Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This file is part of the OWL API.
* The contents of this file are subject to the LGPL License, Version 3.0.
* Copyright (C) 2011, The University of Manchester
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
* in which case, the provisions of the Apache License Version 2.0 are applicable instead of those above.
* Copyright 2011, University of Manchester
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.AddAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.IRI;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassExpression;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDeclarationAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDifferentIndividualsAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLEntity;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLIndividual;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLNamedIndividual;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyChangeException;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyCreationException;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyManager;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLSameIndividualAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.modularity.OntologySegmenter;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.OWLReasoner;
import com.clarkparsia.owlapi.modularity.locality.LocalityClass;
import com.clarkparsia.owlapi.modularity.locality.SyntacticLocalityEvaluator;
/** Implementation of module extraction based on syntactic locality.
* @author Thomas Schneider
* @author School of Computer Science
* @author University of Manchester */
public class SyntacticLocalityModuleExtractor implements OntologySegmenter {
/** Auxiliary inner class for the representation of the associated ontology
* and all its sub-ontologies as arrays of axioms. Advantages: (1) quicker
* set manipulation operations; (2) storage of all referenced entities of an
* axiom once this axiom is dealt with.
* @author Thomas Schneider
* @author School of Computer Science
* @author University of Manchester */
static class OntologyAxiomSet {
/** Array representing all axioms of the associated ontology. */
final OWLAxiom[] ax;
/** Creates a new OntologyAxiomSet from a given set of axioms without
* looking up the referenced entities.
* @param axs
* the set of axioms representing the ontology */
public OntologyAxiomSet(Set axs) {
ax = axs.toArray(new OWLAxiom[axs.size()]);
/** Returns the number of axioms in this set.
* @return the number of axioms in this set */
public int size() {
return ax.length;
/** Returns some axiom from this set.
* @param i
* a number for an axiom
* @return the i-th axiom in this set */
public OWLAxiom getAxiom(int i) {
return ax[i];
/** Returns an array containing all axioms in this set.
* @return array containing all axioms in this set */
public OWLAxiom[] getAllAxioms() {
OWLAxiom[] toReturn = new OWLAxiom[ax.length];
System.arraycopy(ax, 0, toReturn, 0, ax.length);
return toReturn;
/** Returns the set of axioms that is represented by some array of
* Booleans.
* @param isIn
* an array of Booleans
* @return the set of axioms represented by the specified array of
* Booleans */
public Set getAxiomSet(boolean[] isIn) {
HashSet gas = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < isIn.length; i++) {
if (isIn[i]) {
return gas;
/** Constructs an array of Booleans that represents a subset of this set.
* The subset either equals this set (if init==true) or is the empty set
* (if init==false).
* @param init
* determines the initial value of the subset
* @return array of Booleans representing the specified subset */
public boolean[] getSubset(boolean init) {
boolean[] subset = new boolean[ax.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ax.length; i++) {
subset[i] = init;
return subset;
/** Clones an array of Booleans that represents a subset of this set.
* @param oldSubset
* an array representing the original subset
* @return an array representing the new subset */
public boolean[] cloneSubset(boolean[] oldSubset) {
boolean[] newSubset = new boolean[ax.length];
System.arraycopy(oldSubset, 0, newSubset, 0, ax.length);
return newSubset;
public int subsetCardinality(boolean[] subset) {
int card = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ax.length; i++) {
if (subset[i]) {
return card;
/** Transforms a subset of this set (represented by an array of Booleans)
* into a set of axioms.
* @param subset
* an array representing the subset
* @return a set of axioms */
public Set toSet(boolean[] subset) {
HashSet axs = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < ax.length; i++) {
if (subset[i]) {
return axs;
/** Type of module */
ModuleType moduleType;
/** Represents the associated ontology. */
final OntologyAxiomSet ontologyAxiomSet;
final OWLOntology rootOntology, ontology;
/** Represents the manager for the associated ontology. */
final OWLOntologyManager manager;
private OWLOntology createOntology(OWLOntologyManager man, OWLOntology ont,
Set axs) {
try {
return man.createOntology(axs);
} catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e) {
return ont;
/** Creates a new module extractor for a subset of a given ontology, its
* manager, and a specified type of locality.
