org.openapitools.codegen.languages.BashClientCodegen Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2018 OpenAPI-Generator Contributors (https://openapi-generator.tech)
* Copyright 2018 SmartBear Software
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.openapitools.codegen.languages;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.openapitools.codegen.CliOption;
import org.openapitools.codegen.CodegenConfig;
import org.openapitools.codegen.CodegenOperation;
import org.openapitools.codegen.CodegenParameter;
import org.openapitools.codegen.CodegenType;
import org.openapitools.codegen.DefaultCodegen;
import org.openapitools.codegen.SupportingFile;
import org.openapitools.codegen.utils.ModelUtils;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.media.*;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public class BashClientCodegen extends DefaultCodegen implements CodegenConfig {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BashClientCodegen.class);
protected String apiVersion = "1.0.0";
protected String curlOptions;
protected boolean processMarkdown = false;
protected String scriptName = "client.sh";
protected boolean generateBashCompletion = false;
protected boolean generateZshCompletion = false;
protected String hostEnvironmentVariable;
protected String basicAuthEnvironmentVariable;
protected String apiKeyAuthEnvironmentVariable;
protected String apiDocPath = "docs/";
protected String modelDocPath = "docs/";
public static final String CURL_OPTIONS = "curlOptions";
public static final String PROCESS_MARKDOWN = "processMarkdown";
public static final String SCRIPT_NAME = "scriptName";
public static final String
GENERATE_BASH_COMPLETION = "generateBashCompletion";
public static final String
GENERATE_ZSH_COMPLETION = "generateZshCompletion";
public static final String
HOST_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME = "hostEnvironmentVariable";
public static final String
BASIC_AUTH_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME = "basicAuthEnvironmentVariable";
public static final String
* Configures the type of generator.
* @return the CodegenType for this generator
public CodegenType getTag() {
return CodegenType.CLIENT;
* Configures a friendly name for the generator. This will be used by
* the generator to select the library with the -g flag.
* @return the friendly name for the generator
public String getName() {
return "bash";
* Returns human-friendly help for the generator. Provide the consumer with
* help tips, parameters here
* @return A string value for the help message
public String getHelp() {
return "Generates a Bash client script based on cURL.";
public BashClientCodegen() {
* Set the output folder here
outputFolder = "generated-code/bash";
* No model files.
* No API files.
* docs files.
modelDocTemplateFiles.put("model_doc.mustache", ".md");
apiDocTemplateFiles.put("api_doc.mustache", ".md");
* Templates location for client script and bash completion template.
embeddedTemplateDir = templateDir = "bash";
* Allow the user to force the script to always include certain cURL
* comamnds
cliOptions.add(CliOption.newString(CURL_OPTIONS, "Default cURL options"));
"Convert all Markdown Markup into terminal formatting"));
"The name of the script that will be generated " +
"(e.g. petstore-cli)"));
"Whether to generate the Bash completion script"));
"Whether to generate the Zsh completion script"));
"Name of environment variable where host can be defined " +
"(e.g. PETSTORE_HOST='http://api.openapitools.org:8080')"));
"Name of environment variable where username and password "
"can be defined (e.g. PETSTORE_CREDS='username:password')"));
"Name of environment variable where API key "
"can be defined (e.g. PETSTORE_APIKEY='kjhasdGASDa5asdASD')"));
* Bash reserved words.
reservedWords = new HashSet(
typeMapping.put("array", "array");
typeMapping.put("map", "map");
typeMapping.put("List", "array");
typeMapping.put("boolean", "boolean");
typeMapping.put("string", "string");
typeMapping.put("int", "integer");
typeMapping.put("float", "float");
typeMapping.put("number", "integer");
typeMapping.put("date", "string");
typeMapping.put("DateTime", "string");
typeMapping.put("long", "integer");
typeMapping.put("short", "integer");
typeMapping.put("char", "string");
typeMapping.put("double", "float");
typeMapping.put("object", "map");
typeMapping.put("integer", "integer");
typeMapping.put("ByteArray", "string");
typeMapping.put("file", "binary");
typeMapping.put("binary", "binary");
typeMapping.put("UUID", "string");
* Additional Properties. These values can be passed to the templates and
* are available in models, apis, and supporting files.
