Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.github.axet.jlame.libmp3lame.Jlame;
import com.github.axet.jlame.libmp3lame.Jlame_global_flags;
* Bitrate histogram source file
* Copyright (c) 2000 Mark Taylor
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/* $Id: brhist.c,v 1.58 2013/06/11 08:41:31 rbrito Exp $ */
// brhist.c
final class Jbrhist {
/* basic #define's */
private static final int BRHIST_WIDTH = 14;
// private static final int BRHIST_RES = 14;
/* Structure holding all data related to the Console I/O
* may be this should be a more global frontend structure. So it
* makes sense to print all files instead with
* printf ( "blah\n") with printf ( "blah%s\n", Console_IO.str_clreoln );
private static final class Jbrhist_struct {
private int vbr_bitrate_min_index;
private int vbr_bitrate_max_index;
private final int kbps[] = new int[BRHIST_WIDTH];
private int hist_printed_lines;
private String bar_asterisk;
private String bar_percent;
private String bar_coded;
private String bar_space;
private static final Jbrhist_struct brhist = new Jbrhist_struct( );
private static final int calculate_index(final int[] array, final int len, final int value) {
for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
if( array[i] == value ) {
return i;
return -1;
static final int brhist_init(final Jlame_global_flags gf, final int bitrate_kbps_min, final int bitrate_kbps_max ) {
brhist.hist_printed_lines = 0;
/* initialize histogramming data structure */
Jlame.lame_bitrate_kbps( gf, brhist.kbps );
brhist.vbr_bitrate_min_index = calculate_index( brhist.kbps, BRHIST_WIDTH, bitrate_kbps_min );
brhist.vbr_bitrate_max_index = calculate_index( brhist.kbps, BRHIST_WIDTH, bitrate_kbps_max );
if( brhist.vbr_bitrate_min_index >= BRHIST_WIDTH ||
brhist.vbr_bitrate_max_index >= BRHIST_WIDTH ) {
Jconsole.error_printf("lame internal error: VBR min %d kbps or VBR max %d kbps not allowed.\n",
bitrate_kbps_min, bitrate_kbps_max );
return -1;
final char[] tmp = new char[512];
Arrays.fill( tmp, '*' );
brhist.bar_asterisk = new String( tmp );//memset(brhist.bar_asterisk, '*', sizeof(brhist.bar_asterisk) - 1 );
Arrays.fill( tmp, '#' );// java: replced by # to avoid a problem with printf. Arrays.fill( tmp, '%' );
brhist.bar_percent = new String( tmp );//memset(brhist.bar_percent, '%', sizeof(brhist.bar_percent) - 1 );
Arrays.fill( tmp, '-' );
brhist.bar_coded = new String( tmp );//memset(brhist.bar_space, '-', sizeof(brhist.bar_space) - 1 );
brhist.bar_space = brhist.bar_coded;//memset(brhist.bar_coded, '-', sizeof(brhist.bar_space) - 1 );
return 0;
private static final int digits(int number) {
int ret = 1;
if( number >= 100000000 ) {
ret += 8;
number /= 100000000;
if( number >= 10000 ) {
ret += 4;
number /= 10000;
if( number >= 100 ) {
ret += 2;
number /= 100;
if( number >= 10 ) {
ret += 1;
return ret;
private static final void brhist_disp_line(final int i, final int br_hist_TOT, final int br_hist_LR, final int full, final int frames)
int res = digits( frames ) + 3 + 4 + 1;
int barlen_TOT, barlen_LR;
if( full != 0 ) {
/* some problems when br_hist_TOT \approx br_hist_LR: You can't see that there are still MS frames */
barlen_TOT = (br_hist_TOT * (Jconsole.Console_IO.disp_width - res) + full - 1) / full; /* round up */
barlen_LR = (br_hist_LR * (Jconsole.Console_IO.disp_width - res) + full - 1) / full; /* round up */
} else {
barlen_TOT = barlen_LR = 0;
final String format = " [%" + digits( frames ) + "d]";
final String brppt = String.format( format, br_hist_TOT );/* [%] and max. 10 characters for kbps */
if( Jconsole.Console_IO.str_clreoln.length() != 0 ) {/* ClearEndOfLine available */
/* console_printf("\n%3d%s %.*s%.*s%s",
brhist.kbps[i], brppt,
barlen_LR, brhist.bar_percent,
barlen_TOT - barlen_LR, brhist.bar_asterisk, Console_IO.str_clreoln); */
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( String.format( "\n%3d%s ", brhist.kbps[i], brppt ) );
if( barlen_LR != 0 ) {
sb.append( String.format( "%." + barlen_LR + "s", brhist.bar_percent ) );