* @param man
* the manager for the associated ontology
* @param ont
* the associated ontology
* @param axs
* the subset of the ontology as a set of axioms
* @param moduleType
* the type of module this extractor will construct */
public SyntacticLocalityModuleExtractor(OWLOntologyManager man, OWLOntology ont,
Set axs, ModuleType moduleType) {
manager = man;
rootOntology = ont;
ontologyAxiomSet = new OntologyAxiomSet(axs);
ontology = createOntology(man, ont, axs);
/** Creates a new module extractor for a given ontology, its manager, and a
* specified type of locality.
* @param man
* the manager for the associated ontology
* @param ont
* the associated ontology
* @param moduleType
* the type of module this extractor will construct */
public SyntacticLocalityModuleExtractor(OWLOntologyManager man, OWLOntology ont,
ModuleType moduleType) {
Set axs = new HashSet(ont.getAxioms());
for (OWLOntology importedOnt : ont.getImportsClosure()) {
manager = man;
rootOntology = ont;
ontologyAxiomSet = new OntologyAxiomSet(axs);
ontology = createOntology(man, ont, axs);
/** Changes the module type for this extractor without deleting the stored
* referenced entities.
* @param moduleType
* the new type of module */
public void setModuleType(ModuleType moduleType) {
this.moduleType = moduleType;
/** Returns the module type for this extractor.
* @return module type for this extractor */
public ModuleType getModuleType() {
return moduleType;
/** This auxiliary method extracts a module from a given sub-ontology of the
* associated ontology for a given signature and locality type. The module
* will contain only logical axioms, no annotation or declaration axioms.
* The sub-ontology and module are represented as arrays of Booleans.
* This method is (if necessary, iteratively) called by the public method
* extract.
* @param subOnt
* an array of Booleans representing the sub-ontology
* @param signature
* the seed signature (set of entities) for the module; on return
* of the method, this will contain the signature of the module
* @param localityClass
* the type of locality
* @param verbose
* a flag for verbose output (test purposes)
* @return an array of Booleans representing the module */
boolean[] extractLogicalAxioms(boolean[] subOnt, Set signature,
LocalityClass localityClass, boolean verbose) {
boolean[] mod = ontologyAxiomSet.getSubset(false);
boolean[] q2 = ontologyAxiomSet.cloneSubset(subOnt);
SyntacticLocalityEvaluator sle = new SyntacticLocalityEvaluator(localityClass);
boolean change = true;
int loopNumber = 0;
while (change) {
change = false;
if (verbose) {
System.out.println(" Loop " + loopNumber);
for (int i = 0; i < q2.length; i = i + 1) {
if (q2[i]) {
if (!sle.isLocal(ontologyAxiomSet.getAxiom(i), signature)) {
if (verbose) {
System.out.println(" Non-local axiom: "
+ minusOntologyURI(ontologyAxiomSet.getAxiom(i)
mod[i] = true;
q2[i] = false;
int oldSize = signature.size();
// only triggering a change when the signature has
// changed doesn't improve performance
if (signature.size() > oldSize) {
change = true;
if (verbose) {
System.out.print(" New signature: ");
for (OWLEntity ent : signature) {
+ ", ");
} else {
if (verbose) {
System.out.println(" Local axiom: "
+ minusOntologyURI(ontologyAxiomSet.getAxiom(i)
return mod;
/** This method extracts a module from a given sub-ontology of the associated
* ontology for a given signature and locality type. The module will only
* contain logical axioms, no annotation or declaration axioms. The
* sub-ontology and module are represented as sets of axioms.
* @param subOnt
* a set of axioms representing the sub-ontology
* @param signature
* the seed signature (set of entities) for the module; on return
* of the method, this will contain the signature of the module
* @param localityClass
* the type of locality
* @param verbose
* a flag for verbose output (test purposes)
* @return a set of axioms representing the module */
Set extract(Set subOnt, Set signature,
LocalityClass localityClass, boolean verbose) {
HashSet mod = new HashSet();
HashSet q2 = new HashSet(subOnt);
SyntacticLocalityEvaluator sle = new SyntacticLocalityEvaluator(localityClass);
boolean change = true;
int loopNumber = 0;
while (change) {
change = false;
if (verbose) {
System.out.println(" Loop " + loopNumber);
HashSet q2remove = new HashSet();
for (OWLAxiom ax : q2) {
if (!sle.isLocal(ax, signature)) {
if (verbose) {
System.out.println(" Non-local axiom: "
+ minusOntologyURI(ax.toString()));
int oldSize = signature.size();
// only triggering a change when the signature has changed
// doesn't improve performance
if (signature.size() > oldSize) {
change = true;
if (verbose) {
System.out.print(" New signature: ");
for (OWLEntity ent : signature) {
System.out.print(minusOntologyURI(ent.toString()) + ", ");
} else {
if (verbose) {
System.out.println(" Local axiom: "
+ minusOntologyURI(ax.toString()));
return mod;
/** This method enriches a module that contains only logical axioms with all
* necessary entity declaration axioms, entity annotation axioms, and axiom
* annotation axioms. The module and enriched module are represented as sets
* of axioms.
