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org.freedesktop.dbus.DBusConnection Maven / Gradle / Ivy
D-Bus Java Implementation
Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Matthew Johnson
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2 or the
Academic Free Licence Version 2.1.
Full licence texts are included in the COPYING file with this program.
package org.freedesktop.dbus;
import static org.freedesktop.dbus.Gettext._;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.freedesktop.DBus;
import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.DBusException;
import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.DBusExecutionException;
import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.NotConnected;
import cx.ath.matthew.debug.Debug;
/** Handles a connection to DBus.
* This is a Singleton class, only 1 connection to the SYSTEM or SESSION busses can be made.
* Repeated calls to getConnection will return the same reference.
* Signal Handlers and method calls from remote objects are run in their own threads, you MUST handle the concurrency issues.
public class DBusConnection extends AbstractConnection
* Add addresses of peers to a set which will watch for them to
* disappear and automatically remove them from the set.
public class PeerSet implements Set, DBusSigHandler
private Set addresses;
public PeerSet()
addresses = new TreeSet();
try {
addSigHandler(new DBusMatchRule(DBus.NameOwnerChanged.class, null, null), this);
} catch (DBusException DBe) {
if (EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, DBe);
public void handle(DBus.NameOwnerChanged noc)
if (Debug.debug)
Debug.print(Debug.DEBUG, "Received NameOwnerChanged("","+noc.old_owner+","+noc.new_owner+")");
if ("".equals(noc.new_owner) && addresses.contains(
public boolean add(String address)
if (Debug.debug)
Debug.print(Debug.DEBUG, "Adding "+address);
synchronized (addresses) {
return addresses.add(address);
public boolean addAll(Collection extends String> addresses)
synchronized (this.addresses) {
return this.addresses.addAll(addresses);
public void clear()
synchronized (addresses) {
public boolean contains(Object o)
return addresses.contains(o);
public boolean containsAll(Collection> os)
return addresses.containsAll(os);
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (o instanceof PeerSet)
return ((PeerSet) o).addresses.equals(addresses);
else return false;
public int hashCode()
return addresses.hashCode();
public boolean isEmpty()
return addresses.isEmpty();
public Iterator iterator()
return addresses.iterator();
public boolean remove(Object o)
if (Debug.debug)
Debug.print(Debug.DEBUG, "Removing "+o);
synchronized(addresses) {
return addresses.remove(o);
public boolean removeAll(Collection> os)
synchronized(addresses) {
return addresses.removeAll(os);
public boolean retainAll(Collection> os)
synchronized(addresses) {
return addresses.retainAll(os);
public int size()
return addresses.size();
public Object[] toArray()
synchronized(addresses) {
return addresses.toArray();
public T[] toArray(T[] a)
synchronized(addresses) {
return addresses.toArray(a);
private class _sighandler implements DBusSigHandler
public void handle(DBusSignal s)
if (s instanceof org.freedesktop.DBus.Local.Disconnected) {
if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.WARN, "Handling Disconnected signal from bus");
try {
Error err = new Error(
"org.freedesktop.DBus.Local" , "org.freedesktop.DBus.Local.Disconnected", 0, "s", new Object[] { _("Disconnected") });
if (null != pendingCalls) synchronized (pendingCalls) {
long[] set = pendingCalls.getKeys();
for (long l: set) if (-1 != l) {
MethodCall m = pendingCalls.remove(l);
if (null != m)
synchronized (pendingErrors) {
} catch (DBusException DBe) {}
} else if (s instanceof org.freedesktop.DBus.NameAcquired) {
busnames.add(((org.freedesktop.DBus.NameAcquired) s).name);
* System Bus
public static final int SYSTEM = 0;
* Session Bus
public static final int SESSION = 1;
public static final String DEFAULT_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS = "unix:path=/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket";
private List busnames;
private static final Map conn = new HashMap();
private int _refcount = 0;
private Object _reflock = new Object();
private DBus _dbus;
* Connect to the BUS. If a connection already exists to the specified Bus, a reference to it is returned.
