Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Clark & Parsia, LLC.
// This source code is available under the terms of the Affero General Public License v3.
// Please see LICENSE.txt for full license terms, including the availability of proprietary exceptions.
// Questions, comments, or requests for clarification: [email protected]
import java.util.Properties;
import org.mindswap.pellet.taxonomy.Taxonomy;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology;
import com.clarkparsia.modularity.IncrementalClassifier;
import com.clarkparsia.modularity.ModuleExtractor;
import com.clarkparsia.modularity.ModuleExtractorFactory;
* Provides persistence for IncrementalClassifier objects.
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009
* Company: Clark & Parsia, LLC.
* @author Blazej Bulka
public class IncrementalClassifierPersistence {
* The name for the zip entry that stores the taxonomy.
private static final String TAXONOMY_FILE_NAME = "Taxonomy";
private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME = "Properties";
private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE_COMMENT = "Properties of the IncrementalClassifier";
private static final String REALIZED_PROPERTY = "realized";
* Saves the internal state of an incremental classifier to an output stream.
* @param classifier the classifier to be saved
* @param outputStream the output stream where the classifier should be saved
* @throws IOException if an error should occur during the save operation
public static void save( IncrementalClassifier classifier, OutputStream outputStream ) throws IOException {
// extract the components that should be saved from the classifier
IncrementalClassifier.PersistedState persistedState = new IncrementalClassifier.PersistedState( classifier );
ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream( outputStream );
// save the module extractor
persistedState.getModuleExtractor().save( zipOutputStream );
// save the taxonomy
ZipEntry taxonomyEntry = new ZipEntry( TAXONOMY_FILE_NAME );
zipOutputStream.putNextEntry( taxonomyEntry ); persistedState.getTaxonomy(), new UncloseableOutputStream( zipOutputStream ) );
ZipEntry propertiesEntry = new ZipEntry( PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME );
zipOutputStream.putNextEntry( propertiesEntry );
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty( REALIZED_PROPERTY, String.valueOf( persistedState.isRealized() ) ); zipOutputStream, PROPERTIES_FILE_COMMENT );
* Loads the previously saved internal state of an incremental classifier from an output stream.
* @param ontologyManager the ontology manager
* @param inputStream the input stream containing the previously saved internal state of an incremental classifier
* @return the newly created incremental classifier
* @throws IOException if an error should occur during the reading
* @throws OWLReasonerException
public static IncrementalClassifier load( InputStream inputStream ) throws IOException {
return load( inputStream, null );
* Loads the previously saved internal state of an incremental classifier from an output stream.
* @param ontologyManager the ontology manager
* @param inputStream the input stream containing the previously saved internal state of an incremental classifier
* @return the newly created incremental classifier
* @throws IOException if an error should occur during the reading
* @throws OWLReasonerException
public static IncrementalClassifier load( InputStream inputStream, OWLOntology loadedOntology ) throws IOException {
ModuleExtractor extractor = null;
Taxonomy taxonomy = null;
ZipInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream( inputStream );
extractor = ModuleExtractorFactory.createModuleExtractor();
extractor.load( zipInputStream );
ZipEntry currentEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry();
if( !( TAXONOMY_FILE_NAME.equals( currentEntry.getName() ) ) ) {
throw new IOException ( String.format( "Unexpected entry (%s) in ZipInputStream. Expected %s", currentEntry.getName(), TAXONOMY_FILE_NAME ) );
taxonomy = TaxonomyPersistence.load( zipInputStream );
Properties properties = new Properties();
currentEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry();
if( ( currentEntry != null ) && ( PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME.equals( currentEntry.getName() ) ) ) {
properties.load( zipInputStream );
boolean realized = Boolean.valueOf( properties.getProperty( REALIZED_PROPERTY, "false" ) );
IncrementalClassifier.PersistedState persistedState = new IncrementalClassifier.PersistedState( extractor, taxonomy, realized );
if( loadedOntology !=null ) {
return new IncrementalClassifier( persistedState, loadedOntology );
} else {
return new IncrementalClassifier( persistedState );