additionalProperties.put("apiVersion", apiVersion);
// make api and model doc path available in mustache template
additionalProperties.put("apiDocPath", apiDocPath);
additionalProperties.put("modelDocPath", modelDocPath);
* Language Specific Primitives. These types will not trigger imports by
* the client generator
public void processOpts() {
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CURL_OPTIONS)) {
additionalProperties.put("x-codegen-curl-options", this.curlOptions);
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(PROCESS_MARKDOWN)) {
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(GENERATE_BASH_COMPLETION)) {
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(GENERATE_ZSH_COMPLETION)) {
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(SCRIPT_NAME)) {
additionalProperties.put("x-codegen-script-name", scriptName);
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(HOST_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME)) {
additionalProperties.put("x-codegen-host-env", hostEnvironmentVariable);
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(BASIC_AUTH_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME)) {
additionalProperties.put("x-codegen-basicauth-env", basicAuthEnvironmentVariable);
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(APIKEY_AUTH_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME)) {
additionalProperties.put("x-codegen-apikey-env", apiKeyAuthEnvironmentVariable);
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile(
"client.mustache", "", scriptName));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile(
"bash-completion.mustache", "", scriptName + ".bash-completion"));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile(
"zsh-completion.mustache", "", "_" + scriptName));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile(
"README.mustache", "", "README.md"));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile(
"Dockerfile.mustache", "", "Dockerfile"));
public void setCurlOptions(String curlOptions) {
this.curlOptions = curlOptions;
public void setProcessMarkdown(boolean processMarkdown) {
this.processMarkdown = processMarkdown;
public void setScriptName(String scriptName) {
this.scriptName = scriptName;
public void setGenerateBashCompletion(boolean generateBashCompletion) {
this.generateBashCompletion = generateBashCompletion;
public void setGenerateZshCompletion(boolean generateZshCompletion) {
this.generateZshCompletion = generateZshCompletion;
public void setHostEnvironmentVariable(String hostEnvironmentVariable) {
this.hostEnvironmentVariable = hostEnvironmentVariable;
public void setBasicAuthEnvironmentVariable(String
basicAuthEnvironmentVariable) {
this.basicAuthEnvironmentVariable = basicAuthEnvironmentVariable;
public void setApiKeyAuthEnvironmentVariable(String
apiKeyAuthEnvironmentVariable) {
this.apiKeyAuthEnvironmentVariable = apiKeyAuthEnvironmentVariable;
* Escapes a reserved word as defined in the `reservedWords` array. Handle
* escaping those terms here. This logic is only called if a variable
* matches the reserved words.
* @return the escaped term
public String escapeReservedWord(String name) {
return "_" + name; // add an underscore to the name
* Location to write model files. You can use the modelPackage() as defined
* when the class is instantiated.
public String modelFileFolder() {
return outputFolder;
* Location to write api files. You can use the apiPackage() as defined when
* the class is instantiated.
public String apiFileFolder() {
return outputFolder;
public String apiDocFileFolder() {
return (outputFolder + "/" + apiDocPath);
public String modelDocFileFolder() {
return (outputFolder + "/" + modelDocPath);
public String toModelDocFilename(String name) {
return toModelName(name);
public String toApiDocFilename(String name) {
return toApiName(name);
* Optional - type declaration. This is a String which is used by the
* templates to instantiate your types. There is typically special handling
* for different property types
* @return a string value used as the `dataType` field for model templates,
* `returnType` for api templates
public String getTypeDeclaration(Schema p) {
if (ModelUtils.isArraySchema(p)) {
ArraySchema ap = (ArraySchema) p;
Schema inner = ap.getItems();
return getSchemaType(p) + "[" + getTypeDeclaration(inner) + "]";
} else if (ModelUtils.isMapSchema(p)) {
Schema inner = ModelUtils.getAdditionalProperties(p);
return getSchemaType(p) + "[String, " + getTypeDeclaration(inner) + "]";
return super.getTypeDeclaration(p);
* Optional - schema type conversion. This is used to map OpenAPI types in
* a `Property` into either language specific types via `typeMapping` or into
* complex models if there is not a mapping.