* @param address The address of the bus to connect to
* @throws DBusException If there is a problem connecting to the Bus.
public static DBusConnection getConnection(String address) throws DBusException
synchronized (conn) {
DBusConnection c = conn.get(address);
if (null != c) {
synchronized (c._reflock) { c._refcount++; }
return c;
else {
c = new DBusConnection(address);
conn.put(address, c);
return c;
* Connect to the BUS. If a connection already exists to the specified Bus, a reference to it is returned.
* @param bustype The Bus to connect to.
* @see #SYSTEM
* @see #SESSION
* @throws DBusException If there is a problem connecting to the Bus.
public static DBusConnection getConnection(int bustype) throws DBusException
synchronized (conn) {
String s = null;
switch (bustype) {
case SYSTEM:
s = System.getenv("DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS");
if (null == s) s = DEFAULT_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS;
s = System.getenv("DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS");
if (null == s) {
// address gets stashed in $HOME/.dbus/session-bus/`dbus-uuidgen --get`-`sed 's/:\(.\)\..*/\1/' <<< $DISPLAY`
String display = System.getenv("DISPLAY");
if (null == display) throw new DBusException(_("Cannot Resolve Session Bus Address"));
File uuidfile = new File("/var/lib/dbus/machine-id");
if (!uuidfile.exists()) throw new DBusException(_("Cannot Resolve Session Bus Address"));
try {
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(uuidfile));
String uuid = r.readLine();
String homedir = System.getProperty("user.home");
File addressfile = new File(homedir + "/.dbus/session-bus",
uuid + "-" + display.replaceAll(":([0-9]*)\\..*", "$1"));
if (!addressfile.exists()) throw new DBusException(_("Cannot Resolve Session Bus Address"));
r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(addressfile));
String l;
while (null != (l = r.readLine())) {
if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.VERBOSE, "Reading D-Bus session data: "+l);
if (l.matches("DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS.*")) {
s = l.replaceAll("^[^=]*=", "");
if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.VERBOSE, "Parsing "+l+" to "+s);
if (null == s || "".equals(s)) throw new DBusException(_("Cannot Resolve Session Bus Address"));
if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.INFO, "Read bus address "+s+" from file "+addressfile.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
if (EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, e);
throw new DBusException(_("Cannot Resolve Session Bus Address"));
throw new DBusException(_("Invalid Bus Type: ")+bustype);
DBusConnection c = conn.get(s);
if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.VERBOSE, "Getting bus connection for "+s+": "+c);
if (null != c) {
synchronized (c._reflock) { c._refcount++; }
return c;
else {
if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.DEBUG, "Creating new bus connection to: "+s);
c = new DBusConnection(s);
conn.put(s, c);
return c;
private DBusConnection(String address) throws DBusException
busnames = new Vector();
synchronized (_reflock) {
_refcount = 1;
try {
transport = new Transport(addr, AbstractConnection.TIMEOUT);
connected = true;
} catch (IOException IOe) {
if (EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, IOe);
throw new DBusException(_("Failed to connect to bus ")+IOe.getMessage());
} catch (ParseException Pe) {
if (EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, Pe);
throw new DBusException(_("Failed to connect to bus ")+Pe.getMessage());
// start listening for calls
// register disconnect handlers
DBusSigHandler h = new _sighandler();
addSigHandlerWithoutMatch(org.freedesktop.DBus.Local.Disconnected.class, h);
addSigHandlerWithoutMatch(org.freedesktop.DBus.NameAcquired.class, h);
// register ourselves
_dbus = getRemoteObject("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", DBus.class);
try {
} catch (DBusExecutionException DBEe) {
if (EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, DBEe);
throw new DBusException(DBEe.getMessage());
DBusInterface dynamicProxy(String source, String path) throws DBusException
if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.INFO, "Introspecting "+path+" on "+source+" for dynamic proxy creation");
try {
DBus.Introspectable intro = getRemoteObject(source, path, DBus.Introspectable.class);
String data = intro.Introspect();
if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.VERBOSE, "Got introspection data: "+data);
String[] tags = data.split("[<>]");
Vector ifaces = new Vector();
for (String tag: tags) {
if (tag.startsWith("interface")) {
