com.github.arturopala.gitignore.Glob.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2021 Artur Opala
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.github.arturopala.gitignore
/** Globbing pathnames.
* Wildcard pattern matcher implementing the same rules as
* https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/glob.7.html
* Note that wildcard patterns are not regular expressions, although
* they are a bit similar. First of all, they match filenames,
* rather than text, and secondly, the conventions are not the same:
* for example, in a regular expression '*' means zero or more
* copies of the preceding thing.
* Pattern syntax:
* A string is a wildcard pattern if it contains one of the
* characters '?', '*' or '['. Globbing is the operation that
* expands a wildcard pattern into the list of pathnames matching
* the pattern. Matching is defined by:
* A '?' (not between brackets) matches any single character.
* A '*' (not between brackets) matches any string, including the
* empty string.
* A '/' in a pathname cannot be matched by a '?' or '*' wildcard,
* or by a range like "[.-0]". A range containing an explicit
* '/' character is syntactically incorrect.
* An expression "[...]" where the first character after the leading
* '[' is not an '!' matches a single character, namely any of the
* characters enclosed by the brackets. The string enclosed by the
* brackets cannot be empty; therefore ']' can be allowed between
* the brackets, provided that it is the first character. (Thus,
* "[][!]" matches the three characters '[', ']' and '!'.)
* There is one special convention: two characters separated by '-'
* denote a range. (Thus, "[A-Fa-f0-9]" is equivalent to
* "[ABCDEFabcdef0123456789]".) One may include '-' in its literal
* meaning by making it the first or last character between the
* brackets. (Thus, "[]-]" matches just the two characters ']' and
* '-', and "[--0]" matches the three characters '-', '.', '0',
* since '/' cannot be matched.)
* Now that regular expressions have bracket expressions where the
* negation is indicated by a '^', POSIX has declared the effect of
* a wildcard pattern "[^...]" to be undefined.
* An expression "[!...]" matches a single character, namely any
* character that is not matched by the expression obtained by
* removing the first '!' from it. (Thus, "[!]a-]" matches any
* single character except ']', 'a' and '-'.)
* One can remove the special meaning of '?', '*' and '[' by
* preceding them by a backslash, or, in case this is part of a
* shell command line, enclosing them in quotes. Between brackets
* these characters stand for themselves. Thus, "[[?*\]" matches
* the four characters '[', '?', '*' and '\'.
object Glob {
final def isWildcardPattern(pattern: String): Boolean =
pattern.foldLeft(false) { (a, c) =>
a || (c match {
case '?' | '*' | '[' => true
case _ => false
/** Compile pattern expression as re-usable [[Pattern]] instance. */
final def compile(pattern: String): Pattern = {
val (patterns, remaining, _, outsideBracket) = pattern
.foldLeft((List.empty[Pattern], "", true, true)) { case ((ps, acc, notEscaped, outsideBracket), c) =>
if (c == '?' && notEscaped && outsideBracket) {
if (acc.isEmpty)
(AnySingleCharacterPattern :: ps, "", true, true)
(AnySingleCharacterPattern :: LiteralPattern(acc) :: ps, "", true, true)
} else if (c == '*' && notEscaped && outsideBracket) {
if (acc.isEmpty)
ps match {
case AnyStringPattern :: ps2 =>
(AnythingPattern :: ps2, "", true, true)
case _ =>
(AnyStringPattern :: ps, "", true, true)
(AnyStringPattern :: LiteralPattern(acc) :: ps, "", true, true)
} else if (c == '[' && notEscaped && outsideBracket) {
if (acc.isEmpty) (ps, "", true, false)
else (LiteralPattern(acc) :: ps, "", true, false)
} else if (c == ']' && notEscaped && !outsideBracket && acc.nonEmpty) {
(new BracketPattern(acc) :: ps, "", true, true)
} else {
if (notEscaped)
(ps, acc + c, c != '\\', outsideBracket)
(ps, acc.dropRight(1) + c, true, outsideBracket)
val remaining2 =
if (outsideBracket) remaining else "[" + remaining
// add remaining string as a literal pattern
val patterns2 = if (remaining2.nonEmpty) {
patterns match {
case Nil => LiteralPattern(remaining2) :: Nil
case _ => LiteralPattern(remaining2) :: patterns
} else patterns
patterns2 match {
case Nil => throw new Exception(s"Glob compilation failed for pattern: $pattern")
case p :: Nil => p
case _ => CompositePattern(patterns2.reverse)
/** A compiled representation of a glob pattern. */
sealed trait Pattern {
/** Creates a matcher that will match the given input against this pattern. */
final def matcher(input: CharSequence): Matcher =
Matcher(input, this)
/** A minimum width of the string to be considered a match for this pattern. */
def minWidth: Int
/** Returns the regular expression from which this pattern was compiled. */
val pattern: String
/** Character check defined between brackets, either class or range. */
sealed trait CharacterCheck {
/** Check if given character can be accepted. */
def check(c: Char): Boolean
/** A type of pattern with variable match length,
* which can possibly consume nothing or all the remaining input.
