shapeless.compat.Lazy.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package shapeless.compat
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox
import shapeless.{ Lazy => _, _ }
* Wraps a lazily computed value. Also circumvents cycles during implicit search, or wrong implicit divergences
* as illustrated below, and holds the corresponding implicit value lazily.
* The following implicit search sometimes fails to compile, because of a wrongly reported implicit divergence,
* {{{
* case class ListCC(list: List[CC])
* case class CC(i: Int, s: String)
* trait TC[T]
* object TC {
* implicit def intTC: TC[Int] = ???
* implicit def stringTC: TC[String] = ???
* implicit def listTC[T](implicit underlying: TC[T]): TC[List[T]] = ???
* implicit def genericTC[F, G](implicit
* gen: Generic.Aux[F, G],
* underlying: TC[G]
* ): TC[F] = ???
* implicit def hnilTC: TC[HNil] = ???
* implicit def hconsTC[H, T <: HList](implicit
* headTC: TC[H],
* tailTC: TC[T]
* ): TC[H :: T] = ???
* }
* implicitly[TC[CC]] // fails with: diverging implicit expansion for type TC[CC]
* }}}
* This wrongly reported implicit divergence can be circumvented by wrapping some of the implicit values in
* `Lazy`,
* {{{
* case class ListCC(list: List[CC])
* case class CC(i: Int, s: String)
* trait TC[T]
* object TC {
* implicit def listTC[T](implicit underlying: TC[T]): TC[List[T]] = ???
* implicit def genericTC[F, G](implicit
* gen: Generic.Aux[F, G],
* underlying: Lazy[TC[G]] // wrapped in Lazy
* ): TC[F] = ???
* implicit def hnilTC: TC[HNil] = ???
* implicit def hconsTC[H, T <: HList](implicit
* headTC: Lazy[TC[H]], // wrapped in Lazy
* tailTC: TC[T]
* ): TC[H :: T] = ???
* }
* implicitly[TC[CC]]
* }}}
* When looking for an implicit `Lazy[TC[T]]`, the `Lazy.mkLazy` macro will itself trigger the implicit search
* for a `TC[T]`. If this search itself triggers searches for types wrapped in `Lazy`, these will be done
* only once, their result put in a `lazy val`, and a reference to this `lazy val` will be returned as the corresponding
* value. It will then wrap all the resulting values together, and return a reference to the first one.
* E.g. with the above example definitions, when looking up for an implicit `TC[CC]`, the returned tree roughly looks
* like
* {{{
* TC.genericTC(
* Generic[CC], // actually, the tree returned by Generic.materialize, not written here for the sake of brevity
* Lazy {
* lazy val impl1: TC[List[CC] :: HNil] = TC.hconsTC(
* Lazy(impl2),
* TC.hnilTC
* )
* lazy val impl2: TC[List[CC]] = TC.listTC(TC.genericTC(
* Generic[CC], // actually, the tree returned by Generic.materialize
* Lazy(impl1) // cycles to the initial TC[List[CC] :: HNil]
* ))
* impl1
* }
* )
* }}}
trait Lazy[+T] extends Serializable {
val value: T
def map[U](f: T => U): Lazy[U] = Lazy { f(value) }
def flatMap[U](f: T => Lazy[U]): Lazy[U] = Lazy { f(value).value }
object Lazy {
implicit def apply[T](t: => T): Lazy[T] =
new Lazy[T] {
lazy val value = t
def unapply[T](lt: Lazy[T]): Option[T] = Some(lt.value)
class Values[T <: HList](val values: T) extends Serializable
object Values {
implicit val hnilValues: Values[HNil] = new Values(HNil)
implicit def hconsValues[H, T <: HList](implicit lh: Lazy[H], t: Values[T]): Values[H :: T] =
new Values(lh.value :: t.values)
def values[T <: HList](implicit lv: Lazy[Values[T]]): T = lv.value.values
implicit def mkLazy[I]: Lazy[I] = macro LazyMacros.mkLazyImpl[I]
object lazily {
def apply[T](implicit lv: Lazy[T]): T = lv.value
* Wraps an eagerly computed value. Prevents wrongly reported implicit divergence, like `Lazy` does, but,
* unlike it, does not circumvent implicit cycles.