ifaces.add(tag.replaceAll("^interface *name *= *['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"].*$", "$1"));
Vector> ifcs = new Vector>();
for(String iface: ifaces) {
if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.DEBUG, "Trying interface "+iface);
int j = 0;
while (j >= 0) {
try {
Class ifclass = Class.forName(iface);
if (!ifcs.contains(ifclass))
} catch (Exception e) {}
j = iface.lastIndexOf(".");
char[] cs = iface.toCharArray();
if (j >= 0) {
cs[j] = '$';
iface = String.valueOf(cs);
if (ifcs.size() == 0) throw new DBusException(_("Could not find an interface to cast to"));
RemoteObject ro = new RemoteObject(source, path, null, false);
DBusInterface newi = (DBusInterface)
ifcs.toArray(new Class[0]),
new RemoteInvocationHandler(this, ro));
importedObjects.put(newi, ro);
return newi;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, e);
throw new DBusException(MessageFormat.format(_("Failed to create proxy object for {0} exported by {1}. Reason: {2}"), new Object[] { path, source, e.getMessage() }));
DBusInterface getExportedObject(String source, String path) throws DBusException
ExportedObject o = null;
synchronized (exportedObjects) {
o = exportedObjects.get(path);
if (null != o && null == o.object.get()) {
o = null;
if (null != o) return o.object.get();
if (null == source) throw new DBusException(_("Not an object exported by this connection and no remote specified"));
return dynamicProxy(source, path);
* Release a bus name.
* Releases the name so that other people can use it
* @param busname The name to release. MUST be in dot-notation like "org.freedesktop.local"
* @throws DBusException If the busname is incorrectly formatted.
public void releaseBusName(String busname) throws DBusException
if (!busname.matches(BUSNAME_REGEX)||busname.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new DBusException(_("Invalid bus name"));
synchronized (this.busnames) {
UInt32 rv;
try {
rv = _dbus.ReleaseName(busname);
} catch (DBusExecutionException DBEe) {
if (EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, DBEe);
throw new DBusException(DBEe.getMessage());
* Request a bus name.
* Request the well known name that this should respond to on the Bus.
* @param busname The name to respond to. MUST be in dot-notation like "org.freedesktop.local"
* @throws DBusException If the register name failed, or our name already exists on the bus.
* or if busname is incorrectly formatted.
public void requestBusName(String busname) throws DBusException
if (!busname.matches(BUSNAME_REGEX)||busname.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new DBusException(_("Invalid bus name"));
synchronized (this.busnames) {
UInt32 rv;
try {
rv = _dbus.RequestName(busname,
} catch (DBusExecutionException DBEe) {
if (EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, DBEe);
throw new DBusException(DBEe.getMessage());
switch (rv.intValue()) {
case DBus.DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_IN_QUEUE: throw new DBusException(_("Failed to register bus name"));
case DBus.DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_EXISTS: throw new DBusException(_("Failed to register bus name"));
default: break;
* Returns the unique name of this connection.
public String getUniqueName()
return busnames.get(0);
* Returns all the names owned by this connection.
public String[] getNames()
Set names = new TreeSet();
return names.toArray(new String[0]);
public I getPeerRemoteObject(String busname, String objectpath, Class type) throws DBusException
return getPeerRemoteObject(busname, objectpath, type, true);
* Return a reference to a remote object.
* This method will resolve the well known name (if given) to a unique bus name when you call it.
* This means that if a well known name is released by one process and acquired by another calls to
* objects gained from this method will continue to operate on the original process.
* This method will use bus introspection to determine the interfaces on a remote object and so
* may block and may fail . The resulting proxy object will, however, be castable
* to any interface it implements. It will also autostart the process if applicable. Also note
* that the resulting proxy may fail to execute the correct method with overloaded methods
* and that complex types may fail in interesting ways. Basically, if something odd happens,
* try specifying the interface explicitly.
* @param busname The bus name to connect to. Usually a well known bus name in dot-notation (such as "org.freedesktop.local")
* or may be a DBus address such as ":1-16".
* @param objectpath The path on which the process is exporting the object.$
* @return A reference to a remote object.
