Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;
import com.github.alex1304.ultimategdbot.api.command.ArgumentList;
import com.github.alex1304.ultimategdbot.api.command.Context;
import com.github.alex1304.ultimategdbot.api.utils.InputTokenizer;
import com.github.alex1304.ultimategdbot.api.utils.UniversalMessageSpec;
import discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageCreateEvent;
import discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionAddEvent;
import discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveEvent;
import discord4j.core.object.entity.Message;
import discord4j.core.object.entity.User;
import discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji;
import discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji.Custom;
import discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji.Unicode;
import discord4j.core.spec.MessageCreateSpec;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import reactor.core.publisher.MonoProcessor;
* Utility to create interactive menus in Discord. An interactive menu first
* sends a message as a prompt and waits for a interaction from the user. The
* said interaction can be either a message or a reaction.
public class InteractiveMenu {
private final Mono> specMono;
private final Map>> messageItems;
private final Map>> reactionItems;
private final boolean deleteMenuOnClose;
private final boolean deleteMenuOnTimeout;
private final boolean closeAfterMessage;
private final boolean closeAfterReaction;
private InteractiveMenu(Mono> specMono,
Map>> messageItems,
Map>> reactionItems, boolean deleteMenuOnClose,
boolean deleteMenuOnTimeout, boolean closeAfterMessage, boolean closeAfterReaction) {
this.specMono = specMono;
this.messageItems = messageItems;
this.reactionItems = reactionItems;
this.deleteMenuOnClose = deleteMenuOnClose;
this.deleteMenuOnTimeout = deleteMenuOnTimeout;
this.closeAfterMessage = closeAfterMessage;
this.closeAfterReaction = closeAfterReaction;
* Creates a new empty InteractiveMenu with a given message that will serve as
* menu prompt.
* @param spec the spec to build the menu message
* @return a new InteractiveMenu
public static InteractiveMenu create(Consumer spec) {
return create(Mono.just(spec));
* Creates a new empty InteractiveMenu with a given message that will serve as
* menu prompt.
* @param message the menu message
* @return a new InteractiveMenu
public static InteractiveMenu create(String message) {
return create(mcs -> mcs.setContent(message));
* Creates a new empty InteractiveMenu with a given message that will serve as
* menu prompt. The menu message may be supplied from an asynchronous source.
* @param specMono the Mono emitting the spec to build the menu message
* @return a new InteractiveMenu
public static InteractiveMenu create(Mono> specMono) {
return new InteractiveMenu(specMono, Map.of(), Map.of(), false, false, true, true);
* Creates a new InteractiveMenu prefilled with menu items useful for
* pagination.
* @param currentPage an AtomicInteger that stores the current page number
* @param controls the emojis to use for reaction-based navigation controls
* @param paginator a Function that generates the message to display according
* to the current page number. If the page number is out of
* range, the function may throw a
* {@link PageNumberOutOfRangeException} which is handled by
* default to cover cases where the user inputs an invalid
* page number. Note that if the paginator function throws
* {@link PageNumberOutOfRangeException} with min/max values
* that aren't the same depending on the current page number,
* the behavior of the InteractiveMenu will be undefined.
* @return a new InteractiveMenu prefilled with menu items useful for
* pagination.
public static InteractiveMenu createPaginated(AtomicInteger currentPage, PaginationControls controls, IntFunction paginator) {
return createAsyncPaginated(currentPage, controls, p -> Mono.just(paginator.apply(p)));
* Creates a new InteractiveMenu prefilled with menu items useful for
* pagination. Unlike
* {@link #createPaginated(AtomicInteger, PaginationControls, IntFunction)},
* this method support asynchronous paginator functions.
