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com.clarkparsia.pellet.owlapiv3.PelletVisitor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Portions Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Clark & Parsia, LLC.
// Clark & Parsia, LLC parts of this source code are available under the terms
// of the Affero General Public License v3.
// Please see LICENSE.txt for full license terms, including the availability of
// proprietary exceptions.
// Questions, comments, or requests for clarification: [email protected]
package com.clarkparsia.pellet.owlapiv3;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.mindswap.pellet.KnowledgeBase;
import org.mindswap.pellet.PelletOptions;
import org.mindswap.pellet.Role;
import org.mindswap.pellet.exceptions.UnsupportedFeatureException;
import org.mindswap.pellet.utils.ATermUtils;
import org.mindswap.pellet.utils.AnnotationClasses;
import org.mindswap.pellet.utils.Comparators;
import org.mindswap.pellet.utils.MultiValueMap;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.*;
import aterm.ATerm;
import aterm.ATermAppl;
import aterm.ATermList;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.datatypes.Facet;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.model.AtomDConstant;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.model.AtomDObject;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.model.AtomDVariable;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.model.AtomIConstant;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.model.AtomIObject;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.model.AtomIVariable;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.model.BuiltInAtom;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.model.ClassAtom;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.model.DataRangeAtom;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.model.DatavaluedPropertyAtom;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.model.DifferentIndividualsAtom;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.model.IndividualPropertyAtom;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.model.Rule;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.model.RuleAtom;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.model.SameIndividualAtom;
* Title:
* Description:
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007
* Company: Clark & Parsia, LLC.
* @author Evren Sirin
public class PelletVisitor implements OWLObjectVisitor {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8211773146996997500L;
public static Logger log = Logger
.getLogger( PelletVisitor.class
.getName() );
private KnowledgeBase kb;
private ATermAppl term;
private AtomDObject swrlDObject;
private AtomIObject swrlIObject;
private RuleAtom swrlAtom;
private boolean addAxioms;
private boolean reloadRequired;
private Set unsupportedAxioms;
* Only simple properties can be used in cardinality restrictions,
* disjointness axioms, irreflexivity and antisymmetry axioms. The following
* constants will be used to identify why a certain property should be
* treated as simple
private MultiValueMap compositePropertyAxioms;
private Set simpleProperties;
public PelletVisitor(KnowledgeBase kb) {
this.kb = kb;
* Clear the visitor cache about simple properties. Should be called before
* a reload.
public void clear() {
unsupportedAxioms = new HashSet();
compositePropertyAxioms = new MultiValueMap();
simpleProperties = new HashSet();
private void addUnsupportedAxiom(OWLAxiom axiom) {
throw new UnsupportedFeatureException( "Axiom: " + axiom );
if( unsupportedAxioms.add( axiom ) )
log.warning( "Ignoring unsupported axiom: " + axiom );
public Set getUnsupportedAxioms() {
return new HashSet( unsupportedAxioms );
private OWLObjectProperty getNamedProperty(OWLObjectPropertyExpression ope) {
if( ope.isAnonymous() )
return getNamedProperty( ((OWLObjectInverseOf) ope).getInverse() );
return ope.asOWLObjectProperty();
private void addSimpleProperty(OWLObjectPropertyExpression ope) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
// no need to mark simple properties during removal
OWLObjectProperty prop = getNamedProperty( ope );
simpleProperties.add( prop );
prop.accept( this );
Role role = kb.getRBox().getRole( term );
role.setForceSimple( true );
void verify() {
for( Map.Entry> entry : compositePropertyAxioms
.entrySet() ) {
OWLObjectProperty nonSimpleProperty = entry.getKey();
if( !simpleProperties.contains( nonSimpleProperty ) )
Set axioms = entry.getValue();
for( OWLObjectPropertyAxiom axiom : axioms )
addUnsupportedAxiom( axiom );
ATermAppl name = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl( nonSimpleProperty.getIRI().toString() );
Role role = kb.getRBox().getRole( name );
public void setAddAxiom(boolean addAxioms) {
this.addAxioms = addAxioms;
public boolean isReloadRequired() {
return reloadRequired;
public ATermAppl result() {
return term;
* Reset the visitor state about created terms. Should be called before
* every visit so terms created earlier will not affect the future results.