* @throws ClassCastException If type is not a sub-type of DBusInterface
* @throws DBusException If busname or objectpath are incorrectly formatted.
public DBusInterface getPeerRemoteObject(String busname, String objectpath) throws DBusException
if (null == busname) throw new DBusException(_("Invalid bus name: null"));
if ((!busname.matches(BUSNAME_REGEX) && !busname.matches(CONNID_REGEX))
|| busname.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new DBusException(_("Invalid bus name: ")+busname);
String unique = _dbus.GetNameOwner(busname);
return dynamicProxy(unique, objectpath);
* Return a reference to a remote object.
* This method will always refer to the well known name (if given) rather than resolving it to a unique bus name.
* In particular this means that if a process providing the well known name disappears and is taken over by another process
* proxy objects gained by this method will make calls on the new proccess.
* This method will use bus introspection to determine the interfaces on a remote object and so
* may block and may fail . The resulting proxy object will, however, be castable
* to any interface it implements. It will also autostart the process if applicable. Also note
* that the resulting proxy may fail to execute the correct method with overloaded methods
* and that complex types may fail in interesting ways. Basically, if something odd happens,
* try specifying the interface explicitly.
* @param busname The bus name to connect to. Usually a well known bus name name in dot-notation (such as "org.freedesktop.local")
* or may be a DBus address such as ":1-16".
* @param objectpath The path on which the process is exporting the object.
* @return A reference to a remote object.
* @throws ClassCastException If type is not a sub-type of DBusInterface
* @throws DBusException If busname or objectpath are incorrectly formatted.
public DBusInterface getRemoteObject(String busname, String objectpath) throws DBusException
if (null == busname) throw new DBusException(_("Invalid bus name: null"));
if (null == objectpath) throw new DBusException(_("Invalid object path: null"));
if ((!busname.matches(BUSNAME_REGEX) && !busname.matches(CONNID_REGEX))
|| busname.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new DBusException(_("Invalid bus name: ")+busname);
if (!objectpath.matches(OBJECT_REGEX) || objectpath.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new DBusException(_("Invalid object path: ")+objectpath);
return dynamicProxy(busname, objectpath);
* Return a reference to a remote object.
* This method will resolve the well known name (if given) to a unique bus name when you call it.
* This means that if a well known name is released by one process and acquired by another calls to
* objects gained from this method will continue to operate on the original process.
* @param busname The bus name to connect to. Usually a well known bus name in dot-notation (such as "org.freedesktop.local")
* or may be a DBus address such as ":1-16".
* @param objectpath The path on which the process is exporting the object.$
* @param type The interface they are exporting it on. This type must have the same full class name and exposed method signatures
* as the interface the remote object is exporting.
* @param autostart Disable/Enable auto-starting of services in response to calls on this object.
* Default is enabled; when calling a method with auto-start enabled, if the destination is a well-known name
* and is not owned the bus will attempt to start a process to take the name. When disabled an error is
* returned immediately.
* @return A reference to a remote object.
* @throws ClassCastException If type is not a sub-type of DBusInterface
* @throws DBusException If busname or objectpath are incorrectly formatted or type is not in a package.
public I getPeerRemoteObject(String busname, String objectpath, Class type, boolean autostart) throws DBusException
if (null == busname) throw new DBusException(_("Invalid bus name: null"));
if ((!busname.matches(BUSNAME_REGEX) && !busname.matches(CONNID_REGEX))
|| busname.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new DBusException(_("Invalid bus name: ")+busname);
String unique = _dbus.GetNameOwner(busname);
return getRemoteObject(unique, objectpath, type, autostart);
* Return a reference to a remote object.
* This method will always refer to the well known name (if given) rather than resolving it to a unique bus name.
* In particular this means that if a process providing the well known name disappears and is taken over by another process
* proxy objects gained by this method will make calls on the new proccess.
* @param busname The bus name to connect to. Usually a well known bus name name in dot-notation (such as "org.freedesktop.local")
* or may be a DBus address such as ":1-16".
* @param objectpath The path on which the process is exporting the object.
* @param type The interface they are exporting it on. This type must have the same full class name and exposed method signatures
* as the interface the remote object is exporting.
