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org.codehaus.mojo.versions.SetMojo Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.codehaus.mojo.versions;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.ArtifactUtils;
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.apache.maven.model.Parent;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.codehaus.mojo.versions.api.PomHelper;
import org.codehaus.mojo.versions.change.VersionChange;
import org.codehaus.mojo.versions.change.VersionChanger;
import org.codehaus.mojo.versions.change.VersionChangerFactory;
import org.codehaus.mojo.versions.ordering.ReactorDepthComparator;
import org.codehaus.mojo.versions.rewriting.ModifiedPomXMLEventReader;
import org.codehaus.mojo.versions.utils.ContextualLog;
import org.codehaus.mojo.versions.utils.DelegatingContextualLog;
import org.codehaus.mojo.versions.utils.RegexUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.components.interactivity.Prompter;
import org.codehaus.plexus.components.interactivity.PrompterException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
* Sets the current project's version and based on that change propagates that change onto any child modules as
* necessary.
* @author Stephen Connolly
* @since 1.0-beta-1
@Mojo( name = "set", requiresProject = true, requiresDirectInvocation = true, aggregator = true )
public class SetMojo
extends AbstractVersionsUpdaterMojo
private static final String SNAPSHOT = "-SNAPSHOT";
* The new version number to set.
* @since 1.0-beta-1
@Parameter( property = "newVersion" )
private String newVersion;
* The groupId of the dependency/module to update.
* @since 1.2
@Parameter( property = "groupId", defaultValue = "${project.groupId}" )
private String groupId;
* The artifactId of the dependency/module to update.
* @since 1.2
@Parameter( property = "artifactId", defaultValue = "${project.artifactId}" )
private String artifactId;
* The version of the dependency/module to update.
* @since 1.2
@Parameter( property = "oldVersion", defaultValue = "${project.version}" )
private String oldVersion;
* Whether matching versions explicitly specified (as /project/version) in child modules should be updated.
* @since 1.3
@Parameter( property = "updateMatchingVersions", defaultValue = "true" )
private boolean updateMatchingVersions;
* Whether to process the parent of the project.
* @since 1.3
@Parameter( property = "processParent", defaultValue = "true" )
private boolean processParent;
* Whether to process the project version.
* @since 1.3
@Parameter( property = "processProject", defaultValue = "true" )
private boolean processProject;
* Whether to process the dependencies section of the project.
* @since 1.3
@Parameter( property = "processDependencies", defaultValue = "true" )
private boolean processDependencies;
* Whether to process the plugins section of the project.
* @since 1.3
@Parameter( property = "processPlugins", defaultValue = "true" )
private boolean processPlugins;
* Component used to prompt for input
* @component
private Prompter prompter;
* Whether to remove -SNAPSHOT
from the existing version.
* @since 2.10
@Parameter( property = "removeSnapshot", defaultValue = "false" )
private boolean removeSnapshot;
* Whether to add next version number and -SNAPSHOT
to the existing version.
* @since 2.10
@Parameter( property = "nextSnapshot", defaultValue = "false" )
private boolean nextSnapshot;
* The changes to module coordinates. Guarded by this.
private final transient List sourceChanges = new ArrayList();
private synchronized void addChange( String groupId, String artifactId, String oldVersion, String newVersion )
if ( !newVersion.equals( oldVersion ) )
sourceChanges.add( new VersionChange( groupId, artifactId, oldVersion, newVersion ) );
* Called when this mojo is executed.
* @throws org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException when things go wrong.
* @throws org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException when things go wrong.
public void execute()
throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
if ( getProject().getOriginalModel().getVersion() == null )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Project version is inherited from parent." );
if ( removeSnapshot && !nextSnapshot )
String version = getVersion();
String release = version;
if ( version.endsWith( SNAPSHOT ) )
release = version.substring( 0, version.indexOf( SNAPSHOT ) );
newVersion = release;
getLog().info( "SNAPSHOT found. BEFORE " + version + " --> AFTER: " + newVersion );
if ( !removeSnapshot && nextSnapshot )
boolean havingSnapshot = false;
String version = getVersion();
String versionWithoutSnapshot = version;
if ( version.endsWith( SNAPSHOT ) )
havingSnapshot = true;
versionWithoutSnapshot = version.substring( 0, version.indexOf( SNAPSHOT ) );
LinkedList numbers = new LinkedList();
if ( versionWithoutSnapshot.contains( "." ) )
// Chop the version into numbers by splitting on the dot (.)