barlen_TOT -= barlen_LR;
if( barlen_TOT != 0 ) {
sb.append( String.format( "%." + barlen_TOT + "s", brhist.bar_asterisk ) );
sb.append( Jconsole.Console_IO.str_clreoln );
Jconsole.console_printf( sb.toString() );
} else {
/* console_printf("\n%3d%s %.*s%.*s%*s",
brhist.kbps[i], brppt,
barlen_LR, brhist.bar_percent,
barlen_TOT - barlen_LR, brhist.bar_asterisk,
Console_IO.disp_width - res - barlen_TOT, ""); */
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( String.format( "\n%3d%s ", brhist.kbps[i], brppt ) );
if( barlen_LR != 0 ) {
sb.append( String.format( "%." + barlen_LR + "s", brhist.bar_percent ) );
barlen_LR = barlen_TOT - barlen_LR;
if( barlen_LR != 0 ) {
sb.append( String.format( "%." + barlen_LR + "s", brhist.bar_asterisk ) );
res = Jconsole.Console_IO.disp_width - res - barlen_TOT;
if( res != 0 ) {
sb.append( String.format( "%." + res + "s", "" ) );
Jconsole.console_printf( sb.toString() );
private static final void progress_line(final Jlame_global_flags gf, int full, final int frames) {
String rst = "";
int barlen_TOT = 0, barlen_COD = 0, barlen_RST = 0;
int res = 1;
float time_in_sec = 0;
final int fsize = gf.lame_get_framesize();
final int srate = gf.lame_get_out_samplerate();
if( full < frames ) {
full = frames;
if( srate > 0 ) {
time_in_sec = (float)(full - frames);
time_in_sec *= fsize;
time_in_sec /= srate;
final int hour = (int)(time_in_sec / 3600);
time_in_sec -= hour * 3600;
final int min = (int)(time_in_sec / 60);
time_in_sec -= min * 60;
final int sec = (int)time_in_sec;
if( full != 0 ) {
if( hour > 0 ) {
final String format = "%" + digits( hour ) + "d:%02d:%02d";
rst = String.format( format, hour, min, sec );
res += digits( hour ) + 1 + 5;
} else {
rst = String.format( "%02d:%02d", min, sec );
res += 5;
/* some problems when br_hist_TOT \approx br_hist_LR: You can't see that there are still MS frames */
barlen_TOT = (full * (Jconsole.Console_IO.disp_width - res) + full - 1) / full; /* round up */
barlen_COD = (frames * (Jconsole.Console_IO.disp_width - res) + full - 1) / full; /* round up */
barlen_RST = barlen_TOT - barlen_COD;
if( barlen_RST == 0 ) {
final String format = "%." + ( res - 1 ) + "s";
rst = String.format( format, brhist.bar_coded );
} else {
barlen_TOT = barlen_COD = barlen_RST = 0;
// java prints don't supports %.0s
if( Jconsole.Console_IO.str_clreoln.length() != 0 ) { /* ClearEndOfLine available */
/* console_printf("\n%.*s%s%.*s%s",
barlen_COD, brhist.bar_coded,
rst, barlen_RST, brhist.bar_space, Console_IO.str_clreoln); */
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n");
if( barlen_COD != 0 ) {
sb.append( String.format( "%." + barlen_COD + "s", brhist.bar_coded ) );
sb.append( rst );
if( barlen_RST != 0 ) {
sb.append( String.format( "%." + barlen_RST + "s", brhist.bar_space ) );
sb.append( Jconsole.Console_IO.str_clreoln );
Jconsole.console_printf( sb.toString() );
} else {
/* console_printf("\n%.*s%s%.*s%*s",
barlen_COD, brhist.bar_coded,
rst, barlen_RST, brhist.bar_space, Console_IO.disp_width - res - barlen_TOT,
""); */
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n");
if( barlen_COD != 0 ) {
sb.append( String.format( "%." + barlen_COD + "s", brhist.bar_coded ) );
sb.append( rst );
if( barlen_RST != 0 ) {
sb.append( String.format( "%." + barlen_RST + "s", brhist.bar_space ) );
res = (Jconsole.Console_IO.disp_width - res - barlen_TOT);
if( res != 0 ) {
sb.append( String.format( "%." + res + "s", "" ) );
Jconsole.console_printf( sb.toString() );
private static final int stats_value(final double x) {
if( x > 0.0 ) {
Jconsole.console_printf(" %5.1f", x );
return 6;
return 0;
private static final int stats_head(final double x, final String txt) {
if( x > 0.0 ) {
Jconsole.console_printf( txt );
return 6;
return 0;
private static final void stats_line(final double[] stat) {
int n = 1;
Jconsole.console_printf("\n kbps " );
n += 12;
n += stats_head( stat[1], " mono" );
n += stats_head( stat[2], " IS " );