* @return a string value of the type or complex model for this property
* @see io.swagger.v3.oas.models.media.Schema
public String getSchemaType(Schema p) {
String schemaType = super.getSchemaType(p);
String type = null;
if (typeMapping.containsKey(schemaType)) {
type = typeMapping.get(schemaType);
if (languageSpecificPrimitives.contains(type))
return type;
} else {
type = schemaType;
return toModelName(type);
* Convert OpenAPI Parameter object to Codegen Parameter object
* @param param OpenAPI parameter object
* @param imports set of imports for library/package/module
* @return Codegen Parameter object
public CodegenParameter fromParameter(Parameter param, Set imports) {
CodegenParameter p = super.fromParameter(param, imports);
if (p.isContainer) { // array or map
* Currently it's not possible to specify in the codegen other collection
* formats than 'multi'
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(p.collectionFormat)) {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.exclusiveMaximum)) {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.exclusiveMinimum)) {
if ("multi".equals(p.collectionFormat) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isQueryParam)) {
//'multi' is only supported for query parameters
p.vendorExtensions.put("x-codegen-collection-multi", true);
} else if ("csv".equals(p.collectionFormat)) {
p.vendorExtensions.put("x-codegen-collection-csv", true);
} else if ("ssv".equals(p.collectionFormat)) {
p.vendorExtensions.put("x-codegen-collection-ssv", true);
} else if ("tsv".equals(p.collectionFormat)) {
p.vendorExtensions.put("x-codegen-collection-tsv", true);
} else if ("pipes".equals(p.collectionFormat)) {
p.vendorExtensions.put("x-codegen-collection-pipes", true);
} else {
LOGGER.warn("Unsupported collection format in Bash generator: " + p.collectionFormat);
return p;
* Override with any special text escaping logic
public String escapeText(String input) {
if (input == null) {
return input;
* Trim the input text always.
String result = input.trim();
* remove standalone '\'
* replace " with \"
* outter unescape to retain the original multi-byte characters
result = escapeUnsafeCharacters(
StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(result).replace("\\/", "/"))
.replace("\\", "\\\\")
.replace("\"", "\\\""));
if (this.processMarkdown) {
* Convert markdown strong **Bold text** and __Bold text__
* to bash bold control sequences (tput bold)
result = result.replaceAll("(?m)(^|\\s)\\*{2}([\\w\\d ]+)\\*{2}($|\\s)",
"\\$\\(tput bold\\) $2 \\$\\(tput sgr0\\)");
result = result.replaceAll("(?m)(^|\\s)_{2}([\\w\\d ]+)_{2}($|\\s)",
"\\$\\(tput bold\\) $2 \\$\\(tput sgr0\\)");
* Convert markdown *Italics text* and _Italics text_ to bash dim
* control sequences (tput dim)
result = result.replaceAll("(?m)(^|\\s)\\*{1}([\\w\\d ]+)\\*{1}($|\\s)",
"\\$\\(tput dim\\) $2 \\$\\(tput sgr0\\)");
result = result.replaceAll("(?m)(^|\\s)_{1}([\\w\\d ]+)_{1}($|\\s)",
"\\$\\(tput dim\\) $2 \\$\\(tput sgr0\\)");
* Convert all markdown section 1 level headers with bold
result = result.replaceAll("(?m)^\\#\\s+(.+)$",
"\n\\$\\(tput bold\\)\\$\\(tput setaf 7\\)"
+ "$1\\$\\(tput sgr0\\)");
* Convert all markdown section 2 level headers with bold
result = result.replaceAll("(?m)^\\#\\#\\s+(.+)$",
"\n\\$\\(tput bold\\)\\$\\(tput setaf 7\\)"
+ "$1\\$\\(tput sgr0\\)");
* Convert all markdown section 3 level headers with bold
result = result.replaceAll("(?m)^\\#\\#\\#\\s+(.+)$",
"\n\\$\\(tput bold\\)\\$\\(tput setaf 7\\)"
+ "$1\\$\\(tput sgr0\\)");
* Convert all markdown code blocks into --- delimited sections
result = result.replaceAll("(?m)\\s*```.*$",
result = result.replaceAll("(?m)\\s*\\'\\'\\'.*$",
* Remove any trailing new line at the end of the string
result = result.replaceAll("\\s+$", "");
return result;
public String escapeQuotationMark(String input) {
return input;
* Override with any special text escaping logic to handle unsafe
* characters so as to avoid code injection.