public void reset() {
term = null;
reloadRequired = false;
public void visit(OWLClass c) {
if( c.isOWLThing() )
term = ATermUtils.TOP;
else if( c.isOWLNothing() )
term = ATermUtils.BOTTOM;
term = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl( c.getIRI().toString() );
if( addAxioms ) {
kb.addClass( term );
public void visit(OWLAnnotationProperty prop) {
term = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl( prop.getIRI().toString() );
if( addAxioms ) {
kb.addAnnotationProperty( term );
public void visit(OWLAnonymousIndividual ind) {
term = ATermUtils.makeBnode( ind.toStringID() );
if( addAxioms ) {
kb.addIndividual( term );
public void visit(OWLNamedIndividual ind) {
term = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl( ind.getIRI().toString() );
if( addAxioms ) {
kb.addIndividual( term );
public void visit(OWLObjectProperty prop) {
if ( prop.isOWLTopObjectProperty() ) {
else if ( prop.isOWLBottomObjectProperty() ) {
else {
term = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl( prop.getIRI().toString() );
if( addAxioms ) {
kb.addObjectProperty( term );
public void visit(OWLObjectInverseOf propInv) {
propInv.getInverse().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
term = ATermUtils.makeInv( p );
public void visit(OWLDataProperty prop) {
if ( prop.isOWLTopDataProperty() ) {
term = ATermUtils.TOP_DATA_PROPERTY;
else if (prop.isOWLBottomDataProperty() ) {
else {
term = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl( prop.getIRI().toString() );
if( addAxioms ) {
kb.addDatatypeProperty( term );
public void visit(OWLLiteral constant) {
if( constant.isRDFPlainLiteral() ) {
String lexicalValue = constant.getLiteral();
String lang = constant.getLang();
if( lang != null )
term = ATermUtils.makePlainLiteral( lexicalValue, lang );
term = ATermUtils.makePlainLiteral( lexicalValue );
else {
String lexicalValue = constant.getLiteral();
constant.getDatatype().accept( this );
ATerm datatype = term;
term = ATermUtils.makeTypedLiteral( lexicalValue, datatype.toString() );
public void visit(OWLDatatype ocdt) {
term = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl( ocdt.getIRI().toString() );
kb.addDatatype( term );
public void visit(OWLObjectIntersectionOf and) {
Set operands = and.getOperands();
ATerm[] terms = new ATerm[operands.size()];
int size = 0;
for( OWLClassExpression desc : operands ) {
desc.accept( this );
terms[size++] = term;
// create a sorted set of terms so we will have a stable
// concept creation and removal using this concept will work
ATermList setOfTerms = size > 0
? ATermUtils.toSet( terms, size )
: ATermUtils.EMPTY_LIST;
term = ATermUtils.makeAnd( setOfTerms );
public void visit(OWLObjectUnionOf or) {
Set operands = or.getOperands();
ATerm[] terms = new ATerm[operands.size()];
int size = 0;
for( OWLClassExpression desc : operands ) {
desc.accept( this );
terms[size++] = term;
// create a sorted set of terms so we will have a stable
// concept creation and removal using this concept will work
ATermList setOfTerms = size > 0
? ATermUtils.toSet( terms, size )
: ATermUtils.EMPTY_LIST;
term = ATermUtils.makeOr( setOfTerms );
public void visit(OWLObjectComplementOf not) {
OWLClassExpression desc = not.getOperand();
desc.accept( this );
term = ATermUtils.makeNot( term );
public void visit(OWLObjectOneOf enumeration) {
Set operands = enumeration.getIndividuals();
ATerm[] terms = new ATerm[operands.size()];
int size = 0;
for( OWLIndividual ind : operands ) {
ind.accept( this );
terms[size++] = ATermUtils.makeValue( term );
// create a sorted set of terms so we will have a stable
// concept creation and removal using this concept will work
ATermList setOfTerms = size > 0
? ATermUtils.toSet( terms, size )
: ATermUtils.EMPTY_LIST;
term = ATermUtils.makeOr( setOfTerms );
public void visit(OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom restriction) {
restriction.getProperty().accept( this );
ATerm p = term;
restriction.getFiller().accept( this );
ATerm c = term;
term = ATermUtils.makeSomeValues( p, c );
public void visit(OWLObjectAllValuesFrom restriction) {