n += stats_head( stat[3], " LR " );
n += stats_head( stat[4], " MS " );
Jconsole.console_printf(" %% " );
n += 6;
n += stats_head( stat[5], " long " );
n += stats_head( stat[6], "switch" );
n += stats_head( stat[7], " short" );
n += stats_head( stat[8], " mixed" );
Jconsole.console_printf(" %%" );
n += 2;
if( Jconsole.Console_IO.str_clreoln.length() != 0 ) { /* ClearEndOfLine available */
Jconsole.console_printf("%s", Jconsole.Console_IO.str_clreoln );
} else {
final String format = "%" + (Jconsole.Console_IO.disp_width - n) + "s";
Jconsole.console_printf( format, "" );
n = 1;
Jconsole.console_printf("\n %5.1f ", stat[0] );
n += 12;
n += stats_value( stat[1] );
n += stats_value( stat[2] );
n += stats_value( stat[3] );
n += stats_value( stat[4] );
Jconsole.console_printf(" ");
n += 6;
n += stats_value( stat[5] );
n += stats_value( stat[6] );
n += stats_value( stat[7] );
n += stats_value( stat[8] );
if( Jconsole.Console_IO.str_clreoln.length() != 0 ) { /* ClearEndOfLine available */
Jconsole.console_printf("%s", Jconsole.Console_IO.str_clreoln );
} else {
final String format = "%" + (Jconsole.Console_IO.disp_width - n) + "s";
Jconsole.console_printf( format, "" );
/* Yes, not very good */
private static final int LR = 0;
private static final int MS = 2;
static final void brhist_disp(final Jlame_global_flags gf) {
int lines_used = 0;
final int br_hist[] = new int[BRHIST_WIDTH]; /* how often a frame size was used */
final int br_sm_hist[][] = new int[BRHIST_WIDTH][4]; /* how often a special frame size/stereo mode commbination was used */
final int st_mode[] = new int[4];
final int bl_type[] = new int[6];
double sum = 0.;
final double stat[] = new double[9];// = { 0 };// java: already zeroed
int st_frames = 0;
brhist.hist_printed_lines = 0; /* printed number of lines for the brhist functionality, used to skip back the right number of lines */
Jlame.lame_bitrate_stereo_mode_hist( gf, br_sm_hist );
Jlame.lame_bitrate_hist( gf, br_hist );
Jlame.lame_stereo_mode_hist( gf, st_mode );
Jlame.lame_block_type_hist( gf, bl_type );
int frames = 0;/* total number of encoded frames */
int most_often = 0;/* usage count of the most often used frame size, but not smaller than Console_IO.disp_width-BRHIST_RES (makes this sense?) and 1 */
for( int i = 0; i < BRHIST_WIDTH; i++ ) {
frames += br_hist[i];
sum += br_hist[i] * brhist.kbps[i];
if( most_often < br_hist[i]) {
most_often = br_hist[i];
if( br_hist[i] != 0 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < BRHIST_WIDTH; i++ ) {
boolean show = br_hist[i] != 0;
show = show && (lines_used > 1 );
if( show || (i >= brhist.vbr_bitrate_min_index && i <= brhist.vbr_bitrate_max_index) ) {
brhist_disp_line( i, br_hist[i], br_sm_hist[i][LR], most_often, frames );
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
st_frames += st_mode[i];
if( frames > 0 ) {
stat[0] = sum / frames;
stat[1] = 100. * (frames - st_frames) / frames;
if( st_frames > 0 ) {
stat[2] = 0.0;
stat[3] = 100. * st_mode[LR] / st_frames;
stat[4] = 100. * st_mode[MS] / st_frames;
if( bl_type[5] > 0 ) {
stat[5] = 100. * bl_type[0] / bl_type[5];
stat[6] = 100. * (bl_type[1] + bl_type[3]) / bl_type[5];
stat[7] = 100. * bl_type[2] / bl_type[5];
stat[8] = 100. * bl_type[4] / bl_type[5];
progress_line( gf, gf.lame_get_totalframes(), frames );
stats_line( stat );
static final void brhist_jump_back() {
Jconsole.console_up( brhist.hist_printed_lines );
brhist.hist_printed_lines = 0;
* 1)
* Taken from Termcap_Manual.html:
* With the Unix version of termcap, you must allocate space for the description yourself and pass
* the address of the space as the argument buffer. There is no way you can tell how much space is
* needed, so the convention is to allocate a buffer 2048 characters long and assume that is
* enough. (Formerly the convention was to allocate 1024 characters and assume that was enough.
* But one day, for one kind of terminal, that was not enough.)
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