com.github.alex1304.ultimategdbot.api.utils.BotUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.alex1304.ultimategdbot.api.utils;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import com.github.alex1304.ultimategdbot.api.command.Context;
import discord4j.core.object.entity.Message;
import discord4j.core.object.entity.MessageChannel;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
* Contains various utility methods.
public class BotUtils {
private BotUtils() {
* Splits a message into several chunks which size is specified. If the chunk
* ends while the text is inside a codeblock or a blockquote, proper markdown is
* added to make the message continuous across chunks. This does not apply to
* inline markdown such as bold, italic or spoilers.
* @param superLongMessage the message to split
* @param maxCharacters the max characters that a single chunk may have
* @return a List which elements are the chunks in the correct order
public static List splitMessage(String superLongMessage, int maxCharacters) {
var chunks = new ArrayList();
var currentChunk = new StringBuilder();
var inCodeblock = false;
var inBlockquote = false;
for (var line : superLongMessage.lines().collect(Collectors.toList())) {
inCodeblock = line.startsWith("```") && !line.substring(3).contains("```") ? !inCodeblock : inCodeblock;
inBlockquote = inBlockquote || line.startsWith(">>> ");
if (currentChunk.length() + line.length() + 1 >= maxCharacters) {
if (inCodeblock) {
chunks.add(currentChunk.substring(0, Math.min(currentChunk.length(), maxCharacters)).toString());
currentChunk.delete(0, currentChunk.length());
} else {
if (!chunks.isEmpty() && currentChunk.length() == 0) {
if (inBlockquote) {
currentChunk.append(">>> ");
if (inCodeblock) {
return chunks;
* Splits a message into several chunks. Each chunk can have a max size of
* {@link Message#MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH} - 10.
* @param superLongMessage the message to split
* @return a List which elements are the chunks in the correct order
public static List splitMessage(String superLongMessage) {
return splitMessage(superLongMessage, Message.MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH - 10);
* Formats a Duration into a human readable String.
* @param time the duration to format
* @return the formatted duration
public static String formatDuration(Duration time) {
var result = (time.toDaysPart() > 0 ? time.toDaysPart() + "d " : "")
+ (time.toHoursPart() > 0 ? time.toHoursPart() + "h " : "")
+ (time.toMinutesPart() > 0 ? time.toMinutesPart() + "min " : "")
+ (time.toSecondsPart() > 0 ? time.toSecondsPart() + "s " : "")
+ (time.toMillisPart() > 0 ? time.toMillisPart() + "ms " : "");
return result.isEmpty() ? "0ms" : result.substring(0, result.length() - 1);
* Sends an error report to the debug log channel.
* @param header the first sentence to write on the report
* @param ctx the context of the error
* @param error the error itself
* @return a Flux of messages that were sent in the debug log channel. If the
* error report exceeds {@link Message#MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH} characters, it will be split using
* {@link #splitMessage(String)}, in this case the Flux may emit more
* than one message instance.
public static Flux debugError(String header, Context ctx, Throwable error) {
Objects.requireNonNull(header, "header was null");
Objects.requireNonNull(ctx, "ctx was null");
Objects.requireNonNull(error, "error was null");
var sb = new StringBuilder(header)
.append("\nContext dump: `")
.append("`\nException thrown: `");
var separator = "";
for (var current = error ; current != null ; current = current.getCause()) {
.append(": ")
separator = "Caused by: `";
return ctx.getBot().getDebugLogChannel()
.flatMapMany(c -> Flux.fromIterable(splitMessage(sb.toString()))
public static Mono sendPaginatedMessage(Context ctx, String text, PaginationControls controls, int pageLength) {
if (text.length() <= pageLength) {
return ctx.reply(text).then();
var parts = splitMessage(text, pageLength);
return InteractiveMenu.createPaginated(new AtomicInteger(), controls, page -> {
PageNumberOutOfRangeException.check(page, 0, parts.size() - 1);
return new UniversalMessageSpec(parts.get(page), embed -> embed.addField("Page " + (page + 1) + "/" + parts.size(),
"To go to a specific page, type `page `, e.g `page 3`", true));
public static Mono sendPaginatedMessage(Context ctx, String text, PaginationControls controls) {
return sendPaginatedMessage(ctx, text, controls, 800);
public static Mono sendPaginatedMessage(Context ctx, String text) {
return sendPaginatedMessage(ctx, text, ctx.getBot().getDefaultPaginationControls(), 800);
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