coursier.ivy.Pattern.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package coursier.ivy
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scalaz._
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import java.util.regex.Pattern.quote
object Pattern {
val propertyRegex = (quote("${") + "[^" + quote("{[()]}") + "]*" + quote("}")).r
val optionalPartRegex = (quote("(") + "[^" + quote("{()}") + "]*" + quote(")")).r
val variableRegex = (quote("[") + "[^" + quote("{[()]}") + "]*" + quote("]")).r
sealed abstract class PatternPart(val effectiveStart: Int, val effectiveEnd: Int) extends Product with Serializable {
require(effectiveStart <= effectiveEnd)
def start = effectiveStart
def end = effectiveEnd
// FIXME Some kind of validation should be used here, to report all the missing variables,
// not only the first one missing.
def apply(content: String): Map[String, String] => String \/ String
object PatternPart {
final case class Literal(override val effectiveStart: Int, override val effectiveEnd: Int) extends PatternPart(effectiveStart, effectiveEnd) {
def apply(content: String): Map[String, String] => String \/ String = {
assert(content.length == effectiveEnd - effectiveStart)
val matches = variableRegex.findAllMatchIn(content).toList
variables =>
def helper(idx: Int, matches: List[Regex.Match], b: StringBuilder): String \/ String =
if (idx >= content.length)
else {
assert(matches.headOption.forall(_.start >= idx))
matches.headOption.filter(_.start == idx) match {
case Some(m) =>
val variableName = content.substring(m.start + 1, m.end - 1)
variables.get(variableName) match {
case None => -\/(s"Variable not found: $variableName")
case Some(value) =>
b ++= value
helper(m.end, matches.tail, b)
case None =>
val nextIdx = matches.headOption.fold(content.length)(_.start)
b ++= content.substring(idx, nextIdx)
helper(nextIdx, matches, b)
helper(0, matches, new StringBuilder)
final case class Optional(start0: Int, end0: Int) extends PatternPart(start0 + 1, end0 - 1) {
override def start = start0
override def end = end0
def apply(content: String): Map[String, String] => String \/ String = {
assert(content.length == effectiveEnd - effectiveStart)
val inner = Literal(effectiveStart, effectiveEnd).apply(content)
variables =>
\/-(inner(variables).fold(_ => "", x => x))
def substituteProperties(s: String, properties: Map[String, String]): String =
propertyRegex.findAllMatchIn(s).toVector.foldRight(s) { case (m, s0) =>
val key = s0.substring(m.start + "${".length, m.end - "}".length)
val value = properties.getOrElse(key, "")
s0.take(m.start) + value + s0.drop(m.end)
final case class Pattern(
pattern: String,
properties: Map[String, String]
) {
import Pattern._
private val pattern0 = substituteProperties(pattern, properties)
val parts = {
val optionalParts = optionalPartRegex.findAllMatchIn(pattern0) { m =>
PatternPart.Optional(m.start, m.end)
val len = pattern0.length
def helper(
idx: Int,
opt: List[PatternPart.Optional],
acc: List[PatternPart]
): Vector[PatternPart] =
if (idx >= len)
opt match {
case Nil =>
helper(len, Nil, PatternPart.Literal(idx, len) :: acc)
case (opt0 @ PatternPart.Optional(start0, end0)) :: rem =>
if (idx < start0)
helper(start0, opt, PatternPart.Literal(idx, start0) :: acc)
else {
assert(idx == start0, s"idx: $idx, start0: $start0")
helper(end0, rem, opt0 :: acc)
helper(0, optionalParts, Nil)
assert(pattern0.isEmpty == parts.isEmpty)
if (pattern0.nonEmpty) {
for ((a, b) <-
assert(a.end == b.start)
assert(parts.head.start == 0)
assert(parts.last.end == pattern0.length)
private val substituteHelpers = { part =>
part(pattern0.substring(part.effectiveStart, part.effectiveEnd))
def substitute(variables: Map[String, String]): String \/ String =
substituteHelpers.foldLeft[String \/ String](\/-("")) {
case (acc0, helper) =>
for {
acc <- acc0
s <- helper(variables)
} yield acc + s
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