Collections.addAll( numbers, versionWithoutSnapshot.split( "\\." ) );
// The version contains no dots, assume that it is only 1 number
numbers.add( versionWithoutSnapshot );
int lastNumber = Integer.parseInt( numbers.removeLast() );
numbers.addLast( String.valueOf( lastNumber + 1 ) );
String nextVersion = StringUtils.join( numbers.toArray( new String[0] ), "." );
if ( havingSnapshot )
newVersion = nextVersion + "-SNAPSHOT";
getLog().info( "SNAPSHOT found. BEFORE " + version + " --> AFTER: " + newVersion );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( newVersion ) )
if ( settings.isInteractiveMode() )
newVersion =
prompter.prompt( "Enter the new version to set", getProject().getOriginalModel().getVersion() );
catch ( PrompterException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
throw new MojoExecutionException( "You must specify the new version, either by using the newVersion "
+ "property (that is -DnewVersion=... on the command line) or run in interactive mode" );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( newVersion ) )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "You must specify the new version, either by using the newVersion "
+ "property (that is -DnewVersion=... on the command line) or run in interactive mode" );
final MavenProject project =
PomHelper.getLocalRoot( projectBuilder, getProject(), localRepository, null, getLog() );
getLog().info( "Local aggregation root: " + project.getBasedir() );
Map reactorModels = PomHelper.getReactorModels( project, getLog() );
final SortedMap reactor =
new TreeMap( new ReactorDepthComparator( reactorModels ) );
reactor.putAll( reactorModels );
// set of files to update
final Set files = new LinkedHashSet();
getLog().info( "Processing change of " + groupId + ":" + artifactId + ":" + oldVersion + " -> "
+ newVersion );
Pattern groupIdRegex =
Pattern.compile( RegexUtils.convertWildcardsToRegex( fixNullOrEmpty( groupId, "*" ), true ) );
Pattern artifactIdRegex =
Pattern.compile( RegexUtils.convertWildcardsToRegex( fixNullOrEmpty( artifactId, "*" ), true ) );
Pattern oldVersionIdRegex =
Pattern.compile( RegexUtils.convertWildcardsToRegex( fixNullOrEmpty( oldVersion, "*" ), true ) );
boolean found = false;
for ( Model m : reactor.values() )
final String mGroupId = PomHelper.getGroupId( m );
final String mArtifactId = PomHelper.getArtifactId( m );
final String mVersion = PomHelper.getVersion( m );
if ( groupIdRegex.matcher( mGroupId ).matches() && artifactIdRegex.matcher( mArtifactId ).matches()
&& oldVersionIdRegex.matcher( mVersion ).matches() && !newVersion.equals( mVersion ) )
found = true;
// if the change is not one we have swept up already
applyChange( project, reactor, files, mGroupId, m.getArtifactId(),
StringUtils.isBlank( oldVersion ) || "*".equals( oldVersion ) ? "" : m.getVersion() );
if ( !found && RegexUtils.getWildcardScore( groupId ) == 0 && RegexUtils.getWildcardScore( artifactId ) == 0
&& RegexUtils.getWildcardScore( oldVersion ) == 0 )
applyChange( project, reactor, files, groupId, artifactId, oldVersion );
// now process all the updates
for ( File file : files )
process( file );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
private static String fixNullOrEmpty( String value, String defaultValue )
return StringUtils.isBlank( value ) ? defaultValue : value;
private void applyChange( MavenProject project, SortedMap reactor, Set files, String groupId,
String artifactId, String oldVersion )
getLog().debug( "Applying change " + groupId + ":" + artifactId + ":" + oldVersion + " -> " + newVersion );
// this is a triggering change
addChange( groupId, artifactId, oldVersion, newVersion );
// now fake out the triggering change
final Map.Entry current = PomHelper.getModelEntry( reactor, groupId, artifactId );
current.getValue().setVersion( newVersion );
addFile( files, project, current.getKey() );
for ( Map.Entry sourceEntry : reactor.entrySet() )
final String sourcePath = sourceEntry.getKey();
final Model sourceModel = sourceEntry.getValue();
getLog().debug( sourcePath.length() == 0 ? "Processing root module as parent"
: "Processing " + sourcePath + " as a parent." );