restriction.getProperty().accept( this );
ATerm p = term;
restriction.getFiller().accept( this );
ATerm c = term;
term = ATermUtils.makeAllValues( p, c );
public void visit(OWLObjectHasValue restriction) {
restriction.getProperty().accept( this );
ATerm p = term;
restriction.getValue().accept( this );
ATermAppl ind = term;
term = ATermUtils.makeHasValue( p, ind );
public void visit(OWLObjectExactCardinality restriction) {
addSimpleProperty( restriction.getProperty() );
restriction.getProperty().accept( this );
ATerm p = term;
int n = restriction.getCardinality();
restriction.getFiller().accept( this );
ATermAppl desc = term;
term = ATermUtils.makeCard( p, n, desc );
public void visit(OWLObjectMaxCardinality restriction) {
addSimpleProperty( restriction.getProperty() );
restriction.getProperty().accept( this );
ATerm p = term;
int n = restriction.getCardinality();
restriction.getFiller().accept( this );
ATermAppl desc = term;
term = ATermUtils.makeMax( p, n, desc );
public void visit(OWLObjectMinCardinality restriction) {
addSimpleProperty( restriction.getProperty() );
restriction.getProperty().accept( this );
ATerm p = term;
int n = restriction.getCardinality();
restriction.getFiller().accept( this );
ATermAppl desc = term;
term = ATermUtils.makeMin( p, n, desc );
public void visit(OWLDataExactCardinality restriction) {
restriction.getProperty().accept( this );
ATerm p = term;
int n = restriction.getCardinality();
restriction.getFiller().accept( this );
ATermAppl desc = term;
term = ATermUtils.makeCard( p, n, desc );
public void visit(OWLDataMaxCardinality restriction) {
restriction.getProperty().accept( this );
ATerm p = term;
int n = restriction.getCardinality();
restriction.getFiller().accept( this );
ATermAppl desc = term;
term = ATermUtils.makeMax( p, n, desc );
public void visit(OWLDataMinCardinality restriction) {
restriction.getProperty().accept( this );
ATerm p = term;
int n = restriction.getCardinality();
restriction.getFiller().accept( this );
ATermAppl desc = term;
term = ATermUtils.makeMin( p, n, desc );
public void visit(OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom axiom) {
Set descriptions = axiom.getClassExpressions();
int size = descriptions.size();
if( size > 1 ) {
ATermAppl[] terms = new ATermAppl[size];
int index = 0;
for( OWLClassExpression desc : descriptions ) {
desc.accept( this );
terms[index++] = term;
Arrays.sort( terms, 0, size, Comparators.termComparator );
ATermAppl c1 = terms[0];
for( int i = 1; i < terms.length; i++ ) {
ATermAppl c2 = terms[i];
if( addAxioms ) {
kb.addEquivalentClass( c1, c2 );
else {
// create the equivalence axiom
ATermAppl sameAxiom = ATermUtils.makeEqClasses( c1, c2 );
// if removal fails we need to reload
reloadRequired = !kb.removeAxiom( sameAxiom );
// if removal is required there is no point to continue
if( reloadRequired )
public void visit(OWLDisjointClassesAxiom axiom) {
Set descriptions = axiom.getClassExpressions();
int size = descriptions.size();
if( size > 1 ) {
ATermAppl[] terms = new ATermAppl[size];
int index = 0;
for( OWLClassExpression desc : descriptions ) {
desc.accept( this );
terms[index++] = term;
ATermList list = ATermUtils.toSet( terms, size );
if( addAxioms ) {
kb.addDisjointClasses( list );
else {
reloadRequired = !kb.removeAxiom( ATermUtils.makeDisjoints( list ) );
public void visit(OWLSubClassOfAxiom axiom) {
axiom.getSubClass().accept( this );
ATermAppl c1 = term;
axiom.getSuperClass().accept( this );
ATermAppl c2 = term;
if( addAxioms ) {
kb.addSubClass( c1, c2 );
else {
// create the TBox axiom to remove
ATermAppl subAxiom = ATermUtils.makeSub( c1, c2 );
// reload is required if remove fails
reloadRequired = !kb.removeAxiom( subAxiom );
public void visit(OWLEquivalentObjectPropertiesAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
int size = axiom.getProperties().size();
OWLObjectPropertyExpression[] props = new OWLObjectPropertyExpression[size];
axiom.getProperties().toArray( props );
for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
for( int j = i + 1; j < size; j++ ) {
props[i].accept( this );
ATermAppl p1 = term;
props[j].accept( this );
ATermAppl p2 = term;
kb.addEquivalentProperty( p1, p2 );
public void visit(OWLEquivalentDataPropertiesAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
int size = axiom.getProperties().size();
OWLDataPropertyExpression[] props = new OWLDataPropertyExpression[size];
axiom.getProperties().toArray( props );
for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
for( int j = i + 1; j < size; j++ ) {
props[i].accept( this );
ATermAppl p1 = term;
props[j].accept( this );
ATermAppl p2 = term;
kb.addEquivalentProperty( p1, p2 );
public void visit(OWLDifferentIndividualsAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
if( axiom.getIndividuals().size() == 2 ) {
Iterator iter = axiom.getIndividuals().iterator();
iter.next().accept( this );
ATermAppl i1 = term;
iter.next().accept( this );
ATermAppl i2 = term;
kb.addDifferent( i1, i2 );
else {
ATermAppl[] terms = new ATermAppl[axiom.getIndividuals().size()];
int i = 0;
for( OWLIndividual ind : axiom.getIndividuals() ) {
ind.accept( this );
terms[i++] = term;
kb.addAllDifferent( ATermUtils.makeList( terms ) );
public void visit(OWLSameIndividualAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
Iterator eqs = axiom.getIndividuals().iterator();
if( eqs.hasNext() ) {
eqs.next().accept( this );
ATermAppl i1 = term;
while( eqs.hasNext() ) {
eqs.next().accept( this );
ATermAppl i2 = term;
kb.addSame( i1, i2 );
public void visit(OWLHasKeyAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
axiom.getClassExpression().accept( this );
ATermAppl c = term;
Set properties = new HashSet();
for( OWLPropertyExpression, ?> pe : axiom.getPropertyExpressions() ) {
pe.accept( this );
properties.add( term );
kb.addKey( c, properties );
public void visit(OWLDataOneOf enumeration) {
ATermList ops = ATermUtils.EMPTY_LIST;
for( OWLLiteral value : enumeration.getValues() ) {
value.accept( this );
ops = ops.insert( ATermUtils.makeValue( result() ) );
term = ATermUtils.makeOr( ops );
public void visit(OWLDataAllValuesFrom restriction) {
restriction.getProperty().accept( this );
ATerm p = term;
restriction.getFiller().accept( this );
ATerm c = term;
term = ATermUtils.makeAllValues( p, c );
public void visit(OWLDataSomeValuesFrom restriction) {
restriction.getProperty().accept( this );
ATerm p = term;
restriction.getFiller().accept( this );
ATerm c = term;
term = ATermUtils.makeSomeValues( p, c );
public void visit(OWLDataHasValue restriction) {
restriction.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
restriction.getValue().accept( this );
ATermAppl dv = term;
term = ATermUtils.makeHasValue( p, dv );
public void visit(OWLOntology ont) {
for( OWLEntity entity : ont.getSignature() ) {
entity.accept( this );
for( OWLAxiom axiom : ont.getAxioms() ) {
if( log.isLoggable( Level.FINE ) )
log.fine( "Load " + axiom );
axiom.accept( this );
public void visit(OWLObjectHasSelf restriction) {
addSimpleProperty( restriction.getProperty() );
restriction.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
term = ATermUtils.makeSelf( p );
public void visit(OWLDisjointObjectPropertiesAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
OWLObjectPropertyExpression[] disjs = axiom.getProperties().toArray(new OWLObjectPropertyExpression[0]);
for( int i = 0; i < disjs.length - 1; i++ ) {
OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop1 = disjs[i];
addSimpleProperty( prop1 );
for( int j = i + 1; j < disjs.length; j++ ) {
OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop2 = disjs[j];
addSimpleProperty( prop2 );
prop1.accept( this );
ATermAppl p1 = term;
prop2.accept( this );
ATermAppl p2 = term;
kb.addDisjointProperty( p1, p2 );
public void visit(OWLDisjointDataPropertiesAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
Object[] disjs = axiom.getProperties().toArray();
for( int i = 0; i < disjs.length; i++ ) {
OWLDataProperty desc1 = (OWLDataProperty) disjs[i];
desc1.accept( this );
ATermAppl p1 = term;
for( int j = i + 1; j < disjs.length; j++ ) {
OWLDataProperty desc2 = (OWLDataProperty) disjs[j];
desc2.accept( this );
ATermAppl p2 = term;
