alexh.weak.XmlDynamic Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2015 Alex Butler
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package alexh.weak;
import static alexh.Unchecker.uncheckedGet;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.ls.DOMImplementationLS;
import org.w3c.dom.ls.LSSerializer;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
* Dynamic implementation for XML documents
* All keys & values in an XmlDynamic unwrap to Strings, try {@link Dynamic#convert()}
* to implement basic string->type conversions
* As an example consider the following XML structure stored in a String 'xmlMessage'
* some name
* }
* We can select the nested 'name' element value with
{@code new XmlDynamic(xmlMessage).get("product.investment.info.current.name", ".").asString()}
* Also since XML has certain key name restrictions the pipe character '|' can be used as a splitter without declaration
ie {@code new XmlDynamic(xmlMessage).get("product|investment|info|current|name").asString()}
* @see XmlDynamic#get(Object)
* @author Alex Butler
public class XmlDynamic extends AbstractDynamic implements TypeDescriber, AvailabilityDescriber {
private static final String FALLBACK_TO_STRING = "Xml[unable to serialize]";
private static final String NONE_NAMESPACE = "none";
private static final String NS_INDICATOR = "::";
private static Stream stream(/*nullable*/ NodeList nodes) {
if (nodes == null) return Stream.empty();
return IntStream.range(0, nodes.getLength()).mapToObj(nodes::item);
private static Stream stream(/*nullable*/ NamedNodeMap nodeMap) {
if (nodeMap == null) return Stream.empty();
return IntStream.range(0, nodeMap.getLength()).mapToObj(nodeMap::item);
private static Node inputSourceToNode(InputSource xml) {
final XPathExpression all = uncheckedGet(() -> XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath().compile("//*"));
synchronized (XPathExpression.class) { // evaluate not thread-safe
return uncheckedGet(() -> (Node) all.evaluate(xml, XPathConstants.NODE));
* Predicate for an xml element's name as it appears in the xml itself (case insensitive)
* Inside the xml dynamic multiple elements with the same names have unique suffices ie
* 1
* 2
* the 'child' elements have internal names 'child' and 'child[1]' a predicate
* {@code dynamic -> dynamic.key().asString().equals("child")} would only match the first
* {@code hasElementName("child")} matches both
* @param elementName xml element name
* @return predicate to match XmlDynamic instances of elements with input name
public static Predicate super Dynamic> hasElementName(String elementName) {
return element -> {
if (!(element instanceof XmlDynamic)) return false;
String key = element.key().asString();
if (key.endsWith("]"))
key = key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("["));
return key.equalsIgnoreCase(elementName);
public XmlDynamic(Node inner) {
public XmlDynamic(InputSource xml) {
public XmlDynamic(Reader xml) {
this(new InputSource(xml));
public XmlDynamic(String xml) {
this(new StringReader(xml));
/** Dynamic Xml values are always {@link String}s */
public boolean is(Class> type) {
return String.class.equals(type);
* {@inheritDoc}
* The pipe character '|' can be used as a splitter without declaration
* ie {@code xmlDynamic.get("product|investment|info|current|name").asString()}.
* Multiple child elements with the same local-name effectively have [i] appended to them where i is their
* index counting from top to bottom.
* For example:
* hello
* hey
* hi
* howdy
* }
{@code xmlDynamic.get("product|string")} returns "hello"
{@code xmlDynamic.get("product|string[0]")} also returns "hello"
{@code xmlDynamic.get("product|string[1]")} returns "hey"
{@code xmlDynamic.get("product|string[2]")} returns "hi"
{@code xmlDynamic.get("product|string[3]")} returns "howdy"
* Attributes can be accessed in exactly the same way as elements, or explicitly
{@code xmlDynamic.get("product|id").asString()} return "1234"
{@code xmlDynamic.get("product|@id").asString()} also returns "1234"
* Namespaces are ignored by default, but can be used explicitly using the "::" separator
* For example:
* hello
* }
{@code xmlDynamic.get("product|message")} returns "hello"
{@code xmlDynamic.get("http://example.com/example::product|none::message")} also returns "hello"
public Dynamic get(Object keyObject) {
final String keyToString = keyObject.toString();
if (keyToString.contains("|")) return get(keyToString, "|");
if (children().allMatch(o -> false)) {
if (asString().isEmpty()) return new ParentAbsence.Empty<>(this, keyObject);
return new ParentAbsence.Barren<>(this, keyObject);
final String key = keyToString.endsWith("[0]") ? keyToString.substring(0, keyToString.length() - 3) : keyToString;
final String[] nsKey = key.split(NS_INDICATOR);
if (nsKey.length == 2) return getWithNamespace(nsKey[0], nsKey[1]);
final Optional extends Dynamic> match;
if (key.isEmpty()) match = Optional.empty();
