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package scaladoc
trait Trimmed
sealed trait Markup extends Product with Serializable {
type Self <: Markup
def isBlank: Boolean
def nonBlank: Boolean = !isBlank
def plainString: String
def trimmed: Self with Trimmed
object Markup {
private[scaladoc] def trimML(x: String): String ="\n")
sealed trait Span extends Markup {
override type Self <: Span
sealed trait HasValue { this: Markup =>
def value: String
override def isBlank: Boolean = value.forall(_.isWhitespace)
case class PlainText(value: String) extends Span with HasValue {
type Self = PlainText
override def plainString: String = value
def trimmed: Self with Trimmed = new PlainText(trimML(value)) with Trimmed
case class Monospace(value: String) extends Span with HasValue {
type Self = Monospace
override def plainString: String = s"`$value`"
def trimmed: Self with Trimmed = new Monospace(trimML(value)) with Trimmed
case class Italic(value: String) extends Span with HasValue {
type Self = Italic
override def plainString: String = s"''$value''"
def trimmed: Self with Trimmed = new Italic(trimML(value)) with Trimmed
case class Bold(value: String) extends Span with HasValue {
type Self = Bold
override def plainString: String = s"'''$value'''"
def trimmed: Self with Trimmed = new Bold(trimML(value)) with Trimmed
case class Underline(value: String) extends Span with HasValue {
type Self = Underline
override def plainString: String = s"__${value}__"
def trimmed: Self with Trimmed = new Underline(trimML(value)) with Trimmed
case class Superscript(value: String) extends Span with HasValue {
type Self = Superscript
override def plainString: String = s"`^$value^"
def trimmed: Self with Trimmed = new Superscript(trimML(value)) with Trimmed
case class Subscript(value: String) extends Span with HasValue {
type Self = Superscript
override def plainString: String = s",,$value,,"
def trimmed: Self with Trimmed = new Superscript(trimML(value)) with Trimmed
case class Link(value: String) extends Span with HasValue {
type Self = Link
override def plainString: String = s"[[$value]]"
def trimmed: Self with Trimmed = new Link(trimML(value)) with Trimmed
case class CodeBlock(value: String) extends Markup with HasValue {
override type Self = CodeBlock
override def plainString: String = s"{{{$value}}}"
def trimmed: Self with Trimmed = new CodeBlock(trimML(value)) with Trimmed
case class Paragraph(markup: List[Span]) extends Markup {
type Self = Paragraph
override def isBlank: Boolean = markup.forall(_.isBlank)
override def plainString: String = {
val sb = new StringBuilder
markup.zipWithIndex foreach {
case (m: Span with HasValue, _) => sb.append(m.plainString)
case (m, i) =>
if (i < markup.size) sb.append("\n")
def trimmed: Self with Trimmed = {
def trim(markup: List[Span]): List[Span] = markup match {
case Nil => Nil
case x :: Nil => List(x.trimmed)
case x :: xs => List(x.trimmed, PlainText(" ")) ++ trim(xs)
new Paragraph(trim(markup)) with Trimmed
final object Paragraph {
def apply(x: Span, xs: Span*): Paragraph = Paragraph(x +: xs.toList)
case class Document(elements: List[Markup]) extends Markup {
override type Self = Document
override def isBlank: Boolean = elements.forall(_.isBlank)
override def plainString: String = {
val sb = new StringBuilder
elements foreach {
case x: Span =>
case x =>
if(sb.nonEmpty) sb.append("\n")
def trimmed: Self with Trimmed = {
def trim(prev: Option[Markup], rest: List[Markup]): List[Markup] = (prev, rest) match {
case (_, Nil) => Nil
case (Some(_: Span), (x: Span) :: Nil) => List(PlainText(" "), x.trimmed)
case (Some(_: Span), x :: Nil) => List(x.trimmed)
case (Some(_), x :: Nil) => List(x.trimmed)
case (None, x :: Nil) => List(x.trimmed)
case (_, x :: xs) => List(x.trimmed) ++ trim(Some(x), xs)
new Document(trim(None, elements)) with Trimmed
object Document {
def apply(x: Markup, xs: Markup*): Document = Document(x +: xs.toList)
case class Heading(level: Heading.Level, text: String) extends Markup {
type Self = Heading
override def isBlank: Boolean = text.isEmpty
override def plainString: String = text
def trimmed: Self with Trimmed = new Heading(level, text.trim) with Trimmed
final object Heading {
sealed trait Level extends Product { def value: Int }
final case object One extends Level { def value = 1 }
final case object Two extends Level { def value = 2 }
final case object Three extends Level { def value = 3 }
final case object Four extends Level { def value = 4 }
final case object Five extends Level { def value = 5 }
final case object Six extends Level { def value = 6 }
def apply(l: Int, text: String): Heading = l match {
case 1 => Heading(One, text)
case 2 => Heading(Two, text)
case 3 => Heading(Three, text)
case 4 => Heading(Four, text)
case 5 => Heading(Five, text)
case 6 => Heading(Six, text)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Level $l is not supported")
// TODO: list blocks