final String sourceGroupId = PomHelper.getGroupId( sourceModel );
if ( sourceGroupId == null )
getLog().warn( "Module " + sourcePath + " is missing a groupId." );
final String sourceArtifactId = PomHelper.getArtifactId( sourceModel );
if ( sourceArtifactId == null )
getLog().warn( "Module " + sourcePath + " is missing an artifactId." );
final String sourceVersion = PomHelper.getVersion( sourceModel );
if ( sourceVersion == null )
getLog().warn( "Module " + sourcePath + " is missing a version." );
addFile( files, project, sourcePath );
getLog().debug( "Looking for modules which use "
+ ArtifactUtils.versionlessKey( sourceGroupId, sourceArtifactId ) + " as their parent" );
for ( Map.Entry stringModelEntry : PomHelper.getChildModels( reactor, sourceGroupId,
sourceArtifactId ).entrySet() )
final Map.Entry target = (Map.Entry) stringModelEntry;
final String targetPath = (String) target.getKey();
final Model targetModel = (Model) target.getValue();
final Parent parent = targetModel.getParent();
getLog().debug( "Module: " + targetPath );
if ( sourceVersion.equals( parent.getVersion() ) )
getLog().debug( " parent already is "
+ ArtifactUtils.versionlessKey( sourceGroupId, sourceArtifactId ) + ":" + sourceVersion );
getLog().debug( " parent is " + ArtifactUtils.versionlessKey( sourceGroupId, sourceArtifactId )
+ ":" + parent.getVersion() );
getLog().debug( " will become " + ArtifactUtils.versionlessKey( sourceGroupId, sourceArtifactId )
+ ":" + sourceVersion );
final boolean targetExplicit = PomHelper.isExplicitVersion( targetModel );
if ( ( updateMatchingVersions || !targetExplicit )
&& StringUtils.equals( parent.getVersion(), PomHelper.getVersion( targetModel ) ) )
getLog().debug( " module is "
+ ArtifactUtils.versionlessKey( PomHelper.getGroupId( targetModel ),
PomHelper.getArtifactId( targetModel ) )
+ ":" + PomHelper.getVersion( targetModel ) );
getLog().debug( " will become "
+ ArtifactUtils.versionlessKey( PomHelper.getGroupId( targetModel ),
PomHelper.getArtifactId( targetModel ) )
+ ":" + sourceVersion );
addChange( PomHelper.getGroupId( targetModel ), PomHelper.getArtifactId( targetModel ),
PomHelper.getVersion( targetModel ), sourceVersion );
targetModel.setVersion( sourceVersion );
getLog().debug( " module is "
+ ArtifactUtils.versionlessKey( PomHelper.getGroupId( targetModel ),
PomHelper.getArtifactId( targetModel ) )
+ ":" + PomHelper.getVersion( targetModel ) );
private void addFile( Set files, MavenProject project, String relativePath )
final File moduleDir = new File( project.getBasedir(), relativePath );
final File projectBaseDir = project.getBasedir();
final File moduleProjectFile;
if ( projectBaseDir.equals( moduleDir ) )
moduleProjectFile = project.getFile();
else if ( moduleDir.isDirectory() )
moduleProjectFile = new File( moduleDir, "pom.xml" );
// i don't think this should ever happen... but just in case
// the module references the file-name
moduleProjectFile = moduleDir;
files.add( moduleProjectFile );
* Updates the pom file.
* @param pom The pom file to update.
* @throws org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException when things go wrong.
* @throws org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException when things go wrong.
* @throws when things go wrong.
protected synchronized void update( ModifiedPomXMLEventReader pom )
throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException, XMLStreamException
ContextualLog log = new DelegatingContextualLog( getLog() );
Model model = PomHelper.getRawModel( pom );
log.setContext( "Processing " + PomHelper.getGroupId( model ) + ":" + PomHelper.getArtifactId( model ) );
VersionChangerFactory versionChangerFactory = new VersionChangerFactory();
versionChangerFactory.setPom( pom );
versionChangerFactory.setLog( log );
versionChangerFactory.setModel( model );
VersionChanger changer = versionChangerFactory.newVersionChanger( processParent, processProject,
processDependencies, processPlugins );
for ( VersionChange versionChange : sourceChanges )
changer.apply( versionChange );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );