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com.axway.apim.actions.tasks.UpdateAPIStatus Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.axway.apim.actions.tasks;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import com.axway.apim.lib.AppException;
import com.axway.apim.lib.CommandParameters;
import com.axway.apim.lib.ErrorCode;
import com.axway.apim.lib.ErrorState;
import com.axway.apim.swagger.APIChangeState;
import com.axway.apim.swagger.APIManagerAdapter;
import com.axway.apim.swagger.api.state.APIBaseDefinition;
import com.axway.apim.swagger.api.state.IAPI;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
public class UpdateAPIStatus extends AbstractAPIMTask implements IResponseParser {
private String intent = "";
private boolean updateVHostRequired = false;
public static HashMap statusChangeMap = new HashMap() {{
put("unpublished", new String[] {"published", "deleted"});
put("published", new String[] {"unpublished", "deprecated"});
put("deleted", new String[] {});
put("deprecated", new String[] {"unpublished", "undeprecated"});
put("pending", new String[] {"deleted"});
* Maps the actual API-State to all desired states, which requires an enforcement as it be break the API.
private static HashMap> statusChangeRequiresEnforce = new HashMap>() {{
put("published", Arrays.asList(new String[] {"unpublished", "deleted"}));
put("deprecated", Arrays.asList(new String[] {"unpublished", "deleted"}));
* Maps the provided status to the REST-API endpoint to change the status!
public static HashMap statusEndpoint = new HashMap() {{
put("unpublished", "unpublish");
put("published", "publish");
put("deprecated", "deprecate");
put("undeprecated", "undeprecate");
public UpdateAPIStatus(IAPI desiredState, IAPI actualState, String intent) {
super(desiredState, actualState);
this.intent = intent;
public UpdateAPIStatus(IAPI desiredState, IAPI actualState) {
this(desiredState, actualState, "");
public void execute() throws AppException {
if(CommandParameters.getInstance().isEnforceBreakingChange()) {
} else {
public void execute(boolean enforceBreakingChange) throws AppException {
if(this.desiredState.getState().equals(this.actualState.getState())) {
LOG.debug("Desired and actual status equal. No need to update status!");
LOG.debug(this.intent + "Updating API-Status from: '" + this.actualState.getState() + "' to '" + this.desiredState.getState() + "'");
if(!enforceBreakingChange) {
if(statusChangeRequiresEnforce.get(this.actualState.getState())!=null &&
statusChangeRequiresEnforce.get(this.actualState.getState()).contains(this.desiredState.getState())) {
ErrorState.getInstance().setError("Status change from actual status: '"+actualState.getState()+"' to desired status: '"+desiredState.getState()+"' "
+ "is breaking. Enforce change with option: -f true", ErrorCode.BREAKING_CHANGE_DETECTED, false);
throw new AppException("Status change from actual status: '"+actualState.getState()+"' to desired status: '"+desiredState.getState()+"' "
+ "is breaking. Enforce change with option: -f true", ErrorCode.BREAKING_CHANGE_DETECTED);
URI uri;
Transaction context = Transaction.getInstance();
RestAPICall apiCall;
try {
String[] possibleStatus = statusChangeMap.get(actualState.getState());
String intermediateState = null;
boolean statusMovePossible = false;
for(String status : possibleStatus) {
if(desiredState.getState().equals(status)) {
statusMovePossible = true; // Direct move to new state possible
} else {
String[] possibleStatus2 = statusChangeMap.get(status);
if(possibleStatus2!=null) {
for(String subStatus : possibleStatus2) {
if(desiredState.getState().equals(subStatus)) {
intermediateState = status;
statusMovePossible = true;
if (statusMovePossible) {
if(intermediateState!=null) {"Required intermediate state: "+intermediateState);
// In case, we can't process directly, we have to perform an intermediate state change
IAPI desiredIntermediate = new APIBaseDefinition();
UpdateAPIStatus intermediateStatusUpdate = new UpdateAPIStatus(desiredIntermediate, actualState, " ### ");
} else {