* @return A reference to a remote object.
* @throws ClassCastException If type is not a sub-type of DBusInterface
* @throws DBusException If busname or objectpath are incorrectly formatted or type is not in a package.
public I getRemoteObject(String busname, String objectpath, Class type) throws DBusException
return getRemoteObject(busname, objectpath, type, true);
* Return a reference to a remote object.
* This method will always refer to the well known name (if given) rather than resolving it to a unique bus name.
* In particular this means that if a process providing the well known name disappears and is taken over by another process
* proxy objects gained by this method will make calls on the new proccess.
* @param busname The bus name to connect to. Usually a well known bus name name in dot-notation (such as "org.freedesktop.local")
* or may be a DBus address such as ":1-16".
* @param objectpath The path on which the process is exporting the object.
* @param type The interface they are exporting it on. This type must have the same full class name and exposed method signatures
* as the interface the remote object is exporting.
* @param autostart Disable/Enable auto-starting of services in response to calls on this object.
* Default is enabled; when calling a method with auto-start enabled, if the destination is a well-known name
* and is not owned the bus will attempt to start a process to take the name. When disabled an error is
* returned immediately.
* @return A reference to a remote object.
* @throws ClassCastException If type is not a sub-type of DBusInterface
* @throws DBusException If busname or objectpath are incorrectly formatted or type is not in a package.
public I getRemoteObject(String busname, String objectpath, Class type, boolean autostart) throws DBusException
if (null == busname) throw new DBusException(_("Invalid bus name: null"));
if (null == objectpath) throw new DBusException(_("Invalid object path: null"));
if (null == type) throw new ClassCastException(_("Not A DBus Interface"));
if ((!busname.matches(BUSNAME_REGEX) && !busname.matches(CONNID_REGEX))
|| busname.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new DBusException(_("Invalid bus name: ")+busname);
if (!objectpath.matches(OBJECT_REGEX) || objectpath.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new DBusException(_("Invalid object path: ")+objectpath);
if (!DBusInterface.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) throw new ClassCastException(_("Not A DBus Interface"));
// don't let people import things which don't have a
// valid D-Bus interface name
if (type.getName().equals(type.getSimpleName()))
throw new DBusException(_("DBusInterfaces cannot be declared outside a package"));
RemoteObject ro = new RemoteObject(busname, objectpath, type, autostart);
I i = (I) Proxy.newProxyInstance(type.getClassLoader(),
new Class[] { type }, new RemoteInvocationHandler(this, ro));
importedObjects.put(i, ro);
return i;
* Remove a Signal Handler.
* Stops listening for this signal.
* @param type The signal to watch for.
* @param source The source of the signal.
* @throws DBusException If listening for the signal on the bus failed.
* @throws ClassCastException If type is not a sub-type of DBusSignal.
public void removeSigHandler(Class type, String source, DBusSigHandler handler) throws DBusException
if (!DBusSignal.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) throw new ClassCastException(_("Not A DBus Signal"));
if (source.matches(BUSNAME_REGEX)) throw new DBusException(_("Cannot watch for signals based on well known bus name as source, only unique names."));
if (!source.matches(CONNID_REGEX)||source.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new DBusException(_("Invalid bus name: ")+source);
removeSigHandler(new DBusMatchRule(type, source, null), handler);
* Remove a Signal Handler.
* Stops listening for this signal.
* @param type The signal to watch for.
* @param source The source of the signal.
* @param object The object emitting the signal.
* @throws DBusException If listening for the signal on the bus failed.
* @throws ClassCastException If type is not a sub-type of DBusSignal.
public void removeSigHandler(Class type, String source, DBusInterface object, DBusSigHandler handler) throws DBusException
if (!DBusSignal.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) throw new ClassCastException(_("Not A DBus Signal"));
if (source.matches(BUSNAME_REGEX)) throw new DBusException(_("Cannot watch for signals based on well known bus name as source, only unique names."));
if (!source.matches(CONNID_REGEX)||source.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new DBusException(_("Invalid bus name: ")+source);
String objectpath = importedObjects.get(object).objectpath;
if (!objectpath.matches(OBJECT_REGEX)||objectpath.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new DBusException(_("Invalid object path: ")+objectpath);
removeSigHandler(new DBusMatchRule(type, source, objectpath), handler);
protected void removeSigHandler(DBusMatchRule rule, DBusSigHandler handler) throws DBusException
SignalTuple key = new SignalTuple(rule.getInterface(), rule.getMember(), rule.getObject(), rule.getSource());
synchronized (handledSignals) {
Vector> v = handledSignals.get(key);
if (null != v) {
if (0 == v.size()) {
try {
} catch (NotConnected NC) {
if (EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, NC);
} catch (DBusExecutionException DBEe) {
if (EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, DBEe);
throw new DBusException(DBEe.getMessage());
* Add a Signal Handler.
* Adds a signal handler to call when a signal is received which matches the specified type, name and source.
* @param type The signal to watch for.
* @param source The process which will send the signal. This MUST be a unique bus name and not a well known name.
* @param handler The handler to call when a signal is received.
* @throws DBusException If listening for the signal on the bus failed.
* @throws ClassCastException If type is not a sub-type of DBusSignal.
public void addSigHandler(Class type, String source, DBusSigHandler handler) throws DBusException
if (!DBusSignal.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) throw new ClassCastException(_("Not A DBus Signal"));
if (source.matches(BUSNAME_REGEX)) throw new DBusException(_("Cannot watch for signals based on well known bus name as source, only unique names."));
if (!source.matches(CONNID_REGEX)||source.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new DBusException(_("Invalid bus name: ")+source);
addSigHandler(new DBusMatchRule(type, source, null), (DBusSigHandler extends DBusSignal>) handler);
* Add a Signal Handler.
* Adds a signal handler to call when a signal is received which matches the specified type, name, source and object.
* @param type The signal to watch for.
* @param source The process which will send the signal. This MUST be a unique bus name and not a well known name.
* @param object The object from which the signal will be emitted
* @param handler The handler to call when a signal is received.
* @throws DBusException If listening for the signal on the bus failed.
* @throws ClassCastException If type is not a sub-type of DBusSignal.
public void addSigHandler(Class type, String source, DBusInterface object, DBusSigHandler handler) throws DBusException
if (!DBusSignal.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) throw new ClassCastException(_("Not A DBus Signal"));
if (source.matches(BUSNAME_REGEX)) throw new DBusException(_("Cannot watch for signals based on well known bus name as source, only unique names."));
if (!source.matches(CONNID_REGEX)||source.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new DBusException(_("Invalid bus name: ")+source);
String objectpath = importedObjects.get(object).objectpath;
if (!objectpath.matches(OBJECT_REGEX)||objectpath.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new DBusException(_("Invalid object path: ")+objectpath);
addSigHandler(new DBusMatchRule(type, source, objectpath), (DBusSigHandler extends DBusSignal>) handler);
protected void addSigHandler(DBusMatchRule rule, DBusSigHandler handler) throws DBusException
try {
} catch (DBusExecutionException DBEe) {
if (EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, DBEe);
throw new DBusException(DBEe.getMessage());
SignalTuple key = new SignalTuple(rule.getInterface(), rule.getMember(), rule.getObject(), rule.getSource());
synchronized (handledSignals) {
Vector> v = handledSignals.get(key);
if (null == v) {
v = new Vector>();
handledSignals.put(key, v);
} else
* Disconnect from the Bus.
* This only disconnects when the last reference to the bus has disconnect called on it
* or has been destroyed.
public void disconnect()
synchronized (conn) {
synchronized (_reflock) {
if (0 == --_refcount) {
if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.INFO, "Disconnecting DBusConnection");
// Set all pending messages to have an error.
try {
Error err = new Error(
"org.freedesktop.DBus.Local" , "org.freedesktop.DBus.Local.Disconnected", 0, "s", new Object[] { _("Disconnected") });
synchronized (pendingCalls) {
long[] set = pendingCalls.getKeys();
for (long l: set) if (-1 != l) {
MethodCall m = pendingCalls.remove(l);
if (null != m)
pendingCalls = null;
synchronized (pendingErrors) {
} catch (DBusException DBe) {}