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package com.axway.apim.lib;
public enum ErrorCode {
SUCCESS (0, "Replication of the API was successful."),
MISSING_PARAMETER (5, "There is a missing parameter."),
NO_CHANGE (10, "No change between desired and actual API has been detected."),
EXPORT_FOLDER_EXISTS (12, "Export failed Export-Folder already exists."),
BREAKING_CHANGE_DETECTED (15, "A breaking change detected, but no force flag was given."),
NO_ADMIN_ROLE_USER (17, "An action failed due to a missing Admin-Account."),
CANT_PARSE_HTTP_RESPONSE (20, "Cannot parse a HTTP-Response for REST-API-Call"),
CANT_SEND_HTTP_REQUEST (25, "Cannot send a HTTP-Request."),
CANT_READ_JSON_PAYLOAD (30, "Cannot read or parse JSON-Payload."),
CANT_CREATE_API_PROXY (35, "Cannot create API-Proxy (FE-API)"),
CANT_CREATE_BE_API (40, "Cannot import Swagger-Definition -> Can't create BE-API."),
CANT_UPDATE_API_PROXY (45, "Can't update API-Proxy (FE-API)."),
CANT_UPDATE_QUOTA_CONFIG (47, "Can't update Quota-Configuration."),
CANT_UPDATE_API_STATUS (50, "Can't update the API-Status."),
QUERY_STRING_ROUTING_DISABLED (53, "Query-String routing option in API-Manager is not enabled"),
API_CONFIG_REQUIRES_QUERY_STRING (54, "The given API-Config needs a query string, as API-Manager has it enabled."),
CANT_UPGRADE_API_ACCESS (55, "Can't upgrade API-Access."),
UNKNOWN_API (56, "API is unknown / not found, etc."),
UNKNOWN_ORGANIZATION (57, "Unknown organization given. Please check the API-Config-File."),
UNKNOWN_APPLICATION (58, "Unknown application given. Please check the API-Config-File."),
ACCESS_ORGANIZATION_ERR (59, "An error happens while managing organization permissions."),
API_MANAGER_COMMUNICATION (60, "Generic API-Manager communication error."),
INVALID_CLIENT_ORGANIZATIONS (61, "At least one configured organization is invalid. Check the log file for more information."),
INVALID_CLIENT_APPLICATIONS (62, "At least one configured application is invalid. Check the log file for more information."),
NO_API_DEFINITION_CONFIGURED (64, "No API Definition configured."),
CANT_READ_API_DEFINITION_FILE (65, "Can't read the given Swagger-File."),
CANT_READ_WSDL_FILE (66, "Can't read the given WSDL-File."),
CANT_READ_CONFIG_FILE (70, "Can't read the API Config-File."),
INVALID_QUOTA_CONFIG (71, "The given Quota-Configuration is invalid."),
API_OPERATION_NOT_FOUND (72, "The given operationId cannot be found."),
REFERENCED_PROFILE_INVALID (73, "Invalid profile reference is used. For instance using a CORS-Profile in an InboundProfile."),
UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE (75, "Unsupported feature."),
CANT_CREATE_STATE_CHANGE (80, "If the Desired & Actual API can't be compared for any reason."),
WRONG_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD (81, "The password for the keystore is wrong."),
UNKNOWN_CUSTOM_POLICY (85, "A custom policy-name is unknown (Request-, Routing, ...)"),
CANT_SETUP_VHOST (87, "It wasn't possible to setup the V-Host for the FE-API"),
CANT_CREATE_HTTP_CLIENT (88, "Cannot create HTTP client"),
UNXPECTED_ERROR (99, "An unexpected error occured.");
private final int code;
private final String description;
private ErrorCode(int code, String description) {
this.code = code;
this.description = description;
public int getCode() {
return code;
public String getDescription() {
return description;