* @param currentPage an AtomicInteger that stores the current page number
* @param controls the emojis to use for reaction-based navigation controls
* @param asyncPaginator a Function that asynchronously generates the message to
* display according to the current page number. If the
* page number is out of range, the Mono returned by this
* function may emit a
* {@link PageNumberOutOfRangeException} which is handled
* by default to cover cases where the user inputs an
* invalid page number. Note that if
* {@link PageNumberOutOfRangeException} is emitted with
* min/max values that aren't the same depending on the
* current page number, the behavior of the
* InteractiveMenu will be undefined.
* @return a new InteractiveMenu prefilled with menu items useful for
* pagination.
public static InteractiveMenu createAsyncPaginated(AtomicInteger currentPage, PaginationControls controls, IntFunction> asyncPaginator) {
var oldPage = new AtomicInteger();
return create(asyncPaginator.apply(currentPage.get()).map(UniversalMessageSpec::toMessageCreateSpec))
.addReactionItem(controls.getPreviousEmoji(), interaction -> Mono.fromCallable(currentPage::decrementAndGet)
.flatMap(targetPage -> asyncPaginator.apply(targetPage)
.onErrorResume(PageNumberOutOfRangeException.class, e -> Mono
.just(currentPage.get() + e.getMaxPage() - e.getMinPage() + 1)
.flatMap(targetPage -> asyncPaginator.apply(targetPage)
.addReactionItem(controls.getNextEmoji(), interaction -> Mono.fromCallable(currentPage::incrementAndGet)
.flatMap(targetPage -> asyncPaginator.apply(targetPage).map(UniversalMessageSpec::toMessageEditSpec))
.onErrorResume(PageNumberOutOfRangeException.class, e -> Mono
.just(currentPage.get() - e.getMaxPage() + e.getMinPage() - 1)
.flatMap(targetPage -> asyncPaginator.apply(targetPage)
.addMessageItem("page", interaction -> Mono.fromCallable(() -> Integer.parseInt(interaction.getArgs().get(1)))
.onErrorMap(IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, e -> new UnexpectedReplyException("Please specify a page number."))
.onErrorMap(NumberFormatException.class, e -> new UnexpectedReplyException("Invalid page number."))
.map(p -> p - 1)
.doOnNext(targetPage -> {
.flatMap(targetPage -> asyncPaginator.apply(targetPage)
.onErrorMap(PageNumberOutOfRangeException.class, e -> {
return new UnexpectedReplyException("Page number must be between "
+ (e.getMinPage() + 1) + " and " + (e.getMaxPage() + 1) + ".");
.then(interaction.getEvent().getMessage().delete().onErrorResume(e -> Mono.empty())))
.addReactionItem(controls.getCloseEmoji(), interaction -> Mono.fromRunnable(interaction::closeMenu))
public InteractiveMenu addMessageItem(String message, Function> action) {
var newMessageItems = new LinkedHashMap<>(messageItems);
newMessageItems.put(message, action);
return new InteractiveMenu(specMono, Collections.unmodifiableMap(newMessageItems), reactionItems, deleteMenuOnClose,
deleteMenuOnTimeout, closeAfterMessage, closeAfterReaction);
public InteractiveMenu addReactionItem(String emojiName, Function> action) {
var newReactionItems = new LinkedHashMap<>(reactionItems);
newReactionItems.put(emojiName, action);
return new InteractiveMenu(specMono, messageItems, Collections.unmodifiableMap(newReactionItems), deleteMenuOnClose,
deleteMenuOnTimeout, closeAfterMessage, closeAfterReaction);
public InteractiveMenu deleteMenuOnClose(boolean deleteMenuOnClose) {
return new InteractiveMenu(specMono, messageItems, reactionItems, deleteMenuOnClose, deleteMenuOnTimeout,
closeAfterMessage, closeAfterReaction);
public InteractiveMenu deleteMenuOnTimeout(boolean deleteMenuOnTimeout) {
return new InteractiveMenu(specMono, messageItems, reactionItems, deleteMenuOnClose, deleteMenuOnTimeout,
closeAfterMessage, closeAfterReaction);
public InteractiveMenu closeAfterMessage(boolean closeAfterMessage) {
return new InteractiveMenu(specMono, messageItems, reactionItems, deleteMenuOnClose, deleteMenuOnTimeout,
closeAfterMessage, closeAfterReaction);
public InteractiveMenu closeAfterReaction(boolean closeAfterReaction) {
return new InteractiveMenu(specMono, messageItems, reactionItems, deleteMenuOnClose, deleteMenuOnTimeout,
closeAfterMessage, closeAfterReaction);
* Opens the interactive menu, that is, sends the menu message over Discord and
* starts listening for user's interaction. The returned Mono completes once the
* menu closes or timeouts. If the menu was created using the factory method
* {@link #create(Mono)} and the supplied Mono completes empty or with an
* error, the respective signals will be forwarded through the returning Mono.