sealed trait WildcardPattern extends Pattern {
override val minWidth: Int = 0
/** A type of pattern matching single character only. */
sealed trait SingleCharacterPattern extends Pattern with WildcardPattern {
override val minWidth: Int = 1
def matches(c: Char): Boolean
/** A pattern consisting of a sequence of nested patterns. */
final case class CompositePattern(patterns: List[Pattern]) extends Pattern {
override val minWidth: Int = patterns.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.minWidth)
override val pattern: String = patterns.foldLeft("")(_ + _.pattern)
/** A pattern matching literally, without any wildcards. */
final case class LiteralPattern(pattern: String) extends Pattern {
override def minWidth: Int = pattern.length()
/** A wildcard pattern matching anything but path separator '/' character. */
final case object AnyStringPattern extends Pattern with WildcardPattern {
override val pattern: String = "*"
/** A wildcard pattern matching anything, inluding path separator. */
final case object AnythingPattern extends Pattern with WildcardPattern {
override val pattern: String = "**"
/** A wildcard pattern matching any single character except path separator '/' character. */
final object AnySingleCharacterPattern extends Pattern with SingleCharacterPattern {
override def matches(c: Char): Boolean = c != '/'
override val pattern: String = "?"
/** A wildcard pattern matching either class or range of characters. */
final case class BracketPattern(pattern: String) extends Pattern with SingleCharacterPattern {
val characterCheck: CharacterCheck = CharacterCheck.compile(pattern)
override def matches(c: Char): Boolean = characterCheck.check(c)
/** Support for character classes and ranges. */
final object CharacterCheck {
/** Compile expression between the brackets into a [[CharacterCheck]]. */
def compile(pattern: String): CharacterCheck =
if (pattern.isEmpty()) throw new Exception("A character check pattern cannot be empty.")
else if (pattern.head == '!') {
val checks = CharacterCheck.compileInternal(pattern.drop(1))
} else
compileInternal(pattern) match {
case ch :: Nil => ch
case checks => CompositeCharacterCheck(checks)
def compileInternal(pattern: String): List[CharacterCheck] = {
val (list, remaining, _) = pattern
.foldLeft((List.empty[CharacterCheck], "", false)) { case ((ls, acc, isRange), c) =>
if (c == '/')
throw new Exception(
"A character check range containing an explicit '/' character is syntactically incorrect."
else if (c == '-' && acc.nonEmpty)
if (acc.length() > 1) CharacterClassCheck(acc.dropRight(1)) :: ls else ls,
acc.takeRight(1) + '-',
else if (isRange)
(CharacterRangeCheck(acc.head, c) :: ls, "", false)
(ls, acc + c, false)
if (remaining.nonEmpty) CharacterClassCheck(remaining) :: list
else list
/** Composite check nesting a sequence of positive checks. */
final case class CompositeCharacterCheck(checks: List[CharacterCheck]) extends CharacterCheck {
override def check(c: Char): Boolean =
c != '/' && checks.foldLeft(false)((a, ck) => a || ck.check(c))
/** Composite check nesting a sequence of negative checks. */
final case class NegatedCompositeCharacterCheck(checks: List[CharacterCheck]) extends CharacterCheck {
override def check(c: Char): Boolean =
c != '/' && !checks.foldLeft(false)((a, ck) => a || ck.check(c))
/** Checks if the character is of any of the provided characters.
* The string cannot be empty; therefore ']' can be allowed,
* provided that it is the first character.
* (Thus, "][!" matches the three characters '[', ']' and '!'.)
final case class CharacterClassCheck(characters: String) extends CharacterCheck {
override def check(c: Char): Boolean =
c != '/' && characters.contains(c)
/** Checks if the character is between provided range.
* There is one special convention: two characters separated by '-'
* denote a range. (Thus, "[A-Fa-f0-9]" is equivalent to
* "[ABCDEFabcdef0123456789]".) One may include '-' in its literal
* meaning by making it the first or last character between the
* brackets. (Thus, "[]-]" matches just the two characters ']' and
* '-', and "[--0]" matches the three characters '-', '.', '0',
* since '/' cannot be matched.)
final case class CharacterRangeCheck(from: Char, to: Char) extends CharacterCheck {
override def check(c: Char): Boolean =
c != '/' && c >= from && c <= to
/** An engine that performs match operations on a character sequence by interpreting a Pattern. */
sealed trait Matcher {
/** Attempts to find the next subsequence of the input sequence that matches the pattern. */
def find(): Boolean
/** Returns the start index of the previous match.
* @throws IllegalStateException - If no match has yet been attempted, or if the previous match operation failed
def start(): Int
/** Returns the offset after the last character matched.