kb.addDisjointProperty( p1, p2 );
public void visit(OWLSubPropertyChainOfAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
compositePropertyAxioms.add( getNamedProperty( axiom.getSuperProperty() ), axiom );
axiom.getSuperProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl prop = result();
List propChain = axiom.getPropertyChain();
ATermList chain = ATermUtils.EMPTY_LIST;
for( int i = propChain.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
propChain.get( i ).accept( this );
chain = chain.insert( result() );
kb.addSubProperty( chain, prop );
public void visit(OWLDisjointUnionAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
axiom.getOWLClass().accept( this );
ATermAppl c = term;
ATermList classes = ATermUtils.EMPTY_LIST;
for( OWLClassExpression desc : axiom.getClassExpressions() ) {
desc.accept( this );
classes = classes.insert( result() );
kb.addDisjointClasses( classes );
kb.addEquivalentClass( c, ATermUtils.makeOr( classes ) );
public void visit(OWLDataComplementOf node) {
node.getDataRange().accept( this );
term = ATermUtils.makeNot( term );
public void visit(OWLDataIntersectionOf and) {
Set operands = and.getOperands();
ATerm[] terms = new ATerm[operands.size()];
int size = 0;
for( OWLDataRange desc : operands ) {
desc.accept( this );
terms[size++] = term;
// create a sorted set of terms so we will have a stable
// concept creation and removal using this concept will work
ATermList setOfTerms = size > 0
? ATermUtils.toSet( terms, size )
: ATermUtils.EMPTY_LIST;
term = ATermUtils.makeAnd( setOfTerms );
public void visit(OWLDatatypeRestriction node) {
node.getDatatype().accept( this );
ATermAppl baseDatatype = term;
List restrictions = new ArrayList();
for( OWLFacetRestriction restr : node.getFacetRestrictions() ) {
restr.accept( this );
if( term != null ) {
restrictions.add( term );
else {
log.warning( "Unrecognized facet " + restr.getFacet() );
if( restrictions.isEmpty() ) {
log.warning( "A data range is defined without facet restrictions "
+ node );
else {
term = ATermUtils.makeRestrictedDatatype( baseDatatype, restrictions
.toArray( new ATermAppl[restrictions.size()] ) );
public void visit(OWLDataUnionOf or) {
Set operands = or.getOperands();
ATerm[] terms = new ATerm[operands.size()];
int size = 0;
for( OWLDataRange desc : operands ) {
desc.accept( this );
terms[size++] = term;
// create a sorted set of terms so we will have a stable
// concept creation and removal using this concept will work
ATermList setOfTerms = size > 0
? ATermUtils.toSet( terms, size )
: ATermUtils.EMPTY_LIST;
term = ATermUtils.makeOr( setOfTerms );
public void visit(OWLAsymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
addSimpleProperty( axiom.getProperty() );
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
kb.addAsymmetricProperty( p );
public void visit(OWLReflexiveObjectPropertyAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
kb.addReflexiveProperty( p );
public void visit(OWLFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
addSimpleProperty( axiom.getProperty() );
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
kb.addFunctionalProperty( p );
public void visit(OWLNegativeObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
axiom.getSubject().accept( this );
ATermAppl s = term;
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
axiom.getObject().accept( this );
ATermAppl o = term;
kb.addNegatedPropertyValue( p, s, o );
public void visit(OWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom axiom) {
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
axiom.getDomain().accept( this );
ATermAppl c = term;
if( addAxioms )
kb.addDomain( p, c );
reloadRequired = !kb.removeDomain( p, c );
public void visit(OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom axiom) {
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
axiom.getDomain().accept( this );
ATermAppl c = term;
if( addAxioms )
kb.addDomain( p, c );
reloadRequired = !kb.removeDomain( p, c );
public void visit(OWLNegativeDataPropertyAssertionAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
axiom.getSubject().accept( this );