* @param module
* a set of axioms representing the original module
* @param sig
* a set of entities representing the signature of the original
* module
* @param verbose
* a flag for verbose output (test purposes)
* @return a set of axioms representing the enriched module */
Set enrich(Set module, Set sig, boolean verbose) {
Set enrichedModule = new HashSet(module);
if (verbose) {
.println("\nEnriching with declaration axioms, annotation axioms, same/different individual axioms ...");
// Adding all entity declaration axioms
// Adding all entity annotation axioms
if (ontology != null) {
for (OWLEntity entity : sig) {
Set declarationAxioms = ontology
if (verbose) {
for (OWLDeclarationAxiom declarationAxiom : declarationAxioms) {
System.out.println(" Added entity declaration axiom: "
+ minusOntologyURI(declarationAxiom.toString()));
Set entityAnnotationAxioms = entity
if (verbose) {
for (OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom entityAnnotationAxiom : entityAnnotationAxioms) {
System.out.println(" Added entity annotation axiom: "
+ minusOntologyURI(entityAnnotationAxiom.toString()));
// Adding all same-individuals axioms
// Adding all different-individuals axioms
if (ontology != null) {
for (OWLEntity entity : sig) {
if (OWLNamedIndividual.class.isAssignableFrom(entity.getClass())) {
OWLIndividual individual = (OWLIndividual) entity;
Set sameIndividualAxioms = ontology
if (verbose) {
for (OWLSameIndividualAxiom sameIndividualAxiom : sameIndividualAxioms) {
System.out.println(" Added same individual axiom: "
+ minusOntologyURI(sameIndividualAxiom.toString()));
Set differentIndividualAxioms = ontology
if (verbose) {
for (OWLDifferentIndividualsAxiom differentIndividualsAxiom : differentIndividualAxioms) {
System.out.println(" Added different individual axiom: "
+ minusOntologyURI(differentIndividualsAxiom
return enrichedModule;
String minusOntologyURI(String s) {
String uri = manager.getOntologyDocumentIRI(rootOntology).toString() + "#";
return s.replace(uri, "").replace("<", "").replace(">", "");
void outputSignature(String preamble, Set sig, boolean verbose) {
if (verbose) {
for (OWLEntity ent : sig) {
System.out.println(" " + minusOntologyURI(ent.toString()));
Set extractUnnestedModule(Set sig, LocalityClass cls,
boolean verbose) {
outputSignature("\nExtracting " + cls
+ " module for the following seed signature ... ", sig, verbose);
boolean[] subOnt = ontologyAxiomSet.getSubset(true);
Set signature = new HashSet(sig);
boolean[] module = extractLogicalAxioms(subOnt, signature, cls, verbose);
Set moduleAsSet = ontologyAxiomSet.toSet(module);
return enrich(moduleAsSet, signature, verbose);
Set SuperOrSubClasses(int superOrSubClassLevel, boolean superVsSub,
OWLReasoner reasoner, Set classesInSig) {
Set superOrSubClasses = new HashSet();
if (superOrSubClassLevel < 0) {
for (OWLClassExpression ent : classesInSig) {
NodeSet nodes;
if (superVsSub) {
nodes = reasoner.getSuperClasses(ent, false);
} else {
nodes = reasoner.getSubClasses(ent, false);
} else if (superOrSubClassLevel > 0) {
Queue toBeSuClassedNow;
Queue toBeSuClassedNext = new LinkedList(classesInSig);
Queue suClassesToBeAdded = new LinkedList();
for (int i = 0; i < superOrSubClassLevel; i++) {
toBeSuClassedNow = toBeSuClassedNext;
toBeSuClassedNext = new LinkedList();
for (OWLClassExpression ce : toBeSuClassedNow) {
Set suClasses;
if (superVsSub) {
suClasses = reasoner.getSuperClasses(ce, true).getFlattened();
} else {
suClasses = reasoner.getSubClasses(ce, true).getFlattened();
for (OWLClass suClass : suClasses) {
if (!classesInSig.contains(suClass)
&& !suClassesToBeAdded.contains(suClass)) {
return superOrSubClasses;
Set enrichSignature(Set sig, int superClassLevel,
int subClassLevel, OWLReasoner reasoner) {
Set enrichedSig = new HashSet(sig);
Set classesInSig = new HashSet();
for (OWLEntity ent : sig) {
if (OWLClass.class.isAssignableFrom(ent.getClass())) {
classesInSig.add((OWLClass) ent);
if (superClassLevel != 0) {
enrichedSig.addAll(SuperOrSubClasses(superClassLevel, true, reasoner,
if (subClassLevel != 0) {
enrichedSig.addAll(SuperOrSubClasses(subClassLevel, false, reasoner,
return enrichedSig;
/** Extracts a module from the associated ontology for a given signature and
* the associated module type, and returns the module as a set of axioms.
* The module will include annotation and declaration axioms for all
* entities and axioms in it.
* @param sig
* the seed signature (set of entities) for the module
* @return the module */
public Set extract(Set sig) {
return extract(sig, 0, 0, null, false);
/** Extracts a module from the associated ontology for a given signature and
* the associated module type, and returns the module as a set of axioms.
* The seed signature (set of entities) which determines the module is the
* specified signature plus possibly all superclasses and/or subclasses of
* the classes therein. Sub-/superclasses are determined using the specified
* reasoner. The module will include annotation and declaration axioms for
* all entities and axioms in it.
* @param sig
* the seed signature (set of entities) for the module
* @param superClassLevel
* determines whether superclasses are added to the signature
* before segment extraction, see below for admissible values
* @param subClassLevel
* determines whether subclasses are added to the signature
* before segment extraction
* Admissible values for superClassLevel (analogously for
* subClassLevel):
* - If superClassLevel > 0, then all classes C are included
* for which the class hierarchy computed by the reasoner
* contains a path of length at most superClassLevel downwards
* from C to some class from the signature.
* - If superClassLevel = 0, then no super-/subclasses are
* added.
* - If superClassLevel < 0, then all direct and indirect
* super-/subclasses of any class in the signature are added.
* @param reasoner
* the reasoner to determine super-/subclasses. This can be an
* arbitrary reasoner, including a ToldClassHierarchyReasoner. It
* must have loaded the ontology.
* @return the module */
public Set extract(Set sig, int superClassLevel,
int subClassLevel, OWLReasoner reasoner) {
return extract(sig, superClassLevel, subClassLevel, reasoner, false);
/** Extracts a module from the associated ontology for a given signature and
* the associated module type, and returns the module as a set of axioms.
* The seed signature (set of entities) which determines the module is the
* specified signature plus possibly all superclasses and/or subclasses of
* the classes therein. Sub-/superclasses are determined using the specified
* reasoner. The module will include annotation and declaration axioms for
* all entities and axioms in it.
* @param sig
* the seed signature (set of entities) for the module
* @param superClassLevel
* determines whether superclasses are added to the signature
* before segment extraction, see below for admissible values
* @param subClassLevel
* determines whether subclasses are added to the signature
* before segment extraction
* Admissible values for superClassLevel (analogously for
* subClassLevel):
* - If superClassLevel > 0, then all classes C are included
* for which the class hierarchy computed by the reasoner
* contains a path of length at most superClassLevel downwards
* from C to some class from the signature.
* - If superClassLevel = 0, then no super-/subclasses are
* added.
* - If superClassLevel < 0, then all direct and indirect
* super-/subclasses of any class in the signature are added.
* @param reasoner
* the reasoner to determine super-/subclasses. This can be an
* arbitrary reasoner, including a ToldClassHierarchyReasoner. It
* must have loaded the ontology.
