* @param guildId the guild id
public void invalidateCachedPrefixForGuild(long guildId) {
LOGGER.debug("Invalidated cached prefix for guild {}", guildId);
private Mono findGuildSpecificPrefix(MessageCreateEvent event) {
return Mono.justOrEmpty(event.getGuildId())
.flatMap(guildId -> Mono.justOrEmpty(guildPrefixCache.get(guildId))
.findByID(NativeGuildSettings.class, guildId)
.switchIfEmpty(Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
var gs = new NativeGuildSettings();
return gs;
.flatMap(gs -> bot.getDatabase().save(gs)
.then(Mono.fromRunnable(() -> LOGGER.debug("Created guild settings: {}", gs)))
.onErrorResume(e -> Mono.fromRunnable(() -> LOGGER
.error("Unable to save guild settings for " + guildId, e)))
.flatMap(gs -> Mono.justOrEmpty(gs.getPrefix()))
.doOnNext(prefix -> guildPrefixCache.put(guildId, prefix))))
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