ATermAppl s = term;
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
axiom.getObject().accept( this );
ATermAppl o = term;
kb.addNegatedPropertyValue( p, s, o );
public void visit(OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom axiom) {
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
axiom.getRange().accept( this );
ATermAppl c = term;
if( addAxioms )
kb.addRange( p, c );
reloadRequired = !kb.removeRange( p, c );
public void visit(OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom axiom) {
axiom.getSubject().accept( this );
ATermAppl subj = term;
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl pred = term;
axiom.getObject().accept( this );
ATermAppl obj = term;
if( addAxioms )
kb.addPropertyValue( pred, subj, obj );
kb.removePropertyValue( pred, subj, obj );
public void visit(OWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
axiom.getSubProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl sub = term;
axiom.getSuperProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl sup = term;
kb.addSubProperty( sub, sup );
public void visit(OWLDatatypeDefinitionAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
axiom.getDatatype().accept( this );
ATermAppl datatype = term;
axiom.getDataRange().accept( this );
ATermAppl datarange = term;
kb.addDatatypeDefinition( datatype, datarange );
public void visit(OWLDeclarationAxiom axiom) {
axiom.getEntity().accept( this );
public void visit(OWLSymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
kb.addSymmetricProperty( p );
public void visit(OWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom axiom) {
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
axiom.getRange().accept( this );
ATermAppl c = term;
if( addAxioms )
kb.addRange( p, c );
reloadRequired = !kb.removeRange( p, c );
public void visit(OWLFunctionalDataPropertyAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
kb.addFunctionalProperty( p );
public void visit(OWLClassAssertionAxiom axiom) {
axiom.getClassExpression().accept( this );
ATermAppl c = term;
if (AnnotationClasses.contains(c)) {
axiom.getIndividual().accept( this );
ATermAppl ind = term;
if( addAxioms )
kb.addType( ind, c );
kb.removeType( ind, c );
public void visit(OWLDataPropertyAssertionAxiom axiom) {
axiom.getSubject().accept( this );
ATermAppl subj = term;
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl pred = term;
axiom.getObject().accept( this );
ATermAppl obj = term;
if( addAxioms )
kb.addPropertyValue( pred, subj, obj );
kb.removePropertyValue( pred, subj, obj );
public void visit(OWLTransitiveObjectPropertyAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
compositePropertyAxioms.add( getNamedProperty( axiom.getProperty() ), axiom );
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
kb.addTransitiveProperty( p );
public void visit(OWLIrreflexiveObjectPropertyAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
addSimpleProperty( axiom.getProperty() );
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
kb.addIrreflexiveProperty( p );
public void visit(OWLSubDataPropertyOfAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
axiom.getSubProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p1 = term;
axiom.getSuperProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p2 = term;
kb.addSubProperty( p1, p2 );
public void visit(OWLInverseFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
addSimpleProperty( axiom.getProperty() );
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p = term;
kb.addInverseFunctionalProperty( p );
public void visit(OWLInverseObjectPropertiesAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
axiom.getFirstProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p1 = term;
axiom.getSecondProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl p2 = term;
kb.addInverseProperty( p1, p2 );
public void visit(OWLFacetRestriction node) {
Facet facet = Facet.Registry.get( ATermUtils.makeTermAppl( node.getFacet().getIRI().toString() ) );
if( facet != null ) {
OWLLiteral facetValue = node.getFacetValue();
facetValue.accept( this );