* @param verbose
* true if verbose output is required
* @return the module */
public Set extract(Set sig, int superClassLevel,
int subClassLevel, OWLReasoner reasoner, boolean verbose) {
Set enrichedSig = enrichSignature(sig, superClassLevel, subClassLevel,
switch (moduleType) {
case TOP: {
return extractUnnestedModule(enrichedSig, LocalityClass.TOP_TOP, verbose);
case BOT: {
return extractUnnestedModule(enrichedSig, LocalityClass.BOTTOM_BOTTOM,
case STAR: {
boolean[] subOnt = ontologyAxiomSet.getSubset(true);
boolean nextStepNecessary = true;
boolean inFirstStep = true;
LocalityClass localityClass = LocalityClass.BOTTOM_BOTTOM;
Set seedSig = new HashSet(enrichedSig);
while (nextStepNecessary) {
outputSignature("\nExtracting " + localityClass
+ " module for the following seed signature: ", enrichedSig,
int previousModuleSize = ontologyAxiomSet.subsetCardinality(subOnt);
seedSig = new HashSet(enrichedSig);
subOnt = extractLogicalAxioms(subOnt, seedSig, localityClass, verbose);
if (ontologyAxiomSet.subsetCardinality(subOnt) == previousModuleSize
&& !inFirstStep) {
nextStepNecessary = false;
inFirstStep = false;
if (localityClass == LocalityClass.BOTTOM_BOTTOM) {
localityClass = LocalityClass.TOP_TOP;
} else {
localityClass = LocalityClass.BOTTOM_BOTTOM;
Set moduleAsSet = ontologyAxiomSet.toSet(subOnt);
return enrich(moduleAsSet, seedSig, verbose);
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported module type: " + moduleType);
/** Extracts a module from the associated ontology for a given signature and
* the associated module type, and returns the module as an ontology.
* @param signature
* the seed signature (set of entities) for the module
* @param iri
* the IRI for the module
* @return the module, having the specified IRI
* @throws OWLOntologyChangeException
* if adding axioms to the module fails
* @throws OWLOntologyCreationException
* if the module cannot be created */
public OWLOntology extractAsOntology(Set signature, IRI iri)
throws OWLOntologyCreationException {
return extractAsOntology(signature, iri, 0, 0, null, false);
/** Extracts a module from the associated ontology for a given signature and
* the associated module type, and returns the module as an ontology. The
* seed signature (set of entities) which determines the module is the
* specified signature plus possibly all superclasses and/or subclasses of
* the classes therein. Sub-/superclasses are determined using the specified
* reasoner. The module will include annotation and declaration axioms for
* all entities and axioms in it.
* @param signature
* the seed signature (set of entities) for the module
* @param iri
* the IRI for the module
* @param superClassLevel
* determines whether superclasses are added to the signature
* before segment extraction, see below for admissible values
* @param subClassLevel
* determines whether subclasses are added to the signature
* before segment extraction
* Admissible values for superClassLevel (analogously for
* subClassLevel):
* - If superClassLevel > 0, then all classes C are included
* for which the class hierarchy computed by the reasoner
* contains a path of length at most superClassLevel downwards
* from C to some class from the signature.
* - If superClassLevel = 0, then no super-/subclasses are
* added.
* - If superClassLevel < 0, then all direct and indirect
* super-/subclasses of any class in the signature are added.
* @param reasoner
* the reasoner to determine super-/subclasses. This can be an
* arbitrary reasoner, including a ToldClassHierarchyReasoner. It
* must have loaded the ontology.
* @return the module, having the specified IRI
* @throws OWLOntologyChangeException
* if adding axioms to the module fails
* @throws OWLOntologyCreationException
* if the module cannot be created */
public OWLOntology extractAsOntology(Set signature, IRI iri,
int superClassLevel, int subClassLevel, OWLReasoner reasoner)
throws OWLOntologyCreationException {
return extractAsOntology(signature, iri, superClassLevel, subClassLevel,
reasoner, false);
OWLOntology extractAsOntology(Set signature, IRI iri, int superClassLevel,
int subClassLevel, OWLReasoner reasoner, boolean verbose)
throws OWLOntologyCreationException {
Set axs = extract(signature, superClassLevel, subClassLevel, reasoner,
OWLOntology newOnt = manager.createOntology(iri);
LinkedList addaxs = new LinkedList();
for (OWLAxiom ax : axs) {
addaxs.add(new AddAxiom(newOnt, ax));
return newOnt;
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