LOG.error(this.intent + "The status change from: " + actualState.getState() + " to " + desiredState.getState() + " is not possible!");
throw new AppException("The status change from: '" + actualState.getState() + "' to '" + desiredState.getState() + "' is not possible!", ErrorCode.CANT_UPDATE_API_STATUS);
if(desiredState.getState().equals(IAPI.STATE_DELETED)) {
// If an API in state unpublished or pending, also an orgAdmin can delete it
boolean useAdmin = (actualState.getState().equals(IAPI.STATE_UNPUBLISHED) || actualState.getState().equals(IAPI.STATE_PENDING)) ? false : true;
uri = new URIBuilder(cmd.getAPIManagerURL())
apiCall = new DELRequest(uri, this, useAdmin);
context.put("responseMessage", "'Old' FE-API deleted (API-Proxy)");
// Additionally we need to delete the BE-API
uri = new URIBuilder(cmd.getAPIManagerURL())
apiCall = new DELRequest(uri, this, useAdmin);
context.put("responseMessage", "'Old' BE-API deleted.");
} else {
uri = new URIBuilder(cmd.getAPIManagerURL())
if(desiredState.getVhost()!=null && desiredState.getState().equals(IAPI.STATE_PUBLISHED)) { // During publish, it might be required to also set the VHost (See issue: #98)
HttpEntity entity = new StringEntity("vhost="+desiredState.getVhost());
apiCall = new POSTRequest(entity, uri, this, useAdminAccountForPublish());
} else {
apiCall = new POSTRequest(null, uri, this, useAdminAccountForPublish());
if (desiredState.getVhost()!=null && desiredState.getState().equals(IAPI.STATE_UNPUBLISHED)) {
this.updateVHostRequired = true; // Flag to control update of the VHost
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AppException("The status change from: '" + actualState.getState() + "' to '" + desiredState.getState() + "' is not possible!", ErrorCode.CANT_UPDATE_API_STATUS, e);
public JsonNode parseResponse(HttpResponse httpResponse) throws AppException {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
String response = null;
Transaction context = Transaction.getInstance();
try {
if(context.get("responseMessage")!=null) {
return null;
} else {
try {
response = EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity());
JsonNode jsonNode = objectMapper.readTree(response);
String backendAPIId = jsonNode.findPath("id").asText();
Transaction.getInstance().put("backendAPIId", backendAPIId);
// The action was successful, update the status!
LOG.debug(this.intent + "Actual API state set to: " + this.actualState.getState());
return null;
} catch (Exception e1) {
throw new AppException("Unable to parse response", ErrorCode.CANT_UPDATE_API_PROXY, e1);
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) { }
public boolean isUpdateVHostRequired() {
return updateVHostRequired;
private boolean useAdminAccountForPublish() throws AppException {
if(APIManagerAdapter.hasAdminAccount()) return true;
// This flag can be set to false to stop OrgAdmin from a Publishing request (means Pending approval)
if(CommandParameters.getInstance().allowOrgAdminsToPublish()) return false;
// In all other cases, we use the Admin-Account
return true;
private String formatRetirementDate(Long retirementDate) {
Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone(ZoneId.of("Z")));
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", Locale.US);
return format.format(cal.getTime());
public void updateRetirementDate(APIChangeState changeState) throws AppException {
if(changeState!=null && changeState.getNonBreakingChanges().contains("retirementDate")) {
// Ignore the retirementDate if desiredState is not deprecated as it's used nowhere
if(!desiredState.getState().equals(IAPI.STATE_DEPRECATED)) {"Ignoring given retirementDate as API-Status is not set to deprecated");
try {
URI uri = new URIBuilder(cmd.getAPIManagerURL())
RestAPICall apiCall = new POSTRequest(new StringEntity("retirementDate="+formatRetirementDate(desiredState.getRetirementDate())), uri, this, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
ErrorState.getInstance().setError("Error while updating the retirementDate.", ErrorCode.CANT_UPDATE_API_PROXY);
throw new AppException("Error while updating the retirementDate", ErrorCode.CANT_UPDATE_API_PROXY);