term = ATermUtils.makeFacetRestriction( facet.getName(), term );
public void visit(SWRLRule rule) {
if( !PelletOptions.DL_SAFE_RULES )
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
List head = parseAtomList( rule.getHead() );
List body = parseAtomList( rule.getBody() );
if( head == null || body == null ) {
addUnsupportedAxiom( rule );
Rule pelletRule = new Rule( head, body );
kb.addRule( pelletRule );
public void visit(OWLAnnotation a) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void visit(IRI annotationValue) {
term = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl( annotationValue.toString() );
public void visit(OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = PelletOptions.USE_ANNOTATION_SUPPORT;
axiom.getSubject().accept( this );
final ATermAppl s = term;
axiom.getProperty().accept( this );
final ATermAppl p = term;
axiom.getValue().accept( this );
final ATermAppl o = term;
kb.addAnnotation( s, p, o );
public void visit(OWLAnnotationPropertyDomainAxiom axiom) {
// TODO: add functionality for reasoning with this kind of axiom
//addUnsupportedAxiom( axiom );
public void visit(OWLAnnotationPropertyRangeAxiom axiom) {
// TODO: add functionality for simple reasoning with this kind of axiom
//addUnsupportedAxiom( axiom );
public void visit(OWLSubAnnotationPropertyOfAxiom axiom) {
if( !addAxioms ) {
reloadRequired = true;
axiom.getSubProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl sub = term;
axiom.getSuperProperty().accept( this );
ATermAppl sup = term;
kb.addSubProperty( sub, sup );
private List parseAtomList(Set atomList) {
List atoms = new ArrayList();
for( SWRLAtom atom : atomList ) {
atom.accept( this );
if( swrlAtom == null )
return null;
atoms.add( swrlAtom );
return atoms;
public void visit(SWRLClassAtom atom) {
OWLClassExpression c = atom.getPredicate();
SWRLIArgument v = atom.getArgument();
v.accept( this );
AtomIObject subj = swrlIObject;
c.accept( this );
swrlAtom = new ClassAtom( term, subj );
public void visit(SWRLDataRangeAtom atom) {
// set the term field
atom.getPredicate().accept( this );
atom.getArgument().accept( this );
swrlAtom = new DataRangeAtom( term, swrlDObject );
public void visit(SWRLObjectPropertyAtom atom) {
if( atom.getPredicate().isAnonymous() ) {
swrlAtom = null;
atom.getFirstArgument().accept( this );
AtomIObject subj = swrlIObject;
atom.getSecondArgument().accept( this );
AtomIObject obj = swrlIObject;
atom.getPredicate().accept( this );
swrlAtom = new IndividualPropertyAtom( term, subj, obj );
public void visit(SWRLDataPropertyAtom atom) {
if( atom.getPredicate().isAnonymous() ) {
swrlAtom = null;
atom.getFirstArgument().accept( this );
AtomIObject subj = swrlIObject;
atom.getSecondArgument().accept( this );
AtomDObject obj = swrlDObject;
atom.getPredicate().accept( this );
swrlAtom = new DatavaluedPropertyAtom( term, subj, obj );
public void visit(SWRLSameIndividualAtom atom) {
atom.getFirstArgument().accept( this );
AtomIObject subj = swrlIObject;
atom.getSecondArgument().accept( this );
AtomIObject obj = swrlIObject;
swrlAtom = new SameIndividualAtom( subj, obj );
public void visit(SWRLDifferentIndividualsAtom atom) {
atom.getFirstArgument().accept( this );
AtomIObject subj = swrlIObject;
atom.getSecondArgument().accept( this );
AtomIObject obj = swrlIObject;
swrlAtom = new DifferentIndividualsAtom( subj, obj );
public void visit(SWRLBuiltInAtom atom) {
List arguments = new ArrayList( atom.getAllArguments().size() );
for( SWRLDArgument swrlArg : atom.getArguments() ) {
swrlArg.accept( this );
arguments.add( swrlDObject );
swrlAtom = new BuiltInAtom( atom.getPredicate().toString(), arguments );
public void visit(SWRLVariable var) {
swrlDObject = new AtomDVariable( var.getIRI().toString() );
swrlIObject = new AtomIVariable( var.getIRI().toString() );
public void visit(SWRLIndividualArgument iobj) {
iobj.getIndividual().accept( this );
swrlIObject = new AtomIConstant( term );
public void visit(SWRLLiteralArgument cons) {
cons.getLiteral().accept( this );
swrlDObject = new AtomDConstant( term );
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