* @throws IllegalStateException - If no match has yet been attempted, or if the previous match operation failed
def end(): Int
final object Matcher {
final def apply(value: CharSequence, pattern: Pattern): Matcher =
new Matcher {
var r = false
var s = Int.MaxValue
var e = Int.MinValue
override def find(): Boolean = {
val (r1, s1, e1) =
Matcher.find(value, pattern, if (s == Int.MaxValue) 0 else s + 1)
r = r1
s = s1
e = e1
override def start(): Int =
if (r && s != Int.MaxValue) s
else throw new IllegalStateException
override def end(): Int =
if (r && e != Int.MinValue) e
else throw new IllegalStateException
final def find(value: CharSequence, pattern: Pattern, startPosition: Int = 0): (Boolean, Int, Int) = {
Debug.debug(s"Finding ${pattern.pattern} as $pattern in $value\n----------------")
val zoom = Zoom(value, startPosition)
val possible = computeContour(zoom, pattern) &&
val (minFrom, maxTo) = zoom.frame
var result = possible && findA(zoom, pattern, leftToRight = true, adjacent = false, level = 0)
var continue = possible && !result
if (continue && computeNextFrame(zoom.setFrame(minFrom, maxTo), pattern, maxTo)) {
Debug.debug(s"Max to $maxTo\n $zoom")
while (continue) {
Debug.debug("-" * 32)
val (prevFrom, prevTo) = zoom.frame
result = findA(zoom, pattern, leftToRight = true, adjacent = false, level = 0)
continue = !result && computeNextFrame(zoom.setFrame(prevFrom, prevTo), pattern, maxTo)
Debug.debug(result, s"${if (result) "Found" else "Not found"} at (${zoom.start()},${zoom.end()})")
(result, zoom.start(), zoom.end())
final def computeNextFrame(zoom: Zoom, pattern: Pattern, maxTo: Int): Boolean = {
var exists = true
var possible = false
while (exists && !possible) {
exists = zoom.squeezeRightOrLeft(1, pattern.minWidth, maxTo)
possible = computeContour(zoom, pattern) &&
exists && possible
final def computeContour(zoom: Zoom, pattern: Pattern): Boolean = {
val r = pattern match {
case CompositePattern(Nil) =>
case cp @ CompositePattern(pattern :: patterns) =>
def next(p: List[Pattern]): Zoom = p match {
case Nil =>
case p :: Nil =>
val z = zoom.copy
computeContour(z, p)
case p :: ps =>
val z = zoom.copy
computeContour(z, p) &&
computeContour(zoom, pattern) &&
zoom.unionContour(next(patterns)) &&
zoom.contourLength >= cp.minWidth
case LiteralPattern(literal) =>
case p: SingleCharacterPattern =>
zoom.lookupWhile(p.matches, maxSteps = 1)
case AnyStringPattern =>
case AnythingPattern =>
Debug.debug(r, s"Match ${pattern.pattern} is ${if (r) "possible" else "not possible"} in\n $zoom")
private def findA(zoom: Zoom, pattern: Pattern, leftToRight: Boolean, adjacent: Boolean, level: Int): Boolean = {
s"findA ${pattern.pattern} ${if (leftToRight) ">>>" else "<<<"} ${if (adjacent) "adjacent" else ""} in\n $zoom"
pattern match {
case CompositePattern(patterns) =>
findB(zoom, patterns, leftToRight, adjacent, level)
case LiteralPattern(literal) =>
if (leftToRight) zoom.lookupRightFor(literal, if (adjacent) 0 else Int.MaxValue)
else zoom.lookupLeftFor(literal, if (adjacent) 0 else Int.MaxValue)
case p: SingleCharacterPattern =>
if (leftToRight) zoom.lookupRightWhile(p.matches, 1)
else zoom.lookupLeftWhile(p.matches, 1)
case AnyStringPattern =>
if (leftToRight) zoom.lookupRightUntil(_ == '/', minSteps = 0)
else zoom.lookupLeftUntil(_ == '/', minSteps = 0)
case AnythingPattern =>
if (leftToRight) zoom.takeAllFromLeft()
else zoom.takeAllFromRight()
private def findB(
zoom: Zoom,
patterns: List[Pattern],
leftToRight: Boolean,
adjacent: Boolean,
level: Int
): Boolean = {
s"findB P${patterns.size} L$level ${if (leftToRight) ">>>" else "<<<"} ${if (adjacent) "adjacent"
else ""} in\n $zoom"
val r = patterns match {
case Nil => false
case p :: Nil =>
findA(zoom, p, leftToRight, adjacent, level)
case (g: WildcardPattern) :: ps =>
Debug.debug(s"L$level wildcard ${g.pattern}")
val zoom1 = zoom.copyFrameAndResetContour
zoom1.resizeFrame(g.minWidth, leftToRight)
findB(zoom1, ps.reverse, !leftToRight, false, level + 1) &&
zoom1.flipFrame(zoom, leftToRight) &&
findA(zoom1, g, !leftToRight, true, level + 1) &&
case p :: ps =>
if (findA(zoom, p, leftToRight, adjacent, level)) {
findB(zoom, ps, leftToRight, true, level)
} else false
Debug.debug(level, r, s"findB ${patterns.size} L$level ${if (r) "found" else "not found"} in\n $zoom")
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