* Creation of `Lazy` instances usually triggers the creation of an anonymous class, to compute the wrapped
* value (e.g. with the by-name argument of `Lazy.apply`). `Strict` avoids that, which can lead to less
* overhead during compilation.
trait Strict[+T] extends Serializable {
val value: T
def map[U](f: T => U): Strict[U] = Strict { f(value) }
def flatMap[U](f: T => Strict[U]): Strict[U] = Strict { f(value).value }
object Strict {
implicit def apply[T](t: T): Strict[T] =
new Strict[T] {
val value = t
def unapply[T](lt: Strict[T]): Option[T] = Some(lt.value)
implicit def mkStrict[I]: Strict[I] = macro LazyMacros.mkStrictImpl[I]
class LazyMacros(val c: whitebox.Context) {
import c.universe._
import c.ImplicitCandidate
def mkLazyImpl[I](implicit iTag: WeakTypeTag[I]): Tree =
(tree, actualType) => q"_root_.shapeless.compat.Lazy.apply[$actualType]($tree)",
def mkStrictImpl[I](implicit iTag: WeakTypeTag[I]): Tree =
(tree, actualType) => q"_root_.shapeless.compat.Strict.apply[$actualType]($tree)",
def mkImpl[I](mkInst: (Tree, Type) => Tree, nullInst: => Tree)(implicit iTag: WeakTypeTag[I]): Tree = {
(c.openImplicits.headOption, iTag.tpe.dealias) match {
case (Some(ImplicitCandidate(_, _, TypeRef(_, _, List(tpe)), _)), _) =>
LazyMacros.deriveInstance(c)(, mkInst)
case (None, tpe) if tpe.typeSymbol.isParameter => // Workaround for presentation compiler
case (None, tpe) => // Non-implicit invocation
LazyMacros.deriveInstance(c)(tpe, mkInst)
case _ =>
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Bad Lazy materialization ${c.openImplicits.head}")
object LazyMacros {
var dcRef: Option[DerivationContext] = None
def deriveInstance(c: whitebox.Context)(tpe: c.Type, mkInst: (c.Tree, c.Type) => c.Tree): c.Tree = {
val (dc, root) =
dcRef match {
case None =>
val dc = DerivationContext(c)
dcRef = Some(dc)
(dc, true)
case Some(dc) =>
(DerivationContext.establish(dc, c), false)
if (root)
// Sometimes corrupted, and slows things too
try {
dc.State.deriveInstance(tpe, root, mkInst)
} finally {
if(root) dcRef = None
object DerivationContext {
type Aux[C] = DerivationContext { val c: C }
def apply(c0: whitebox.Context): Aux[c0.type] =
new DerivationContext {
val c: c0.type = c0
def establish(dc: DerivationContext, c0: whitebox.Context): Aux[c0.type] =
trait LazyExtension {
type Ctx <: DerivationContext
val ctx: Ctx
import ctx._
import c.universe._
/** Uniquely identifies a `LazyExtension`. Only one extension with a given id is taken into account, during a
* Lazy / Strict implicit search. */
def id: String
/** State of this extension, kept and provided back during Lazy / Strict implicit search. */
type ThisState
/** Initial state of this extension, upon initialization. */
def initialState: ThisState
* Called during a `Lazy` or `Strict` implicit materialization.
* If this extension handles @tpe, it should return either `Some(Right(...))` upon success, or
* `Some(Left(...))` upon failure. The latter will make the current implicit search fail.
* If it does not handle this type, it should return `None`. Materialization will then go on with other
* extensions, or standard implicit search.
def derive(
state: State,
extState: ThisState,
update: (State, ThisState) => State )(
tpe: Type
): Option[Either[String, (State, Instance)]]
* Lazy extension companions should extend this trait, and return a new `LazyExtension` instance via
* `instantiate`.
* These companions typically provide a materializer method like
* {{{
* implicit def init[H]: Wrapper[T] = macro initImpl
* }}},
* where `Wrapper` is the wrapper type that this extension handles, and `initImpl` is provided by
* the `LazyExtensionCompanion` trait. This initializes the extension upon first use during
* a `Lazy` / `Strict` implicit search.
trait LazyExtensionCompanion {
def instantiate(ctx0: DerivationContext): LazyExtension { type Ctx = ctx0.type }
def initImpl(c: whitebox.Context): Nothing = {
val ctx = LazyMacros.dcRef.getOrElse(
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "")
val extension = instantiate(ctx)
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Added extension ${}")
trait LazyDefinitions {
val c: whitebox.Context
import c.universe._
case class Instance(
instTpe: Type,
name: TermName,
symbol: Symbol,
inst: Option[Tree],
actualTpe: Type,
dependsOn: List[Type]
) {
def ident = Ident(symbol)
object Instance {
def apply(instTpe: Type) = {
val nme = TermName(c.freshName("inst"))
val sym = c.internal.setInfo(c.internal.newTermSymbol(NoSymbol, nme), instTpe)
new Instance(instTpe, nme, sym, None, instTpe, Nil)
class TypeWrapper(val tpe: Type) {
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case TypeWrapper(tpe0) => tpe =:= tpe0
case _ => false
override def toString = tpe.toString
object TypeWrapper {
def apply(tpe: Type) = new TypeWrapper(tpe)
def unapply(tw: TypeWrapper): Option[Type] = Some(tw.tpe)
case class ExtensionWithState[S <: DerivationContext, T](
extension: LazyExtension { type Ctx = S; type ThisState = T },
state: T
) {
import extension.ctx
def derive(
state0: ctx.State,
update: (ctx.State, ExtensionWithState[S, T]) => ctx.State )(
tpe: ctx.c.Type
): Option[Either[String, (ctx.State, ctx.Instance)]] =
extension.derive(state0, state, (ctx, t) => update(ctx, copy(state = t)))(tpe)
object ExtensionWithState {
def apply(extension: LazyExtension): ExtensionWithState[extension.Ctx, extension.ThisState] =
ExtensionWithState(extension, extension.initialState)
trait DerivationContext extends shapeless.CaseClassMacros with LazyDefinitions { ctx =>
import c.universe._
object State {
final val ctx0: ctx.type = ctx
val empty = State("", ListMap.empty, Nil, Nil)
private var current = Option.empty[State]
private var addExtensions = List.empty[ExtensionWithState[ctx.type, _]]
def addExtension(extension: LazyExtension { type Ctx = ctx0.type }): Unit = {
addExtensions = ExtensionWithState(extension) :: addExtensions
def takeNewExtensions(): List[ExtensionWithState[ctx.type, _]] = {
val addExtensions0 = addExtensions
addExtensions = Nil
def resolveInstance(state: State)(tpe: Type): Option[(State, Tree)] = {
val former = State.current
State.current = Some(state)
val (state0, tree) =
try {
val tree = c.inferImplicitValue(tpe, silent = true)
(State.current.get, tree)
} finally {
State.current = former
if (tree == EmptyTree || addExtensions.nonEmpty) None
else Some((state0, tree))
def deriveInstance(instTpe0: Type, root: Boolean, mkInst: (Tree, Type) => Tree): Tree = {
if (root) {
val open = c.openImplicits
val name = if (open.length > 1) open(1) else "lazy"
current = Some(empty.copy(name = "anon$"+name))
ctx.derive(current.get)(instTpe0) match {
case Right((state, inst)) =>
val (tree, actualType) = if (root) mkInstances(state)(instTpe0) else (inst.ident, inst.actualTpe)
current = if (root) None else Some(state)
if (root) {
val valNme = TermName(c.freshName)
val $valNme: $actualType = $tree
${mkInst(q"$valNme", actualType)}
} else
mkInst(tree, actualType)
case Left(err) =>
case class State(
name: String,
dict: ListMap[TypeWrapper, Instance],
open: List[Instance],
extensions: List[ExtensionWithState[ctx.type, _]]
) {
def addDependency(tpe: Type): State = {
import scala.::
val open0 = open match {
case Nil => Nil
case h :: t => h.copy(dependsOn = if (h.instTpe =:= tpe || h.dependsOn.exists(_ =:= tpe)) h.dependsOn else tpe :: h.dependsOn) :: t
copy(open = open0)
private def update(inst: Instance): State =
copy(dict = dict.updated(TypeWrapper(inst.instTpe), inst))
def openInst(tpe: Type): (State, Instance) = {
val inst = Instance(tpe)
val state0 = addDependency(tpe)
(state0.copy(open = inst ::, inst)
def closeInst(tpe: Type, tree: Tree, actualTpe: Type): (State, Instance) = {
assert(open.head.instTpe =:= tpe)