else if (key.startsWith("@")) match = attributes().filter(attr -> attr.key.equals(key)).findAny();
else if (key.endsWith("]")) match = elements().filter(el -> el.key.equals(key)).findAny();
else {
match = Stream.concat(elements().filter(el -> el.key.equals(key)),
attributes().filter(attr -> attr.key.equals("@"+ key))).findFirst();
return match.map(Dynamic.class::cast).orElse(new ChildAbsence.Missing<>(this, keyObject));
protected Dynamic getWithNamespace(String namespace, String key) {
final Optional extends Dynamic> match;
final Predicate nodeInNamespace;
if (NONE_NAMESPACE.equals(namespace)) nodeInNamespace = node -> node.getNamespaceURI() == null;
else nodeInNamespace = node -> namespace.equals(node.getNamespaceURI());
if (key.isEmpty()) match = Optional.empty();
else if (key.startsWith("@")) {
match = attributesWith(nodeInNamespace).filter(attr -> attr.key.equals(key)).findAny();
else if (key.endsWith("]")) {
match = elementsWith(nodeInNamespace).filter(el -> el.key.equals(key)).findAny();
else {
match = Stream.concat(elementsWith(nodeInNamespace).filter(el -> el.key.equals(key)),
attributesWith(nodeInNamespace).filter(attr -> attr.key.equals("@"+ key))).findFirst();
return match.map(Dynamic.class::cast).orElse(new ChildAbsence.Missing<>(this, namespace + NS_INDICATOR + key));
protected Stream attributes() {
return attributesWith(n -> true);
protected Stream attributesWith(Predicate predicate) {
return Stream.empty();
protected Stream elements() {
return elementsWith(n -> true);
protected Stream elementsWith(Predicate predicate) {
return Stream.of(inner).filter(predicate).map(n -> childElement(n, 0));
public Stream children() {
return Stream.concat(elements(), attributes());
public String describeAvailability() {
List keys = Stream.concat(elements(), attributes())
.map(child -> child.key)
Map keyLastIndex = new HashMap<>();
keys.forEach(key -> {
if (key.endsWith("]")) {
StringBuilder index = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = key.length()-2; i != -1; --i) {
char c = key.charAt(i);
if (c == '[') break;
else index.append(c);
if (index.length() != 0) {
keyLastIndex.put(key.substring(0, key.indexOf("[")), Integer.valueOf(index.toString()));
keyLastIndex.forEach((multiKey, maxIndex) -> {
keys.removeIf(key ->
key.equals(multiKey) || key.endsWith("]") && key.substring(0, key.indexOf("[")).equals(multiKey));
keys.add(multiKey + "[0.." + maxIndex + "]");
return keys.toString();
protected Object keyLiteral() {
return ROOT_KEY;
public String describeType() {
return "Xml";
Child childElement(Node inner, int index) {
return new Child(inner, this, index == 0 ? inner.getLocalName() : inner.getLocalName() + '[' + index + ']');
public int hashCode() {
final String toString = fullXml();
return FALLBACK_TO_STRING.equals(toString) ? super.hashCode() : toString.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
final String otherAsString = ((XmlDynamic)o).fullXml();
return !FALLBACK_TO_STRING.equals(otherAsString) && otherAsString.equals(this.fullXml());
protected LSSerializer serializer() {
LSSerializer serializer = ((DOMImplementationLS) inner.getOwnerDocument()
.getFeature("LS", "3.0"))
serializer.getDomConfig().setParameter("xml-declaration", false);
return serializer;
public String asObject() {
return serializer().writeToString(inner);
/** @return this dynamic key->value entry as an XML string */
public String fullXml() {
try { return serializer().writeToString(inner); }
catch (RuntimeException ex) { return FALLBACK_TO_STRING; }
public String toString() {
return keyLiteral() + ":"+ describeType() + describeAvailability();
static class Child extends XmlDynamic implements DynamicChild {
private final Dynamic parent;
private final String key;
Child(Node inner, Dynamic parent, String key) {
this.parent = parent;
this.key = requireNonNull(key);
public String asObject() {
return Optional.ofNullable(inner.getFirstChild())
.orElseGet(() -> elements().map(Child::fullXml)
.reduce((s1, s2) -> s1 + s2)
protected Stream attributesWith(Predicate predicate) {
final Map keyLastIndex = new HashMap<>();
return stream(inner.getAttributes())
.map(attr -> {
final Integer index = Optional.ofNullable(keyLastIndex.get(attr.getLocalName())).map(i -> i + 1).orElse(0);
keyLastIndex.put(attr.getLocalName(), index);
return childAttribute(attr, index);
protected Stream elementsWith(Predicate predicate) {
final Map keyLastIndex = new HashMap<>();
return stream(inner.getChildNodes())
.filter(node -> node.getLocalName() != null)
.map(node -> {
final Integer index = Optional.ofNullable(keyLastIndex.get(node.getLocalName())).map(i -> i + 1).orElse(0);
keyLastIndex.put(node.getLocalName(), index);
return childElement(node, index);
public Dynamic parent() {
return parent;
public Object keyLiteral() {
return key;
Child childAttribute(Node inner, int index) {
String name = "@" + inner.getLocalName();
return new Child(inner, this, index == 0 ? name : name + '[' + index + ']');