* @param ctx the context of the command invoking this menu
* @return a Mono completing when the menu closes or timeouts. Any error
* happening while the menu is open will be forwarded through the Mono
public Mono open(Context ctx) {
var closeNotifier = MonoProcessor.create();
return specMono.flatMap(ctx::reply)
.flatMap(menuMessage -> addReactionsToMenu(ctx, menuMessage))
.flatMap(menuMessage -> Mono.first(
.flatMap(client -> client.getEventDispatcher().on(MessageCreateEvent.class))
.filter(event -> event.getMessage().getAuthor().equals(ctx.getEvent().getMessage().getAuthor())
&& event.getMessage().getChannelId().equals(ctx.getEvent().getMessage().getChannelId()))
.flatMap(event -> {
var tokens = InputTokenizer.tokenize(event.getMessage().getContent().orElse(""));
var args = tokens.getT2();
var flags = tokens.getT1();
if (args.isEmpty()) {
return Mono.empty();
var action = messageItems.get(args.get(0));
if (action == null) {
return Mono.empty();
var replyCtx = new MessageMenuInteraction(menuMessage, closeNotifier, event, new ArgumentList(args), flags);
return action.apply(replyCtx).thenReturn(0);
.takeUntil(__ -> closeAfterMessage)
.onErrorResume(UnexpectedReplyException.class, e -> ctx.reply(":no_entry_sign: " + e.getMessage()).then(Mono.error(e)))
.flatMap(client -> Flux.merge(
.filter(event -> event.getMessageId().equals(menuMessage.getId())
&& event.getUserId().equals(ctx.getEvent().getMessage().getAuthor().map(User::getId).orElse(null)))
.flatMap(event -> {
var emojiName = event.getEmoji().asCustomEmoji().map(Custom::getName)
.or(() -> event.getEmoji().asUnicodeEmoji().map(Unicode::getRaw))
var action = reactionItems.get(emojiName);
if (action == null) {
return Mono.empty();
var reactionCtx = new ReactionMenuInteraction(menuMessage, closeNotifier, event);
return action.apply(reactionCtx).thenReturn(0);
.takeUntil(__ -> closeAfterReaction)
.then(handleTermination(menuMessage, deleteMenuOnClose))
handleTermination(menuMessage, deleteMenuOnTimeout)));
private static Mono handleTermination(Message menuMessage, boolean shouldDelete) {
return (shouldDelete
? menuMessage.delete()
: menuMessage.removeAllReactions())
.onErrorResume(e -> Mono.empty());
private Mono addReactionsToMenu(Context ctx, Message menuMessage) {
return Flux.fromIterable(reactionItems.keySet())
.flatMap(emojiName -> ctx.getBot().getInstalledEmojis()
.filter(installedEmoji -> installedEmoji.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(emojiName))
.concatMap(reaction -> menuMessage.addReaction(reaction)
.onErrorResume(ClientException.isStatusCode(403).negate(), e -> Mono.empty()))
.onErrorResume(ClientException.isStatusCode(403), e -> ctx.reply(":warning: It seems that I am missing Add Reactions permission. "
+ "Interactive menus using reactions (such as navigation controls or confirmation dialogs) may be unusable.").then())
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