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lejos-ev3-api from group com.github.bdeneuter (version 0.9.1-beta)
leJOS (pronounced like the Spanish word "lejos" for "far") is a tiny Java Virtual Machine. In 2013 it was ported to the LEGO EV3 brick.
cx.ath.matthew from group com.github.bdeneuter (version 0.8)
These are a selection of libraries for Java which Matthew Johnson has written because they are useful and not provided with normal Java.
mindstorms-plugin from group com.github.bdeneuter (version 1.2.3)
Gradle plugin that can be used to build and copy Java applications from and to the Lego Mindstorms EV3 brick
dbus-java from group com.github.bdeneuter (version 2.7)
D-Bus is an IPC mechanism which at a low level uses message passing over Unix Sockets or IP. D-Bus models its messages as either function calls on remote objects, or signals emitted from them.
android-promise from group com.github.bdeneuter (version 1.0.6)
Android Library for promise/deferred
Group: com.github.bdeneuter Artifact: android-promise
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