* @param input String to be cleaned up
* @return string with unsafe characters removed or escaped
public String escapeUnsafeCharacters(String input) {
* Replace backticks with normal single quotes.
String result = input.replaceAll("`", "'");
return result;
public CodegenOperation fromOperation(String path, String httpMethod,
Operation operation,
Map definitions,
OpenAPI openAPI) {
CodegenOperation op = super.fromOperation(path, httpMethod, operation,
definitions, openAPI);
* Check if the operation has a Bash codegen specific description
* for help
if (op.vendorExtensions.containsKey("x-bash-codegen-description")) {
String bash_description
= (String) op.vendorExtensions.get("x-bash-codegen-description");
* Check if operation has an 'x-code-samples' vendor extension with
* Shell example
if (op.vendorExtensions.containsKey("x-code-samples")) {
List codesamples = (List) op.vendorExtensions.get("x-code-samples");
for (Object codesample : codesamples) {
if (codesample instanceof ObjectNode) {
ObjectNode codesample_object = (ObjectNode) codesample;
if ((codesample_object.get("lang").asText()).equals("Shell")) {
for (CodegenParameter p : op.bodyParams) {
if (p.dataType != null && definitions.get(p.dataType) != null) {
* If the operation produces Json and has nonempty example
* try to reformat it.
if (getConsumesInfo(openAPI, operation) != null
&& getConsumesInfo(openAPI, operation).contains("application/json")
&& definitions.get(p.dataType).getExample() != null) {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
} else {
* Otherwise present whatever is provided as example
return op;
* Preprocess original properties from the OpenAPI definition where necessary.
* @param openAPI [description]
public void preprocessOpenAPI(OpenAPI openAPI) {
/* TODO need to revise the logic below
if ("/".equals(openAPI.getServers())) {
/* there should not be a need to get the vendor extension this way
if(openAPI.getInfo() != null
&& openAPI.getInfo().getVendorExtensions()!=null) {
String bash_codegen_app_description
= (String)openAPI.getInfo().getVendorExtensions()
if (bash_codegen_app_description != null) {
= escapeText(bash_codegen_app_description);
public void setParameterExampleValue(CodegenParameter p) {
String example;
if (p.defaultValue == null) {
example = p.example;
} else {
p.example = p.defaultValue;
String type = p.baseType;
if (type == null) {
type = p.dataType;
if ("string".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
if (example == null) {
example = p.paramName + "_example";
example = "'" + escapeText(example) + "'";
} else if ("integer".equals(type)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "56";
} else if ("float".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "3.4";
} else if ("boolean".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "True";
} else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(type) || "binary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "BINARY_DATA_HERE";
example = "'" + escapeText(example) + "'";
} else if ("date".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "2013-10-20";
example = "'" + escapeText(example) + "'";
} else if ("datetime".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00";
example = "'" + escapeText(example) + "'";
} else if (!languageSpecificPrimitives.contains(type)) {
// type is a model class, e.g. User
example = type;
} else if ("array".equalsIgnoreCase(type) || "map".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
// skip map/array as it will be handled below
} else {
LOGGER.warn("Type " + type + " not handled properly in setParameterExampleValue");
if (example == null) {
example = "NULL";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isListContainer)) {
example = "[" + example + "]";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isMapContainer)) {
example = "{'key': " + example + "}";
p.example = example;
public String toModelFilename(String name) {
return initialCaps(name);
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