val instance = open.head
val sym = c.internal.setInfo(instance.symbol, actualTpe)
val instance0 = instance.copy(inst = Some(tree), actualTpe = actualTpe, symbol = sym)
(copy(open = open.tail).update(instance0), instance0)
def lookup(instTpe: Type): Either[State, (State, Instance)] =
dict.get(TypeWrapper(instTpe)) match {
case Some(i) => Right((addDependency(instTpe), i))
case None => Left(openInst(instTpe)._1)
def dependsOn(tpe: Type): List[Instance] = {
import scala.::
def helper(tpes: List[List[Type]], acc: List[Instance]): List[Instance] =
tpes match {
case Nil => acc
case Nil :: t =>
helper(t, acc)
case (h :: t0) :: t =>
if (acc.exists(_.instTpe =:= h))
helper(t0 :: t, acc)
else {
val inst = dict(TypeWrapper(h))
helper(inst.dependsOn :: t0 :: t, inst :: acc)
helper(List(List(tpe)), Nil)
def stripRefinements(tpe: Type): Option[Type] =
tpe match {
case RefinedType(parents, decls) => Some(parents.head)
case _ => None
def resolve(state: State)(inst: Instance): Option[(State, Instance)] =
.filter{case (_, tree, _) => !tree.equalsStructure(inst.ident) }
.map {case (state0, extInst, actualTpe) =>
state0.closeInst(inst.instTpe, extInst, actualTpe)
def resolve0(state: State)(tpe: Type): Option[(State, Tree, Type)] = {
val extInstOpt =
) {case (state0, extInst) =>
(state0, extInst, extInst.tpe.finalResultType)
def derive(state: State)(tpe: Type): Either[String, (State, Instance)] = {
val fromExtensions: Option[Either[String, (State, Instance)]] =
state.extensions.zipWithIndex.foldRight(Option.empty[Either[String, (State, Instance)]]) {
case (_, acc @ Some(_)) => acc
case ((ext, idx), None) =>
def update(state: State, withState: ExtensionWithState[ctx.type, _]) =
state.copy(extensions = state.extensions.updated(idx, withState))
ext.derive(state, update)(tpe)
val result: Either[String, (State, Instance)] =
fromExtensions.getOrElse {
state.lookup(tpe).left.flatMap { state0 =>
val inst = state0.dict(TypeWrapper(tpe))
.toRight(s"Unable to derive $tpe")
// Check for newly added extensions, and re-derive with them.
lazy val current =
val newExtensions0 = State.takeNewExtensions().filter(ext => !current(
if (newExtensions0.nonEmpty)
derive(state.copy(extensions = newExtensions0 ::: state.extensions))(tpe)
// Workaround for
class StripUnApplyNodes extends Transformer {
val global = c.universe.asInstanceOf[]
import global.nme
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
super.transform {
tree match {
case UnApply(Apply(Select(qual, nme.unapply | nme.unapplySeq), List(Ident(nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY))), args) =>
Apply(transform(qual), transformTrees(args))
case UnApply(Apply(TypeApply(Select(qual, nme.unapply | nme.unapplySeq), _), List(Ident(nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY))), args) =>
Apply(transform(qual), transformTrees(args))
case t => t
def mkInstances(state: State)(primaryTpe: Type): (Tree, Type) = {
val instances = state.dict.values.toList
val (from, to) = { d => (d.symbol, NoSymbol) }.unzip
def clean(inst: Tree) = {
val cleanInst = c.untypecheck(c.internal.substituteSymbols(inst, from, to))
new StripUnApplyNodes().transform(cleanInst)
if (instances.length == 1) {
val instance = instances.head
import instance._
inst match {
case Some(inst) =>
val cleanInst = clean(inst)
(q"$cleanInst.asInstanceOf[$actualTpe]", actualTpe)
case None =>
abort(s"Uninitialized $instTpe lazy implicit")
} else {
val instTrees = { instance =>
import instance._
inst match {
case Some(inst) =>
val cleanInst = clean(inst)
q"""lazy val $name: $actualTpe = $cleanInst.asInstanceOf[$actualTpe]"""
case None =>
abort(s"Uninitialized $instTpe lazy implicit")
val primaryInstance = state.lookup(primaryTpe).right.get._2
val primaryNme =
val clsName = TypeName(c.freshName(
val tree =
final class $clsName extends _root_.scala.Serializable {
(new $clsName).$primaryNme
val actualType = primaryInstance.actualTpe
(tree, actualType)
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