com.github.arturopala.bufferandslice.DeferredArrayBuffer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2020 Artur Opala
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.github.arturopala.bufferandslice
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
/** Growable, mutable array of values with deferred initialization.
* @tparam T type of the underlying array items
* @param initialLength initial length of the buffer
* @note This is to avoid ClassTag parameters as much as possible, but
* comes with a price of a few rough corners. Especially, if your type
* parameter is non-primitive do not try to call [[asArray]] and assign result to variable,
* as it will raise ClassCastException,
* instead pass the array as a parameter or call methods on it.
final class DeferredArrayBuffer[T](initialLength: Int) extends ArrayBufferLike[T] {
private var pristine: Boolean = true
private var initialSize: Int = initialLength
private var _array: Array[T] = _
set(initialLength - 1)
private def initializeWith(value: T): Unit =
if (pristine) {
_array = ArrayOps.newArray(value, initialSize)
pristine = false
/** @throws RuntimeException if not yet initialized */
@`inline` override protected def read(index: Int): T =
if (pristine) throw new RuntimeException("Deferred buffer not yet initialized.")
else _array(index)
@`inline` override protected def write(index: Int, value: T): Unit = {
_array.update(index, value)
@`inline` override protected def copyFrom(
sourceArray: Array[T],
sourceIndex: Int,
targetIndex: Int,
copyLength: Int
): Unit = {
if (pristine) {
if (sourceArray != null) {
if (sourceArray != null) java.lang.System.arraycopy(sourceArray, sourceIndex, _array, targetIndex, copyLength)
else ()
@`inline` override protected def copyFrom(slice: Slice[T], targetIndex: Int): Unit =
if (slice.nonEmpty) {
slice.copyToArray(targetIndex, _array)
} else ()
@`inline` override protected def copyFromSelf(sourceIndex: Int, targetIndex: Int, copyLength: Int): Unit =
if (pristine) ()
else java.lang.System.arraycopy(_array, sourceIndex, _array, targetIndex, copyLength)
@`inline` override protected def emptyArray(length: Int): Array[T] =
if (pristine) null
else ArrayOps.copyOf(ArrayOps.copyOf(_array, 0), length)
/** Returns value at the given index.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if index out of range [0, length)
* @throws RuntimeException if not yet initialized
override def apply(index: Int): T =
if (index < 0 || index >= length) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException
else if (pristine) throw new RuntimeException("Deferred buffer not yet initialized.")
else _array(index)
/** Ensures index is within buffer range. */
override protected def ensureIndex(index: Int): Unit =
if (pristine) {
initialSize = Math.max(index + 1, initialSize)
} else if (index >= _array.length) {
val upswing = Math.max(1, Math.min(_array.length, 1024 * 1024))
_array = ArrayOps.copyOf(_array, Math.max(_array.length + upswing, index + 1))
/** Returns copy of this buffer. */
override def copy: this.type =
if (pristine) new DeferredArrayBuffer(initialLength).asInstanceOf[this.type]
else new DeferredArrayBuffer(0).appendArray(_array).asInstanceOf[this.type]
/** Returns an empty copy of this buffer type. */
override def emptyCopy: this.type =
new DeferredArrayBuffer(0).asInstanceOf[this.type]
/** Returns a trimmed copy of an underlying array. */
override def toArray[T1 >: T: ClassTag]: Array[T1] = {
val newArray = new Array[T1](length)
if (!pristine) {
java.lang.System.arraycopy(_array, 0, newArray, 0, length)
/** Returns an array with a copy of an accessible buffer range.
* @note this method avoids ClassTag but at the price of:
* - RuntimeException if non-empty buffer not yet initialized
* - ClassCastExceptions when assigning returned non-primitive array to a variable.
* Try using [[toArray]] when possible.
* @throws RuntimeException if not yet initialized
override def asArray: Array[T] =
if (pristine) {
if (initialSize == 0) Array.empty[Any].asInstanceOf[Array[T]]
else throw new RuntimeException("Deferred buffer not yet initialized. Maybe try using .toArray instead.")
} else ArrayOps.copyOf(_array, length)
/** Wraps accessible internal state as a Slice without making any copy.
* @throws RuntimeException if not yet initialized
override def asSlice: Slice[T] =
if (pristine) {
if (initialSize == 0) Slice.empty[Any].asInstanceOf[Slice[T]]
else throw new RuntimeException("Deferred buffer not yet initialized. Maybe try using ArrayBuffer instead.")
} else new ArraySlice(0, length, _array, detached = false)
/** Takes range and returns a Slice.
* @throws RuntimeException if not yet initialized
override def slice(from: Int, to: Int): Slice[T] =
if (pristine) {
if (initialSize == 0) Slice.empty[Any].asInstanceOf[Slice[T]]
else throw new RuntimeException("Deferred buffer not yet initialized. Maybe try ArrayBuffer instead.")
} else {
val t = Math.min(length, to)
val f = Math.min(from, t)
new ArraySlice(f, t, _array, detached = false)
object DeferredArrayBuffer {
def apply[T](initialLength: Int = 0): DeferredArrayBuffer[T] = new DeferredArrayBuffer(initialLength)
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